《Smith-Knight》Road To Gorz Arc, Chapter 8: And A Mage Appears!
After everything that went down at Tolpeak, Blake's party had been going at a lazy yet brisk pace per Blake's orders as the de facto leader of the party. Which came with some nagging from two of the Smith-Knight's companions; the first was Saffire, the Dragon, and the newest addition to the group, who was still a little distrusting of Blake. While the other opposing party member was Rena, the Fairy, who just found any reason to let out her loud voice despite her size, especially when it came to Blake telling her what to do.
Granted on the part of the two girls, they were by no means late on their way towards Gorz and had traded the rocky highs of Tolpeak for some flatter and grassier plains as they neared a small farm village named Gardel in a few hours or so.
"Hey? Scaleless? Why are you staring at me so much?" Saffire asked, sitting at the table inside the cart and staring at Blake opposite her.
"..." Who was staring intently at her while he was drinking some tea ever-so-often. "...I was just wondering why you don't wear clothes is all..." Blake answered, taking a sip of his tea with his eyes still fixed on Saffire. "...Not that I have a problem with it or anything; in fact, it's a nice view from here." He smiled only to have a fireball tossed at him, hitting him right in the face. "Hot! Hot! Hot!" Now he was running around the inside of the cart until Mari came by with a bucket of water to put him out. "Thank you, Mari."
"Tsk, you have one perverted mind...but if you really want to know? All of the clothes I used to wear either got burnt or ripped when I transform so I don't wear anything, besides my scales are enough for me," Saffire answered, crossing her arms under her chest which pushed them up a bit. "Huh?" Which brought the unwanted attention of Blake, staring at her two scale covered orbs while nodding to himself. "I answered you! Scaleless! So stop already!" Saffire growled, covering her entire body in red scales even her face and was shifting partly into her Dragon form.
"Oh, come on! It's not like I'm gonna jump you in your sleep..." Blake insisted, waving his hands in the air nearly spilling his tea. "...Plus you aren't the only girl I can go after..." Blake muttered, giving a side glance to Risabeel who was reading Blake's bestiary while in one of the hammocks. "Oh, yea? And you only call me 'Scaleless' does that mean anything to Dragons?"
"Ugh?" Saffire made a surprised face then quickly composed herself after Blake gave her a look. "Oh? It's just something you would call someone who's small and weak, and needs some protection..." She answered in a quiet voice unlike her usual growling or headstrong one, playing around with her fingers.
"Aww, you wanna protect me! You're so sweet Saffi-Oh shit!" Blake ducked down as Saffire threw another fireball at him thankfully it when out a window, meaning there wasn't going to be another 'fire drill' today. "Now, if you would kindly excuse me, I'm gonna go check on Lu and Rena before I get something else thrown at me." He added, taking an extra cup of tea with him then when outside to the driver's seat. "Hey, Lu! I got you some tea and let me take over for a bit." Blake dropped down next to Lu and held out the cup.
"Ah, thanks, Blake." Lu traded Nash's reins for the cup and took a sip then sniffed the air around Blake. "Hmm, was something burning inside?" He asked, looking at Blake then back inside the cart.
"Oh, Saffire just tried to light me on fire again, you know girl trouble, I'm sure you know all about that pretty well with Rena, huh?" Blake answered, jabbing his elbow into Lu's side but noticed that the little Fairy wasn't in her usual spot on either Lu's shoulders or head. "Speaking of which where is our loud-mouthed gnat anyway?"
"Hmm? She wanted to go check out some of the local plants to add some to my arsenal." Lu answered, taking a few more sips of his tea while his ears moved around here and there only stopping when he heard something from the distance, and his long ears went straight up. "Blake, I think something is coming our way...?"
"What?! I hope it isn't that Demon kid again." Blake groaned, looking around for what Lu was hearing. After what happened at Tolpeak Blake told Lu and Rena about Valac, the Demon that had attacked his hometown and is after Risabeel for some reason. "Hmm? Are you sure I don't really se-OWW!" The next thing Blake knew was him getting smacked in the forehead by Rena who was flying at top speed for whatever crazy reason.
"Ugh!" Rean slid off of Blake's head in a daze, but luckily she was caught in the smith's hands. "Ow! Ow! Ow! Man! Your head is harder than it looks! Blake! You Jerk!" Rena whined, throwing a small tantrum in Blake's hands after coming to, now kicking and screaming.
"Here you deal with this, please." Blake tossed Rena into Lu's tea then started rubbing his forehead. "Damn, for something so small, you sure pack one hell of a punch." He added, feeling a small bump growing on his head.
"~Ahhhhh~! This is so nice!" Rena, on the other hand, was having a relaxing time in Lu's tea sinking deeper into it, which made the Elf hold his cup at arm's length.
"Could you at least tell us why you came in like an arrow?" Lu asked, looking around for anything out of place but didn't see a thing.
"Yep! I found something really, really, really, COOL!" Rena answered, jumping out of the cup and flapped her wings to dry herself off. "Follow me!" She cheered and zoomed off in a flash of green.
"Hey! Hold on! Not so fast!" Blake tried, calling out to the buzzing Fairy but she was already gone. "Damn, Nash! Follow that Fairy!" So all he could do was crack Nash's reins and followed a green trail of dust that Rena left behind her which lead them to a small open field.
The 'really, really, really COOL!' thing Rena was going on about was a set of large stone structures such as walls, pillars, archways, with a building at the center of the field that was maybe two stories at most. Both it and the surrounding structures had bits and pieces taken out of them making all of it seem out of place in the wilds.
"...Well, you don't see that every day, hmm?" Blake muttered as they got closer to the ruins and jumped off the cart to have a look around the place finding Rena floating near the building in the middle. "So this what you wanted to show us, huh? Some ruins of...whatever this is?"
"Yep! I was just going on my way when this place caught my eye!" The Fairy cheered as she flew around the place a little. "I think it might be a dungeon! And that means sweet loot for taking on the inside! Hehe!" She snickered while rubbing her hands together a few times looking more like a greedy Imp than a kindhearted Fairy. "So come on! Open it! NOW!" She ordered at Blake and Lu, making them shake their heads.
"Hey, guys! Come help us get into this thing!" Blake called out to the inside of the cart and out came Risabeel, Saffire, and Mari.
"What the hell is that thing, Scaleless?" Saffire asked, walking up to one of the walls of the ruins and tapped it with her knuckle. "..." And caused the whole thing to crumble. "Meh, it's just a pile of rocks, right?" She muttered, shrugging her shoulders, and moved on to something else.
"Hmm? But this is odd? Even though most of the stones have been broken off this place, it doesn't seem that old." Lu pointed out, checking some of the rocks around the ruins.
"Really, what makes you say that?" Rena asked, sitting on one of Lu's shoulder now.
"It's because of the coloration of the stone and the number of plants growing on them," Lu answered, picking up a rock off the ground then looked it over. "Hmm?" He saw that it only had the tiniest bit of moss and weeds growing on it. "You see if this place was left by itself for a long time, then there should be more plants growing around and small animals would be using it as a shelter, but there aren't any...in fact from what my ears are telling me the animals around here are avoiding it."
"Hmm?" Blake also guessed that these ruins weren't really ruins, from what his work as a smith told him; something damaged most of the stuff here, not age or the elements. "...So what you're saying is this place was put here by someone or something and just left it but..." Blake started, tapping on one of the walls and some of it fell off like it did for Saffire. "...It's still in pretty bad shape almost like it fell out...of...the...sky?" He looked at Risabeel who got what he was saying.
"Sir Blake, could this be a part of the castle that you found me in!?" She asked now curiously inspecting every inch of the ruins until she held her head low after she got to the main building. "I can not find a way inside." She whimpered, putting her hood over her head.
"Hey, don't worry! I found a way in the first time around, we'll figure it out soon enough," Blake assured Risabeel, patting her on the head to get her to look up at him. "I promise."
"Hmm, hmm, hmm, then allow ME to do as the young lady wishes!" Came from an unfamiliar voice, causing Blake and Lu to jump back putting the girls behind them and they all looked up at the top of the ruins were the voice came from.
Standing there was a young man that looked no older than the age of 20. He had short wavy lavender colored hair and above his blue eyes were his very short yet thick dot styled eyebrows. He wore a long high-collared purple robe with golden stars near the ends of his sleeves and collar, under his robe was a white button-up dress shirt with a leather vest over it and a pair of dark purple pants, as for footwear he had a pair of black curly-toed shoes. Finally around his waist were multiple belts and strapped to them were two large books. The one on his right was yellow, and the left one was brown.
"Have no fear for..." He jumped down from the ruins and before landing he slowed his fall somehow landing gracefully in a kneeling position. "...I am the Great Mage, Nathan!" He announced, standing up with a smug look on his face, then he turned around to point a thumb at the back of his robe which had the emblem of a golden apple held by a pair of hands. "Of Le Fay School of Magic!"
Le Fay School of Magic: Well known and highly prestigious school for the magically entuned of Laudonia, the school was established right after the kingdom was founded and quickly became the kingdom's main proving grounds for magic users. Le Fay welcomes anyone with the smallest bit of magical power, training them to grow their ability and use it to protect and better their kingdom.
Le Fay's influence stretches far and wide with many smaller branches in and around Laudonia, while the main school rests safely behind the walls of the capital city, Gorz where only the best of the best are allowed to attend, leaning under some of the greatest users of magic in the world.
The school focuses on the usage of spellbooks to cast and control the power of spells, with most students starting with basic spells, such as slight levitation, mana control, and some offensive and defensive spells. Once these are put in place, spellcasters can move on to gaining spellbooks that match their 'Affinity' towards one of the multitude types of magic which go beyond merely aligning one's self with an element like fire or water but can include an Affinity strictly towards fortune-telling or enchantment magic.
The stronger a caster grows, the stronger the power and level of spells they can cast. Once they have mastered a spellbook of their Affinity, they can then use its spells without the needed book and move on to the next spellbook of spells that shares their Affinity or write one of their own.
"Huh? You're just a mage? Not even a wizard? Wow, useless..." Blake muttered unimpressed with Nathan's grand entrance and introduction. The smith had met quite a few magic users while he was training with Reiner and never liked any of them since most spell-slingers only ever wanted some weird research tool made out of rare Ore, sure the pay was good, but it just felt wrong when someone came in asking for a magnifying glass made out of Unicorn Ore.
"Now let's figure out how to get in here," Blake declared, walking right past Nathan followed by everyone else.
"Did all of them just ignore me?" Nathan thought, trying his best not to show his embarrassment as he stood there like a poll. "*Ahem*..." He coughed to get them to look his way. "...now then, have no fear! I will break the seals of this locked door and allow us entrance!" He proclaimed with a great deal of pride in his voice as he went for the brown spellbook at his side, which looked like a simple yet thick leather-bound book with magical diagrams on the cover, at the bottom of it was 'Advance Mana Control' written in some glowing letters.
"Hmm? Really? A useless mage like you can do that?" Blake asked, taking some time to look at Nathan now and his eyes fell on the second book at his waist. "What kind of firepower are you rocking with that?"
Nathan let out a sigh at Blake's question turning to the smith with a dull look in his eyes. "Hmph, as usual, you simple minded fools always look to the more violent things in the world." The mage dryly muttered as he shook his head.
"Hey! I could snap you like a twig! You know that, right!" Blake warned, getting into Nathan's face and took hold of the mage's collar.
"Yes, yes, I can clearly see that...now let go please," Nathan admitted, wanting to take back his words as it felt like Blake would try to toss him into the stone door. "But I shall humor you since teaching others what they don't know is my pleasure." He took out his yellow spellbook and showed it off to Blake. The book's cover was decorated with lightning bolts coming out of a black cloud with some glowing letters that read; Sparkling Stikes of Boa. "This happens to be a book of lightning magic that I loaned from one of my teachers...now leave me to my work will you." He waved a hand at Blake, turning back to the door of the dungeon.
"Huh, lightning magic? Pretty strong." Blake nodded a few times watching Nathan work, but his attention was soon pulled away from the mage when he saw Nash poking his nose at a bush next to the ruins. "Hey, bud, what's got you bugged?" Walking over to Nash, Blake found a large stone anvil that looked exactly like the one he and Nash found in Dron Forest. "Well, if it worked back there, then it should work now!" Blake cheered, taking out his hammer and held it up high. "Open up!" He smashed it down on the anvil, and in the next moment, the door to dungeon began to open. "Heh, who needs a book when you've got a strong arm!"
"What!? How?! But!? Who?!" Nathan went back and forth between his book, Blake and the anvil. "Who in their right mind would make such an idiotic way of opening a door!?" He yelled, getting an echo from the inside of the dungeon.
"Someone who knows how to deal with useless mages, like you," Blake answered, walking passed Nathan and into the doors of the dungeon. "..." Looking around the inside, he saw some stairs that went down deeper with torches lighting the way. "Hmm? Alright! Everyone looks like we'll be taking on a dungeon today!" He declared to everyone then stared at Nathan. "Soooo? What's your story useless mage?"
"I am not useless! In fact, I am one of the greatest students of Le Fay!" Nathan yelled, pointing at Blake with a small bit of mana on the tip of his finger. At this point, he was getting very tired of the way this man was treating him. "*Ahem* but since you asked I have been traveling around Laudonia searching for ruins and dungeons such as this one to find rare, old and or powerful tomes of magic."
"Oh, that's sound pretty cool, so I'm guessing that those aren't the only two books you got right?" Blake asked, taking a genuine interest in Nathan now, but sadly, Nathan turned away from him suddenly. "Huh?"
"Well, uhm? I haven't exactly found anything of worth as of yet? Until today...that is...?" Nathan muttered embarrassingly, after weeks of searching and multiple failures at finding anything that was even worth his time this was his first big break. "Wait a second? Why I am answering this fool!?" He thought and wheeled around to Blake and wanted to ask the smith some questions for his own, but a hand was held out towards him. "Huh?"
"I'm Blake, and I'm on a journal to be the greatest blacksmith out there..." Blake introduced himself then pointed a thumb over to Risabeel who was peeping into the ruins along with Saffire and Mari. "...And also to help Risabeel over there get her memories back at some point."
Nathan gave Risabeel an examining look and nodded. "Hmm? Interesting, you have both a Demon and a Dragon at your side along with an Elf and a Fairy." He said, putting a hand under his chin to think a little. "Interesting? Very Interesting, indeed?"
"Interesting? Yea, that's about right, but with girls around me, Mari does get a litt-WAIT!?! How did you know Risabeel was a Demon!?" Blake yelled out when Nathan's words hit him and gave the mage a suspicious glare. "Is this guy that brat in disguise?"
"Hmm, hmm, hmm, simple! Because of my training at Le Fay, I can sense another being's mana and tell what race they belong to as clear as day...hmm?" Nathan answered with his hands on his hips while he gave Blake a look over. "...and you seem to have some of her and that Dragon's mana mixing with your own, interesting? Very Interesting? We may have something in common smith...but that is a thought for a later date." He added before making his way down into the dungeon without waiting for Blake or the others. "Goodbye, Blake, I shall try not to take all of the loot for myself! Hmm, hmm, hmm!" Nathan smiled up at Blake and snapped his fingers to conjure up a ball of light to guide his way down the rest of the dungeon's pathways.
"Well! Someone likes acting high and mighty! Even though I'm the one who opened the damn door!" Blake yelled down at Nathan, but the mage had already disappeared into the depths of the dungeon. "Alright! Girls! Let's suit up and go after that guy! NOW!" He yelled, turning to Risabeel and Saffire but the look in his eyes said he wanted to go after Nathan more than explore the dungeon itself.
"Right!" Risabeel instantly turned into a sword and got caught by Blake.
"Next!" The smith turned to Saffire, waiting for her to change.
"Grrr! I hate this so much!" Saffire growled, walking behind Blake and wrapped her arms around his neck, pressing up against him. "You're enjoying this, aren't you?"
"Whatever do you mean, my fiery friend?" Blake mocked, turning his head a little to see Saffire glaring at him. "Oooh! I love it when you d-!" At that moment Saffire turned into a pillar of fire, and once she settled, Blake was now in his Dragon armor. "Toasty, hey Lu, you and Rena all set?"
"Of course, we are, and this time we'll be badasses!" Rena boasted, standing on top of Lu's head before driving down into the arrow quiver and stuck her head out a little. "Forward my great and beautiful fortress! Bahahaha!"
"Well, that should answer for both of us," Lu shook his head while Rena kept on laughing and got his bow ready for action.
"Cool, Mari, you stick to my side," Blake called out, and Mari appeared right next to him. "Good, now if anything bad happens, just find someplace to hide and cheer us on." He told his little sister and playfully rubbed her head. "And Nash?"
"?" The horse looked up from the grass he was eating and stared at Blake for his orders.
"You stay here. I need someone to watch the cart, okay?" Blake told the horse and untied him from the cart, and Nash let out a happy neigh as he ran around a little. "Good! Now, let's hit this dungeon!"
Chapter End
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