《The World Destroyer》Chapter 11: You're Welcome


After the cleaning was done, everyone immediately went to their respective rooms. In my room are my mom and my dad, and Hozumi's family. Mom scaned the room and saw Miyuki-san, staring blankly at the ground.

"...Miyuki-san." Mother approached her.

"Ahhh, Aubrey. I hope you don't mind us being here with you." She, then, bows slowly and deeply.

"Of course not..." She takes a few seconds to think and then continues, "...I hope you don't mind that I ask but, where's your husband?"

"It's okay. He was at Raguna at the time. I just hope that he is safe. I just don't know what to do if something happened and-" Mother hugged Ms. Miyuki, who started to tear up.

"He's probably at the bomb shelter there. He'll be okay. He's definitely okay." Words of comfort went towards Ms. Miyuki. "I'm happy for you, Aubrey. Even your housecat is here. Your family is complete."

How many people like her have I caused to suffer? How many families broken because of a simple command? But it's all for good though. Everyone should stay strong. Everything has a purpose. Every innocent will be with me at heaven and drown in that endless pool of euphoria...

"I'm glad that I'm still with my child though, despite how crazy he is." says Ms. as she smiles towards Hozumi.

"Hey! I'm not THAT crazy!"

"Okay, dark lord."

Hozumi cringed but then looks at dad and asked. "But there's something I was wondering... couldn't you just contact the other base and ask for dad?"

"Well, there-"

"Because of the electromagnetic pulse produced by nuclear bombs, it temporarily disables communications for a short time."

"Impressive, Pacific." complimented dad.

"It would take another day or two to effectively communicate with them. And more so time to search for your father." He explained to the Hatano family.

"I'll be right back, there is some things that I must do. Pacific, come with me. There's someone I want you to meet."


"Some old friend of mine."

Dad and I went to the main building. Inside, there was a lot of tall, foreign men wearing black suits with huge shades. There was one particular guy who stood out because of a simple reason. He was black.


One of those men goes towards us and removes his shades. Father's face lights up and smiles.


"Ryoichi! Nice to see you again buddy." the huge black man in the black suit hugged my father so intensely that it sounded like he breifly squealed in pain.

"Is this your daughter that I keep hearing about?"

"Yeah. Pacific, this is Daniel Seamore. He's also called 'The Lion' because he is really ferocious in the battlefield back in war times. I got stationed with him back in the day and we became friends ever since. We call him 'Dandelion' too because-"

"Pffft." I snigger for a bit because I have fond memories for dandelions. Anyways, I wonder what the Americans are doing here?

"Nice to meet you, Sir. I'm Pacific Hanasaki. What brings you here?"

I really... really needed to ask that question because I caught sight of someone behind the crowd of men in black. A huge white man with that signature brunette hair. It was without a doubt, President Gump. Why is he here?!


"Is it okay for her to hear about these? And seeing the President?"

The black man collects his thoughts and then says, "It's fine, she's your daughter. We thought that this is the safest place for the President."

"Why so?"

"This base is very unique, it's literally covered by various mountains yet not a cave. Communications are much easier here. Simply put, it's one of the greatest hiding spots while being convinient. We also know from our spies that the enemy knows much of our bases back in America." he explains.

"Isn't Japan much more... unsafe?"

"It's okay. But I have a special reason why I suggested we come here." said Dandelion in a tone and expression filled with certainty. Deep inside, I felt as if I was caught. As if this lion put its claws on the neck of its prey. I can see it in his eyes. He somehow knows.

"...and that reason is?" I ask.

"Everything that is happening will make sense in here... somehow. Maybe one day I'll get permission from the President to reveal it." His words sounded doubtful but his face isn't.


"Mr. President." Dandelion moved aside for the president.

"Pleased to meet you again, Hanasaki." it seems the president knows my father. Just what did dad even do? "Welcome, Mr. President."

"We have come here to this beautiful country, fantastic country because we need to talk to Prime Minister Ase. Great man." he says as he accompanies his words with strange hand gestures.

"Big sad though with these nuclear. My uncle was an engineer, very good engineer. Good genes. Bad nuclear. Also I am one of the smartest people in the world. But this nuclear versus Chyna, evil country, is not all my plan. Dandelion says there is something in Japan that caused this. WITCHHUNT!"

Dad looked at Dandelion as his face shrinks and eyes squinted, telling him with his body language basically, "What the fuck is going on?"

Dandelion whispers through my dad's ear and finally understood everything. "Ahh!"

"And that's why we need to find the Prime Minister. He was the last person that the president talked to before getting a headache. And I find it... suspicious."

My days are counted. That was the first time I attempted to "chain control" and I didn't know it caused a headache when I leave. Hopefully, I have at at least a week or two before it is traced to the commander.

"Ahh! You must be Hanasaki's! Nice meeting you! Your father did tremendous work for our country and yours. He is a terrific, terrific soldier! Could talk for 3 hours nonstop on plans. For 3 hours. He talks. Keeps talking and talking. Unbelievable. He's wonderful. Changed the world bigly. SO PROUD!"

"Uhh.." Dandelion whispers to me. "Ahh!"

"Thank you, Mr. President. I may not look like it but I can be of service."

"Ahh, really now? Great! Let's make America great again! Make Japan great again!" He shakes my hand and faces away as another man in black whispers something to him. He then passed the message to the director.



"I'm right beside you, Mr. President."

"Important briefing, right now." They promptly leave the building and into the huge airplane just beside it.

"I guess that's it, Pacific." He lightly touches my back.

"I have to stay for a while to hear more about this. Go back to your mother now, she might be bored."

"Well then..."

"Ahh! Pacific-chan. You're back." Miyuki-san greeted me in the lobby, which now looks like a very comfortable living room of a standard family.

"If you're searching for your mother, she is fast asleep as everyone else is since it is indeed, nighttime already, probably tired from cleaning our section and putting everything in order as you can see with this working television and yes, I am watching anime, though you can probably see that."

"Uhhh... yes."

She is watching 'College of the Dead', which seems to show these college students killing zombies.

"You see that one? Yes that one with the red eyes. That's where we got your nickname, Aku-chan." I satnext to Miyuki-san and try to entertain her for a while.

"What's the show about?"


"Ahh... oooh what is that?"

This is utterly boring. If nothing else, this is trying to have some semblance of normality once again. But will that ever happen? I already entered a point where normal people wouldn't do...

"A gun."

Ms. Miyuki really baffles me sometimes. Sometime she's as quiet as a baby or as loud as an ant. Nevertheless, I try to entertain her for a while until I realize that she is actually already asleep. It's almost midnight.


Catsuragi! I almost forgot that he's here.

"I'm sorry for... possessing you."

He snuggled into my tummy and I hugged him with all my warmth. Everything feels surreal to me. Ahhh, to think I caused so much destruction and grief into this world... it's quite fun actually. It's like playing a game of Sam Mayor's Civilization, controlling the fates of entire civilizations, slaughtering millions of people for the sake of a victory screen. How ridiculous everything has become! I can't wait for people to find out that all these suffering means nothing at all. I can tell, Miyuki-san. Inside your sleeping mind is a worthless land of worrying for your husband. But it will be alright. Both of you shall meet again. Soon.

"You really amuse me, girl. It's like there's two people inside of you." commented Raziel who was sitting on the other side of the couch with us all this time.

"You know most things Raziel, yet you're still amused by me. I still find that... unclear. Are you amused by the destruction I caused? Status Display."

Kills: 2,936,738,142 World Population: 2,202,854,843 Sinners left: 1,862

"Over half of the population! I destroyed them! Isn't it very amusing? Status Display."

Controls left: 2,936,738,132 humans 293,673,813,200 animals Conditions to work: Must be seen with your eyes and must know name. Must be seen with your eyes.

"All of this power. It is mine. NOTHING can stop me."

"Hoh.... you really say that?" Raziel stood up from the couch and walked over to me. He leaned towards me and stared into my eyes. His typically radiating light slowly diminished and turned into this darkness that covered everything.

"I-I can't move." I felt the my lungs shrinking as the air escaped from my mouth. His eyes began to fill up his face, his skin melting into the floor, and the feather in his wings sheds until only bones remained. My arms began to spin around against my will. I try to scream from the pain but nothing comes out.

"NOTHING? NOTHING CAN STOP YOU? WHO THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?" Every part of my body is twisted out of control. I can't take it anymore. I want to die.

"THAT POWER IS NOT YOURS. YOU AMUSE ME BUT YOU DO NOT INSULT ME." All of my senses become numb except for my sight. He was not the Raziel that I know. This, this is a demon.

"...w-what just happened?" Everything was back. I found myself hyperventilating beside the sleeping Miyuki-san. Raziel is still in front of me, looking down on me.

"You know what happened. I am power." blantantly smirking over my pained self.

"Fulfill your purpose." and just like that, disappears from my sight.

It took me a while before I was able to stand up. Just what the hell is an angel anyways? The sensation that I felt was similar back then. No matter, all I need to do is destroy those 1,862 sinners. Status Display. Controls left: 5 humans 500 animals Conditions to work: Must be seen with your eyes and must know name. Must be seen with your eyes.

W-wait... 5 human controls? Pravuil! What the hell is going on?

Pravuil was behind me all this time and sat beside me. "What seems to be the problem?" "I thought my controls are a million or something, why is it reduced to a mere 5?" "It seems seems Raziel did it. He can do it though, nothing wrong with that." "The hell?" "We also have free will, you know? Please don't think of us as your devices." says Pravuil as he slowly disappears too. Fucking DAMNIT! *sigh* now I have to hunt for the sinners again... Anyways... There isn't much to do at this hour other than to contemplate about how to prevent that damned lion to find me. I go back to our room, there's mom on one bunk bed, Kana on her brother on another, and an empty one, presumably where Miyuki-san and I are supposed to be. I close my eyes and my conciousness slowly fades away. . . . "Good Night, Aku-chan" Wh-What the fuck is this? I feel liquid dripping from my stomach. Intense burning pain. Grasping for air. Shock running through my spine. My breathing gets slower and slower. Everything is silent. I am dead.

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