《Taming Dungeon》Chapter 5: The Best Way to Start a Friendship is with a Blow to the Stomach


When the moon was high up in the sky, Leonhardt made Dhasha stop gathering resources to began its transformation into a Boss Monster.

[Please choose what kind of bonus you want to give to your Boss Monster.]

[Elemental Affinity], [Race Change: Two-Horned Demon Fox] or [Size: Gigant].

Leonhardt immediately discarded the race change option as he wanted to ‘play’ with the evolution potential of a base horned fox. He couldn’t also choose the size because that would make the fox too big to movement itself with the roof having only five meters of height.

Thus leaving only one option. “I choose [Elemental Affinity].”

[What type?]

Leonhardt first thought was to choose water or earth because of the damp cave, but considering there is more chance to a normal Human come to his Dungeon, he paused to think about the element that would give more advantage to him fight against.

Normal Humans beings don’t have the strength to shatter mountains with only their fists, so they use weapons and magic apparatus to fight. And what the majority of the weapons are made of?


And what element can cause the most damage to someone using something made of metal? “I choose [Lightning] as the element for Dhasharan.”

As Leonhardt said that, Dhasha got automatically transported to the last room of the Dungeon and he in his Dungeon Core’s body saw its transformation.

Dhasha’s size didn’t change but the pressure emanating from it could make any newbie to fighting piss himself/herself by seeing the overbearing Mana flowing from it in the form of small streaks of electricity. And the other only visible change was how the fur and tail from it changed to have marks of azure lightning all over them.

As Dhasharan closed its eyes and went to sleep to get used to its new powers, Leonhardt saw the descriptions of what changed in Dhasharan.

[New Title!]

[Touched by Lightning]

[Your affinity and resistance to electricity are raised beyond the limits acceptable to a living being. Each attack of you will contain a little of the azure lightning’s might that falls downs from the heavens.]

[New Class!]

[Novice Lightning Berserker Lvl 1 0%]

[Quick, brutal and death-bringer. Those are the characteristics of lightning and of a berserker. You receive the normal bonuses of a berserker, such as becoming more powerful as you get hurt or hate more your enemy, and the bonuses of a lightning mage that makes you have total control of lightning.]

[New Skills…]

[Rank Up! Your Rank is now C.]

“Even the Rank got up, Dhasharan now is stronger than normal soldiers. What Rank would it go if I used Pink Evolution-”

[Your Rank is too low to use your Patron’s powers in monsters above Rank D.]

“And the killjoy attacked once again. Gift, you could at least wait until I finish talking before ruining my plans.” Leon sighed and went back to what he was doing before Dhasharan came back with the last resources of the night. Not forgetting of first putting his Core behind and beneath Dhasharan’s fur as it was currently the safest place in the Dungeon.

Leonhardt was modifying an ant using the [Pink Evolution] to make it his warrior at the frontline protecting him. Leonhardt thought about evolving some monsters he has available with his new Mana, like green-skinned goblins or lizard kobolds for example. But the price to do the first trial was beyond his current Mana reserve’s limit.

The price of each tentative of evolving the species know as ant was ten times its new price, but it was affordable in contrast to the 100 Mana to evolve a goblin.


Leonhardt passed hours failing and wasting Mana as each time he did something to its brain or members' position the ant immediately died, when I go evolve Dhasha I must take care to not tamper with its brain, despite his constant failings now at almost midnight he is close to having his first success by learning from his failings.

Leon had changed its members’ position to the ant walk upright with four legs on the ground to give more stability and speed, and increased the muscles tissues the ant had through all its body. And as he knew ants could carry more than ten times their weights because their muscles’ cross-sectional area was bigger and thicker, Leonhardt made sure to them continues this way through all the evolution.

He then increased its size to of a dwarf as it was the limit before it dies by not having that yellow blood flowing enough through its body, standing at an impressive one meter and forty centimeters.

Leon satisfied with his work, just slightly increase its brain and its wings as this ant, in particular, was a fertile male ant.

“It is finished… no, it isn’t.” Leonhardt shook his head, chiding himself by forgetting of changing the characteristics of the ant’s exoskeleton, if it was still the same exoskeleton the normal steel weapons could pierce it.

Leonhardt wished for them to be similar to the hardness of a alloy name Inconel as he didn’t know if the mythic metals like adamantium existed.

The Patron’s power seemed alive as it didn’t like much Leonhardt was wishing for something he doesn’t know all its characteristics, but because of the tenacity and his basic knowledge about life that he demonstrated the Patron’s power took a like for Leon and also perceived nobody is perfect like its original master. So it finished the job by itself.

Using one hundred and sixty Mana points and four Essence points to make a powerful soul in the total, Leonhardt’s new ‘base’ ant was finished.

[Updating ant’s Race available to you…]

[You can’t create ants anymore.]

[You can only create now the evolution of the ants, the Race named Pharaoh’s Inconel Antkin. Cost: 18 Mana and 2 Essence.]

That is the problem and advantage of the [Pink Evolution], as the Race is changed Leonhardt loses the previous Race while at the same time not having to every time evolve the base ant. Different from the [Blue Evolution] that permits him to see all the evolutions paths the base Races have thanks to reduced pregnancy time and forever accessibility to the base Race.

[Level up! You are now a Dungeon Master Lvl 9 99%. To Level Up through the first Level ‘Wall’, you need to kill three Intruders.]

[Experience before the Wall will be accumulated and used when you Level Up your Class.]

“Interesting, this Level Wall must exist to separate the weak to the strong ones,” Leon said running away with his Dungeon Master’s body as he wanted to take a good look to his new ant. The problem is that he forgot he had to tame it before it would obey him!

The Antkin jumped and flapping its wings it got ahead of Leonhardt, it glared at him with its compound eyes. The Monster Core on it just make sure the ant won’t attack the Dungeon Core or flee from the Dungeon, in nowhere the upgrade does say the Monster won’t attack the Dungeon Master without [Monsters Loyalty].

“Listen to me, I gave you a brain big enough to understand me. We are allies. Should you attack me now, it will only-” Leon tried to reason with it, but the Antkin didn’t like of Leon being bigger than it.


The Inconel Antkin considered him an enemy to the Dungeon, no, an enemy to its own self-esteem and chance to get laid. How would the future queen of its Race choose this first Pharaoh’s Inconel Antkin if there was a being taller than it in the Dungeon?

Antkins seems to be sometimes really jealous and envious of living beings taller than them.

The Inconel Antkin gripped tight its hands given by Leonhard and punched him in the stomach.

Leonhardt went to the ground while clutching his stomach, at least it is strong and my efforts weren’t-, the Antkin began to non-stopping stomp Leon with its four legs. “[Possession]!” Bright lines of light went to bind the Antkin, but it easily shrugged them off as it wasn't in the mood to be controlled or even stunned while being gravely wounded to the Skill work.

It took some rounds of healing granted by [Time Revival] to Leonhardt remember he could change his body whenever he wants. Being spanked or excited by something working after many failures makes the people forget the most simple things.

In his Dungeon Core’s body beneath the warm fur of Dhasharan, Leon said with grudge perceptible in his voice while observing the Antkin ‘playing’ with his Dungeon Master’s body that was constantly being healed without a soul. “You are another one that will become a [Named Monster] instead of my original plan of making the queen my last [Named Monster], I will make you work for me forever.”

Leon looked to his Mana after he absorbed everything Dhasharan brought to him as he waited for his Boss Monster to wake for him have a chance to tame the Antkin.

Mana: 48/60 (+2,08/hour)

Until the sunrise he should have Mana enough to create more three Antkins, so he decided to take this free time to study that manual about Qi he has in his mind and see what he can learn from it to teach his creations.

Leon recited. “The Qi stems from a focal point of the user’s body, the first step to train Qi is to find this by meditation and then began to naturally absorb more from the energy coming from the planet until you can do it unconsciously. Only after it, the user can do wondrous and supernatural acts impossible to normal living beings. To meditate you need…”

As Leonhardt said the principles of the manual he entered into trance, instinctively finding the focal point in the Core and also in the Dungeon Master’s body that is being spanked.

He felt as if being embraced by a higher energy that almost reached the quality of Essence but failed in a primal aspect.

[+1 Qi]

Qi: 01/36 (+0/year)

Using the clock in the Gift and the amount of Mana he had, Leon noted four hours had passed since the midnight while he was gone into that strange state and also that Dhasharan was gone.

Changing his point of view, he localized Dhasharan together with the Antkin attacking his body without a soul while the fox was shouting. *Haha! This is so fun, take it! You good-for-nothing Dungeon! I hate you! Die! Die! Best day of my life.* Dhasha laughed as it rained down lightning on the Dungeon Master’s body and also torn off some limbs to take off its stress.


*Tch! You woke up.* Dhasha stopped its attacks and of the Antkin as the fox had established total dominance over the ant with a little of ‘sparring’ between them while Leon was in trance.

“You guys were doing it for the last four hours?” Leonhardt said unbelieving, no, in awe of the amount of hatred and jealousy contained in the bodies of his Monsters, I will for certain die at the moment any of them become free of my Dungeon. If Leon was even a little unsure of using his slot of [Named Monster] in the first Inconel Antkin instead of the Race’s queen. He now is sure he needs to name that ant and make it work until it can’t endure more.

*Are you crazy? Of course not. My new comrade only did it for two hours and me only for two hours and a half. You don’t deserve so much attention from us.* It said with an impossibly human sneer.

“... Just hit and stun the Antkin. I need to tame it.” Leonhardt said, giving up on arguing with the haughty fox.

*There is no necessity, the Taming thing you have together with that nauseous lines of light are only needed when the Monster doesn’t want by its own wishes to be ordered by you, right?*

“How do you know?”

*I just put the pieces together while I was resting from hurting your body.*

Leon was happy for Dhasharan being more intelligent than it seems but he really could live without the snarky comments. “So you talked to the Antkin to accept as me as its master?”

*Yes, I already knew you would order me to do something like that and decided, ‘if I am going to be anyways ordered without a free will, then I could at least do it already at my own way’. I had a ‘good talk’ with the Antkin and I have cleared up the misunderstandings happening between you two after some rounds of that mysterious energy that heals everyone, of course.*

“You just wanted to fight, didn’t you? I can feel it through our Link that you are lying. It was just a coincidence you did your job without being ordered by me.” Leon changed back to his Dungeon Master’s body that still had its robe thanks to [Time Revival] making his clothes go back in time before he got attacked.

*I won’t deny or confirm your accusation.*

“Whatever.” Leonhardt turned to the Antkin that was bowing before him ready to accept to be tamed without needing to him possess it. “I don’t know what to feel when you become so obedient. You are the first one I will tame without tricks. [Taming].”

[Level Up! Taming is now Lvl 7. You can now instantly tame any Pharaoh’s Inconel Antkin or ant weaker than your tamed Pharaoh’s Inconel Antkin if you have at least of one of the requirements about the target. Trust or knowledge.]

*My Lord, I beseech for forgiveness for defiling thy Holy Body. I didn’t know thee are the higher being that will create the Queen of my Race. I thought thou were an opponent to me defeat to receive the grace of my queen. And I just continued to attack thy body because the big fox, Dhasharan, said me to do it.* The Antkin said with tone surprisingly formal and educated, with how muscular and brute the Antkin was, Leon thought his newest creation would be just another hot-blooded stupid being. Albeit it is not using ‘thou’ or ‘thee’ correctly.

But the Antkin really need to choose better its words as Dhasharan began to snicker at the side of Leonhardt. “I forgive you, however, don’t use the word ‘defilling’ anymore. It will give the others a bad impression of what do you did. You hit me not ‘defilled’ me, okay?”

*I thought thee-*

“And stop with the formal language when talking with me if you don’t know how to properly use ‘thee’ and ‘thou’. It is annoying me.” Leon rubbed his temples. “I will give you a name. Do you accept it?”

*Nothing would make me happier… actually breeding would-*

“Your name from now on is Kleber,” Leon said, confirming a window while sighing, fucking perverted ant.

Kleber’s Inconel exoskeleton grew to cover more his hands and legs as if it was another layer of an armor, increasing the thickness of his members. And another set of mandibles and wings appeared on him.

[Name]: Kleber [Race]: Pharaoh’s Inconel Antkin

[Age]: 0 [Sex]: Male

[Welfare]: Healthy Rank: D

[Title]: None

[Master]: Leonhardt Udalth VI

[Class]: None

[Qi]: 0/20 (+0/year)

[Mana]: 15/15 (+2/hour)

Kleber’s Rank just like of Dhasharan got up with the naming process, conforming to Leonhardt that it will probably always happen when he name something of the Dungeon. That is the reason to have so little slots to Named Monsters.

Leonhardt created two more Pharaoh’s Inconel Antkins while taking care to them be normal ant workers with Rank E and light yellow coloration to them not die at the jealous hands of Kleber.

As he tamed them, he made all his tamed Monsters line up at his front. “Today is the day we will be attacked. To prepare for it I would love to have access to traps, but I am forbidden to buy or make by myself one. I will now explain to you guys what is my plan to we survive.”

Even Dhasharan that hated Leonhardt, stayed quiet to listen as it doesn’t want to die. “The Antkins will do a surprise attack from some rocks I will make as a cover to their bodies after the people entering get distracted by a bait I will put on the Dungeon.” Leon turned to Dhasharan. “You will stealthily flank the enemies and kill in only one hit the person that seems to be the weakest to give a blow to the enemies’ confidence and will. I would love to make a complicated plan, but for you guys the simpler the plan is the better it is. Anyone against or able to spot a flaw in my plan?”

*No.* His tamed monsters said.

“Good, until the Intruders arrive I will teach you, Antkins, how to better fight using your hands since we don’t have weapons. Dhasha, I want to you observe our training to spot the patterns a human uses to attack and also to get used to the Antkins' ways of fighting while at the same time using your horn to warn us in advance when the Intruders are close to the Dungeon. Can I trust you with this? This is a matter of life or death for us.”

Dhasha grudgingly accepted with a growl, it was in a good humor after killing over and over Leonhardt’s body and laughing from the conversation Leon had with the Antkin.

After two hours of teaching the Antkins the [Art of the Empty Hand Combat] taught in the military academy and receiving the Skill, Leon created another Antkin and left his Antkins to teach the new one, and train by themselves as he went to the Dungeon’s entrance.

*Where are you going?* Dhasha asked.

“Pick our bait and also some acorns in the way,” Leonhardt said with a grin as a grand white beam of light that extended even beyond the clouds appeared just outside of the Dungeon.

Today is going to be a long day.

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