《Adventures of Lord Genesis》Chapter 3 - Clearing Karma!


Lin Li had a hard time believing the unbelievable scene in front of her. Indeed she has said that people like that young man deserve to mate with beasts but in the end, they were just words spoken in anger.

How could she ever expect her words to turn true? Who would have known her son would make her words as the law of the world?

The screams of the young man were soon fading. It was not because the beasts have completed their lovemaking session but due to the exhaustion of young man. Sure he was in Blood Transformation realm but at the end, it was just a second step in the road of cultivation.

In the universe, the cultivation realms are divided into Awakening, Blood Transformation, Golden Body, Divine Sea, Dao Awakening, Divine Manifestation, Divine King, World King, Empyrean and Dao Ancestor. According to the legends, there are realms beyond Dao Ancestor but they have never been verified.

The young man was only in Blood Transformation but some of the beasts who were sharing their passion were even in Golden Body realm! He was lucky that Divine Sea beasts weren't in surrounding otherwise his fate would have been far worse. But then again the young man would disagree: nothing could be far worse than what he has already suffered! That young man has enjoyed multiple women at once in the past but not even in his worst nightmares, he made love with a beast. No! Beasts! Not to mention the beasts were male! Could anything be far worse? Definitely not! The young man didn't even know how many beasts has defiled his body. The shame plus exhaustion made him lose consciousness.

This didn't stop the enthusiasm of the beasts. Beasts were fighting among themselves to have a love session with the young man.

Lin Li couldn't take the sight any longer. She found herself on the verge of vomiting. Oh heavens, what I have seen. This wasn't just her thought but the thought of almost every person in the market.

Just as a newly arrived Cerberus was about to start its love session with the young man it heard a loud noise.

"You dare!"

The Cerberus found his body inflating with his blood vessels on the verge of explosion. The three heads of the Cerberus were showing frantic signs of panic but they couldn't stop their body from the explosion. The Cerberus was dead. He died without knowing how and why he died.


The beasts nearby showed frantic expression as well. They found themselves unable to move at all.

Up in the sky, people could see a red-robed man floating. He has white hairs and a long beard. His eyebrows were as sharp as a sword.

When Lin Li saw the old man she couldn't help but shout, "Uncle Shi!" Lin Li knew the old man. He is Shi Xiong who is at Divine Manifestation realm just like her father and father-in-law. Shi Xiong is one of the strongest experts in the Empire and he is the head of Shi Clan.

The old man glanced at Lin Li but then once again focused on the beasts. His face was full of anger and shame.

The young man who the beasts were defiling was his own grandson! Shi Hao was his favorite grandson but now some wild beasts did the unbelievable things to him. How could he not get angry when he sees his own flesh and blood in such a poor state? His reputation has been ruined!

Shi Xiong arrived in front of his grandson who was no longer conscious. The beasts nearby were trembling but could do nothing due to the pressure from the aura of Shi Xiong. They couldn't move much less run. After the arrival of Shi Xiong they have regained their true nature. It was as if the pressure from Shi Xiong broke the recent change in the natural laws.

"I know you beasts aren't fully at fault for your actions. I could sense that someone has changed the rules of nature, and made coupling between you and my grandson as some sort of natural instinct within you. But that doesn't mean I can let you live. You will have to pay the price of blood!"

Shi Xiong waved his hand and all beats exploded! Dying from self-explosion was the most horrible form of death.

Shi Xiong took a long breath to calm himself. He then scanned the entire second zone with his divine perception but couldn't found the signs of culprit responsible for his grandson's condition. He knew that only someone who has achieved Divine Manifestation or above can change the natural laws. Perhaps the culprit has run away? The other possibility is that the culprit could avoid his divine perception. But that should be impossible! The ones who can avoid his perception are Divine King or above!! Would people of such high esteem be bored enough to play such a terrible joke on his grandson?!


Hang on! The natural laws which were affected in this area were of high level. Mating is a trait which concerned the very existence of a species so how can such natural laws be influenced by Divine Manifestation realm? No. Even Divine King couldn't influence them! Only someone at World King realm can influence such natural laws. I have to inform his Highness as soon as possible!

He took another breath and turned his face towards Lin Li who was far away. Cultivators have superior senses so such a distance was nothing if they want to communicate.

"Lin Li, I originally came to escort you to imperial housings. When the guards told me you declined their offer of escorting you I thought it is my duty as your father's friend to escort you. I thought your child might be in danger as he has faced assassination attempts when he was born so… Even though it's the imperial city I thought there might be possible attacks. Who would have known it would be my grandson….sighs."

Lin Li is in shock ever since the tragedy of Shi Hao started. First, the unimaginable suffering that poor guy suffered due to her but now she realized that Shi Hao was a grandson of her father's best friend. She couldn't help but feel ashamed for causing such pain to Shi Xiao. Shi Xiao has been very good to her ever since her birth. He has acted like a second father to her on many occasions. If only she knew Shi Hao was her uncle's grandson perhaps she wouldn't have said those words. Then again Shi Xiao has a dozen of children and hundreds of grandchildren so it was not surprising for her to know.

As for assassination attempt? That was a lie Lin Li and others created to hide the origin of the heavenly phenomenon.

"Uncle Shi, I'm sorry. I am at fault," Lin Li's face was full of shame as she apologized. She almost blurted out the truth but then stopped herself.

"How can I fault you? It's not surprising that you didn't rescue my grandson as most likely you didn't know his identity. My child, you don't have to blame yourself. It was fate if my grandson suffered such calamity."

Shi Xiao gave a deep sigh and then continued with his words.

"Perhaps he was lucky that you left without imperial guards which in turn brought me here. If I didn't arrive here than most likely Shi Hao would have died in that unspeakable act. If he died in such a way... Sighs. Anyways, after he wakes up I would bring him to thank you and your child. I would make sure to gift your son Zhen Han a perfect gift to clering the karma."

Shi Xiao believes in the concept of karma. In a way, the presence of Lin Li and her child saved his grandson so how could he not repay? If he didn't repay for this kindness then perhaps he would never achieve Divine King realm!

His Majesty once gave a sermon on achieving the Dao. He talked about the need to give utmost importance to karma. If not dealt properly Karma is the biggest hindrance in the path of achieving the Dao!

Shi Xiao arrived in the city as he was worried about the assassination attempts on Zhen Han. So in a way, he formed karma with Zhen Han. The karma was very low as far as he was concerned but at the end, low things lead to big calamities. He didn't want to take a risk.

Lin Li's face couldn't help but twitch at Uncle Shi's logic.

Uncle, I'm sorry but I am responsbile for the fate of your grandson! If I hadn't come here and instead went away with the imperial guards your grandson would be absolutely safe. Gift for my son? Uncle, my son is responsible for everything! How could you reward him instead?!?

Lin Li wanted to cry but has no tears as she gazed at her sleeping son. This young rascal has a smile on his face!

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