《Legend of the Evil Hero》Grand Orcish Canyon


The thousand-meters high steep-sided canyon stand out in the middle of the night by the light of the 6 moons. The wind shows no sign of aggression as two figures strides on its top.

“Yuji. Why do you want to do it at night, isn't it easier in day?” a young girl with brown braided hair in a ranger outfit combined with leather armor said with her soft and gentle tone.

“Never hunt orcs before?” the red haired boy walking in front of her in a black undergarments with light armor replied in a noticeably low-pitched voice.

“No, my party and I used to hunt in the northern Aldebaran meadows so this is my first time here.”


“I see...—I said in reply, then after a moment I think of the right word to explain it to her.—“The easiest way to overcome an enemy in high numbers is through stealth assassination, Orcs sleep at night.”

I learned from Paul that orcs are active during the day and they sleep at night, same as humans.

If they are active at night and sleep during day I might not have choose to start this adventure during the nighttime to begin with.

“Oh, a night attack.”

“Yes.—I didn't see her expression that time because I am carefully watching our surroundings since then, but I'm pretty sure that she was amaze.—“10 o'clock, unaccompanied.”

A hyena-like monster that has glowing violet linings came charging at us from the said direction.

The moment that I spotted it, I signaled Lily about it by holding the spear out that I am holding in my left hand.

“I'm on it.”

Lily immediately get an arrow on her quiver then fitted it in her bow. She drew the bowstring as far as she could.

After she loosed the arrow, it flew straight towards the direction of the monster.

Afterwards an unformed scream escaped from the monsters mouth as the arrow violate its neck straight to its innards.

I approached the the monster's dead body and pull the arrow impaled on it. It seems that the arrow's shaft and head is still in good condition so I wiped the crimson liquid on it.

“How many are left?” I ask while looking at her quiver.

“I already fired four, including that one. So there are 16 left...— Lily's scratching her cheeks as she think about the number of bolts. She notice that I was arm crossed still looking at her quiver.—“Sorry I forgot to reload my quiver earlier.”


“It's okay...Here, this one is still in good condition.” I hand over the the arrow that I pick up earlier.

“Oh yeah. Now they're 17 again.” Liliana receive the arrow and slip it back to her quiver on her hips.

I nodded in response and then face the direction of the cliff where we was headed before and say “Let's move.”

Lily replied with her lively expression “Yes sir!“

As the moons continue their long journey this night, we just done the same drill that night. I act as the scout whenever there are monsters around while Lily takes it down from her range and in case monsters evade her arrows my spear is there to welcome them.

The moons were also the main reason why we don't need to light a torch.

I only took barely an hour before we reach the cliff side of the canyon.

From the view above I can say that this canyon is a deep one. I can't see it clearly because of the height and darkness but I think there is some kind of a river below.

I face at the side where Lily was, that time she's really amaze at the scenery of the grand canyon with her braided hair flows along the air.

I don't want to interfere with her cute expression but time is also our enemy so in the end I speak with my low pitched voice.

“We're here.”

Lily looked left and right and then look at me and ask.“Huh? Where?”

“Below. To that abandoned mines.” I pointed my spear below the canyon straight to the mouth of the mines.

Liliana followed my instructions and look to where I'm pointing at.

“Orcs live there right?”

“Yes. Along with our primary target, the giant spiders.”

“But, how do we suppose to get there?”

I began searching at the bag on my belt and then when my hand feels it I immediately pulled it out.

“Don't worry I have these.— I showed her a bundle of pitons that I bought earlier, I give it to her and get another one from my bag, a couple of small hammers.—“Here.”

“We will climb down??”She said dispassionately.

“Yes. Is there a problem?”

“Uh, no nothing. Let's go!”

Lily test the piton but when she was about to give a smack with the small hammer, I interrupted her.

“There are no trees nearby so I think climbing down by rope is impossible.” I gently tapped the coil of rope that is hanging in my hip.


“Yep, dont worry this will be fun.” Lily continue to test out the piton. A weak smile formed on her lips.

We climb down the canyon for almost a couple of hours. We hit soft stones countless times. Almost fall but luckily didn't.

And finally, when the moons is on their brightest points we made it out to the bottom of the cliff.

I put back the used pitons and small hammer in my bag. Now that it is clear in my sight, the river that runs through this canyon dried long ago, only the rock remains tells that it was supposedly a river.

When I glanced at Lily she was breathing heavily while holding her chest.

“You want some water?”

“Uh no...I'm...I'm fine...It'll just interfere with my blood flow.”

“You sure?”


I look around at our surroundings to check.

After a moment I said silent enough for Liliana to hear.“Sorry”

“For what?” she immediately replied.

“Rock climbing is too much. I should have find an easier way.”

“I told you...I'm fine...and it is fun you know!”

“Is that so?.

“Yes it is.”

After I let Liliana have a moment of breather, we continued our adventure towards the abandoned mines.

In the distance before the mines, a green cloth is proudly hanging in a pole. The cloth gently flies with along with the air.

“See that?” I said coldly.

“Is that...some sort of a flag?” Liliana did her best to spot the thing from a distance.

“It's more of a territory marker than a flag.”

“Oh, I see.”

Orcs often place markers like that in their territory so that their fellows will not lost or maybe that is just how they usually do it, it is something I learned from the 'monsterpedia' of this planet.

Liliana tried to approached the marker but I stopped her and said bluntly.“Stop...there is a scout.”

“Oh you're right. Thanks.”

Because of the cloth that is hanged in the pole the Orc scout beside it is hard to notice.

It is a common sense that someone should stand guard while the others sleep. I'm surprise that these stupid creature knows that matter.

“Let's see...—I said while I cross my arms thinking of a strategy, Liliana is just standing beside me looking at my face happily. And after I forged a quick plan I said “Can you shoot that marker?”

“Yes. But why? He can evade my arrows especially at distance like this and then they will notice us.” Liliana said while showing off a worried expression.

“Trust me. I'll explain it later...—I smile at her to lessen the pressure—“Wait here, I'll give the signal.”


“Don't worry, I'll be fine...”

“Please do.”

After we returned each others smile, I sneaked towards the Orc scout switching from huge stones to stones that is set nearby.

When I'm at my position, I signaled the girl from the distance.

Afterwards an arrow flies straight to the flag hitting the cloth forcibly separating it from the pole and finally it hit the target behind.

“Hwwurrggggg?!—the arrow hit the eye of the Orc scout behind. The Orc moves ferociously while the cloth sealed it sight. When it was about to signal its companions inside the mines a spear immeaditely pierced its chest delivering the final pain.—“Rruugghhhh...”

Liliana run towards my location after the Orc tumble the ground. The blood flows out of it body thus making it bathe in its own blood.

I slightly lowered my body and tried to pull the arrow out of its skull.

Unfortunately the arrow shaft broke splitting it into two. Lily finally arrived at the scene.

“Nice shot” I smiled gently and praised her.

“Wow. I can't believe I hit him.”

Lily looked at the corpse that is lying on the ground with pure amazement.

“He can't evade that one.”

“How?” she look at me while thinking of a possible way.

“On the side where the arrow came from, the flag is obstructing his sight.”

“Ohhh so that's why you want me to shot it from there. Then you delivered the final blow!”


It's simple, because the arrow came from where the flag is flying. The stupid scout didn't see it, and because of the cloth that comes along the arrow it completely sealed its vision. Finally, when the Orc didn't see anything I can approach it without getting notice and pierce its heart with my spear.

Liliana noticed the broken arrow that I was holding.

“This arrow is no use, you only have 13.” I said with my usual low-pitched voice.

“Yes. I'll try not to waste this.”

I look beyond the mouth of the mines and said coldly.“Now into the depths of the mines.”

I ignited one torch before we began our quest for the spider silk.

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