《Magica Storia》SS - The Side of The Others - Chapter 7


After the initial shock of witnessing someone got smashed by a meteor died down (that bandit was still alive but he looked like a burnt ragged doll afterwards), they all rounded up the bandits and tied them up in the trees.

Actually, Alva had also stripped them naked just to make sure they weren’t carrying any means to escape and Terri helped out. They also forcibly made Ace and Barton help. Ace’s face cramped at the sight as he was not too fond of looking a naked bound men, much less be the one stripping them. Apparently, Barton felt the same way but he knew from experience that Alva wasn’t in the mood to treat them with dignity.

To preserve Anna’s “innocence”, Liscia and her sat underneath a far off tree discussing about that strange “potion” Anna carried with her.

And with that they left those bandits all bound, naked and gagged at the trees while resuming their journey.

They will inform the Adventurer’s Association Branch Office when they arrive at the next town.

The prospect of finally going to civilization really cheered up Ace and the others. But it also scared them as to what kind of civilization this world has.

“So…do you kids have any plans of becoming Adventurers?” Alva suddenly asked them as they walked.



It was a natural response. Awhile ago, Alva looked as though she had reservation about that kind of occupation. Sensing that from them, Alva explained.

“I doubted you kids earlier about becoming Adventurers because I wasn’t sure you kids had any potential. But you’ve proven otherwise. Heck, I think you kids were more skilled than me when I was your age.”

“Oi Alva, you sound like an old wo-GUHAA!”

Alva sent the dense muscle-head flying with a punch! Ignoring the crumpled heap of muscle that was Barton she continued.

“As I was saying…you kids have a great potential. You two especially have proven you have the skills and training to fight in battle.” She pointed gave wry smile towards Ace and Terri.

“Um…I’m not really suited for fighting…I was the one who became a hostage.” Anna tries to raise her hand.

“Yet, you manage to calmly think of a way to break free and did just that with your own ability and resources. Most people don’t really think properly when they are in such a situation. I can’t judge your fighting ability but I think your strength lies elsewhere. Perhaps you may be skilled Magic or range attacks.”

“Magic?! Oh, wow I wish I can do that!”

“So what do you say? I won’t force you but in my opinion you have good prospects in becoming Adventurers. If you want, you can be in our party until you’re ready enough to be independent.”

“Really? Is that okay?”

“As long as you promise not to cause trouble.” says Alva.

“““We’re in!”””

The three readily agreed.

It would be advantageous for them to become Adventurers. They get to travel and see what this world is all about. Go on amazing adventures, learn Magic and Skills and even earn their livings.

Also, they might get some information regarding if their friend and Manong Dario may also be in this world with them. And perhaps a method to return home.

“That’s decided then!” Alva had a satisfied smile.

Both Liscia and Anna grasped each other’s hands.

“It looks like we’ll be together a little longer-nya!”



“I can teach you Archery and some bit of Magic if you’re interested-nya?”

“Really! I’ll be in your care Ate Liscia?” Anna looked exited.

“Eh? Ate Liscia-nya?”

“That’s how we call our seniors from where we’re from.”

“Strange…usually we hear the Ate attached at the end so I’m more used to hear Liscia-Ate so-nyaa…”

“Is that so?”

It would seem there was a lot to learn here.

“Ugh…you really hit hard, Ava!” Barton seems to have revived and noticed the festive atmosphere. “Did I miss something?”

It would seem Barton had been out of it a bit so he wasn’t able to hear the current events. But when he did he was genuinely ecstatic.

“So you’re going to be Adventurers then? Good for you, kid!”

“Thanks! I’ll be in your care!”

“Speaking of which, those Sword Skills of yours…would you mind if we have a spar one of these days?” Barton grinned at him.

Ace grinned back. “You’re on!”

Both Alva and Terri rolled their eyes at the boys.

“Typical boys… only thinking about fighting for fun.”

“Boys will always be boys no matter their age.”

Once again Terri and Alva seemed to have an agreement and nodded each other.

“Though I must admit… you have quite the Skill as a hand-to-hand combatant. Your body movement and flexibility in particular is very superior compared to mine.”

“Nah, compared to someone who actually tasted a real battle I’m just more of performer. I mean gymnastics is more on health, elegance and physique.”

“Well, with the right equipment those Skills are nothing to laugh about. Speaking of which… about those weapons…”


Terri just realized that she was still wearing Alva’s boots. She quickly made her way to remove those boots.

“Oi Pabby! Those swords! Return them to Alva!”

“Eh? Ah!’

Apparently, so did Ace. In panic, he quickly approached Alva with the intent to give them back but she held up her hand.

“You can have them.”

Both Ace and Terri blinked,.


“Really.” Alva nodded.

“Wow, thanks!”


Ace and Terri admired their new weapons.

“Oi, Alva? Is that really alright?”

“Is that okay-nya? I mean those swords…”

Liscia whispered the last part.

“It’s my stuff so I can do away with it. Besides… it’s not like I need those anyway. And if these kids are going to be Adventurers, they’re going to need it more than me.”

Liscia and Barton looked a little concerned but otherwise didn’t say anything.

Anna on the other hand looked a little envious.

“Oh, I’m a little jealous! Pablo and Terri can use Magic with those weapons!”

Ace and Terri avoided their gazes at Anna. But for a different reason.

Ever since the reality that Magic exists was thrust to them, they both know that whatever is happening with Anna…those strange cases where she was possessed, incredible foresight… she may have some kind of strange power that could be stemmed from Magic.

But they didn’t say anything because they didn’t have any proof. And perhaps it may be more troublesome, so it was decided silently that they’d keep it quiet for now.

Besides…Anna herself didn’t seem to be aware of it.

“Don’t worry, Anna-dear-nya! I have a spare bow you can use! I’ll teach some Arrow Spells.”

Anna’s mood brightened up at that.



“Come to think of it. We’ve never asked but…what were you guys doing in the forest in the first place?”

“Oh, that! We were riding a train on the way back from a job when it got stalled in the way because the tracks got caught in a mudslide.”

“It’s either we play a waiting game or go on our own two feet-nya. But I guess the latter turned out to be the correct decision-nya.”

“Yeah, if you guys hadn’t decided to go we’d end up mince meat by that monster. Or become those bandits’ slave merchandise.” says Ace.

Anna shuddered at the thought how they narrowly avoided that fate.

It was already dusk when their group finally managed to emerge from Marble Forest and into the main road.

This was the first true sign of civilization Ace, Anna and Terri had ever seen in quite a while. They couldn’t help but feel euphoric!

Although it was their new companion Barton who actually voiced those feelings out.

“Finally! We’re out of that thicket!” yells Barton throwing his arms above his head.

“You’re being too loud! And it’s too early to rejoice.”

Alva snaps at him whacking on the top of head with her fist.


“We still have a long way to walk before we reach our destination.”

By this time, Ace and others have gotten used to this sight. Anna was finding this quite amusing all the while she was casting glances at Ace and Terri.

“Oh, but we can see the place already-nya! Everyone look-nya! That’s Marble Town over there-nya!” says Liscia.

At the direction where she was pointing at was a small quaint village that had lights from the houses beginning to illuminate the place.

Ace, Terri and Anna were feeling excited.

They were going to enter a town of another world for the first time. From there, they were going to go through their journey into becoming Adventurers. All the while, they were keeping their secret goal of finding a way to get back to their world.

They began to follow their new friends and mentors on the road to Marble Town.

“Hmm? Oh, a courier wagon?” says Alva, squinting her eyes at the silhouette.

“Great! Maybe we can hitch a ride!” says Barton looking quite eager.

“Don’t be an idiot! Can’t you see that it’s leaving the town?”

Anna gasped as soon as she saw the “horse” pulling the wagon.

“OH MY GOSH! It’s a unicorn! A real unicorn!” she squealed, hopping in excitement!

Alva grins at her, “Is this your first time seeing one?”

“Yeah, it is! I can’t believe it! It’s a real unicorn!” says Terri, looking just as excited.

Girls will be girls. Ace thought.

“I’m not surprised. They’re hard to tame and usually high-ranking nobles can afford to have them. Although, I believe I heard the Azalea Trading Company breeds unicorns and employs Tamer Class Adventurers to use unicorns for transport.”

“Strange…aren’t unicorns supposed to go super fast? Why is that one going slow?” asks Barton.

“Probably, they have a delicate cargo or something.” says Alva.

Ace was impressed that Adventurers can find work in such a way. But the sight of that unicorn just solidified that fact that they weren’t on Earth anymore.

Ace’s gaze had shift from the unicorn to the driver. He notices that the driver was…a cat? He didn’t look like a human with cat features a Liscia but an anthropomorphic cat. This guy was probably one of the Beastman races.

There was someone else with him and he was talking to them. A guy with red hair tied to a ponytail that had a katana strapped to his back. Ace couldn’t make out the face because he was sitting on his knees while looking inside the carriage.

The wagon soon approaches them and the driver looks in caution but upon seeing they were not hostile he raises an arm in acknowledgement towards them before he passes them. They were going slow enough that Ace was able to hear their talks.

“Blast it! If it weren’t for that greedy little punk! We could’ve left earlier! Now it’s all dusk!”

“Tenryu, I know the sentiments but please lower your volume. And try to go slower, Meo. The bumpiness of the road will wake him up!” a girl’s voice could be heard. Maybe she was inside the wagon?

“Gallop is already going slower than he would usually allow-meow. Please be a little considerate-meow!”

“Is he really okay, Nia?”

“I’ve done what I’ve could. For now, let’s let him rest Tenryu.”

The carriage continues on down the road until it passed a bend on the road and was out of sight.

“Oi, Alva…wasn’t that “Wildfire” Tenryu just now in that wagon?”

“Eh? That was “Wildfire” Tenryu?!” says Anna.

“Yeah, there’s no mistaking that red-hair or that sword.”

“Don’t judge people by how they look, Anna-dear-nya. But still…that was wagon was no doubt from the Azalea Trading Company. What was he doing in a wagon belonging to them?” ponders Liscia.

“Maybe he’s another job? I shudder to think what kind of state that cargo is going to be when it reaches the destination.”

“It won’t be the bandits that would be a problem but that guy, huh?” says Terri.

Ace stared down the road where the wagon just passed them.

He had a strange nagging feeling he just missed something when that wagon passed.

It was only when they finally arrived in Marble Town that they’ve heard another one of Tenryu’s destructive antics that captured a notorious bandit group and their leader but destroyed a restaurant.

But they also heard of something else.

There was a rumor about an unknown boy who summoned the stars in broad daylight to defeat the bandit leader. Apparently, nobody knows him but he seems to be with Tenryu. Ace had deduced that from the conversations on that wagon earlier, it would seem that boy was in the wagon recovering.

Since that boy had not given a name he was called a strange nickname in town called “Star Caller.”

Whether that boy would know about his moniker is a tale for another time.

Ace, however, never would imagine the encounter he will meet with the “Star Caller.”


At that moment…

When the Artemis Party and the carriage crossed each other’s paths.

A lone cloaked boy was floating in the night sky above them.

“Looks like those kids are in good hands…I’ll tell Benny in a later date…hmm…maybe not…It’s best for them to grow and encounter each other on their own…”

The boy sighed,

“But to think she had the gift inherited from Melchior…It seems fate is more complicated than I thought…”

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