《The Skywalker Chronicles》Chapter 15


When I got back to the house, the girls where already eating. The chairs have been rearranged slightly and Charlee was now sitting in the chair next to mines. Her face was plastered with a giant grin. I leaned my burdens against the wall and held up the rabbit out by its ears to show my catch. Charlee hopped out of her seat and snatched the rabbit and brought it over to the counter. I looked to Willow and she had her head down staring at her bowls of food. Charlee was back and dragging my arm towards my chair while I watch Willow.

I sat down as we approached and Charlee slid her grip from my forearm to my hand. “So are you two married now?” I heard Willow spitting her food out and turn to look her way when a glob of mush landed on my cheek. Willow rushed over to wipe my face with her napkin while I stayed frozen. Our eyes met and we both blushed simultaneously. Willow looked down and I turn to the side to look away. My eyes locked with Charles instead and her grin was even wider than before. So, not such an innocent little girl after all. I guess living the hard knock life forces you to mature much sooner than kids you see back home.

“We, umm.” I reached back to rub the back of my neck. I wasn’t even sure how marriage work here. Was what we did enough to consider us husband and wife? We didn’t go all the way but... wait a minute. Was Charlee watching us? Oh shit. “Charlee, were you watching us this morning?” I said in my adult voice. “No I didn’t peek.” She smiled. “I could hear big sis all the way from my room.” Willow stood up so hard her chair tipped over. She then ran into the restricted hallway and what must have been her room. I just watch until Charlee kicked me. She gave me the “go after her dumbass” look. On the face of a 5 year old it was super cute but still. Is there some kind of special training women go through to learn to look at guys like they are brain dead? Or are women just born with the genetic memory of how and when to use the skill.


I got up and followed Willow. I was nervous about going into the restricted hallway, scared of what was to come, and super excited. This was my version of chasing the girl down as she is about to board the plane and leave. Too bad there’s no intercom for me to use to confess my undying love or an escalator for her to walk up as my buddies and I play the guitar and sing her the song she was playing when we first met in hopes she would choose me instead of a rich doctor that could give her everything she could ever want.

Without knocking on her door, I walked in and Willow was standing faced away from me. I know nothing about 3D women so I take a cue from my 2D experience and hesitantly wrap my arms around her from behind. A day ago I would have only been haft a head taller than her but now my chin rested perfectly on the top of her head. Willow’s body seems to mold perfectly to fit mines. I breathed in her sent and it filled me with euphoria. It smelled of sweat and was sweet. I could also smell a hint of sex on her and that started to arouse me also. With expert skill, I moved my hips back as to not expose myself to her.

I am not sure how long we spent standing there but eventually Willow took my arm and pulled me to the bed. She pushed me lightly and I fell onto the bed. Willow then crawled in and we cuddled. After a while Willow said “Will you have me as your wife?” As a man, you need to take responsibility for your own actions. Yeah sure, she did kind of rape me while I was pretending to be sleeping but I was happy to receive her. “I will.” I said while pulling her closer into my embrace.


“So, how do we get married around these parts?” I drew out my words out in an awkward manner. “Both parties just have to say there married in front of a witness and it’s done.” Willow replied in a manner of fact way. “No wedding ceremony? No reception for guest?” I asked. “Not really, unless you count the declaration as a ceremony, and only rich nobles hold some kind of party afterwards. “I may qualify as a noble but we are not a very rich family.” Willow answered. “Wait what? You’re a noble?” I was stupefied.

Isn’t she just a girl who lived in a field in the woods next to a lake? Everything about her screams country girl. Willow turned up to look at me with a scowled. “What? Did you think I was just some country bumpkin that would jump on the first guy she saw?” “No. Of course not” my answer was immediate. That was exactly what had happened from my point of view but my brain had actually worked this time. Willow stared at me as if she doubted my answer but then she must have replayed how events have unfolded to bring us to this point and then she blushed and looked away. “I wasn’t. It’s all your fault anyways. You seduced me with your magic. If it wasn’t for that I would have never. Argh.” After Willows small explosion of frustration, she lied quietly in my arms.

I reached up and used my right hand to brush her hair. It was long but had a few tangles in it. I used a bit of my energy to make it straight as I heard a little moan from Willow before she elbowed me. “You already have me, there’s no need for you to use magic to seduce me more.” Willow said with a snort. “I was just getting the tingles out of your hair! I wasn’t trying to seduce you.” I said back at her. Willow again turned to look up at me, eyes narrowed.

She must have seen that I was telling the truth and then said “The difference between a commoner and a noble in this country is the ability to use magic. As someone born from a mage family, I am able to sense when magic is used. Because I can’t actually use magic, my body converts that feeling into arousal. Only maidens who are born to a magic bloodline and cannot use magic suffers from this problem so you see now why I.” she stopped before she could confirm that she gave into her desires and jumped me while I was sleeping. I stopped pestering her after that and we both drifted off to sleep.

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