《Torn World》Adventure. Part I. Chapter 7
"The second day we have been transported into a new world..... It feels so... Surreal."
Nathan has gotten up from bed and is now looking out the window. He has a perfect view of the sunrise, and he begins to reflect on what happened yesterday. Waking up in a new place with his best friend, encountering basically a cyclops midget village, saving a girl who turned out to be a demon, stealing a carriage, being reunited with his other friends, lying their way into the Citadel and then even buying a house with the money they stole. What an insane turn of events. At least they got to eat last night, they have been so busy that they forgot to buy food but Catia came through and helped them out. Bree made them dinner, which tasted a lot better than expected, the bread tasted like it was homemade, the fruit and vegetables felt and tasted freshly picked too. Catia must've gone through a lot of trouble to get that good selection of food, or maybe that is what food ordinarily tastes like here.
Last night, after the group ate, Nathan realizes something was in his pocket. He pulls it out and it is his phone. The screen was cracked to hell, and it won't even turn on. He tries to remember when this would've happened, but he can't think of anything. He thought for a while and then he realized it, during the fight with the demon spider he got slammed into the ground, and there was a cracking sound heard. He knew he didn't have any injuries so it must've been then that the phone got cracked.
"Wow, even now that demon is probably laughing at me, this could've been very helpful, but then it could've been useless too."
Knock Knock~
Nathan turns around to see who is knocking and it was Tanner. He lets Tanner in and Tanner sits in the chair at Nathan's desk.
"We need to think of a plan for today."
"What about Joey and Bree, shouldn't they be here too?"
"Well I knocked on their door and Joey said Bree wasn't awake yet so he was going to stay in the room until she gets up and then they will meet us in the living room."
"Alright, so what do you think we should do then Tanner?"
Tanner looks at Nathan for a second then looks out the window, a lot of ideas are going through his mind and all are equally as important as the others.
"First, we need clothes and equipment. If we plan on living in this world then we must at least look like we are from here, and also not look like we are from this supposed "Empire"."
"I agree, we do have 20 iron coins, which splits four ways evenly, so how about we ask Catia for some suggestions for our tastes and split ways to find clothes."
"Sounds like a good idea."
With that being said Tanner leaves the room and Nathan grabs the pouch full of money and follows him. They go downstairs to find that Bree and Joey are waiting for them in the living room.
"Well, that didn't take long." Tanner says this remark as he looks at Bree and Joey.
"Yeah, when you left, you closed the door too hard and woke up Bree, which isn't the smartest idea, so we decided to head on down here."
"Sounds good, Nathan and I have figured out what we are going to do first."
Tanner explains the plan that he and Nathan thought up and Joey agreed that this is probably the best plan for now. They get ready and head out the door, going straight to the guild. The group enters the building and looks for Catia. The place is pretty empty because it is fairly early in the morning.
"Back already? I figured you guys would be enjoying your new house, rather than roaming around."
They all turn around to see a woman that was not Catia, but the original woman they had talked to when they first entered the guild building.
"Oh, I forgot to introduce myself, my name is Livian, and I am one of the five heads of this branch of the guild."
"By heads do you mean one of the leaders?"
Joey looks at her slightly confused because he has not seen her head on the building, so he assumes it is a leader-like role.
"Why yes, I am! A sharp one you are."
She smiles at Joey and Bree gives her the death glare.
"So what may I help you with today?"
Livian tries to quickly relieve the death glare from Bree but to no avail.
"Yes, we are looking for Catia, do you know where she is at?" Nathan asks.
"Yes I do, but today is one of her days off so she won't be here at all today most likely, why do you ask?"
Livian looks at Nathan with a raised eyebrow as if she is implying that Nathan would like to ask Catia out on a date or something of the sort. Nathan just facepalms and decides to ignore the lady.
"I know what you are thinking, but no, we would just like her advice." Nathan responds.
"Well I think I could help you with that, what would you like to know."
"We would like to know where we could find certain items suitable to our tastes, stuff like clothes, armor, weapons, and other items." Tanner asks before Nathan can.
As soon as Tanner says this, Livian's eyes start to sparkle and she pushes her glasses farther up the bridge of her nose as if it gave an effect of she knows exactly where to send us.
"Well, you have come to the right lady. Tell me what fighting style your class is and what kind of clothes you like and I will send you on your way."
"Well, the problem is we don't know our "classes", let alone what fighting style it has." Tanner says in a quick response.
"Wait, you don't know your own classes? How were you able to get so much money, I figured you got it from adventuring."
Immediately Joey and Nathan start to sweat bullets since they knew where exactly the money came from, but without a second to pass Tanner says something again.
"We were servants of a wealthy man in the Empire and he died recently. Since he had raised us as basically his own children, we inherited that money. His actual son inherited everything else."
"Oh, that makes sense. Well, I can help you find out your classes!"
After hearing that she isn't suspicious about them, Joey and Nathan let out a long breath that they have been holding since she brought up the money. Livian leads them to a room behind the counter like when they went to buy a house, but this one had a strange device in the corner.
"Are you even registered with a guild?"
"No we aren't and were never taught how to begin with, so can you please help us with that too?" Bree asks pleadingly.
Livian nods her head towards Bree as if to accept this request, and asks for them to sit down at the desk. Once they do, she pulls out four clipboards that are basically a questionnaire about yourself. The first one is "What is your safe name?". This immediately confuses all of them, and Livian realizes they don't know what this is.
"A safe name is a name the person chooses, and when they accept a quest, it is the name given to the client that offers the quest. This is to create a secrecy on who accepts the quest, and the client has one too. It's mainly used to stop certain criminal activities, and is for everyone's safety."
"Makes sense, well I know mine already." Nathan says confidently.
"Yeah me too." Joey says with a smile on his face.
Nathan wrote his safe name down as Livian was explaining and it didn't take Joey long before he knew his. Nathan will be "Novaxil", which was his gamertag for the video games he played. Joey will be "Jeff Crucifix", which was the name that he wanted to use when he became a professional wrestler. It took a little bit before Tanner discovers his, which will be "Haku", which is the name of the MC from one of his favorite anime. It took a little longer for Bree to think of hers, but she settles with "Darya", which meant "sea" in Iranian. The rest of the information was height, weight, place of residence, hair color, eye color, and finally race. The race column had choices, and they all choose human as expected. Once they all finish, they turn in the clipboards and Livian pulls out what looks to be name tags. She puts each paper over their own name tag and the papers begin to float. Magic circles appear, and the papers dissipate into thin air.
Joey stares at the name tags in amazement as each of their names are engraved onto a name tag by some sort of magic. Livian gives them all a needle and instructs them to prick their fingers and put a drop of blood on the name tag. They all do so and before the blood even hits the name tag, it disappears in a bright light. The name tags shine blue and they shine for about a minute or two. They all wanna ask what is going on, but they don't want to interrupt the process. Once the names tags are done Livian hands everyone their name tags.
"Make sure not to lose these ok? It would be problematic if you did."
Everyone nods their heads and they look at their name tags, Tanner was the first to speak up.
"What just happened."
"Well basically, the name tags have your name engraved onto it so we know it is yours. Also, the magic that involved the paper was to store your information on the tag, and finally the drop of blood was so the name tag would be connected to your souls so it will display your level, stats, skills, and ultimately your class."
"Did you say 'connected to our souls'? Huh." Nathan quotes.
Nathan just stares at his tag in amazement while wondering how it was done, but he is too lazy to ask.
"So how do we check the information in these?" Bree asks as she looks at Livian with a face of doubt, but Livian points to the device in the corner of the room.
"Insert your cards into the slit in the top, and it will tell you, now who would like to go first?"
Without anyone having the chance to say anything, Nathan is already at the device, he used "Accelerated Step" to get there first.
"My my, eager to put something of his into a slit for the first time aren't we?"
Livian just looks at Nathan with a surprised and mischievous face and wonders how he got there so fast while Tanner laughs at Nathan because he just got roasted. Joey and Bree are laughing at this comment too. Nathan just ignores them and puts his name tag into the slit. As soon as he puts it in, a white magic circle appears and words starting forming.
Name: Novaxil
Height: 6'4
Weight: 164 pounds
Place of residence: West District, Hollow Hill
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Brown
Race: Human
Class: Godly Abyssal Assassin (Legendary)
Level: 4
Abilities: Accelerated step, Hide presence, Heighten Senses, Sword Teleport, Pressure, Walk of the Abyss (Special)
Stats: Vitality: 120, Strength: 60, Agility: 140, Magic: 90, Magic Resistance: 10, Defense: 10
"Woah, this is cool, hey Livian, what is an Abyssal Assassin?"
Livian is already looking over Nathan's shoulder and her mouth is wide open. The whites of her eyes are showing and she is speechless.
"Hey, are you ok?"
Nathan shakes her a few times and Livian comes back to reality.
They all look at Livian as if she is actually an insane person all along.
"There has only been one legendary class ever seen before, and that was the hero "Laithys", who is the one that saved the whole world from the demons, even though they have escaped the abyss he made and-...."
Livian starts mumbling to herself and starts thinking really hard. Tanner comes up and pulls Nathan's tag out of the device and proceeds to put his own in.
Name: Haku
Height: 5'10
Weight: 160 pounds
Place of residence: West District, Hollow Hill
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Brown
Race: Human
Class: Godly Battle Angel (Legendary)
Level: 1
Abilities: Divine Heal, Divine Light, Vanquishing Light, Foresight, Master Craftsman, Eye of Truth (Special)
Stats: Vitality: 40, Strength: 30, Agility: 20, Magic: 100, Magic Resistance: 100, Defense: 100
Livian is basically screaming in Tanner and Nathan's ears as she looks at Tanner's stats.
"I wonder how we are going to use these abilities, you have only had one come into your mind and I've had none." Tanner says.
"Yeah, maybe we just have to train some?" Nathan says back to Tanner.
Tanner and Nathan are having a casual conversation as Livian is hyperventilating at the fact that two Legendary classes have appeared. Livian is so surprised by how calm they are that she faints.
"I can't let Tanner and Nathan show me up, let's see what my stats are."
Joey puts his name tag into the device and the following information appears.
Name: Jeff Crucifix
Height: 6'
Weight: 180 pounds
Place of residence: West District, Hollow Hill
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Brown
Race: Human
Class: Godly King (Legendary)
Level: 2
Abilities: Physical Explosion, Impenetrable Defense, Natural Born Leader, Magic Absorption, Demon Destroyer (Special)
Stats: Vitality: 110, Strength: 150, Agility: 80, Magic: 0, Magic Resistance: 0, Defense: 115
After Joey got a good look at his stats, he takes Bree's name tag and puts it in the slit and her stats are as the following.
Name: Darya
Height: 5'7
Weight: 125 pounds
Place of residence: West District, Hollow Hill
Hair color: Red
Eye color: Brown
Race: Human
Class: Godly Water Enchantress (Legendary)
Level: 3
Abilities: Water Spear, Water Healing, Ice spike, Tsunami (Special), Frozen Wasteland (Special)
Stats: Vitality: 40, Strength: 30, Agility: 45, Magic: 150, Magic Resistance: 120, Defense: 60
Livian, who has fainted, is laying down in the middle of the room while Tanner is just poking her in the face with his pointer finger to see if she is alright. On the opposite side of the room, Nathan is trying to figure out how to use his newly discovered powers, but he can't seem to figure it out. Near him are Joey and Bree talking about what they want to eat tonight. Livian finally wakes up to see Tanner crouching near her.
"You alright?"
"Yes, I am fine, but I had this dream that you and Nathan have Legendary Classes."
"That wasn't a dream, it's true, and Joey and Bree have one too, is that special or something?"
"Special?! If all four of you are Legendary class members, then you should be the strongest people in the world!"
"Huh, I don't feel strong."
Nathan, who was looking at his hand while opening and closing it decided to join the conversation and walk over towards the two. Joey and Bree also follow him over there. Livian just continues to look at them all in awe.
"I'm just gonna take Tanner's word for it about the fact you two have Legendary classes since I didn't see it for myself. I have to tell the king. I have to tell the Guildmaster!"
"I don't think so, let's actually keep this a secret between us, K?"
Nathan looks at Livian while giving off a malicious pressure that she has never felt before. She immediately starts sweating profusely and she loses the ability to speak. After about 10 seconds, she starts crying because her body feels like she is about to be killed any second now. Nathan, who realizes whats going on, releases his ability "Pressure", and feels terrible about what he just did. As soon as Nathan releases it, Livian stops crying and starts to compose herself.
"I am so sorry, the ability just popped into my head so I tried it out, I didn't mean to make you cry."
"it's ok, but why did you say you wanted to keep it a secret?"
The others also wanted to know since they all look just as confused as Livian. Why doesn't Nathan want to be known by the King? That actually seems like a great idea in the minds of the others.
"Well, I don't want to be considered the second coming of Laithys, it will put too much stress on us, we aren't even able to use most of our abilities so we should wait until we are stronger."
Nathan brought up a good point that Tanner agrees with by nodding his head. The idea of people swarming them all of the time and having to travel everywhere to meet kings and other royalty didn't sound that appealing to Tanner.
"But it is co-"
Livian tries to reject Nathan's idea but she is met with the same kind of pressure that Nathan let out earlier and she immediately stopped.
"Alright, but the second you reach level 25 I'm telling everyone!"
"I think that is fair, thank you Livian."
Nathan thanks her and slightly nods his head while stopping his ability "Pressure". Since the process is finished, Livian remembers what the four originally came here for, and is able to tell Tanner and Nathan what type of armor to use, and also what type of weapons to get and where to find them. For Nathan, it is recommended that he use thick leather armor on his chest, knees, and a pair of thin metal shoes and gauntlets, this is so he can have max mobility and also be able to use his feet and forearms for protection if needed. Out of all the weapon styles that Livian gives Nathan, he chooses a Duo combination of a long sword and short sword, while also being equipped with throwing knives and maybe a bow if he can afford it. Tanner's class suggestion was that he use plated armor on the same spots that Nathan had so he can increase his defence more since he wasn't very fast, and Tanner already has a weapon but Livian recommended to have a shield as well.
"Alright sounds good, Tanner and I will go ahead while she looks at your guys' stats and gives you her recommendations, and I'll also go ahead and give you guys 10 iron coins. See you at the house!"
With that being said, Tanner and Nathan leave the guild building and part ways to go to the stores that Livian recommended. Once the two are gone, Joey and Bree bring up their stats and Livian looks at them, and almost faints again. Joey was able to hold her up and she thought of the right places to send them, after a long time of thinking, she knew what they needed.
"Joey should try to find some armor that covers his whole body, and it should be preferably iron or maybe even Orichalium if you have enough money, as for Bree, she should go with some enchanted cloth armor that gives her extra magic protection. As for weapons, Joey needs something extremely durable and that can withstand his physical abilities, maybe you should go with an Exerium long sword... No, maybe if you found a pair of gauntlets to go with your armor then you would be able to deliver a harder blow, just do one of those two, and for Bree, she needs a water-based staff to boost her magical abilities."
After she tells the two what they need, she tells them how to go to each location and they go on their way, they decide to go shopping together unlike Tanner and Nathan. Bree and Joey leave and Livian lets out a long breath while in the room with a strange device. A white-robed woman enters the room.
"Were they as expected?"
"No, they are still too weak for us to do anything with them, I even tried boosting their egos, but they seem to be extremely cautious about them being publicly known, just keep doing your job and they will blossom into what this world needs... That thing's destruction. Also, be extra careful about that Nathan and Tanner, they seem to be a dangerous duo."
"Yes ma'am, I will continue my mission now."
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