《Warrior of the Sea》Chapter 3.5: Onion's Determination


The pirates are coming...and we're alone. It's been nine months since Usopp began training us. Me, Carrot, and Pepper have been pushed to the limit time and time again from the very day we all began. Honestly, I still don't understand what this is all for. None of us would have fighting positions on the crew when they got here, or if they got here. Why would we need to learn how to fight? And why does it have to hurt so badly.

Lately, Usopp has changed, he has become so strong and so fast that he just disappears sometimes. He says he's teaching us how to be strong and fast just like him, but it hurts sometimes. I don't know if I want to continue this for much longer. I was thinking of telling Usopp that I want to quit training, but that's when I saw the ships with the black flag and white skull flowing proudly in the air.

At first I thought it was the captain Usopp kept talking about, and so I immediately went to the home that Usopp calls a shack and told him that they were finally here. The smile on his face almost seemed impossible with how big it was. He followed me outside to see the ship docking along the beach with a bunch of obvious pirates coming out.

"Well, is that them?" I asked innocently? I was so stupid. Of course it wasn't them. His smile immediately fell and Pepper asked what was wrong when he noticed.

"Come on, let's go and greet them." he ordered and began walking towards the pirates. Me and my brothers followed him of course, we knew that nothing bad would happen with Usopp with us. He was the strongest, fastest, and smartest person we all knew. If these pirates came here to cause trouble, I just knew he would kick their asses. When we finally made it in front of their ship where they were undocking, we stopped a few yards away.

"Hey there friends." he said with a smile. "Is there anything I can do for you?" One of the men wearing shabby clothing spoke up. He had an all black shirt with baggy cargo pants and blond hair. A scar went down his right eye and it seemed a scowl was formed permanently on his face.

"What do you want? We ain't here to raid or nuthin, only here to trade for now." he said with an evil smile. Or maybe it was a normal smile that just looked evil because he was ugly. I don't fully know to be fair, but it scared me. The way he said 'For Now', almost implying that they'd be back for more nefarious deeds later. My brothers though, didn't have the same thought process, simply sighing in relief.

These were honest to god bloodthirsty pirates, there's no way we could trust them to simply walk in our village and not cause trouble. We couldn't let them in, but what could I do? I looked to Usopp to see his frown deepen. I thought it was a good thing. If he didn't want them here, he would kick their ass and send them away.

"Sorry boys, but this island belongs to the Strawhat Pirates, other pirate groups can't come through without paying the Entry Fee." at this , there was silence for a good while. Strawhat Pirates? Entry Fee? It all confused me. The group didn't look happy at his comment though, and could just tell they weren't planning on paying it. There was a good 20 of them on the beach now, and all of them seemed pissed. I looked up to see what in the hell Usopp was thinking when I caught his eye. It almost seemed...sorry. Yet determined.


"Ehh, who the hell do you think you are? Do you know who you're messing with kids? We're the Strongarm pirates! We don't pay no damn 'Entry Fee'!" At his shout, the men behind him began to tense. I could see them taking out their sword and brandishing their guns. My legs began to shake in fear at what seemed like to me, a small army.

"Sorry boys-" Usopp replied. "But them's the rules. I don't make them, just enforce them. You don't want this to turn violent now, I would hate to have to hurt you." that's when the laughter started. They didn't take him seriously, they underestimated him. Actually, I didn't even know if Usopp could handle these many people. My brothers didn't seem to share my worries.

"Oi! Our big brother will kick your asses! You better stop laughing!" yelled out Carrot. Pepper was next.

"Yea! What, do you have a death wish or something? There's no way you losers could beat our big brother! Tell them Onion." he said looking my way. I however didn't share my brothers optimism. Maybe it's because so far, I'm the only one who isn't able to do Soru.


"That's it! You know, we were just here to shop, sell, then be on our merry way. But now, we're going to burn you, and this village to the ground!" the men behind him yelled in agreement. That's when Usopp bent the knee behind us. We all turned to him in confusion before he looked each of us in the eye. The look he gave us, I've never seen it on him before. It was so serious, lacking the overjoyous and carefree expression he usually carried around us. I knew he put up a smile even during the worst of times to keep our spirits alift. I don't think my brothers knew just how much he truly did for us. I couldn't help but wonder what brought this on. The answer...filled me with despair.

"Onion, Carrot, Pepper, listen to me and listen to me good. You guys are going to go over there and fight those pirates. You will go and protect our island."

"Eh, what about you?" asked Pepper. He only shook his head.

"I cannot help you with this, this is your battle. To become brave warriors of the sea, you have to face your fears and protect your home. I won't always be around, and when I'm not, you three will be the only ones able to fight. Use all that I've taught you, and fight to protect each other. You can do it!" without hesitation, Pepper and Carrot nodded, determined with their task. They took their pipes off of their back, and in the blink of an eye, they were gone.


That's how I ended up here. In front of me are 20 bloodthirsty pirates and my two idiot brothers just jumped into the fray. At first confused at two of the kids disappearing, they immediately take out one each when they appear in front of the pirates head and swing with all of their strength, knocking them out instantly. That's when it turned into an all out brawl.


Me? I couldn't move. I can't feel my legs. My heart feels like it's going to burst out of my chest at any moment. It's so loud I can hear it beat in my ears. My jaw...it won't stop shivering no matter how much I try to force it too. No matter how deep of a breath I take in, the air just doesn't seem to get to my lungs.



I can't breath.


God I can barely even think! Why?! Why is it so loud?!


Eh? My vision? It's getting dark. Why? What happened to the battle? Are my brothers okay? I can't see anything. I can't even hear the battle anymore over my own heart. Maybe it's over, maybe they beat all of them already. Or maybe...they lost and they're dead.







….I'm dead. Oh god that's it isn't it? That's why I can't breath. That's why I can't see. It's over. We were killed by pirates. Maybe if I helped, we would have had a chance? No, there were 20 of them, we were dead the moment they landed on the beach. All of this was pointless. All of the training, and the struggling, and the reading and writing. All of it. I guess I'll never get a chance to write that book huh? I'll just...let the darkness take me.








"WAKE UP!" suddenly the darkness is pushed away and I'm looking at the sky.

Huh? When did I fall asleep? Why am I on the ground?

The noise suddenly came back. I can hear screaming, and fighting, and gunshots.

"Finally kid, you gave me a scare."


With a struggle, I push myself up. The battle...it's still going on. They've taken out several pirates already, but they are roughed up and breathing hard with about 10 pirates left.

As I thought...it's no use.

"They're in trouble you know? If you don't help them...they could die." I turn to look at him. That serious expression, it's still there. His eyes never once left the fight, arms crossed, staring. "Are you going to sit there and let that happen?" I turned back to the fight to see my Carrot narrowly dodging a sword slash.

"What could I do by joining in? I'm not like you, or Carrot, or Pepper. I'm...weak." I say, letting my head sag in shame.

"I never asked you to be strong."

"Huh?" I ask turning to him in confusion.

"I asked you to become Warriors of the Sea. That doesn't mean for you to be strong. It means for you to fight for what you believe in. And protect those closest to you. Are you doing that?" he questions, sparing me a single glance before turning back to the battle. I can't help but clench the sand under my hands in frustration. I can feel tears threatening to slip out but with all my strength I hold them in.

Men must be strong.

"...I'm scared." I finally admit. "I'm so scared Usopp. I'm sorry! But I'm not brave like you are! Like they are! I'm scared that I'll get hurt! I'm scared that I'll mess up!" Crap...I can't hold them in. I really am a failure huh? "I'm scared I'll die!" There my brothers were, fighting for their lives and the lives of everyone on this island, yet my legs refuse to move. How will I ever face them after this.

"Good!" ...what?

"Fear is what keeps men alive. To have fear, is to have the instinct to survive."


"BUT! Fear is what makes a brave warrior brave. Being brave..doesn't mean not being afraid. Look at your brothers Onion." I did what I was told. Pepper has just dodged a swipe from a cutlass but not fully. Blood starts to pool down his arm. It doesn't look deep, but it might get infected if not treated soon.

"Do they look unafraid to you?" and for the first time since all of this began, I looked at my brothers expression.

...they were terrified.

"Being brave isn't about not having fear, it's about overcoming that fear, rather than having that fear overcome you."

"...Usopp?" I look at him. He's still focused on the battle. At this point, my brothers can only use Soru sparingly. They are exhausted, and the technique puts heavy strain on their young bodies.

"Yes?" with my legs shaking, I struggle to stand up. I even fall into the sand a couple of times, but eventually, I'm able to stand on my own two feet.

"My throat feels like it's clogged." he nods

"My heart is beating so fast I can barely even think right now." he nods.

"I wanna run away...I wanna curl up and hide and cry…" he nods.

"Even with all that...even though I'm so scared...do you think...I can still be brave?"...a smile slowly spreads across his face, and finally he looks at me, giving me his complete attention. He nods.

"That's the only time you can be brave little brother."

Heh...this is so dumb. What kind of maniac sends a bunch a children to fight full grown pirates. We are so gonna die. Even so…

I brandish my pipe.

I'll protect my family!

I disappear.

For those whose not cool with Usopp throwing the kids into battle like that, let me remind you that Garp took Luffy into a forest to fight Monekeys and full grown gorillas. BEsides, Usopp would have drawed killed anyone of the pirates that he thought could kill them in battle. That's why he kept his eyes glued to it all basically all times, to be there to save them. Besides, Luffy was already facing down full blown bandit groups at their age without fear.

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