《WriTE Valentine's Day Contest》[OoC] The Thing in the Snow


The Forest- Ten AM

The falling snow drenched Matthew’s ax handle as he split a final timber log. The cold moisture seeping through his gloved hand forced his gaze north at the Wyoming forest’s mountains.

“Jeezus!” he growled eyeing the ominous clouds rolling toward his family’s log cabin. “Hey, Kelly?” he called out to his twin sister, who carefully stacked fresh cut wood beside the cabin a few feet away.

“What?” she yelled back

“Did the weatherman say it was gonna blizzard? Cause it sure seems the snows-a-comin.”

“Maybe!” She glanced at the darkening sky advancing toward them. “I don’t recall hearing about more snow, but if that’s the case we best hurry up before Dad gets back with that buck.”

“Tch! He’s just gonna make us cut it up no-way,” the fifteen-year-old complained while walking toward his sister. But at that moment, an icy chill ran up his spine, dropping him to his knee.

“Matty-Boy?” Kelly turned, gaping at him, “Are you ok?” she asked before falling backward onto the cabin door herself with her hand on her head. “What the hell?”

“Kels?” Matthew shouted in panic as he struggled to stand up. What’s happening to me? A sudden nausea passed through him, but he quickly recovered and leaped up to help Kelly, who’d fallen to the snowy ground. “Hey, Kels!”

“I'm fine!” she shot back, pulling herself up while leaning against the cabin. Her face paled as she adjusted her blonde hair in her black knit cap. A second later, her sharp blue eyes fixed north at the snow-filled sky.

“Matthew, get inside!”

But as Matthew stumbled toward her with his ax in hand, his jaw suddenly dropped as Kelly’s face writhed in pure horror. Glancing over his shoulder to follow her gaze, he witnessed something unspeakable.

“What-the-fuck?” Matthew’s heart accelerated to epic level fear while a white-furred thing, the size of a giant bear, with two arms, and two legs, floated just above the snow toward him and his sister.

“It ain’t got no face!” Kelly yelled out, her eyes stuck on the fast-moving, advancing, thing.

Matthew, undeterred, rushed toward her, and the cabin door. “You said get inside, so get inside!” he screamed at her as the creature, surrounded by blizzard snow, stretched a clawed hand to within inches of his neck. I can feel it.

With all of the speed he could muster, Matthew sprung forward and tackled Kelly inside and onto the cabin floor. “Behind you!” she cried out. Fueled by adrenaline, he kicked the heavy wooden door shut on whatever it was chasing them in the snow.

Now inside, Kelly regained her footing and stood up. Her expression shock white as she muttered, “Matty-Boy, it had no face! It had no face!” She repeated the words over and over while her wet hair fell in her eyes. Matthew, guarding the door, spun in circles with his ax, fearing the thing was inside.


But while it appeared the creature had not entered the cabin, the outside blizzard howled to snow-blind speed. Matthew tensed as the windows rattled with ice frost blocking the sunlight. Soon the room grew darker, and his fear distorted.

“Sis?” He lowered his ax and turned to her. There she stood, ten feet away, loading a shotgun from a storage closet. And Matthew, his mind clouded, spoke again. “Hey, Kelly?”

“Yes, dear brother?” she hissed back. Her eyes fixed on the weapon’s loading chamber while she continued to feed it.

“Kels?” He raised his ax, and then shouted the absolute truth, “I’m gonna kill you, Kelly-Girl!”

Pure rage pulsed through Matthew’s soul as he locked onto his sister and raced forward to cut her down. And Kelly, with a cruel air, raised up and aimed the shotgun at her charging brother, “No, you won’t!” she howled and fired!

An explosion of twelve-gauge pellets smashed a hole in a kitchen chair as Matthew dived under the dinner table screaming. His rage numbed him from the pain of the buckshot that grazed his left arm, bloodying his jacket.

“Come at me you fucker!” Kelly screamed and fired another round at Matthew, blasting the sturdy boards beneath him. Gunsmoke filled the cabin as he then brute forced the thick dining room table up at his twin, using it as a shield. Kelly pumped the shotgun again, but the giant table knocked her backward onto the floor. “Shit!” she yelled as the shotgun fell away from her reach.

Matthew, now towering above her with an ax in one hand, ripped the table away and dropped down to butcher his murderous sister. But defiant, she kicked his legs repeatedly, forcing him to defend himself until…

….She suddenly stopped.

Nearly out of breath Matthew stood over her with his ax in hand, but he didn’t strike. In that moment both twins ceased moving and stared at each other, without malice, for what seemed an eternity. But Matthew’s mind immediately clouded again and he raised the ax to strike once more.

“Baby twin brother?” Kelly whispered.

Matthew paused, unsure of himself. “What?” he answered.

“Fuck me,” she replied, staring at him while loosening her jeans.

“Why?” he whispered back, while his twin sister peeled her bottoms off on the cold floor, panties, boots, and all.

“Sis?” His voice squeaked as he dropped the ax and stared, mesmerized, at her naked frame. On that cue, she reached up and pulled him down on top of her.

“Baby, give it to me,” she wrapped her arm around his neck, hugging him tight while purring in his ear, “I need it.” With her free hand, she rubbed his young member through his work jeans, while forcing open his belt and zipper.

With Matthew's mind nearly blank, his sister pulled out his erection, stroking it with her hand. His body was at her mercy as his mind drifted into a void of white. With his hard-on extended she rubbed his shaft on her moist entrance and cooed, “Matty, put it in.” Her brother obliged, and gently slid deep inside her pink clit while pinning her to the floor.


Kelly gasped with her eyes closed as her brother dipped in and out of her, then raised her shirt for him to suck on her nubile pink breasts. Half dazed he spoke her name, “Kelly, you feel good.”

And she responded by pulling him deeper inside her. On cue he shut his eyes, groaning as he piped her blonde mound in rhythmic ecstasy until he reached…

“Kels, I'm gonna-”

And there, at the precipice of his climax, Kelly’s voice cried out from the depths.

“It’s got no face because it’s afraid of me!”

And with her shout she pushed her twin off of her and jumped up. Matthew, now tossed aside, snapped back from the edge. “Aaaah!” he screamed in agony on the cabin floor as his consciousness rushed back to his psyche. The searing pain of the shotgun graze to his arm caused his heart to race. He struggled to breathe, but watched clear-eyed as his sister, naked from the waist down, stood tall. With the shotgun in her hand, she fired a point-blank shell at the furry floating thing inside the cabin. And she didn’t miss.

The blast blew a hole clear through the creature’s torso, causing it to scream in Matthew’s head.

“I got you, you no faced fucker!” Kelly shouted, pumped the shotgun, and fired again!

This time she blew its arm off. The no faced thing let out a shrieking wail as its appendage splattered onto the kitchen floor and melted into thin air. Matthew, witnessing the scene, pulled himself up as the no faced thing reached out a remaining claw to Kelly’s face. But Matthew was ready. He jumped forward with his ax in hand and sliced the creature’s second arm with one stroke. The whole cabin shook as the thing reeled back, floating away from its attackers.

“Move!” Kelly shouted, shoving Matthew to the side, and firing one more round. The shot tore through the lower half of the creature and somehow caused the heavy front door to fly open. The thing with no face howled and flew out the open door into the violent blizzard. Kelly, still fired up, and naked, chased the creature firing and pumping two more shots until she stood barefoot in the snow at the cabin’s entrance.

“That’s right, I killed you, you sick fuck! And don’t you come back here, neither!” The forceful swearing of her pure cowgirl country accent echoed throughout the cabin.

Matthew, still gaining his bearings, glanced down at his half-erect manhood jutting out of his pants. “Aww, why?” he cried out loud while snatching a dark blue blanket off the couch, then rushing to wrap it around his exposed sister at the door. Once in front, he frantically scanned the outside of the cabin but saw nothing except the slowing blizzard. Meanwhile, his twin based herself at the cabin entrance with her empty shotgun, still searching for any movement outside.

“Kels? Do you still see it?” he asked while securely wrapping her in the cover.

“Naw, Matty-Boy, I kilt it!” she growled, then hacked up and spit on the snow outside, marking her territory. “That fucker ain’t coming back if it knows what’s good for it, I tell you what!”

Matthew knew Kelly was both furious, and in shock. But he dared not attempt to persuade her to move from the door, even though she’d run out of shells for the shotgun with her last two shots. Still, as he put his now soft Johnson back in his pants, and buckled his belt, he felt the need to ask.


“Yes, Matthew?”

He paused before asking the obvious, “What in the hell was that thing?”

“I don’t know Matty-Boy, but what I do know is it got in our heads, and it wanted us to kill each other.”

“Yeah,” Matthew nodded and began to shiver, “I reckoned that much. But…” A long pause before he followed up with, “But Kels, how did you know to-”

“I was in its head too,” she cut him off. “And I guess, I don’t know. I guess I was able to figure out what it feared the most.” She never looked at him when she answered, nor did he at her.



“How...I mean, I-”

She spun around and stared intently at him, “Matthew!” her voice stern and serious.

“Yes, Sis?”

“That thing wanted me to kill you, and you to kill me. But it lost its power when I...did what I did.”

Matthew’s head dropped in shame. “I noticed,” he meekly replied.

“That’s right!” she said, finally closing the door. “And dammit all, if I had to fuck my twin brother in order to save your life and mine!” She lowered her weapon and her voice. “Then well, sir. I’d do it again.”

“Really?” Matthew lifted his head with a smile and spoke from his heart, “Why thank you, Sis. I sure do appreciate it!”

She smirked and peeked out the window. “Hey, Matty-Boy?”

“Yes, Kels?”

“The blizzard stopped.”

“Oh?” he skimmed over the window pane and caught sight of the returning sunlight in the forest.

“You sure are right, Sis.”

The Blizzard Stopped

The End.

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