《The Cold War In Another World》Establishing Relations


0100AM NW Time - June 15 - 1969 - Elven Territory - US Military Base

US troops stack numerous wooden crates on top of each other in a hanger.

“Fucking hell, these crates are so damn heavy! What do you guys think are in these damn things?” A man asked.

“Well, let’s pop one of these fuckers open, maybe we can even take some things without anyone noticing,” Another man said.

The man grabbed a crowbar from the floor in the hanger, and proceeded to crack a crate open slightly, but a man grabbed his hand stopping him.

“Now come on now, stealing gifts is a bit much, but a gift between governments is when I think it’s a bit much.”

“Oh yeah? Why you damn negros always tryna get into a white mans buisness.”

“Call me that again and you’ll be waking up with a missing tongue.” He said with a serious face.

“Oh, what’s wrong, too scared to face me like a man so you threaten me, you fucking dirty ni-” Before the man could finish, the other mans fist collides against his face, making him fall onto the ground. Blood splattered from the man's nose and a tooth fell from his mouth and onto the ground.

“You got some nerve you inbred fucking white boy!” The black man says as he grabs the collar of the fallen man and punches him again. The white man pushes him off of him and stands up grabbing the crowbar off the ground.

“My granddaddy didn’t fight a damn war for you blackies to be around!” He said as the man swung the crowbar. But the black man dodges it, and multiple men begin to surround and form a circle.

“Alright folks, let’s see who wins, the black boy or white boy, place your bet into my helmet, please,” A man said, going around holding his helmet out as men put money in it, betting.

“Well, maybe if your granddaddy wasn’t so busy fucking his cousin, he would have won the war!” He said right before a swing smacked into his left arm, breaking it. He recoils and trips onto the ground. The white man stands above him, about to swing the crowar, two gunshots go off.

“The fucks going on here!” Brigham says, now fully healed, walking into the crowds of people. He grabs the helmet from the man who was taking bets, and pulls out the money.

“Well thank you, Private, I think I’ll spend it on something. Now, 30 laps around the hangers!” The men quickly run out of the hanger doing as they’re told, while Brigham talks to the other two.

“You retards wanna explain to me what the fuck was going on?”

Both of the men stay quiet, each not sure what to say.

“Fine, you both get to the Infirmary, unless you want double the laps!”


Tordynnar watched the event from afar as the two men walked off. While he might not understand what they’re saying, he can tell It’s probably not good.


“Suppose any army has Its flaws, whether they’re visible or not,” Tordynnar thought to himself. He looks away, and heads to a large building he was in when first brought into the large base. He enters the room he’s been staying in for the last 3 days. He pulls a small crystal ball from a bag and places it on the table. He sits down on the chair and lightly taps the crystal ball, which then glows green.

“Son! Son! Are you there, can you hear me!” His fathers voice suddenly echoed from the crystal ball.

“Yes, father, you don’t have to shout , you know.”

“Well, I’m simply only worried for you, and I also managed to fulfill the request you asked of me. It was a large platform, correct, and why did you request such a thing, do the humans have wyverns?”

“Yes, and not entirely, but It’ll be easier for you to see them in person rather than me explaining them. All I can really say for now is that these humans who call themselves, ‘Americans,’ are quite strange.”

“Americans? I never heard of a human nation called America… have you asked where they came from?” I’d rather tell the nobles and officials quickly, they’re beginning to get restless.”

“Ah, yes, I do indeed know, they say they're from-,” Before Tordynnar could finish, a sudden loud noise from his father's side catches his attention. Then the sudden noise of heels gets closer.

“E-ealirel! What are you doing!”

“So, I leave to go to the Southern Regions for business, and when I come back, humans are in our Eastern Region, and you’re with them!”

“Ah, yes, it’s so nice to hear your voice, little sister…”

“Oh, right, It’s good to hear you too, but do you mind explaining to me what you’re doing?”

“U-uh, w-well I-it seems as if the communicator is running low on power, I’ll talk to you tomorrow!”

“W-what!? Don’t you dare-” Before she could finish, Tordynnar turned off the crystal ball. He sighs and puts it away inside his bag. With not much to do, he simply heads to bed.

0700AM NW Time - June 16 - 1969 - Elven Territory - US Military Base

Tordynnar walks around the base with Burton walking around with him.

“I will never understand how these metal beasts work, but I suppose I shall never understand it,” Tordynnar said, translation magic in hand.

“Yes, not even I know the very basics of it. But let’s not focus on the now, shall we?” Burton asked, a hand pointing at a CH-47 Chinook. Tordynnar nods, and as they step inside they meet U.S Secretary of State, William Pierce Rogers.

“So, Mr. Rogers, how do you feel so far?” Burton asked him.

“Well, It’s far more different than I imagined, but I am ready to do my job, but I don’t think I’ll ever understand anything in this world…” Rogers said. “And, hello Mr… Tordynnar… correct?”


“Yes, that’s my name. It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Secretary of State,” Tordynnar said, shaking his hand.

“Please, just call me William.”

The Chinooks began to spring to life, and they soon began to ascend.

“Command this is Alpha-2-2, preparing to take off. Over.”

“Alpha 2-1 you’re clear to go, escorts will be a group of F-5’s. Over.”

“Alright, Alpha 1-1 we’re clear to go.”

The Chinooks soon began flying to their POI, with a group of F-5’s escorting them, just in case. Of course Chinooks aren’t the only ones, Bell’s are also with them also as escorts. In total the mission has over a few hundred men, excluding Tordynnar’s men, who are also traveling in the Chinooks.

0800PM NW Time - First Summer Rise - Fourteenth - 0789 - Elven Kingdom - Royal Palace.

The King rubs his fingers nervously as he awaits the arrival of these so-called ‘Americans.’ Tordynnar had asked his father to create a large elevated flat area that leads into the palace. Though it was a strange request, the King didn’t think much of it, and it wasn’t necessarily a difficult thing to do as well.

“Father, you don’t have to act so nervous, I’m sure brother is fine,” Andrathath said.

“Yes, I know he’s safe, but It’s the humans I’m more worried about. Since he requested for me to make this platform these humans must certainly have wyverns of some sort.”

“Well, maybe, but as I said, I’m sure brother wouldn’t have contacted us in such a calm tone if these Americans were truly hostile.”

“I suppose you’re right. And have you seen your sister? I’d rather her not be here when we meet them…”

“I believe she’s in the city, she’ll probably won’t be back home for at least for a few hours.”

“Good, her attitude can be… not very suitable in many cases.”

“I suppose I’ll have to agree with that as well…”

As the King and Andrathath await the arrival of the Americans, a sudden noise can be heard in the air, a noise none of them recognize. Then, a sudden object flew past them, then a sudden boom of noise and a sudden flash of wind nearly caused them to fall over. As they both regained their composure, they both watched as unknown things landed on the platform. The Elven guards put their guard up, but Andrathath had them stand down. The strange things that have just landed have strange spinning blades on both on top, and at the end of a tail of some sort, and there’s three others, larger than the others, and with two blades spinning on top of it.

“C-could these things belong to the Americans…?” Andrathath said, with a slight nervousness in his voice. Fortunately for him and the King, the first person they see is Tordynnar. This in turn turned their fears over, at least truly believing they can truly trust these Americans.

“Oh… my heart feels as if it has returned to my body…” The King said.


The Chinooks and Bells open and troops begin to get off. The Chinooks mainly have the men that Tordynnar had brought with him, as well other things, mainly gifts as well. Burton and William exit the Chinook, and are greeted by soldiers cladded in medieval style armour.

“Well, this will certainly be the strangest meeting I will ever have,” William says.

“Well, you have a job to do, now if you excuse me, I have to return back to base, I only came to overlook everything went smooth,” Burton says as he steps back into the Chinook.

“You’re not being serious…” William whispers to himself as the Chinook flies off back to base. William thought for a moment, before moving towards a group of U.S Soldiers. William, now escorted side by side from soldiers, walked up to the talking trio.

“Ah, Mr. William, please, this is my brother, and this is my Father, the King as you would call him.”

“Ah, yes, but I ask if we can please continue with the diplomatic mission?”


In a large meeting hall, the King and William sit at a large table, with each representing guards by each of them. In the middle of the room a sole elf wearing a robe holding translation magic in his hand, allowing both sides to understand each other.

“Sir. Tordynnar the Third, under the Nixon Administration of the United States of America, I've come to establish diplomatic ties with the United States of America, with your nation.”

“Yes, I also wish to establish diplomatic ties as well. But, if I may ask, will there be anything of demand that the United States will ask?”

“Nothing more than land, and nothing more. I have documents detailing everything about the signing.”

“If I may, for what reason does the United States wish for land, rather than things such as weapons and such?” Andrathath said.

“The US wishes for land for both militaristic reasons, as well for mining of natural resources such as Oil, and other such things. The US as well is asking for 800,000 Acres of land where we are already currently occupied.”

While the King may not understand what ‘Acres’ means, but he figured he should ask questions later.

“The US is willing to possibly open trade, most importantly a cultural exchange if possible.”

“Well, If I may ask, is there any benefit for us if we sign this?”

“While I may not be able to guarantee things as of now, the US is also willing to exchange things such as technology, in the promise that you'll be able to teach the US of this ‘magic.’

While skeptical, the King was blindsided to have quite possibly a powerful ally, and not sacrificing much either. The King simply signed the treaty, and the US has now finally established a stable foothold in the new world.

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