《Unkillable Will》Part 2, Chapter 1 – I woke up again


Danger. Before I had woken up, I felt it.

But I don't move. I stay still and hope for the best.

“The end is already here anyways”, i think to myself

The pressure in every inch of my body, was it always this hard to breathe?

my chest stopping something from getting out, but what?

my muscles, being constantly being strained inwards

my head, but needles digging in

no body part would react, no matter what i did, i was but a doll, I realized my body isn’t responding at all.

arms chained down-

like they were sewn to the floor

Pushing myself to stand up-

but the weight of someone sitting on me keeping me down

Forcing my legs to move-

but the weakness is as if they had never moved before.

My body can’t react, like my being wasn't real.

My eyes open, I can see unending pairs of green eyes from every direction, all looking at me , as if there was something I could not see , judging me.

Were my actions until now something to judge?, was it something that could be evaluated?.

‘I can’t be valued’

I try to say with a weak voice, up until now my life has been nothing but experiences, like reading a book, and not being able to change the outcome of the story.

I feel disgusted.

My body is shaking, but I am not afraid.

I close my eyes,

‘this feels wrong’ ,

because i know this is not where i end,

‘I am not meant to be here yet’

‘There is someone i must drag here with me’

These are my last thoughts, my consciousness fades away.


The light from the sun shines on my face, too bothered to move I simply use my hand to cover my eyes, but I know I will have to move on from here soon.


The calmest few seconds are so relaxing, I wish it could last forever, but why would it?.

I raise my right arm, reaching for the sun, and from the gaps in between my fingers I see the dirt coming off from my hand, it’s almost entirely covered in earth.

Then I start to remember, to remember it all, and it hurts.

My right arm falls, expecting it to just fall onto the dirt, I feel it land on metal .

But no sound

I stand.

Walking through hills of corpses, as if looking for something worse, Instead all I can see is just metal,an ocean of scraps, I should be relieved.

The sun shines beautifully in the few uncovered spots between the metal which are dirtied in mud, only after giving more attention, I notice rats eating the corpse of a pilot.

Stepping forward I kick at the rats, scared they run away.

Moving this body to a better place feels like a duty, with a sigh I grab onto her arm and fold it around the back of my head, I know where to go…

Numb to sound I begin walking down a path that has been made through plenty of use, I kneel down and drop the body, this will be the last time.

I grab some dirt, with my bare hands, and start to cover her corpse with it, I can barely recognise that it's her. If it weren't for the helmet I would be clueless of even the gender, but I am certain it's her, even if I can't recognize any part of the body, it has to be her. After her entire body is covered I place the helmet I grabbed from her on top of the makeshift grave.

She was Alma. Remembering her only brought me agony, she was the one that got out of her way to help me, through my stupid mistakes it was her that silently helped me fix them, next to her was Moln, the one that enjoyed giving me the hardest time since to him everyone was fun to tease.


Alma really liked Moln, but was too scared to ruin the team by admitting her feelings, now she will never get her chance.

Her little brother Clark who was the little brother of everyone. Clark’s best friend John, who’s calm temper made everyone feel at ease, he always kept to himself but his silence spoke for him, at the most dangerous times he would always put himself in between the problem and the one suffering, it was something we all learned too late, he was the first to die.

To think of them all here together one last time, my tears finally start to appear.

I don’t feel anything from them, nothing.

But that doesn't mean I can't feel my own.

They were my only escape from this harsh world, and now they were all gone.

These 4 corpses were my family, next to them were 2 empty graves, one for someone I would bring here myself under any circumstances, and the other one after I accomplish my goal.

But I am disturbed in my mourning, the sounds from far away start to finally enter my ear.

No they were always there, but I just couldn't hear.

Some sounds like thunder, some of unstoppable forces hitting into each other.

One of scarring anguish, sounds far too familiar to my ears.

So I turn towards it, but there is nothing but mountains of metal

I begin to walk towards my goal.


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