《The Overlord with the shield (Hiatus)》The Overlord with the Shield-Ch.15


Ainz sat on the throne of kings. As always his subordinates were present in the throne-room as well. Besides them, there was one extra person in the room who swore their loyalty to none but themselves.

Neuronist who was usually not present in here, stood in front of Malty Melromarc. She was hugging her knees and intensely shaking. Her eyes shut tight, hoping over and over in her mind for this nightmare to pass. Of course, this was not a dream to begin with. This was just the result of one night with Neuronist.

Yesterday night was very beneficial for Ainz. Whenever he had tried using 'Dark Wisdom' on someone, the body was unable to bear the pressure and chose to destroy itself. He wondered if this was because the bodies were just too weak, or was it because they were non-player entities.

The king of Melromarc was brought yesterday night. He himself, as a player had got a legendary weapon, so the spell might also work on those who held these special weapons from this world recognizing them as players.

And the experiment succeeded. Aultcray Melromarc, the holder of the vassal weapon Staff, was able to withstand the effects of Dark Wisdom.

Dark Wisdom was a spell that let him use the bodies gained from PKing to learn a new spell. The learned spell could be any of the spells known to the person whose body was used.

From him, he had obtained the spell 'Energy Blast'. He was unsure as to whether this spell was one that the king used with staff, but he was able to use it just fine. The best thing was he could increase the power of the blast per the mana spent, ultimately reaching power up to the 10th tier. This made it a very versatile and powerful spell.

Then there was the fact that that the whole country was now at his disposal, even if temporarily. This was crucial in leading to the next part. Now, what was left to see was whether other countries would declare war or not. If the collected data was true then war was inevitable.

And finally was this girl that was captured. Upon arriving here yesterday, she was scared out of her wits. She did not have words to speak and she even forgot to blink. Eventually, she was taken away.

She was present here just to witness the arrival of the last guest.

All this would be a great bargaining chip to ultimately take over Melromarc too. Seriously, Where did Demiurge get his wits from?

After this, he was to leave Nazarick to level up. Well, he was also to visit a certain place requested by the demi-humans themselves. It was a certain nobleman who had tormented them in the past. There were many more slaves stuck in a dungeon owned by him.

As he was thinking all this, in front of him, the three floor guardians that were absent in the room teleported back. Albedo, Demiurge, and Cocytus and arrived with a person in tow.

With a spear in his hand The Spear Hero, Motoyasu Kitamura arrived in Nazarick from the prison in Melromarc. His head facing down with lifeless eyes. He showed no emotion, yet his emotionless face was enough to convey how he felt.

He felt deep anger. Anger at being betrayed, being backstabbed, being cheated, and being deceived. All this because of his former comrade, someone he trusted, Malty. The pathological liar that once tried to sully Ainz's name was the same one who started these flames of hatred that could not be quench easily.



Malty made a plea for help. She hoped for him to help her get out of here. Motoyasu slowly tilted his head to face Malty in the eyes. His eyes burning with hatred he never felt before. His lips showed movement. He spoke in a low, hushed voice that he himself didn't hear.

"Motoyasu-sama! Please help me!"


"Huh?" The last glimmer of hope of escaping this place shattered within her.

Motoyasu completely ignored Neuronist, the monster he sworn to kill earlier and rushed behind her towards Malty laying on her knees. His spear pointing towards her throat with an intent to kill.

As his spear reached two meters away from her, a gate opened and in front of him. Unable to stop himself he went through while shouting a curse.

Malty completely fell on the ground just from the pressure and fear. But it was not over. The Spear Hero was promised to do anything he wanted with her. The guardians just didn't want the blood of a filthy human to put a stain on the beauty of the throne-room.

Ainz got up in his practiced manner.

"Bring her."

He teleported away and not one second after, Demiurge held Malty by her hair and teleported too. The other guardians followed. Neurnist's work was done and she slowly slithered away outside the room.

Motoyasu arrived on the sixth floor's Colosseum. He was confused for a moment but within a moment the other arrived at the same place with Malty in tow. Throwing Malty on the ground, they went aside to give space for him to do as he pleases.

Upon seeing Malty again he charged again. She quickly scrambled out of the way to protect her life. The spear passed by grazing her throat as fresh, hot blood escaped from the wound flowing down her body.

"Mo-Motoyasu-sama! Why are you trying to kill me? Fight them who are our enemies. Just what did they say to you to brainwash you."

"Just how corrupt can you be. First Ainz-sama, then me."

He stopped in his tracks. His voice was hoarse and their eyes made contact and she felt herself shivering all over. His hate for her only kept increasing. But not only his hate. There was a kind of insanity growing within him. Every word she spoke only increased the intensity of his negative feelings

-Lust Series Activated-

A combo got imprinted into his memory.

His spear changed to look the same as it did once before. Pure black with symbols of green running all over it. The tip of the spear, now sharper and longer than before with his whole body emanating a black aura.

He Held the spear upside-down vertically with both hands. He thrust it into the ground until the whole blade became invisible and only the handle could be seen. The blade buried itself within the ground so easily and smoothly, it seemed as if it phased through it.

"Envy Series -] Spear of Envy -] Chains of Leviathan"

Six grey and neatly polished chains sprouted from the ground within the ground. Each of them came out of a different spot with similar intervals like out of a hexagram. Four of the chains restrained her limbs. The other two wrapped themselves tightly around her head. The chains then pulled down and pinned her to the ground.

She could not move her body at all and her eyes flailed wildly. Her screams only grew louder and louder.


"Change Shield -] Lust Series"

HIs spear changed its shape. The handle became a lot thicker except the places he held it from. It grew many engravings of symbols on it. The blade was, again, completely black with the engravings emanating deep blue light. The blade on top was not visible currently.

The spear seemed to spread to his body forming a translucent deep-blue armor. That too had similar engravings as the spear.

He began to chant.

" Let this foolish sinner pay for her transgression with being impaled in the name of the devil! With nary time to scream, quench my never-ending thirst with your pain that flows in thy veins! Bloody Impalement!"

He finished chanting. The chains left the ground and floated in air. Malty's pained screams, clearly audible, resounded loudly in the open. The tight chains stretching and tearing apart her body. The floating chains made her stay in the air vertically.

The ground directly below her crumbled as a hot-red stake showed itself from the ground like a plant. The stake was of course not red but the intense heat within it make it red. It was a few centimeters in diameter with it growing thinner until a point at the top.

Malty's head was still stuck in place so she was unable to see it for flailed and screamed and cried but no avail.


Her plea was cut short as the burning hot stake left the ground and pierced her body from between her legs. It passed through her burning and tearing her from the inside out while giving her the pain of a lifetime. It passed through her entire torso, her head jerked back, and the stake escaped through her throat from the open mouth. Her body spasmed once, then all the strength escaped.

All happened in a moment and there was no chance for her survival. While dying too, Malty's last thought was exactly like the hypocritical narcissist she was-

How Unfair...

The large metal rod was bathed with red blood that overlapped itself over and over again. The setup stayed in place for a few seconds before disappearing in thin air. Her body and all the blood previously on the stake fell on the ground altogether. She lied within the pond of blood with her eyes open and staring at nothing.

If someone weak-hearted saw her, they would be terrified by the wounds and blood in itself. Seeing the method would most probably traumatize them. Her body seemed to be hanging on nothing but skin at the torso and the top of her head. If not for them, her body would be revealed to be divided in two.

Motoyasu took the spear out of the ground that had transformed back to its usual form. His balance flinched for a second but he immediately regained control. He physically was completely fine. His breathing was normal and the skill looked to have no repercussions. But that was only regarding his appearance.

The anger within him had been almost satisfied yet the insanity had grown exponentially. His eyes continuously watched the very dead Malty with hunger in his eyes. He was no longer the person he used to be. His past self would be scared in itself of turning into something like him.

The cause must have been pretty obvious to himself but he intentionally ignored it. Now, that the truth was covered by heavy clouds denser than ever, he could only hope to not get lost in them.

His curse series was slowly taking over him. His lust and envy growing without limit. With no one to help him find the truth within those clouds, no one to support him, and nobody to take care of him; all he could do is accept his dark self, those deep negative feelings alongside them.

He snapped out of his imagination and forcefully moved his eyes from Malty. He turned and bowed towards the supreme being. Ainz's subordinates had enlightened him that there was nobody with him in this world except him.

It was Ainz who captured the monster that tormented him and broke the monster to a limit that it swore fealty to him. It was Ainz who had helped him from the shadows whenever his traitorous allies were to betray him. It was Ainz that got him the one he had come to hate the was Ainz that promised him his body completely healed. It was Ainz that supported his weak self. Nobody else in the world was with him.

The only way he could repay his kindness was to follow him and help him in any way he could. He would become his servant, his slave, his friend, or an enemy; whatever it takes to help him.

If asked, Motoyasu would describe him as his own free will. That was half-correct. It was his own decision, granted he was under the influence of great anger, and two deadly curses that distorted his ways of thinking. He did not realize any of this, nor did he want to. He was tired of being used and thrown away. He wanted to help someone in reality for once.

He was ready to grant himself to Ainz. Yet his hunger was still not satisfied. He did not know how to calm down his feelings. Or he did. He could not tell himself. Yet deep within his heart, he knew what he wanted. He was still not done with the bitch Malty. He knew what he and his dark self desired.

It would not be wrong to say that he had almost become a monster at heart.

He knelt in front of Ainz for the first time in his life.

"Ainz-sama. I... I want to thank you for giving me this opportunity to avenge myself. I am deeply grateful. At the same time, I am terribly sorry for my past actions. I hope you forgive me."

"Umu. So, what is the last thing you desire? You were promised three things, two of whom had been fulfilled."

"My feelings are still not settled. I... Want you to resurrect her."

The Same Night

The stars glimmered wonderfully in the night sky.

There was truly a difference between reality and fantasy. Watching the sky, Ainz reminisced about the old days. How once, having such a clear sky free of pollution was nothing but a fantasy. And here he was now, already having traveled two worlds with such diversities because of a phenomenon he could not even explain.

It all seemed like a dream sometimes. But he knew, all of this was anything but a lie.

He sometimes wondered where his friends were? What they were up to? Were they fine? How are things on Earth?

But he didn't wish to go back to that world. He had those he cared for now. And those that cared for him. Even if things were hectic, times were peaceful. Yet-

"What Was That You Slut!"

"HUH, You Got A Problem You Fake Boobs!"

Yet- Those peaceful times too didn't last for long.

He was currently in a carriage heading towards the Rabier territory. It was a district famous for the procurement and selling of slaves. He was heading there on the request of all the demi-humans as one. They had quoted, " This is our last request to you. We will not ask anything else from you. Please let us do this."

Ainz particularly didn't care regarding their wish. Almost everyone in this world was weaker than average. Everyplace Ainz went was first scouted by Kashin Kojis, hanzos, or assassins. There were always escape paths ready. Guardians were always accompanied by five level-75 monsters outside of Nazarick at the least.

What was particularly tiresome was the journey. Everything on the excursions was far from normal. He was in a carriage with three people currently two of whom were extremely powerful entities having a verbal duel with each other.

The last was Raphtalia navigating the tour. Nothing was normal. Not even the carriage they were traveling on or the filolial pulling said carriage. The carriage was a normal carriage on the outside but had plenty of space in the inside.

The filolial was something else. The moment it had reached level-39, it transformed into a much larger version of itself as if evolution occurred. It's feather pure white. Even its stats had increased a little.

But, all in all, the filolial was the only one most cheerful of all of them right now. Filolials like her liked to pull carriages. The heavier the better.

They traveled at a mediocre pace and were still around five minutes away from their destination. Solution was currently traveling to another country with Sebas and Lupusregina Beta. As the spot on the party opened, Albedo jumped in to fill it. It was argued for some time but eventually, Ainz gave in when she agreed to always have her armor on.

Ainz was already very stressed about, everything. The waves, that woman, and most of all Demiurge's plan that just got complex with every step.

At many times Ainz was told by Demiurge to do whatever he deemed fit. Even after asking many times, his response had been the same stating that whatever he did would be the best course of action. The spear hero was currently in Nazarick under high surveillance.

Then came the leveling. That was the only thing that was going well. Ainz was currently at level-189 with his stats off the charts. Raphtalia was at level- 82. Their stats were-


HP- 100+

MP- 100+

Phy Atk- 35 (35+0)

Phy Def- 100+

Agility- 77 (40+37)

Mag Atk- 90 (90+0)

Mag Def- 100+

Resist- 95 (95+0)

Special- 100 (100+0)


HP- 2146

MP- 1598

Phy Atk- 910

Mag- 622

Agility- 1028

Def- 675

Within little time they would reach the max level. The demi-human army too had an average level of around 65.

Leaving that aside, Ainz suddenly received a message from one of the two assassins that were sent to investigate the forest beside the nearby towns. The forest was enormous and covered around the same area as the towns.

He shushed Albedo and Shalltear sitting across who immediately ceased all sound.

"What is it?"

"Ainz-sama. There is a very large filolial type monster who is easily able to overpower both of us assassins together. It was even able to see through our invisibility spell. It specializes in physical and magical attacks with speed faster than us. Its defense is currently unknown. Escape is currently not possible as there at least three-hundred fifty normal filolials following its command. What shall we do?"

Two level-49 assassins were currently facing someone and they were no match for the monster.

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