《The Overlord with the shield (Hiatus)》The Overlord with the Shield-Ch.9


Eh, where am I... What happened to Malty... Was that just a dream... Is this a dream... It has to be... Malty can't betray me... Aah, but where am I... But still what happened to Malty... But why am I worrying about a dream... It was a dream right?... Right?... Right?...

"Aaah!" Motoyasu's torso shot up. He sat up straight. His head was hazy as though he just got out of deep slumber .

It felt like he was on a strangely soft yet weird bed. Or was it the floor. He wasn't able to tell. He looked over the surroundings. He saw nothing, only complete darkness. But he could tell that this was not the forest, but some kind of room. There was complete silence except the rustling of, something like shells.

What a wierd dream that was. I hope that never happens. Well, I guess I will go find Malty. By the way, why is it so dark in the inn room? Even the windows are closed.

He tried to stand up but as his hands applied pressure on the ground, they dug into something. Perhaps immersed would be the right description. He felt those shell like things twitch in place over his hands. That gave him a gross feeling so he quickly retracted his hand.


A pitiful and girly scream escaped his throat. There was a roach resting on his hand, unmoving at that. Guess even heroes are helpless against such bugs. He frantically waved has hand and the roach went flying somewhere.


Once again he was surprised. But that was because suddenly a very bright light like LED had just lit up. Unable to bear the sudden brightness in the dark room, his eyelids closed themselves. The light concentrated at point in the room. He slowly opened his eyelids. What greeted him was a monster straight out of nightmares. This was the worst monster one could imagine. At least that were his thoughts for now. The opinion was bound to change.

"I am but a mere monster that resides in this forest. It is a pleasure to meet you. By the way, Spear hero they call you, yet you are the first to jump in to break the law. Quite contradictory don't you think?"

It was a giant cockroach around 30 centimeters long standing on two feet. It was draped in a grand-looking red cape edged with gold thread, and it wore a tiny gold-gleaming crown on its head. Its forelegs held a pure white scepter set with a gemstone.

"Wh-who are you?"

Motoyasu reached towards the spear on his back but what he felt was countless roaches surrounding said weapon rendering him unable to take it in his hands.

"I just said, didn't I? I am just a monster. Now then, your spear is quite interesting in the matter that it cannot be seperated from you. It clearly recognizes you as its master."

"Where is Myne? Where is this place? Let me go!" He clearly chose to ignore the monster's words and spouted his demands.

"You truly are stupid. One just simply doesn't let go of the prey they catch. And, given, WHAT YOU DI- Uhmm! Excuse me, it seems I got a little emotional. Anyways, you are just as thought to be. In that regards even an animal that lives on its instincts is better. My familiars have grown tired to eating each other so I hope you provide good nourishment."

"Hey. wait, what do you mean by that. I am the spea..."

His words were cut short as he was completely covered in the cockroaches in the room, inside and out.


On the tenth floor of Nazarick, in the throne room sat Ainz on his massive throne. Ahead of him were all the guardians including Victim, Pandora's Actor and pleiades. They all were kneeling in front of him and had faces full of regret. Demiurge and Albedo especially were very remorseful and were hesitant to even face their master.

"Stand up!" Ainz couldn't bear to see the NPCs in this manner. He didn't even know what the matter was that had caused them act like such.

All in front of him stood up with their heads facing downwards.

"What is the matter?"

"P-please forgive our incompetence. We, even the three greatest minds of Nazarick after you, were unable to judge the actions of that woman. Because of our mistake, you had to change the course of plan. We just weren't able to consider that she would go against the queen's orders in a matriarcy. We beg your forgiveness."

Demiurge went on one knee again. Others followed suit. Seeing all of them like this, Ainz was reminded again just how high he was held in their regards.

For a moment, he felt that this would be the perfect chance to reveal that he was not as smart as they thought. But, he denied that notion as it would be no different than trampling their expectations. But wouldn't that problem just grow the longer he hides it. He was unable to make the decision but in the end just decided to keep his image intact.

"Demiurge, what are you talking about. Don't I always tell you. Anyone is prone to making mistakes, be it me or you. It was my fault too that this happened. What is important is to learn from your mistakes. Now stand up."

"Thank you so much. You are truly kind."

All stood up yet again. Now the main issue was forming a new plan.

The plan was to use the girl to bait out the church. This would also help Ainz himself come into power. He had thought that by not killing the girl, the same plan could still be followed. But it was clear that Demiurge definetly had something else in mind.

"Its fine. Now, I suppose you already know which direction Nazarick will be heading too."

"It is an honor to know a little piece of your plan Ainz-sama ." His devilish smile returned to his face.

"Good work Demiurge. As expected of you. Now, listen to me clearly. Forward this moment, all the future tactics and plans are completely entrusted to Demiurge. Now then, explain your stratagem properly so that everyone present could understand."

Ainz felt a little guilty on pushing everything on Demiurge. But, on the other hand he was relieved that his mistakes won't create any problems for Nazarick anymore. Because of the NPCs misconception, the mistake with Shalltear had already happened. To avoid that, this would be the best choice as Demiurge's plans are very unlikely to have holes in them. He also didn't want to disappoint them by betraying their expectations.

Demiurge for one, trembled head to toe. His master had entrusted him with the future of Nazarick. This was the ultimate proof of his master's trust in him. Now that this was done, any mistakes were intolerable.

His voice trembled with excitement. He struggled to keep the desire to show his happiness under control.

"U-understood. Then, allow me to do so."

Demiurge turned his back towards him and faced the others.

"Ainz-sama's actions up till now were..."

Demiurge explained a new plan. Although the plan was different, what it led to was the same. Except there was one thing that Ainz had to change in the plan.


"Sasuga Demiurge. That plan is wonderful. Although, allow me to change one thing. There won't be only a single party, but two of them."

"Let me go."

"Huh? I can't hear you. Don't tell me you are so mesmerised by my beauty that you can't find your words. Ufufu."

Motoyasu was currently on the same spot Malty had once been, although he didn't know that. He had been stuck for what felt like eternity. Bouncing like a ball between the five rooms where he was tortured until the monsters were satisfied.

Going from being eaten alive inside out by countless cockroaches to becoming a temporary home for parasites, from being cruelly used as a plaything to having experienced pain in various ways, from being...what was it?... He couldn't remember. He was slowly losing his mind.

All he wanted to do was escape from this hell. All he wanted to do was go back to his party, to Myne. All he wanted was to become a hero and save this world and win the heart of girls. All he wanted to do was escape.

He envied the others. He envied Ren who was free to level up killing monsters and live in his own fantasy world. He envied Itsuki who was free to persue his dream of becoming a hero of justice. He even envied that Momon who earlier had the power to do whatever he wanted, no matter what.

He envied those who lived as they pleased. He envied those who had everything with them. He envied their freedom. He envied their happiness. He envied them. He envied them so bad. He envied them so bad he would do anything to get what they had. He didn't care about anything anyomore.

All he knew was that he was jealous. Jealous of others' success, fame, power, happiness, everthing, yes, he envied eveything. He wanted to steal their happiness from them. Why is it that he is the only one suffering? Why is it only him? Why can't he get what others had? Why can't he be free? Why only he has to be with these horrific monsters? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why?

He too, wanted Myne to be his own. He too, wanted fame. He too, wanted girls to flock over him. He too, wanted to have anything he wanted. He too, wanted to be loved by others. He too, wanted to fulfill his desires. He too... Wanted to... fulfill his lechery.

Note- Conditions fulfilled to unlock Envy Series

-Envy Series Unlocked-

Note- Conditions met to unlock Lust Series

-Lust Series Await Activation-

His vision was blurred and this notification arrived. The surroundings were dyed with ever-changing colors.

Aah, what is this? Envy? Lust? Aah, I don't care. I just wanna go back. Aah, those fucking lucky bastards. I will kill them. Taking what ought to be mine. Having what I don't. Having what I should have too.

"Oyaa... It seems like our time together is over. I hope you come to visit again. Aah, I almost forgot. I have to give you a parting gift too."


The monster in front of him produced a very thin and long rod. Its diameter was comparable to the tip of a needle. He immediately understood what that was for. That was worse than a nightmare for him.

"NO! NOO! Stop it! Please! Anything but that! Please! Anything but that! Please"

He didn't have enough strength to even retaliate. He was hardly provided with any nutrition. He could only see the monster approach him and insert the rod.

His throat hurt so much from screaming that it was not able to produce any more sounds. All he could do was clennch his teeth and tighten his muscles as his "Parting Gift" was given to him. The previous days in this hell had made him a little tolerant to pain but it still hurt so much that he would rather die. At the same time he didn't want to die. He wanted to go back, to Myne. He wanted to...


"Aah. Where am I?"

His whole body hurt. He didn't have any power left within him. He tried to move but couldn't. It felt as if he was being carried somewhere. There were occational bumps like on an offroad track. His head ached every time the carrier hit the back of his head.

He slowly opened hs eyes thinking about the hell that awaited him. But he was not greeted by the sight of the dark ceiling or the big trees in the deep forest. He saw the sun shining brightly upon the blue sky. He was met with the fresh smell of Earth along with cold air trickling on his skin.

"S-spea... o. I'm gl... Outskirts... ungle... ank God... re fine... worse t... oomed."

He was only able to make out pieces of what was being spoken. His ears were ringing loudly and his senses were being weird. He didn't know where he was or where he was being taken. He felt his consciousness fade as he fell into deep sleep.


In an exquisite room in the castle of Melromarc, the light of the morning sun reached in through the windows. In one corner of the room was a single bed. On it lay Motoyasu, sleeping, as he had been since the past seven days.

Finally it was the time for him to get out of his slumber. His eyelids gradually opened as he made a groaning voice. His limbs still pained a bit but the pain was still bearable. He raised himself and sat up on the bed. He moved his eyes to his hands to see them completely bandaged. His head still ached a little. He brought his hands to his face and just there for a moment.

He noticed that he was wearing the undershirt he wore under his armor.

Someone might have removed the armor. Thats right. We went into the forest. Is Myne all right...

He moved his hips a bit in attempt to move but it hurt like hell. He let out a loud groan. The pain was not in his legs or femur but in his crotch. He had a bad premonition as he remembered the words spoken by that monster.

Shit! Shit! Shit! I will kill you, you monster. To do this to me. I won't forgive you.

Maybe someone had heard him before, and he heard a knock on the door.

"C-come in."

The door shot open and a maid came inside. She had fair skin and blonde hair. She had a worried look on her face.

"Spear hero! Are you alright? You had been sleeping since last week."

"Y-yeah. Leave that aside. Myne! Is Myne safe? Myne went into the forest with me. Is she still there? I have to find her."

The maid felt silent as the emotions went away from her face. After brief silence she responded in a silent tone.

"The princess is safe and has returned. Now, please wait here as I report your well being to the king."

"Ah. I'm glad. Okay."

She turned around and left the room closing the door behind her. Motoyasu was relieved that she was fine.

He slowly went into the washroom clenching his teeth trying not to let out a scream in pain.

After 15 minutes, he heard a knock on the door.

He went to the door and poked his head out. It was the same maid as before.

"Hey, beautiful. What is the matter?"

"The king has requested your presence within an hour. Please proceed there as soon as you can."

"Oh, okay. I will be there. Also, could you please send for a healer and, uh, a, someone to, uh, clean the washroom. There is, uhh, a little, too much, blood."



The door to the throne room opened. Ren and Itsuki were present too with contemplating faces. The king sat on his throne. For some reason, upon seeing them, he felt a unexplainable emotion along with an urge to hurt them. He suppressed his unrealistic desires.

Malty was standing behin the king and had a small horizontal scar on her left cheek that looked to be extended from the lips. Her face was pretty nonetheless but she must have been conscious about it as it was supposedly a 'blemish on her perfect face'. There were a few more light marks that seemed to be almost healed.

The minsiters in the room were not many in number considering their numbers were reduced some time before.

He dragged himself in front of the king hiding his pain. He didn't want to reveal his embarassing injury in front of everyone. On seeing Malty, she did not appear to be severly injured but he wasn't able to tell. She was leaning on the throne with a sad expression on her face.

"Myne. I'm glad. I'm glad you are alright. I thought..."

"KEEP QUIET Spear Hero!" The king seemed to be in a bad mood.


"How dare you betray my daughter."

"HAAH? Betray? What are you talking about?"

"Do you not even remember that? You had dared to leave her and escape the forest alone but also had the audacity to laugh at her. Just how evil are you?"

Betray? What is he- Did she see the same thing as me? That monster!

"LAUGH? What are you talking about? On the contrary, I too saw Myne betray me as she hit the back of my head. It has to be the work of a monster. That's right. Its the work of the monster that did this to us."

"Don't you dare say that my daughter backstabbed you. And after she put so much trust in you. First the devil of the shield and now you. Just how rotten could you be.."

I didn't do it. But, the reason she is saying that must be because of that devil. After she put her trust in me after being betrayed. Anyone will be scared.

"W-wait! Please believe me! I didn't do it. I saw the same thing as Myne. It has to the work of the monster. See, if I escaped both of us wouldn't have been injured."

"Do you really want me to believe that? You left Malty behind and tried to escape but were caught by the same monster. This does not change the fact that you betrayed my daughter. You shall be punished for the same."


The double doors of the room thrust open. Many guards entered the room and between them was a lady with long purple hair, wearing a royal gown..

"My Queen!?" "Mama!?"

Everyone present stood up, without exception. She moved ignoring all of them and sat on the throne beside the king. She seemed to be in somewhat of a hurry.

"That is enough. I shall be taking over for today."

"Y-yes! But, what has caused you to come here, my queen?"

"You have alreay caused quite a few problems and I am here to sort them out. I have pardoned the international delegations for this matter and will be leaving as soon as possible.

Let us begin. I suppose introductions are in order. I am the queen of Melromarc, Mirellia Q. Melromarc. I am the rightful monarch of this country. It is a pleasure to meet you, The Cardinal Heroes.

Then, first things first. Spear Hero, what happened to you and Malty was quite unfortunate. But, I suppose Malty is at fault here."

"My queen. What are you saying? This hero betrayed Malty and left her in the monsters' jaws in the forest."

"Is that so. Let's see... Malty?"

"Y-yes, Mama!"

"Did you or did you not meet one of the shadows the day you went into the forest."

"Cheh! Yes, I did."

"What did they tell you?"

"T-they told us to not go into the forest. But, Spear hero then persuaded them to let us proceed claiming that he will kill the monsters in there."

"Then lets ask them ourselves. Come out."

From behind one of the pillars, a shadow revealed herself from hiding.

"Your majesty."

"Descibe the events as they took place."

"Yes. It wasn't the spear hero who insisted on going into the forest. It was the princess. She didn't pay heed to our warnings and convinced her party to continue."

"Sh-she is lying."

"She has no reason to do so. Anyways, setting that matter aside, the forest was forbidden for reasons. But your party decided to proceed anyways. It is the collective responsibilty of every member to make decisions. So, no one but the whole party can be held responsible. Now I have been told that the last member's whereabouts are still unknown, so nothing can be done about that.

Secondly, no one in the party betrayed anyone. It was the monster's tactics to create distrust between comrades.

I had left my work to come visit but upon reaching, this is what I am welcomed with.

Malty! As of now, you are no longer permitted to work as an adventurer. You are to drop your adventurer name Myne and are to stay at the castle."

Malty got teary-eyed immediately and pleaded to the queen.

"B-but Mama! You are being too cruel! Thats unfair."

"My queen. What are you-"

"It is the final decision."

In Motoyasu's mind, he was thinking how it was his fault that he wasn't able to protect Malty. And how, because of him Malty wouldn't be able to continue to chase adventuring. He didn't want that at all...

"Wait! Your majesty."

"Huh? Do you have something to say, Spear Hero."

"It wasn't Myne's fault. She was first assaulted and almost raped by that devil, Momon, whom she put her trust in. It must have shaken her to the core. And not even after two weeks, a monster showed her the sight of being betrayed yet again by someone she chose to trust. She must be a mess inside. Please allow her to continue to be in my party. It was my fault in the first place that I wasn't able to protect her."

She stared intently at him for a while and let out a heavy sigh.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. Myne is my comrade and it is my duty to take care of her. Please allow it."

"Haah. I see. I shall allow her to continue being with you. But, please consider twice before breaking any laws the next time. You being a hero does not exempt you from punishments. This time too, you would not have left unpenalized if not for your already bad condition.

Malty! King! I expect to meet you both in my room after an hour. We need to discuss some things."

"Yes! My queen"

"Cheh! Yes! I understand."

"Now, Spear Hero. The other heroes too, please take some rest. You need to leave for your journey as soon as possible. More than two weeks have already passed and the waves draw near. No time must be wasted."

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