《Adventures of Lord Genesis》Chapter 11 - Celestial Intervention


Zhen Han's dream of living as a formless energy followed by a tree was going on for trillion of years, but in real life, it was only ten minutes since he has fallen asleep. The concept of time in dream and reality is so different that it is far beyond comparison.

Lin Li was sleeping beside Zhen Han. She has a smile on her face as she runs her hand through her son's hairs. She wishes nothing but for this moment to last for an eternity. As a child grows old, the love between child and parent wavers.

She wants to return back to Yue State tomorrow after the arrival of the holy beast. She wants to make the best use of the time. For her, the imperial capital was far too polluted with dirty politics. She wants her son to be surrounded by the love of his family. Yue State was her father-in-law's fiefdom.


Lin Li was surprised by the sudden sound of an explosion. She ran towards the window, and the sight in the sky made her tremble in fear.


It was noontime but the entire sky was dark. The entire first zone of the imperial city was filled with dark clouds. The imperial palace which spans dozens of kilometers is located in the first zone!

What made Lin Li tremble weren't the dark clouds but the black and white lightning. Just looking at the strange lightning made her weak.

The blood-red barrier covering the entire first zone was continuously attacked by the black and white lightning. Not to mention the Skyrise Empire, but even in the entire Endless Continent, the blood-red barrier was one of the strongest array formation ever known to humanity. It has a power rivaling Dao Ancestor realm! This was one of the backup created by the woman inside blood cocoon for worst case scenario!

Now the barrier was showing the sign of cracks...

"Just what the f#ck is going on?!" Lin Li muttered. She couldn't control her body from shivering. She has met Skyrise Emperor once but even his presence was nowhere horrifying as the black and white lightning!

Even though the barrier protected the imperial palace from the strange lightning; it couldn't prevent its terrifying aura from invading inside the palace and other regions of the first zone.

She was at Golden Body realm but the terrifying aura of the lightning made her feel as if the god of death was waiting nearby. She was afraid she would die soon. She didn't want to die so soon. She has a dream of seeing her son achieving great success in love and strength.


"If I die what would happen to my son?" Lin Li has tears in her eyes. She was not even able to move due to the pressure from the strange lightning.

Suddenly, a violet barrier surrounded the interior of the room. Lin Li opened her eyes when she felt the terrifying aura from before disappearing. When she saw the violet barrier covering the inside of the room she thought of her son. He was sleeping as before but a violet colored bead's outline was visible on his glabella. From his glabella, a violet light was continuously flowing outside which provided the barrier inside the room with energy.

When Lin Li moved towards Zhen Han, the size of the barrier reduced

. It was as if the barrier existed to only protect Zhen Han and Lin Li. For the first time, she felt the violet bead was not a cursed item...

Lin Li was shocked but also pleasantly surprised. She sat next to her son, and the violet barrier soon transformed into a violet cocoon which surrounded the mother and son duo. Lin Li noticed the strangeness of her son. He was in deep sleep even after such a loud explosion...

"Don't tell me the lightning is directed towards my son?" She was more sure of her guess as she thought about it.

"The fact that the bead is providing protection to me and Han'er...plus Han'er deep sleep. Does the strange lightning outside want to wake my son? "


At least Lin Li knew who was responsible but poor Skyrise Emperor has no idea.

Just what the f#ck is going on?!

From last half hour, Skyrise Emperor and the members of the imperial court were discussing the incident in the second zone. The Skyrise Emperor was about to approve the request for Shi Xiong's grandson to be inspected by Alchemist Wang but then he suddenly felt a horrifying pressure.

With his divine vision, he saw the dark clouds appearing from out of nowhere in the first zone. The barrier protected the palace and other regions in the first zone from the wrath of black and white lightning.

Skyrise Emperor was one of the strongest known experts in the Endless Continent but now even he felt fear when he saw the strange lightning. He could barely control himself from shivering.

The members of the imperial court and Shi Xiong couldn't control their bodies as they trembled in fear.

"Lord husband, what is going on?" Wang Xixi teleported near the Emperor and asked.


"How the hell would I know?!" Skyrise Emperor snapped back. The strange lightning was about to destroy the blood-red barrier.

He has no idea on how to save himself much less stop this destruction. He didn't even know who was responsible for this attack from the Heavens and why.

His fears only got worse after sensing that he couldn't use any spatial magic outside the barrier. He could teleport anywhere inside the barrier but not outside. There was no escape! He made all his trump cards ready! He enforced the barrier with his trump cards. Same went for everyone else. They did their best to enforce the barrier. Now was not the time to hold back...


Meanwhile, inside the underground palace. The female inside the blood cocoon let out a scream filled with disbelief when she sensed the strange lightning outside. Her body was made of flesh and blood without any skin.

"Yin-Yang Tribulation?!?" the woman was horrified. It was a Celestial Tribulation cultivator at the peak of Dao Ancestor face!

In the Endless Continent, the cultivation realms were divided into Awakening, Blood Transformation, Golden Body, Divine Sea, Dao Awakening, Divine Manifestation, Divine King, World King, Empyrean and Dao Ancestor.

Skyrise Emperor was at World King realm!

In her prime, the woman inside the blood cocoon was an initial stage Dao Ancestor realm!

From the last million year, she was trying to recover her powers. Her new body wasn't properly constructed so she was much weaker than her prime days!

Even during her prime days, she wouldn't dare face the Yin-Yang Tribulation much less now! Yin-Yang Tribulation was the strongest tribulation of the world they live in!

So how could she not be horrified?

"Wh-What the f#ck is going on?!"

She has planned some backup for worst-case situations. It was a Dao Ancestor rank teleportation talisman! She was able to sense that the tribulation only covered the first zone of the imperial city.

She didn't know what was going on but she knew beyond a doubt the consequences she would face if the strange lightning falls on her!

For safety's sake, she planned to teleport to another Empire. She has prepared few backup locations. Without any hesitation, she broke the teleportation talisman to activate the teleportation portal.

Alas, nothing happened. There was no teleportation portal like she imagined! All forms of spatial magic were banned!

"IMPOSSIBLE! Why wouldn't such a high-level teleportation talisman work?!"

The woman was scared witless.

"The Heavens wouldn't restrict the movement of innocents during tribulation! But now I can't teleport... Don't tell me the tribulation is directed towards me?!?"

The woman forcefully broke the blood cocoon and came out. She has lived for more than a million years and she has a strong will.

She didn't know why the tribulation was directed towards her but she knew she couldn't avoid it! So she decisively stopped her recovery process and brought out her incomplete body outside.

She teleported herself near the Skyrise Emperor and Want Xixi. She too provided reinforcement to the blood-red barrier.

"Blood Witch, tell me what have you done!" Skyrise Emperor angrily asked though his expression showed fear.

"Skyrise Emperor, how would I know?" the woman with the title of Blood Witch snapped back.

The members of the imperial court were shocked to see the newly arrived woman. They didn't know the identity of the woman, but they were sure her status was higher than the Skyrise Emperor otherwise how would Skyrise Emperor show a fearful expression.

"Then tell me what the hell is that lightning? And why can't I teleport outside even after using the talisman you gave me?" Skyrise Emperor said.

"What? Even you can't teleport outside?"

Blood Witch was once again shocked. She thought the tribulation was directed towards her since she couldn't teleport. But now even Skyrise Emperor couldn't teleport!

"Yes. No one can teleport outside!"

Motherf#cking Heavens, what the hell is going on? Is everyone facing Yin-Yang Tribulation?!

How is this a Celestial Tribulation? It is a Celestial Punishment!

Are the Heavens punishing us for our sins? No! The Heavens don't care about the killing!

The Demon Extermination wiped out half the continent with the grey matter but Heavens did nothing!

There was another probability! The entire area was sealed because inside this area an event which defied the heavens was taking place!

But that should be impossible!

Even if someone was doing a thing which defied the heavens; why would the heavens target everyone? Unless the heavens thought all of us were involved in it! That should be impossible, right?

Hang on! The onslaught of Yin-Yang Tribulation shouldn't be continuous! The tribulation would happen at intervals since heavens never close all doors.

But now it's a continuous slaughter! There is no gap between the attack on the barrier! What are the heavens trying to carry out!?

Someone tell me what the f#ck is going on!

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