《Curses》29. Some fun


Within ten minutes they apologized to us and let us out. Tyler is still shaking as we walk to a bench. We just sit for a little while before Tyler finally speaks. “What just happened?”

“That my friend is the benefit of power.”

“You nearly killed 3 of their people and they just let you go?” Tyler says exasperated.

“First, that spell can’t kill. It just eats at the heath pool. I’m assuming that you know how health works.”

“Of course I know, it heals your injuries quickly. The cost is based on how bad the wound is. I’ve even heard, if you have enough health, it can bring you back from the dead.” Tyler says the last part in a whisper as if scared to be overheard.

“Well it can bring you back but the cost is huge. I think it was 1,000 heath to do that, depending on the type of death.”

Tyler’s jaw slackens and he looks at me, eyes full of wonder. “Really, you can come back from the dead?”

“An Arch-Cleric could do it for 2,000 mana if you died within 10 minutes of them finding you. But back on topic, what happened was I proved that I was too big a threat to deal with so casually. Luckily for me, we’re in a backwater Tower entrance so they didn’t have any tier 2s watching it.”

“What would have happened if there was a tier 2?” Tyler asks, worry in his voice.

“Anywhere from death to imprisonment,” I say casually.

“WHAT!” Tyler yells into my ear, bolting straight up.

“Calm down, it didn’t happen did it?” I say while forcing Tyler back down onto the bench. “Now they won’t come to us for anything less than murder here. It’s not worth the risk to fuck with us now.”


Tyler calms down a little bit and looks at me. “Why did you do that?” he asks sincerely.

I take a moment to get my thoughts in order before speaking. “I don’t like people pushing me around. It goes against the core of who I am. While most would say I went too far, I did what I had to do to get what I wanted.”

“Is this kinda stuff going to keep on happening?”

I pause, debating if I should tell Tyler the truth. In the end, I chose to. “Yes.”

Tyler looks at the Tower entrance for a solid minute before talking. “Then what are we waiting for? Let's slay some monsters.” Tyler says while getting off the bench.

Agreeing we head towards the entrance for the second time today. For the first time today, we actually get to the entrance. Selecting party then floor 3 we start our climb.

This floor looks a lot like floors 1 and 2 but the main difference is the smoothness of the walls. The walls on floors 1 and 2 are rough and unshaped, while on floor 3, well there not much better but they are better.

The goblins on this floor have some armor pieces and a longer knife. When we find our first group Tyler looks at me and says “Watch this.” then looks towards the goblins and says “{First Step of The Giant}.” and disappears and reappears in the middle of the goblin group. The goblins cry out in shock then pain as they get blasted back by a shock wave. Tyler stands in the middle of where the group once was and now is a crater.

“Never say watch this, It lowers the success rate of anything you do,” I say as Tyler dispatches the stunned goblins.


“Really?” Tyler says with some surprise. “Because that went really well.”

“Well it doesn’t really affect it but that’s my catchphrase.”

Tyler laughing walks off to find a new group leaving me scrambling after him. Which is pretty easy thanks to the +10 I got to every stat.

Tyler repeats his actions for the next hour or so as I make a new spell, {Zip Zap - Deals 18 lightning damage to the chosen target within 30 meters - Mana cost 20 mana - Created By Scholar of the First Curse Zain}, which is fucking cool. I made the chant ‘Zippity zappity your heart is about to stoppity’ and the hand motions or motion, in this case, is a finger gun. Then lighting even comes out of your finger, fucking amazing. I tried it out a couple of times on some of the goblins Tyler has been throwing around.

*ZAP* Tyler turns around just in time to see a bolt of lightning come from my finger and connect with a downed goblin. It convulses on the ground, clearly not set up to have fucking lightning resistance.

Tyler looks at me with awe. “Did you just have lightning come out of your goddamn finger!”

Putting my finger next to my mouth and blowing on it, I respond. “Yep, pretty cool right?”

Tyler bows to me. “Teach me O’wise one.”

Laughing, we hunt some more goblins.







Tyler and I hide behind a corner and look at the upgraded hobgoblin. It has armor now, metal armor. Tyler looks at me and gives the signal, a wink. I step out and the hobgoblin focuses on me. I point my finger and say the only words a true man of magic can. “Zippity zappity your heart is about to stoppity.” Lightning flashes from my finger and into the hobgoblin. Tyler walks out and says the less cool line of “{First Step of The Giant}.” Tyler moves even faster than my bolt did, appearing behind the hobgoblin, the shock wave knocking to its knees then Tyler stabs it through the heart. The hobgoblin fall to the ground dead, it never had a chance.




Tyler and I look at each other and fall to the floor laughing. The hobgoblin turns in to loot with a puff of smoke.

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