《The Skywalker Chronicles》Chapter 9


I made my way to the kitchen and located a wooden box next to the brick counter, there were scraps of wood inside of it and so I figured this was where firewood was stored. I placed the wood inside of the box and untied my paracord. I then wrapped it around my wrist several times for storage and finished it off with a bow. The same as if I was tying shoe laces. Willow was already working on what must have been lunch as breakfast would have been a few hours ago but from the 2 meals a day offer she had made me they must only eat lunch and dinner. Pancakes, sausage links, and bacon, more things to add to my growing list of things to invent. Willow noticed me but didn’t say anything.

I went and took my seat at the table and watch Willow as she moved about the kitchen. Today she wore a green dress, it was faded and seemed too large for her. There was an apron attached to the front of her dress with 3 buttons. One right above her breast level and two on the sides of her waist. It resembled the style of apron you would see at the 17th century reenactments. Willow moved like a dancer, gliding from one side of the room where a bucket filled with beans was soaking to the cabinets above the box of fire wood to retrieve some herbs back again to where she had the beans soaking and opening up a trapdoor and taking out an armload of potatoes. Without even rinsing off the potatoes, she had a cutting board that was hung overhead down and was quartering them before dropping them into the pot she had over a fire. Not very sanitary but I didn’t care because as she was chopping, she has been wiggling her bubble butt the entire time. I would think she was trying to seduce me, especially because of this morning but her swaying hips told me that she was moving to a tune only she knew. It was so hypnotic that I didn’t notice that Charlee had already set the table and Willow was walking over with the last bowl. The meal was the same as last night, boiled beans and watered down mash potatoes.


After we had finished eating and before anyone got up from the table, I called out to Willow. “Are there any other tools I can use? I was thinking that if I had a shovel I can make some of those piles of wood into charcoal.” Willow froze and had a panicked expression when I first called out to her but she seems to have calmed as I asked my question. “Why charcoal?” she asked. “Charcoal is easier to set ablaze and is also easier to cook with. There is no need to wait for the wood to turn into embers and also releases less smoke.” I replied in my best professor voice. I only knew that because I watched a YouTube video on why the Japanese prefer charcoal over gas. Willow brought her left thumb to her mouth and bit it cutely for a moment before she said “you can do this?” I only nodded.

Willow brought me out side again and to one of the sides of the house I hadn’t seen before. There was a marge sliding door like you would sometimes see on barns. After sticking something that must have been a key inside of the padlock, it popped open. She then relocked it on the door side of the lock and threw the sliding door open. Inside was what must have been a workshop. Willow walked in and said” This is my father’s workshop. Use anything you like but if you break anything I’ll break your legs.” She then turned around and walked pass me, handing me the key.

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