《Magica Storia》Chapter 38 - Daily Life in the Magical World Part 2


It was already past two when the Lunch Hour Rush has ended.


Benny sighed while wiping the sweat off his brow. He should’ve gotten used to this by now but it was still tiring.

It was indeed tiring work. He could sympathize with waiters trying to earn a living back in old world. The Sun Dragon didn’t usually have this much customers three months ago. Actually the reason for the boom of customers was in fact due to Benny.

Now, make no mistake. Benny had decided to become an Adventurer. So why was he working instead in a restaurant in Amber City?

First off, he wanted to repay the debt of gratitude to the Fyreroars for offering him a place to stay. Since he had a lot of cooking experience with his grandmother and Abuela he begged to work as a kitchen help. They eventually gave in when he gave a dogeza and refused to let up until they agreed.

While he was at it, he also introduced several dishes fitting the theme of the restaurant with just a slight twist with the ingredients like Conch-Shrimp Tempura, Turkey-Chicken Teriyaki, Swine-Buffalo croquettes and the most popular dish he introduced: Curry. Benny also occasionally introduced some of his own confections such as different cakes and milk teas as a special for the day. It turned out to be more popular than he had anticipated.

The new dishes and occasional desserts attracted a lot of attention from the locals. Now, Benny initially worried that the customers would prefer the dishes he introduced over Aunt Magma’s dishes. That was typically common scenario. But as it turns out, he had nothing to worry about. Though the new dishes attracted a lot of customers but it also made them interested in all the other dishes as well.

Hence, the Sun Dragon gained an increase of popularity and everyone is earning weekly.

“Things have seemed to settled, Benny-iho. You can leave the rest to us.” says Aunt Magma as she cooks the next order.

“Eh? Really? I can still help.”

“That’s nice of you dear but don’t you have somewhere else to be, right now? I believe you’re due to return those today.”

Benny had momentarily forgotten about that.

“Well, I’ve set aside some lunch for you. You can go eat upstairs before you go.”

Aunt Magma handed him a bento box.

“Ah, thanks Aunt Magma.” Benny accepts it gratefully. Tenryu’s ever sharp eye catches the lunchbox.

“You’re gonna have lunch Benny? I’ll join you-Ack!”

“No, you won’t!” Flare grabs him by the neck. “You have more people to serve and after which you have to do dishes!”

“Eh?! But I’ve been busy serving the customers!”

“And snitching some of their food in the process?! Don’t think I didn’t notice that!”

“Ah…b-but I couldn’t help myself!”

“What kind of a waiter eats the customer’s food?!!”

A majority of the customers were laughing heartily at the scene as the two siblings were still at the doorway.

Benny had to admit. The scene where Tenryu was serving dishes as waiter while he was chewing a drumstick that was clearly part of the food on the tray was quite funny. It was like watching a gag comedy show or that anime he watched before. Although he had to be the one to replace the food Tenryu ate while apologizing fervently.

Strange enough, the customers don’t mind. In fact, it kind of served as a bit of entertainment for them. The sibling’s argument may be real but it does seem like a gag routine.


While musing over this, Benny decided to have his lunch.

Speaking of which, it was Aunt Magma’s Breaded Turkey-Chicken. Delicious as always!


Benny stared at the mirror and adjusted his coat.

“No matter how many times I do this, it still feels like I’m putting on a costume for cosplay competition. Even this…though this is real…”

Benny ran his finger over the scar on the left side of his face.

It was like a typical scar of one of those Adventurer characters had over their eye as a result of an intense battle. Actually, Benny’s was no different. His once blue-colored eye was clawed by Artificial Demon. But thanks to otherworldly healing from a certain someone, his eye had been restored with the slight exception of his eye was silver now.

And it also came with some “perks” which Benny has discovered and trained with in secret over the past three months.

“Now then…to complete the get-up.”

Benny picked up a golden wire-framed glass lens: a monocle.

This was actually a remnant of his old glasses. After the incident at the Venditore Armory, Sylvia, one of Dmitri’s employees, found his glasses in the debris...or rather, what was left of it. The frames were snapped and bent in odd angles. One of the lenses was smashed into pieces. It was practically unusable.

But being the innovative mind that Dmitri Venditore was, he salvaged it and had his connections with crafters create a fancy monocle out it. Why a monocle? Apparently, it was to cover the scar on his face and that it suited him better than a pair of eyeglasses. Venditore even had it enchanted with Language Translation Magic so Benny can read multiple languages (which included the languages beyond what he already knows) and it even had Farsight Magic which allowed the user to be able to see in far distances like a telescope. These enchantments and gold material frame alone would’ve cost a pretty penny, not to mention it was from Venditore himself so Benny was grateful for it.

Why Dmitri was going so far it was because he was grateful for what he, Nia and Tenryu had done for him: riding the artificial demon. The thing had caused him nothing but worry and trouble from all over ever since it was entrusted with it. The Grave Brother weren’t the first it seems. But they were the first to bypass all the defenses he set up to make sure nobody would be able to approach it. Dmitri had to make necessary arrangement and update his security many times while making sure it stays sealed all while looking for a way to completely rid of it. But now that was all over and he was finally free of the burden. Even though the result also ended with his shop largely destroyed it didn’t bother him much and they were able to recover in a couple of days.

Benny wore the monocle and glanced at himself in the mirror.

“Looks surprisingly good! I can barely see my eye or the scar.”

The monocle was only part of the reward. Because of their actions, they were made VIP customers for his shop and in any branches throughout the country. It included large discounts and free maintenance on all purchases. Also they were allowed to enter his office anytime without appointment.

Nia and Aunt Magma (via Tenryu) took this to their advantage and purchase some new household and potioner’s equipment. Dmitri’s feathers ruffled a bit when he saw Aunt Magma’s list and even groaned at her, saying they were old friends and she didn’t need to ride on the opportunity. But Aunt Magma lightly laughed saying he was a cheapskate as ever.


Though he did not make any purchases, Benny on the other hand saw his own opportunity with this. This was an advantage as this guy had a lot of business connections and was very influential in the Orient Merchant Guild, which he had recently found out was a very big Guild. Having an important connection may help in the long run.

But for now, he was satisfied with the monocle.

After adjusting it on his nose, Benny slung on his satchel and threw his cloak over his shoulders. He then dons his wide-brimmed, pointed hat. The hat also served as a reminder of that day as it now bore a claw mark over the area where his left eye was. It sort of added to its aesthetics though. His whole outfit screamed of “cosplayer” or “Second Year Middle School Syndrome.” Benny had to his head at the wall at the thought.

Finally, he picked up his Staff. It was currently in its cane form.

Speaking of which, Dmitri tried to offer Benny a free Magic Weapon of his own choosing as additional gift but Benny showed him the staff while reasoning that it was already on him as it was a gift from an old friend. Dmitri admitted he has never seen a Magical Tool of such craftsmanship and enchantments (considering it was a gift from otherworldly spirit he was spot on.) Going by the trope, he thought for sure Dmitri would tried to buy it off him, which he did by saying it in a suggestive way that he’d be willing to pay any price if Benny wishes to sell him it. Even though it seemed like a joke Benny saw in his Aura that it was slightly serious.

But he was a man (or Owl) of honor, that much Benny could tell due to one occasion. Dmitri nearly performed a Blood Oath. It was an extremely dangerous Loyalty Spell that could kill the Oath Takers if broken. The contents were never to reveal about Benny’s prodigious abilities in Magic as well as the creation and use of two Impossible 13 Magic without Benny’s consent.

He also made the other witnesses Sylvia, Bronson and Eldon (along with the Grave Brothers and how he managed to do that to them still remains to be said) agree to do the same. The Fyreroars and Nia also agree to do the same and had Benny not realized what was going on and quickly put a stop to it, it would’ve been too late.

Well, actually it was already too late as the Grave Brothers were the first to go through it.

Why they would go that far for him and being glad to do so despite the danger?

Apparently, it was to protect Benny and themselves. There were a number of people, shady ones at that, who’d certainly be interested in his abilities and use terrible means to do so to obtain a person like that. The incident with Loquat made that clear, though it was only to the extent of his skills and not the Impossible Magic.

Benny made his way downstairs to a still busy restaurant.

“Oh, you’re off, Benny-iho?” Aunt Magma calls out to him.

“Yeah, I’ll be heading out now Tita Magma. I’ll be back before nightfall.”

“Off studying again, Benny Boy?”

One of their regulars, a fisherman named Old Ahab grinned at him.

“Yeah, the exam is next week so I got to get ready.”

“Don’t see why ya have to so much. Most Adventurers just train and that’s it.”

Benny shrugged, “I still deem this necessary.”

“Don’t forget you have dinner duty too! You always tend to get lost in your studies all the time. If you’re not here before dinner, I’m having Tenryu cart you back here.” says Flare.

“G-Got it.”

“Scheee bou brater!”

Tenryu says that while chewing on a sandwich which obviously came from the empty plate amongst all the pile of plates on his arms. Whether it was a result from his training as a Swordsmage or not, that balancing ability of his would not lose to professional bartenders and circus performers.

“Yeah, see you. But seriously Tenryu, stop eating the customer’s meals…”

“You idiot!”

Flare elbow-dropped her brother once more. It was amazing how he still managed to keep those plates from falling.

Benny made his way out the door amidst the laughing customers.


Amber City Regional Library

It was a large building located in the very center of town that houses numerous collections of books from across the country. Despite it being one the least frequented areas of the city, it has some regular visitors.

One such visitor was busy studying in his usual spot near the window.

A neat pile of books was stacked before him. His Spellbook was opened on his left, while he was making notes on a notebook on the right. A couple of books were opened in front of him. He scanned through each book and made some notes and sketches (though they were a bit sad) on his notebook. Occasionally, he would put down his quill and stretched his neck and shoulders a bit before continuing.

Ever since he was transported here in Mundo Magica, Benny had been learning everything he can about this world. Apart from physical training and practical Magic, he studied a wide range of topics ranging from History and Laws down to Ecology and Biology. But perhaps the topics he had invested the most in were those relating to Magic itself.

Magic Algebra and Numerology, Symbology, Arcane Magic Spells, Elemental Magic Spells, Magical Laws and Regulations, Magic Formulas, Magic Sciences, Magic Circle and Formations and many more…

(Hmm…so depending on the formations on the Magic Circle…hmm…I see…If I add this, the Magic Formation could…no, it might restrict Pattern 43…Maybe, I should add this…no, no. It will surely obstruct Pattern 25 and cause the whole thing to collapse on itself…Hmm…The way I see it, doing it over Pattern 43 would be the best choice…but then how do I make sure it doesn’t restrict…Oh, I see! If I’ll make reroute glyphs for Pattern 34 then it won’t obstruct Pattern 43!)

Benny was musing as he was currently studying a Magic Formation for a particular Spell he wishes to create.

Though it was something Benny was forced to accept due to everyone’s insistence: he seemed naturally talented in Magic.

He was easily able perform the most complex and powerful (and in some cases impossible) feats of Magic. He had the Conjurer’s Ability which allowed him to cast Magic without a Magic Tool and is an ability that is exceptionally rare from a Human Race. He could make use of more than one Elements and is adept in using Arcane Magics. And perhaps the greatest feat was his creation of two Magics that are supposed to be in the Impossible 13.

Benny, however, did not wish to rely on pure inherent Abilities and gut instinct. Hence, he delved into his studies. Combined with his immense interest in the field of Magic, Benny was extremely immersed in his studies and research. Perhaps, even more so than the regular stuff he studied back in his own world. Perhaps because of his otaku nature, this stuff was like an oasis for a lost man in the desert to him. He studied, memorized and crammed everything about Magic he could into his brain. Even back at home, he would study late into the night and if it were not for Tenryu waking up to go to the toilet, he’d probably be at it until dawn.

Coincidently, research and study in the field of Magic is quiet complex and difficult. Whether it was part of his natural talents in Magic or out of pure interest, it all came to him quite easily. His comprehension and ease of understanding of the vast complexities and theories about Magic was nothing short of amazing. Even Dmitri and Nia were astounded by his ability to understand the complexities of High Grade Enchantments and Healing Circle Formations while they were just talking casually when passing by each other the other day.

His high interest and zealous studies combined with his natural affinity and amazing talent for Magic, Benny was perhaps on par some of the most well-known experts in the field.

But it’s probably because of that he has the tendency to lose track of time.

A small tune followed by something shaking feeling in his pocket alerted him that his study time was up.

“What the blitz! Just when it getting interesting! Blast it!”

A moment of silence.

He pounded his forehead on the table loudly.

(I’m doing it again!)

One of the things about this world that he gained that he could do without: Tenryu’s Verbal Tics. It was already too late for Benny to notice that he had started to do the same. It seems in moments of stress or when he needs to quip about something, he slips into it. Benny has been trying to stop it but the habit somehow ingrained itself to him.

(When is this ever going to stop?!)

Benny smacked his head again on the table again.

“SHHHH!!!” A librarian who passed by shushed him.

Benny sat straight up with a paper sticking on his forehead.

“Ah! S-Sorry!”

The librarian had a slight giggle before she turned on her foot. Realizing he still had the paper sticking to his face, he pulled it off.

“Gah! My paper’s smudged…don’t tell me-”

Benny pulled out his phone and took a look. Yup, there was a thick ink writing in reverse all over his forehead. Making sure no one was watching and for good measure, Benny generated a small bubble of water in his hand dabbed it on his forehead to wipe off the ink.

“Magic is really convenient, huh…”

He collected his things into his satchel and made his way to the counter while carrying the two stacks of books.

A librarian he had become acquainted with, Karen, was tending the counter when she saw him approach.

“Good evening, Karen.”

“Oh, Benny! Are you returning those books today?”

“Yeah. And I’m checking these out next.”

He passes her the other stack of books he intends to borrow.

“Of course, can I borrow you Library Card?

Benny hands her the card and she quickly starts jutting the details of the books in a record book. After confirming the books for check out and marking of the books he had borrowed, Benny stowed away his newly borrowed books into his satchel.

“By the way, I heard there was a new cake that appeared in the Sun Dragon.”

“Ah, you mean the Pear-Apple Upside-Down Cake? If you want, I have a sample here you can try later.”


Karen’s eyes glittered as Benny took small container that small portion of the batch of two cakes which were this week’s special.

Actually, Benny had anticipated this already.

The sweets he had made had already become widespread throughout the city. Since the shop wasn’t bakery, they don’t really specialize in them so it was rare for them to appear. And when they do it becomes race to get to it first. Somewhat like a limited edition battle. Although Benny does make regular confections, such as fruit pies, milk teas and tarts that can easily be made in batches (and is just as popular as well), it was the cakes and pastries that really drew attention.

Because it would get annoying to be pestered so much, Benny asked Aunt Magma if there were any bakeries she knew whom he can disclose his sweets recipe too. She obliged and several bakeries were passed different recipes and began selling cakes and pastries to their bread menu.

“Oh, I can’t wait to taste this-”

Benny smirked with a sly smile. “But you have to wait a little longer. I believe there is a rule in the library that no food allowed to be eaten in the premises, right?”


Karen pouted a bit and relented as she stores it away.

“Oh, fine. Food tastes better when you wait for it anyway. SO, you’ll be having these books out?”

Benny nods.

“Just be sure to return by this time next week and undamaged. Well, you know the drill.”

“Don’t worry I will.”

“I’m surprise these books are still intact as they’re under the same roof as the famous Wildfire.”

“He wouldn’t be interested in the books so no worries.”

Sadly that was true. Tenryu had zero interest in studies other than physical training.

After she thanked him for his patronage (and for the sweets) Benny made his way out the library.


The sun was already starting to set.

Benny walked down the steps of the City Library and was heading back to the Sun Dragon for his dinner shift.

Flying was out of the question. Typically, he would just Transposition himself there discreetly but right now, he decided to have a small walk of fresh air as he head back home or work whichever fits.

Benny enjoyed the cool breeze as he traversed the roads of the city he now calls home. The place was generally peaceful and the people who lived there were very friendly. There weren’t any major incidents apart from occasional pickpockets, scuffles between Adventurers in the roads and monster beast attacks outside the city walls (Amber City was secured by high walls that offered it protection.)

Though he had seen the rather rough side of Adventurers, this did not deter him from being one.

Now, that wasn’t the only reason why he was working the shop instead of going at it immediately as an Adventurer.

Simply put it was because he believed he wasn’t ready for that just about yet. Sure he had a talent for Magic that can put experienced Adventurers to shame but it doesn’t change one thing: he had no experience. He was also severely lacking in common knowledge of this world. He knew he shouldn’t just jump into to something without thorough preparations.

Luckily, because of where he was living right now things seemed to go well with his plan.

To become an Adventurer, he needed to take the Adventurer’s Qualification and Ranking Exams.

He learned that the schedules of the exams vary differently in each District of the Kingdom. The Adventurer Association Central Branch located at the Royal Capital Diamond City which is the 1st District typically holds their exams weekly. But the farther from the Capital or remote or less influential the city you are in the less frequent are the exams.

Amberose City was located at the 7th District which is the northernmost region in the Kingdom of Medea. Although it serves as the regional capital of the 7th district, due to the remoteness of the area the exams are held once month.

Although it would’ve been faster if he went to the Royal Capital and took the examination there, Benny opted to take his time due to his wanting to prepare himself. This was also the reason why he didn’t to take the exams in the previous two months either.

Although for experience he does go out with Tenryu on his Adventurer jobs.

As for the Job itself...

Benny had a myriad of feelings whenever he goes out on one with Tenryu.

There was the time they went and subjugate a herd of rogue Bull-Goats and Tenryu wound up burning the farmland of the local town. He was practically bowing his head so many times to the Mayor in apology that he felt like the time Ace kicked a soccer ball into the stained glass window of a church and he had to co-apologize to the parish priest. He managed to convince the Mayor that was an accident and the reward wasn’t cut that much as “usual” according to Tenryu.

Then there was the thing with the bandits at Tungsten Town where the town hall had nearly caught in on fire had Benny not used Water Magic and Ice Magic to stop the fire before it spread. Though once again, he had to apologize for the minor damages.

Also there was the time they both explored an ancient, dangerous ruin for a job to find a supposedly rare herb. They came across an ancient golem that went in a rampage when Tenryu poked it with his sword. Tenryu managed to destroy the golem but wrecked the ruin in the process. Perhaps it may have been a stroke of luck that Benny was able to find the herb growing in small crevice in the golem’s body.

…Isn’t he doing more work reeling Tenryu and apologizing in rather than contents of the job?

Or rather…aren’t jobs super difficult for a newbie?

Since Tenryu was the only legal Adventurer between them he gets too chose the job. Actually, the golem thing was a job he chose because Tenryu gave him the opportunity to do so. But it seems Benny learned to expect the unexpected.

Typically, since he wasn’t an official Adventurer yet, the rewards should go solely to Tenryu as the official Adventurer. But Tenryu divides the rewards equally between them. According to Aunt Magma and Flare, Tenryu has begun to earn more and the damages in his jobs had lessened ever since Benny teamed up with him. So basically they decided to leave it to Benny.

“I’m going to grow bald from all this stress.” Benny mumbled with drooped shoulders as he walked down the street.

But despite that…

He looks up to the darkening sky where the moons have begun to become bright.

“Still…it’s not all bad.”

To think that three months have already passed since he has arrived in this world. Benny felt the exhilarating feelings of someone living the dream…but there was also that tinge of loneliness. He was wondering how everyone was doing now.

“Ah, better get going! Ate Flare will get a hissy fit!”

With that, Benny quickly made his way down the road. He was looking for an alley to hide and use Transposition.

But he was barely past the block when he found one but...



He noticed there were sounds of loud scuffling coming from that alley.

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