《Adventures of Lord Genesis》Chapter 10 - Dreams of Origin (Part 2)


The tree suddenly was struck by an idea!

"If my roots can absorb the energy, essence, and soul of that old man. I take planets for my roots. If I can absorb nutrients from the planets and stars than absorbing energy from a living being shouldn't be that hard."

The more tree thought about it the more it was sure on finding a way to extend its lifespan.

The world runs in a circle. Someday the predator becomes a prey.

The tree then thought of ways to trick the supreme cultivator and his followers.

Soon it had a plan or an idea close enough to a plan.


A few years later, the "Children of The Creator" once again came to the tree. This time they were shocked to see the appearance of the tree. They were aware the tree was in its last days but they were sure that the "last days" would last for thousands of years at the least.

But now the tree was withering at a rate visible to the eyes. There were no leaves on the tree forget about fruits.

The branches of the tree were falling. The tree was as large as a galaxy but yet now it no longer gave the imposing attitude it once gave.

"World Tree, we are here," the cultivators announced their presence when they realized that the tree didn't notice their arrival.

The cultivators have to shout multiple times before they got the tree out of its sleep.

"Children of The Creator, I apologize for I have no fruits to offer," the tree sadly said. Its voice made it pretty cleared how sad it was for not able to help people of the universe.

"I am glad you arrived here. I have a favor to ask," the tree spoke again.

"Favor?" the cultivators were surprised. The tree has never asked anyone for a favor. It was brainwashed to live its life for the sake of others.

"Yes. I will die soon but if I die naturally my vital core would be wasted. I would be failing in my duty after my death, but if I can give away the vital core before my death then it can help the people of the universe. I am so sorry for asking you this," the tree explained.

The cultivators realized what "favor" the tree wanted! The tree wanted to give its vital core to them! What a stupid fool!

Vital Core! This was infinite times better than the magical fruits. The magical fruits gave them such an extended longevity and unimaginable strength. If they could get the vital core then...

Their eyes were red with greed but they soon controlled themselves.

The supreme cultivator would send a dozen of people to the tree every time. The group was made of people who weren't in good terms with each other. It made sure that they don't dare to conspire against the supreme cultivator.

The cultivators knew if they dared to take the vital core of oneself then they would be attacked by other fellow members of the group. No one would be able to save them from the supreme cultivator.

The cultivators suppressed their greed and tried to think with a clear mind. They knew they have no choice but to tell the supreme cultivator. They couldn't take such a decision on their own.


"World Tree, what are you saying? The Creator is very pleased with you so you don't have to apologize. We will tell The Creator first of your noble intentions," the cultivators took their leave after saying this.

Soon they left.

"Ah! I thought they would fight each other but they have more control over their greed than I initially thought. It's good for me anyway," the tree gave a chuckle.


In a galaxy far away, the supreme cultivator was in meditation. He has three-heads and six-arms, with each head having three eyes. He has deep-red skin.

Soon he was informed about the status of the tree.

"What?" the supreme cultivator was shocked. He expected the tree to last for few thousand years more. He didn't plan to steal the vital core for at least next few centuries.

Still, he was pleasantly surprised nevertheless to see the naïve behavior of the tree. The supreme cultivator felt proud of himself for the scheme he played. For him, it was as easy as tricking a two-year-old.

"I will go personally for taking the vital core," the supreme cultivator made the decision. The vital core was far too important for it to be left to his underlings. He was confident in his ability to control his underlings but still didn't want to take the risk.

What if one of the subordinates tried to fuse with the vital core in the way?

One could never be too careful. He left hastily...


Meanwhile, the tree was eagerly expecting the arrival of the supreme cultivator. It wouldn't be far stretched to say that the tree was afraid.

It was the first time it was going to do something it has never done before: murder. It has killed the old man before but that was more of a self-defense than murder. Now it was different.

The tree has made an elaborate ruse to kill the supreme cultivator and his subordinates. For doing this, the tree transferred most of its vitality to its vital core and the roots. These lead to large-scale weathering of its branches and leaves. The tree gave an aura of death and decay.

It sounded simple but it was dangerous. A single mistake in transferring the energy could lead to a permanent damage or even death. The tree has already lost the majority of its lifespan due to the fruits it gave to the people of universe earlier.

Now was the time to take back what belonged to it with some interest.

The tree felt neither guilt nor shame. Strangely it felt a type of excitement it has never felt before. The tree couldn't believe how a few years ago all it wanted to do was help the universe at any cost but now...

Time changes everything. Not even the best of person can resist the change.


The tree felt the arrival of a strong presence but it acted as if it didn't feel it. Soon in front of the tree, the supreme cultivator and his subordinates arrived.

The supreme cultivator and his subordinates could feel the rich aura of death and decay from the tree. They were sure the tree couldn't even last for a hundred years.


The supreme cultivator felt pity. The pity was not directed towards the tree but for the vital core. He was worried if the vital core was damaged beyond hope.

"World Tree, wake up!" the supreme cultivator said. He didn't attack the tree like the old man did.

He was confident that he was going to get the vital core. The tree has long time ago fallen into its trap.

Even if the tree refused he was sure he can defeat the tree. The tree might be powerful in its prime but now it was nothing but a tree waiting for its death.

The tree soon waked up from its sleep.

"You are?" the tree reacted surprised after seeing the supreme cultivator.

"World Tree, I am the eldest child of The Creator," the supreme cultivator replied.

"Eldest child?"

"Yes. The Creator send me here to retrieve the vital core," the supreme cultivator continued, " The Creator is very pleased with what you have done for the sake of the universe. In the annals of our history, your noble sacrifice would be always remembered."

The three heads of the supreme cultivator simultaneously said. The cultivators behind him have a serious expression as well. Though inside their hearts they were laughing at the dumb tree.

This dumb tree sacrificed its vitality over a span of billion years, and now it was going to die for the supreme cultivator.

We might be weaker than the tree but at least we have brains. This tree has unimaginable power but all it could do is become a slave. What is the use of power if you are so dumb?

They couldn't help but gloat the tree's misfortune. Just as they were enjoying the tree's misfortune they suddenly felt heart wrecking pain.

As the cultivators looked down towards their body, they saw giant roots piercing their hearts! The roots were sucking out their vitality! Their bodies were withering at a rate visible to the human eyes.

Even the supreme cultivator wasn't spared. In fact, he was given "special attention" by the roots.

Thousands of gigantic roots surrounded him without any warning. They pierced his three heads and his arms. Hundreds of roots pierced his heart and other inner organs. The roots were stealing his vitality!


How could this be?!

"Y-you...dared attack me?" the supreme cultivator found it unbelievable. The attack was totally out of the blue when he was complimenting the tree for its noble sacrifice.

He indeed has let his guards down but the credit also went for the power displayed by the tree's roots. The speed of the roots and the strength displayed by the roots was far beyond his understanding.

Is this really the power of a tree on its deathbed?

Are you fu#cking kidding me?

The supreme cultivator was still calm inside. He might have been pierced by the roots in his heart but he has his trump cards.

Suddenly he let out a horrible scream.

A gigantic red dragon phantom came out of his heart! The dragon phantom used his heart as a nourishing tool to attack him!

The dragon phantom gobbled up the supreme cultivator!

This can't be! Surely it can't be the jade dragon talisman I gave to my personal disciple?

The jade dragon talisman was something he discovered in ancient ruins. He believed the talisman was something created before the birth of current universe though he wasn't sure of his hypothesis.

He has gotten few more powerful treasures so he rewarded his senior most personal disciple with the dragon talisman.

But now!


Was the earlier attack by roots was to implant the dragon talisman in my heart?

What a cunning bas#ard!

The supreme cultivator spent a lot of efforts to defeat the dragon phantom. Just as he came out of smoke after defeating the dragon...his heart got pierced by a thick gigantic root.

This root was far stronger than the earlier roots. The tree used the energy it absorbed from the subordinates of supreme cultivator to power-up this single root.

The tree was aware of the strength of supreme cultivator through the memories of the old man it killed a few years ago.

The tree wasn't confident in killing the supreme cultivator through his own efforts so it used the dragon talisman it stole from the old man's corpse a few years ago. The tree activated the dragon talisman inside the supreme cultivator's heart and distracted him while trying to refine the energy absorbed from his subordinates. The subordinates were powerful but they were helpless against the roots.

The tree used the energy refined from the subordinates to launch the last attack on the supreme cultivator.

This time the supreme cultivator realized he couldn't fight back. The root was spreading throughout his body and stealing the vitality.

Out of his three heads, two were already destroyed. His six arms were severed by the joint effort of the dragon talisman and the roots.

But yet he could never believe he would die at the hands of this dumb tree.

Were all my schemes were for nothing?

"World Tree, you shouldn't have done this. The Creator would punish you," the supreme cultivator tried to put up last-ditch effort.

There was no Creator or at least the supreme cultivator didn't know if such a being even existed. It was nothing but a lie he created and spread so that he could brainwash the tree.

"Really? Here I thought The Creator would praise me," the tree replied with a chuckle.

"What?" the supreme cultivator asked with disbelief.

"The Creator wanted me to help the people of the universe. You, cultivators, have low lifespan even if you eat my fruits. But if I absorb you, you can live for eternity as a part of my energy. As long as I don't die you can always live inside as my nutrients. So shouldn't The Creator be proud of me?" the tree asked with a mocking tone.

The supreme cultivator was in total disbelief at the words of the tree. Soon his essence, energy, and soul were absorbed by the tree.

Even in his worst nightmares, he never expected to face such a horrifying death.

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