《Legend of the Evil Hero》Siege [Fall of Aldebaran: Part 1]


A gentle and cold breeze touch the face of a boy who hasn’t even in his 20’s that is lying on a wooden bench while peacefully sleeping, the red hair that was covering a portion of his eyes sway in response. It wasn’t too long before the red haired boy opened his eyes.

He blinked twice before rising up in a sitting position. For a second he thought that he was alone in that dimly lit house but he had notice the little girl in the couch.


“Oh, good evening. Where's Lily?” I said while rubbing my eyes.

“The soldiers and some of the adventurers were leaving to war. Lily wants to see her father set off with Mrs. Windsor.”

“I see.”

The one who answered me was Chiyo who’s sitting in the couch beside me while reading some kind of a thick book.

After I scanned the setting before me, it was already pitch black so I think I slept quite long. I feel a little disappointment when I woke up and Liliana is no longer my pillow.

Chiyo took a glance at me then she placed the book she is reading in the table with a bookmark on it.

“Do you want some tea?”

“Yes. Thanks”

The little elf get on her feet from the couch and began her stride towards the kitchen after she heard my response.

I look at the window and witness the different colors of lights in the houses. For a second it made me think that a lamp with different color aside from the original exist but then I remembered the first scenery I’d seen when I was first summon here. The animal-like monsters uses some kind of a color magic.

[Oh thinking of monsters. Chiyo might have some Intel about the war].

I look at her from the bench where I seated but she is already looking at me so I opened my mouth and say. “Hey, I just wanna ask. Do you know something about the Holy Wars?”

“Well, it is not that I actually seen it myself, this news is secondhand. But they say holy wars always happen right after the darklord rises.”

[Dark lord? Hmm. I guess it is something like a ‘badass final boss']. I kept silent and never leave my gaze to her, Chiyo continued in response.

“When a Holy War started, every settlements, structures, cities, towns and fortress that is under by any of the 9 intelligent races were attacked nonstop by the forces of evil broad daylight or pitch black night.”

“Whoa, Hang on. If the monsters is going to attack this fortress then why the army does departs?”

“Oh. As for that, I met my guild instructor an hours ago. She said it is because the attacks that happens every 3 decades has some kind of a pattern, so the army is going to counter the monsters by attacking straight to their nest.”

“I see.” [She is quite collected despite her appearance. No wonder she is already at sorcerer at that age]

Chiyo approach the table beside me and place a clay mug on it. Afterwards it take it and took a sip. “Wow, you're good at making tea.”


“It was made by Lily, all I do is reheat it.”

“I see.”

The little elf slid back to the couch and pick up the book she is reading a while ago.

“What is that book?” I said with my usual low-pitched voice.

“Oh you don’t know this?”


“Its title was ‘The Evil Hero’, they say this book was written by the first hero himself.”

“You’re a fan of heroes?”

“Yes everyone loves them. —At first she replied to me with a smile, but it seems like something prevented her to, she continue reading the book and said silently –“Oh, except Lily I think.”

[So she knew about what happened to Liliana’s older brother.]

I continued to drink the tea in the clay mug while looking at the huge window before me.

Suddenly a deafening ring of a bell dominates in the peaceful night. It rang thrice before it finally halt.

I know that wasn’t just a typical bell so I put down the mug on my hand and look at Chiyo, she was surprise or something like terrified.

“What's that ring for?”

“I hope I'm only just mistaken, but that three rings means, the city is under siege!”

“What? Are you sure it was its meaning?”

“I don't know yet! But that is the emergency bell! We need to do something!”

“Alright!” I stand up and after seeing me chiyo does to. “Come with me.”

“To where?”

“Center Plaza. We need to know where the attacks came from.”

[If the city is really under siege then I expect the army has failed. I need to pick up my armor in the blacksmith.]

“Okay, but isn't it easier to gather information if we go straight to the city hall? Or guild?”

“Time is also our enemy, right now, asking the fleeting townspeople is much quicker.”

I began to pick up my equipment and wear it one by one from the zircon armlet, waist bag, three extra scabbards and knee-high long boots.

And when I look back at Chiyo she’s still looking at me with a surprise expression. “What?”

“Can we really do this? I mean were both just zircon tier right? Not to mention the gold and silver tiers is not available”

I let out a sigh. [So even this genius elf girl can sometimes be out of character] I force a smile and said with full determination. “Yes! It is time to create a history!”

Chiyo pick up her wooden staff while I began to stride towards the door of the house without waiting for her voice. “Let’s go.”

[I hope Liliana and Mrs. Windsor were safe.]


It’s already been ten minutes since we left the Windsor residence. We’re running nonstop towards the town center with me leading the way and the elf sorcerer following.

“You're a sorcerer right?”


“What kind magics can you use? And how many times?”

“I have an offensive magic that I can use 2 times, healing magic that can be casted 3 times and a support magic that can be used once.”

“Really? Can I know what those three are?”


“Zephyr Gust, Basic Healing and Limit Break.”

[Everything she said was like those in-game skills back on earth]. It surprise me to know that magics like that exist in here. I stopped out of surprise but then Chiyo pulls back my senses.

“Hey! Why did you stop? I thought you said time is also our enemy?”

[Good thing they came from the RPG game that Kasumi and I played together. I wonder if the other magics too.]

I ask her about the one I’m most unfamiliar with

“Limit break, what is that for?”

“Well, it can be casted on a party member to boost their overall status by 10 for as long as they have MP.”

“Cool! I’ll tell you when to cast it.”


MP- also a game element which serves as the primary indicator on how long can you use magic or what kind can you muster. In most of the games I played it is an abbreviation for Magic Power.

As for my magic power, I’d only seen it on my original adventurer’s form, it was labelled as triple S but I don’t know yet about the letter ranking so I put magic aside for now and focus on physical improvements.

From the northern Aldebaran to the central plaza it took us barely fifteen minutes.

I stopped when I see the fountain of the central plaza from the hallway. I take a glance at Chiyo who’s trying her best to catch up to her partner.

“Are you alright?”

Chiyo is breathing heavily but she manage to reply to me. “Sorry…but…but unlike warriors and crusaders…we sorcerers are not cut out for running.”

[This is bad. We lost quite amount of time.]

Something came running towards us.

But even before it reach me the human boy fell on the ground.

I approach the boy to help him get up, Chiyo check on him on the other hand. “Hey? Are you alright?”

“Yes. At least I am breathing”

His bronze earring tells that he is an adventurer.

I help the adventurer boy sit and ask with my low-pitched voice. “What happened?”

“Orcs, Goblins, Kobolds all in middle tier, they’re currently seizing all the houses near the east gate.”

“I see.”

“I advise you to withdraw now, I’m sorry but zircon tiers can’t handle that much.”

“Yep. I cannot, so can I ask for your assistance?”

“I’ll help you if I can. But both of my arms is not in that good condition. The bleeding stop but I still cannot feel them” He raised both of his arms. And there appeared a couple of destroyed bracers, some of its broken part we’re impaled to his hands. It seems that some kind of healing magic was already applied on it.

“No. not in battle. I need you to gather as many as adventurers you can get, tell them that the east gate is under attack. I don’t care what rank as long as they are willing and can kill, it is alright.”

“Okay! Ill head to the guild first. But are you sure you can at least slow them down?”

“Thanks! And Yep! I’ve got this little sorcerer here!”

I assist the adventurer to get on his foot and then he run to the alley towards the west side of the city, where the adventurer’s guild is situated.

After the boy left I faced to Chiyo, she’s already looking at me at the time.

[Why does she always stares at me?]

“Chiyo I’ll head to the blacksmith then let’s meet at the road in the east side of the city.”


It doesn’t take too long before I recovered my newly repaired spear and armor that I equip right away.

It has a little change in appearance the white breastplate became gray, the two shoulder caps are now black matching my shirt and lastly as I instructed the smith. The spear is sharpened and along on its tip a shining crimson jewel shines. I hang it on my back. Now the only thing left in the package was a one handed double-edged sword with average length.

Unfortunately, the blacksmith was nowhere to be found at the time but she left a note saying that these set of equipment was mine. After I geared up I met Chiyo on the road towards the east gate. She was helping the fleeting townspeople when I see her.

In the road many people were running away from the heat some were screaming for help, others try to fight the stupid creatures.

I looked straight to the road and when I notice that no other people was there I hold my spear with my left hand.

I go into throwing position with my right foot in front. The little girl beside me notice my movements and she strengthen the grip on her staff.

“Chiyo boost me”

“Do you mean Limit Break?”

“No. The Zephyr Gust”

“Oh. Alright I get it!”

I’m not sure yet, but I hope the Zephyr Gust is as the name implies.

Chiyo go behind me whispered something for almost five seconds with her eyes closed.

And right after she opened her eyes I threw the spear with all I’ve got at the direction where the monsters was.

The spear flew in the air and then all of a sudden a strong wind fueled its speed. Luckily I was right, the zephyr on its name means west wind.

When the crimson jewel detected that the wind is created with magic it began to shine, afterwards all the strong wind gathers, with the flying spear on its center.


At first it was an Orc that is beating up a human.


Next, a group of goblin that is pulling out something from the house.

Monsters, houses, everything in the path of the spear was annihilated.

The lower half of the Orc tumbles on the ground along with its innards with crimson liquid. Next, the headless body of the unfortunate goblins met the ground.

The spear continued to make its path into the east gate slowly disappearing out of my sight.

All the people and monsters that witnessed that all look in one direction. The girl beside me stares at me with wide opened green eyes.

“Oh crap! My spear…Hehehe. I think I’ve overdone it” I said while scratching the back of my head.

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