《Magica Storia》Chapter 35 - Admonition of the Stars


Come to his household and become his retainer he says. When Nia and Flare heard that they both stiffened. Aunt Magma gave a troubled look.

Tenryu looked confused from their reactions. “A retainer…?”

“Noble families sometimes scout people with talents to work under them as their retainers.” Nia explains in a hushed whisper. “Normally, it’s a good thing and quite the honor. There are also a ton of benefits plus you have a stable job and income. However…”

“But since this is George Loquat and the Loquat Family we are talking about…” Flare frowns at the situation in front of her.

Tenryu looked at Benny, who kept calm expression. “Oi Benny! Don’t tell me you’re gonna accept his offer?!”

“The incompetent peasant over there should stay quiet!” Loquat gives Tenryu a glare of disdain before turning his attention to Benny. “Well, Estrella. If you accept my offer, then you can be certain of the benefits provided by Loquat House. And you don’t have to be bothered by these lowly peasants ever again.”

Everyone looked at Benny. His back was turned towards them so they couldn’t see his expression.

“I’ll be generous enough to let have these guys help you pack. Not that you even have that much anyway-”

Benny looked Loquat straight in the eyes and said, “Sorry, but I decline.”

“Oh? So you want to do it yourself. A hard worker, aren’t you-?”

“No, I decline your offer of being a retainer.” Benny said his words firmly to hammer it in.

There was a few seconds of silence.

His immediate reply stunned Loquat.

“W-What did you say?!” Loquat acted as if he couldn’t believe his ears. Most likely this was the first time someone actually denied him.

The attendants were also surprised as their boss but not as intense a reaction as Loquat.

“I’m saying no. Thanks for your offer anyway though.”

Tenryu and the others stared dumbfounded at Benny. Yet at the same time, they couldn’t help but feel a little relieved.

“You’re turning down an offer from a noble to work under them?! Do you know what you are even saying~”

“I know exactly what I’m saying.” Benny didn’t let him finish his sentence which stunned the guy into silence, “And I reject your offer because it doesn’t suit me at all. Besides…I already have my own goals to follow. Plus I have people who are supporting me. I know that I won’t be having the support of a noble family such as yours but I’m more than satisfied with where I am right now.”

Loquat took a few seconds to process his words before bursting out in mocking laughter.

“What a fool! Are you saying you want to continue staying with these pathetic commoners rather than work for my glorious household?! You’re nothing but a fool!”

Benny simply shrugged, “Perhaps, I am. Let me ask you something Mr. Loquat but what exactly makes you someone worth serving?”

His unexpected question stopped his laughter, “Huh? Is it not obvious? I was born into the glorious Loquat House!”

“And what else?”

“What else? Is that not a good enough reason?”

This time it was Benny who snorted in derision. Finally dropping his pretense of cordial respect, he was now giving a Loquat a gaze full of disdain. Benny’s mismatched eyes also emphasized the severity of his gaze which Loquat naturally flinched away from that.

“W-What’s with those eyes?! How dare you give such a look-”

Benny cleanly cut him off, “Being born into a great family doesn’t guarantee that the person himself is great. What exactly have you done that gives you merit? What have you done that earns the respect of others? What earns you the right to look down on others and trample all over them, their efforts and achievements? Just because you were born into a noble family you have that right? Don’t give me that crap. That’s not a good enough reason for me.”


Benny was throwing words like daggers at Loquat, who was backing away from him.

“I-I’m noble, you commoner! How dare you speak to me like tha-”

But Benny cut him off once more, “If you say that being born into a noble family is all that you’re worth then you are nothing but a total nobody who is simply riding on your family’s coattails.”


This was the first time someone had the gall to insult him right in the face. A foolish boy who has been spoiled so much by being born into nobility has only been used to flattery and fear of those of lower stature. Naturally, someone who was actually standing up to him was something Loquat has never encountered before and it shocked him into incoherence.

Actually, it wasn’t just him. Everyone was stunned speechless by Benny’s blatant words.

“In addition to that…”

He wasn’t finished?! Everyone thought.

“What do you even know about Tenryu, Nia or even Mr. Venditore?”

“What do I know?!” Loquat was acting as though he was asked the most stupid question in the world. “They’re nothing more than commoners! Mere peasants! They’re not even human!”

Benny jabbed a thumb at Tenryu, “Tenryu is clearly a human, you know?”

“He’s no different from a wild beast!” scoffed Loquat.

“What the blitz did you say?!”

Benny ignored Tenryu’s outburst and continued, “And you coming from nobility or human would make you better than them?”

“Is that not obvious? Of course! Why are you asking such obvious and pointless questions?”

Benny had already expected that kind of answer. Characters like Loquat were easy to read. But it did not stop him from retorting.

“Either you’re blind or just ignoring what’s in front of you just for the sake of preserving your empty nobility status and racist ideals.”

There was another moment of shocked silence.

Everyone around there couldn’t believe their ears. They probably never encountered someone who could so brazenly insult a noble without restraint. Loquat, on his part has never met someone who would say such things to him before. All his life, everyone simply went along with his wishes or held their heads down due to him being a noble. The obvious result was him and the rest of his family became spoiled and were rotten to the core.

“The people you’ve been insulting here and there actually made great strides on what they do and the effort they put into achieving what they have. It amazes me that you can belittle them so easily given that you don’t know them really well or that you haven’t done anything noteworthy.”

Loquat was looking around wildly as though to look for an anchor to preserve his dignity as a noble. He glances at Tenryu and Nia and starts throwing some in insults about them.

“Are you insinuating that that incompetent swordsman and that sub-human Healer are better than me?”

“I’m not giving a comparison on anything, Mr. Loquat. They just deserve my respect. And Tenryu is not incompetent! For the record, fix your terms. He is not just as swordsman but a Swordsmage. His skills as a Swordsmage and his hero-like character make him one of the most amazing people I’ve met.”

Tenryu turned bright red upon hearing that. The feeling of someone praising you, especially since he always gets criticism, was making him feel uncomfortable. Flare gave a slight smirk at her brother. Aunt Magma felt rather touched and grateful of Benny’s positive view towards Tenryu.

“And towards Nia, you’re mocking her as a Healer because she’s “sub-human? Just because Nia is from a different race her skills a Healer is nothing to laugh about! She saved my life I’ll have you know!”


Nia fidgeted uncomfortably at his words. She too was pink in the cheeks. Aunt Magma saw that and whispered to herself in amusement.

“And even Mr. Venditore. He runs an honest business and works hard for his business to prosper. He even treats his subordinates well. Something you seem to be a failure at Mr. Loquat.”

Loquat flinched once more as Benny described him as a failure.

“In the end, how can you even dare to belittle them when you can’t even compare to them. Is it just because you’re a noble? Don’t give me such a pathetic reason. I’ve said this before. Without your birth as a nobleman, you’re practically nothing.”

Loquat was backing away, “How dare you?! I’m offering you an opportunity to work under me for the esteemed Loquat House and instead you dare to insult me?!”

Benny had lost his patience already with this guy, “You’re complaining about being insulted? I can’t believe you actually know that term. Since that’s the only thing you’ve been doing since I’ve met you the other day! And what’s worse you do that to everyone as natural as breathing air. Why the blitz should I work for someone like you? You should improve yourself before you try to get any respect from others!”

Loquat had bypassed puce and was now red from anger.

“Y-You…” He turned towards his attendants and knights, “Both of you! No, all of you two! Strike down this insolent fool now!”

“Both of you! No, all of you two! Strike down this insolent fool now!”

“What? B-But young master-”

“What are you waiting for?!”

“Our job is to protect you from being attacked…the boy has done nothing of the sort!”

“Though he may be running his mouth here and there.” someone added timidly.

“We could get in trouble for this! The law prohibits such actions.”


Loquat screamed at all of them.

The attendants and the knights looked albeit reluctant but still they followed their master’s orders and pulled out their weapons. Both of them wielded short daggers that were glowing with sparks of electricity! The four knights also pulled out there swords which emitted electric sparks as well.

“Benny! Look out!”

In response, Tenryu quickly unsheathed his sword and Nia readying her umbrella.

Flare quickly pulled out a pair of daggers from her sleeves. She stood in front of Aunt Magma to defend her from obvious fight that was to follow.

Nearby, several by-standers who were watching the scene started to flee the area.

“I’ll have you pay of your insolence, Estrella! You will pay for your transgression!”

Loquat shouts as he pulls out his baton. The very same one he had used on Benny the other time. And just like the last time it was emitting sparks of electricity.

“It was foolish of me to even consider giving you a chance to be a retainer to the glorious me! No, that’s right! You’re the real fool! A compete fool! A moron! In the end, you’re just like the rest of them. You’re nothing more than but mere pathetic commoners! They have no class, no standing, not to mention they are so poor!”

Though his ears had been assaulted with so much vitriol Benny knew there was no getting through with this noble superiority thing of Loquat’s. He was so attached to his high horse that he couldn’t accept there were a lot people who were way better than him. Or rather, he was desperate to push his superiority as a noble. In fact it was even showing physically, all that plastic handsomeness had peeled away into a demented-looking person.

“You think you can get away with insulting me?! My father has destroyed all those who’ve dared to insult us! We won’t just stop with punishing you!”

Loquat casted an evil gaze towards the Fyreroars as he points his baton towards them.

“We’ll ruin that pathetic shack of a shop just like how those other filthy shops who dare to not go our way!”

Flare threw a fierce glare while tightening her grip on her Wakizashi. Aunt Magma, who was standing behind her, gave a deeply troubled look.

“Blast it! I’ll burn you to a crisp!”

Angered at that threat to his home and family, Tenryu had lit his sword on fire and made moves to attack but Nia gripped his arm to restrain him.

“Let go, Nia!”

“Tenryu, you’re going to make things worse!”

Although perturbed by this sudden development, something about what Loquat just said right now was something he couldn’t overlook.

“Ruin?! W-What can you possibly do to ruin a shop?”

Benny acted as though he was very scared but from all the stories and light novels he had read, the villain more often reveal their secret plans whenever they believe they have power over you and that they think you can’t do anything against them.

Or so they think.

And it seems Loquat took the bait.

“Ha! We nobles have our ways! Hiring mercenaries to attack the suppliers of our competitor the Adora Trading Company and planting stolen goods like what we did to that lowly beast-ran Plithora Pharmacy is a simple task to us nobles!”

Oi…this guy is basically admitting his family has done crimes! Or rather is he actually just admitting this in public? Benny thought.

Benny lifted his gaze towards Loquat’s attendants and knights. They all looked troubled as though they had been roped into becoming accomplices. From the Aura that wafted from them. It would seem that they feel “trapped.”

“Isn’t the Adora Trading Company the one that went bankrupt a few months ago?” Flare whispered to Aunt Magma.

“I heard the rumors that the Loquat Family had something involved so it was indeed true.” Aunt Magma whispered back. Her usual kind face was frowning in outrage.

“And the Plithora Pharmacy…that was run by good people. So it was the Loquat Family that did this? Unforgivable!” Nia was shaking in anger but she maintained her grip Tenryu.

“That’s it! I’m gonna roast him! Let go of me already, Nia! How long are you going to keep me back from beating that guy up?!”

Tenryu was like a volcano with plug over its crater. Nia holding him back was making him concentrate exploding power.

But Nia tightened her grip on his arm, “No, Tenryu! I told you, you’ll make things worse!”

As this was all going on, Benny continued. “You do realize that you just admitted all that in front of many witnesses?”

Loquat laughed like a madman, “Ha! Lowly commoners have no credibility in their words compared to nobles! You fools have nothing to prove it anyway! Do you realize how powerless you are to us nobles?!”

Benny was already getting way past annoyed and has had enough of this guy. Plus he’s obviously under threat here.

So with his hand in his pocket he traced to form a certain formation.

“I’ll make you regret! You and the rest of them-”

“Horologium…” whispers Benny.

All at once, everyone froze in time.

After he had confirmed that everyone had indeed stood still.

Benny smiled evilly at Loquat, who was frozen in mid-rant, “This is payback for all that crap you’ve been spewing off…”

***a few minutes later***

When Benny was done in that time space he stood at where he was prior and undid the Time Spell.

“…are nothing more than mere tra-AAARRRRRGGGGHHHH!!!”

Everyone (minus Benny although he tried to act like it) jolted from his sudden scream.

““““Young master!””””

“What’s wrong?!”

Loquat fell to ground and curled up while twitching in pain. His baton clanged to the ground with a thud. He was grasping his face, then backside, and also…well, it seemed he was pinning his arm between his legs and grasping his stomach. In fact, he didn’t where to grasp! Tears and snot were leaking out of his nose and eyes. Strange enough, it snapped him out of his demented state.

“Eh? What the blitz is going on with him?” Tenryu looks at him in disgust.

“Let me take a look! Back pain? Stomach pain? Maybe I can-” Nia makes moves to approach Loquat but the guy flinches away from her.

“Stay…away…from me…you sub-human!”

“Hey! Watch your mouth! Even if you don’t deserve it, she was just trying to help you!” Flare snaps at him.

Nia still tries to approach the protesting Loquat, “Even so…it’s my duty too-”

“I said stay away!” Loquat shouts even louder, despite the pain he’s in.

Benny finally blocks her way with an arm, “Nia, stop it. He obviously doesn’t want your aid.”

“But still as a Remedician-”

“It’s still within his rights to refuse, isn’t it?” he says to her before he addresses the attendants, “Um, I think you should take, Mr. Loquat to the City Healing Facility. He might need some medical attention from people he’s alright with.”

The two attendants, who avoided their gaze at him, nodded as they both carried their young master away to the carriage.

Loquat casts a glare at Benny “Know your mistake, Estrella! Mark my words! You’ll be regretting-”

With a loud sigh, Benny simply approached him casually. He holds up something for all of them to see.

“The only one who’ll be regretting here…is you Mr. Loquat.”

He showed them a small rectangular device: his smartphone.

The screen was playing a video of a scene earlier.

“Both of you! No, all of you two! Strike down this insolent fool now!”

“What? B-But young master-”

“Our job is to protect you from being attacked! The boy has done nothing of the sort!”

“We could get in trouble for this!”


Loquat and the rest of them froze in disbelief. Naturally they’ve never seen a device that replays a whole scene before.

“W-What is this?!”

Both Tenryu and Nia’s eyes widened when they saw him pulled out his smartphone in front of Loquat. They knew full well functions of that smartphone but Benny insisted upon them to keep it quiet for a bit. And because they knew what if could do, they had an idea what Benny was up to. Flare and Aunt Magma, on the other hand, both looked confused at the little device that seemed to be emitting sounds.

“Hey Auntie, what is that thing Benny holding up there?”

“I don’t know…but doesn’t that sound coming from it sound like earlier?”

“You’ll get it now, Estrella! I’ll have you pay of your insolence! It was foolish of me to even consider giving you a chance to be a retainer to the glorious me! No, that’s right! You’re the real fool! A compete fool! A moron! In the end, they’re nothing but mere pathetic commoners! They have no class, no standing, not to mention they are so poor!”

“This, Mr. Loquat, is evidence that you were the one who initiated a deadly strike. Not to mention your blatant ignorance of the law and the warnings of your retainers. Even your insults are here for everyone to see once more.”

Loquat was shocked, “Impossible! I’ve never heard of a Magical device that can do that!”

Benny casually ignored him and flipped the video.

“Although, what’s more interesting…is this part.”

“Ha! We nobles have our ways! Hiring mercenaries to attack the suppliers of our competitor the Adora Trading Company and planting stolen goods like what we did to that lowly beast-ran Plithora Pharmacy is a simple task to us nobles!”

All color drained from Loquat’s face. That mysterious device had somehow replicated the scene where he basically admitted some of the crimes his family committed.

“As you say, a commoners’ testimony wouldn’t amount much. But I’m pretty sure your own words incriminating yourself will be more than enough. Judging from this, this may bring trouble for your “glorious” family. It would be pretty difficult to refute since you already admitted it. In the end, you all will be the one facing criminal charges, no?”

It would seem that this situation was very much like the old days in his world where anyone could get away with things because they did not have such convenient methods such as a video recording to gather evidence. Nobles had the upper hand because their word is often taken more seriously than a mere commoners. But if the situation presented itself in actual it’s hard to refute.

Of course, nobody had such access to a convenient device.

Then again…Benny did omit the part where he admonished and provoked Loquat so it’s basically a tampered piece of evidence.

“If you don’t want me to go spreading this around, leave and never bother us again.”

Benny pockets his phone away and walks away.

“Y-You…you think you can get away with this?! I can just take that device away from you!” It would seem that Loquat tried to regain some bit of his bravado and was now ordering his grunts desperately. “All of you! Apprehend that-!”

However, Benny’s voice cut him of once more.

“I’d like to see you try but with this as evidence, I can say what I’m about to do now is justified as defense…” Benny turned to face Loquat while gathering Manna. “Let me show you who you’re up against…”

Loquat did not know what he meant by that. But then he felt a surge of Magic Power coming from Benny. Even if he was splotched with flour and was wearing an apron. To everyone else, he exuded an aura similar to War God readying for battle!

“W-What the blitz is this Magic Pressure? Benny had that much power in him?” stammers Flare, feeling the sudden tension in the air.

This Magic Power…Aunt Magma stands silent but the power she felt made her feel a strong sense of nostalgia.

Tenryu and Nia felt the hair in their skin stand. They felt this power once before back at Marblewood.

And Benny began to chant in his mind. He already had a clear idea that he could cast a Spell simply by thinking the incantation out loud. As for the Spell itself, it was a Spell he had read the night before. He felt a strange connection to as though he was confident he could cast such a Spell.

“O eti et sajnz əv ðə hɛvənz…ʃajn ðaj rediənt lajt… Almagest, aj bɛg əv ði…lɛnd ðaj pawər… Gæðər ðə θawzənd starz…ɪlumənet ðə darknəs… Səlɛstʃəl gardiənz hu rul ðə skaj…kəm fɔrθ ænd pərdʒ ðə ivəl bəfɔr mi…”

(O eighty-eight signs of the Heavens...shine thy radiant light...Almagest, I beg of thee…lend thy power... Gather the thousand stars...illuminate the darkness… Celestial Guardians who rule the sky... come forth and purge the evil before me...)

He raised his hand towards the afternoon sky and instantly horizon was filled with stars!

Everyone stood in shock as they saw all this.

Loquat trembled pathetically. All his bravado and overbearing demeanor melted into fear.

His attendants and knights also trembled with the same feelings. As far as they were concerned, they’ve never encountered a Spell that manipulated the stars before nor of one that exuded power of this scale. What’s even more, the boy in front of them was casting this Spell without a visible Magic Tool.

“W-What is this?!”

“That kid is using Magic without Magic Tool!”

“Isn’t that Conjurer Ability?!”

“At this scale, this is clearly dangerous!”

“What the blitz is going on?! I’ve never seen Magic like this before!” yelled Flare as she gazed up the starry sky.

Both Tenryu and Nia stared at the sky as though they recognize this scene.

“Blistering Blazes…Nia, isn’t this?!”

“Yes! It’s that Magic! The one Benjamin used before!”

Benny pointed his finger down on Loquat and his cronies.

“W-Wait a minute!”

Loquat tried to say something but Benny wasn’t having any of it. However, Benny wasn’t the type to do such things in cold blood. So he moved his finger to the air high above them and said in a clear voice.

“Harmonia Macrocosmica!”

The stars began falling, becoming like comets and converging to the point he was pointing at. For an instant, a huge sphere of light hovered right above them like a giant star.

And then it exploded!


The exploding sphere released a shockwave of energy that caused everyone to be knocked off their feet. Benny managed to stay on his feet.

After the explosions subsided, everyone stared shell shocked at Benny. Loquat, white with fear, was now looking at him as though he encountered the artificial demon. What’s more pathetic is that his pants seemed to be dripping wet with a strong odor that Benny could even smell from a distance.

Benny didn’t really care though as he glared down at Loquat.

“That was a mere warning shot. Next time, you mess around with the people I care about again I’ll make sure you’ll experience it first-hand. Hammer this into your brain. You have no hold over me. You can’t threaten me. If you understand, now get the blitz out of here!”

Benny unconsciously released another Magic Pressure towards him.


Loquat scrambled into his carriage while leaving a peculiar wet trail. His attendants followed suit. The knight quickly got aboard the carriage and they all drove off in a hurry!

They soon turned a corner and vanished.

After a tense few seconds, Benny breathed a sigh of relief. But in an honest sense, he was panicking deep down.

I can’t believe I just went mafia against noble! What the blitz was I doing?! No wait…that guy seriously pissed me off so I guess it’s justified…

“Benny!” Tenryu’s voice managed to get his attention. He saw him ran towards Benny with sparkling eyes. “That was blazingly amazing! That’s first time I’ve seen Loquat ran off like that!

“It’s that Magic he used just now is more blazingly amazing!” Flare points out, she was looking a Benny as though she was really seeing him for the first time, “I thought that Tenryu’s claims about you were a little exaggerated but after seeing for myself I guess he was actually spot on!”

What exactly did Tenryu claim about me? Benny thought.

“Where did you even learn how to do it? And what’s more, what is that thing you showed him that caused Loquat to back off.”

Flare excitedly asked him some rather difficult questions. However, Benny had already prepared his answers beforehand.

“I’ve studied a bit of Magic but I’m basically self study. As for the thing I pulled out earlier, you can say it’s a Magical Device that has a special function of replaying a memory. It was given to me a few years back by someone special.”

Benny added in order to dispel the idea that he made it immediately. Although it was true in a way as his smartphone was a birthday gift.

“I’m not much for Magical Crafting but if it can do that it is no doubt amazing! But still that Magic you used was really something!”

Benny blushed uncomfortably, “Ah, but I really went and threatened a noble. I know he would probably not make any moves but I may have overdone things…”

“You saying “overdone things” is what I’d say an understatement, Benjamin.”

“Well, don’t be. He deserves it. But Blistering Blazes! I really hate that guy! Threatening whatever people he sees.” Tenryu grumbled still feeling a little ticked at all the insults Loquat hurled at them.

“He really is no different from the rest of the Loquat Family. His brother especially...”

“But still…” says Nia, still looking concern, “I’m worried. He may have contracted a disease or something.”

“So what? It’s his problem not ours! I can’t believe that you’re showing sympathy to that rotten little fruit!” grumbles Tenryu.

Benny had a slight smirk of admiration as to how dedicated she was to her vocation as a healer despite that maltreatment and disrespect from the “patient.”

“But seriously… Why did he suddenly fall down like that? I doubt he was just throwing a tantrum.” Flare shook her head.

“I don’t know. And I don’t really care about that big baby.” Benny shrugged with Tenryu grinning in agreement.

Aunt Magma cleared her throat, “Anyhow, all of you better head back in get ready for dinner. Tenryu-iho, you and Benny-iho need a bath. And Flare-iha, let’s start preparing the ingredients.”

“Will do, Auntie.”

“Do I really smell that bad?”

As they went inside Benny was pulled close by Nia and she whispered in his ear.

“Benjamin… What did you do? Look me in the face and tell me. Don’t avert your gaze and especially don’t whistle! Playing dumb like that is pretty obvious.”

He was obviously not fooling her.

“Oh, alright. I just gave him a few slaps to the face…”

She stared at him, “Huh?”

“Also…probably kicked him several times in the butt…”

“But how could you have done all that without anyone…knowing. Benjamin, you didn’t…” stammers Nia with a sudden realization.

“You guessed it. I simply used Horologium to freeze time for a bit…then gave Loquat a beating without him realizing it.”

“I knew it…” Nia sighs in consternation, “Benjamin, as much as I dislike George Loquat as a person, it doesn’t mean you should do something so underhanded!”

“Actually, I consider this as simply revenge for insulting my friends, breaking my shoulder, threatening the Fyreroars’ shop…actually, because he is simply a jerk to everyone. In fact, you shouldn’t bother healing a guy like that.”

“But still-”

“And besides, I don’t think he’d want you touching his groin. To be honest, I wouldn’t want you either.”

Nia turned pink, “Benjamin! That’s vulgar! Why would I touch-”

“I also gave him a well-aimed kick…a little further down there.” adds Benny with a smile.

“Benny… for you to go straight to the symbol of males…you’re actually sadistic, aren’t you?”

“No, no, I’m not a Super S! Honestly, I wouldn’t be satisfied just…ah…”

All of a sudden, he felt his knees give way and he collapsed. The strength in his legs completely drained.


Nia managed to steady him before he fell to the ground.

Tenryu, Flare and Aunt Magma, alerted by the sudden noise looked back and saw Benny turning pale.



“Blistering Blazes, are you alright?!”

Benny gave a weak smile, “I guess I’ve completely drained myself again. Using two powerful Spells really takes a lot out of you...hehe…”

“The blitz is with that “hehe”?! You still haven’t recovered and you’ve pushed yourself again with using powerful Magic!”

“I’m fine enough now. I just need to rest. A good bath will do me good.”

Tenryu sighs as he approaches Benny and helps him, “Here let me help you.”

Sniff*” Benny wrinkles his nose. “Ugh…Tenryu you really stink like sweat.”

Tenryu felt as though Benny’s words solidified into rocks smacked him on the head. Flare smirks at Tenryu with an “I-Told-You-So” look.


While Benny was casting his Spell.

Aunt Magma was looking at the scene with shocked silence. The sight of this powerful Spell made her heart was shaking. She couldn’t believe what she was seeing. But her eyes widened in recognition. It’s that Magic! So Benny-iho really is~

“Harmonia Macrocosmica!”

Benny sent the stars to explode right above Loquat and his cronies.

Aunt Magma and Flare managed to brace themselves from the shockwave.

“Auntie, are you alright?!”

“I’m f-fine…”

“Blistering Blazes…Tenryu did say Benny was incredibly strong in Magic but this is an understatement!”

Indeed… But I don’t think that’s even a fraction of his true power…

After the explosion subsided, Benny sent Loquat and company scurrying like rats. But naturally as a result, Benny nearly collapsed from Manna Depletion fatigue. After he was tended to by Nia, Tenryu and Flare, Aunt Magma decided she needed to consult her old friends.

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