《Magica Storia》Chapter 34 - Sweet Cake and Bitter Noble


He found Aunt Magma working alone at the kitchen bar. There weren’t any customers at this hour it seems.

“Oh, Benny-iho, are you hungry? I can whip you a snack if you want.”

“That’s okay, Aunt Magma, I’m good. Where’s Ate Flare?”

“She went out to buy some groceries.” She looked at his face in concern, “Is your eye alright?”

“Yeah, but looking at myself in the mirror is gonna take some getting used to.”

Aunt Magma chuckled at his joke, “I see. So do you want some snacks?”

“Actually, I would like to ask if you have an oven in the shop.”

“An oven?” says Aunt Magma, who looked surprised by his request, “Well, we do have a small one at the back but we rarely use it.”

“That’s okay. Can you show me?”

Though confused at first, Aunt Magma showed him the oven.

It was like the ovens from his home. Except instead of being powered by gas or wood it was, of course, powered by Magic. It had Magic formations etched on all inner sides of the oven. Red Magic Crystals where placed at the center of each formations. According to Aunt Magma, these formations are designed with instructions for the Magitite to utilize Fire Element Magic and generate heat.

Aunt Magma told him how to operate the glyphs and adjust the temperature using each of the formations. It may look complicated but it is just as simple as pressing a button or to be specific the Activator Seal on the formations.

“And that’s about it on how to use the oven. But Benny-iho what do you need the oven for?”

“I’m gonna make something. Do you some of these ingredients? Can you spare me some?”

Benny lists down all the ingredients.

Aunt Magma was looking more baffled by the moment, “Hmm…we have all those in the pantry. But you still haven’t answered my question. What on Mundo Magica do you need all these for? Are you planning to cook something?”

“Yup and I’ll be the one to make it.”

“But Benny-iho, you still need to rest! If you want to eat something I’ll make something-”

“I’m well enough to move now. And I’m fine enough to be able to do this at least.”

Benny explained what he was going to make much to Aunt Magma’s surprise.

“Benny-iho, are you sure you’re alright? You weren’t hit you over the head, were you?”

Benny had to laugh a bit, “No, I wasn’t. And I’m fine”

“But to make something like that don’t you know how difficult it is to make it? Or rather do you even know how to make it?”

“I’ve a made quite a lot so I pretty confident I know how to make one. Now let’s go see those ingredients!”

Aunt Magma supplied him with what he requested as well as some tools. He had to make do with alternates such as a large fork and deep wooden bowl since he they didn’t have those other necessary tools.

“Are you sure you know what you are doing, Benny-iho?”

Benny was taught how to work in the kitchen by his grandmother Rebecca. Plus, he also took Home Ed class so he once again he assure her that he was confident he can do it.


Later that afternoon, Tenryu came back to the Sun Dragon from training.

“Still not enough…it took me three strikes instead of one to split that rock…” Tenryu clenched his hand in frustration. “At this rate…”


“Oh, if it isn’t Tenryu?” a voice called out to him.

Tenryu looked up and saw Nia heading his way while carrying a small paper bag with her

“Ah, Nia what are you doing here?”

“Well, I came to give Benjamin his eye drops.” She patted the paper bag. “I’ve also included yours and Aunt Magma’s”

“Ah, thanks…”

“So you’ve been training?”

“Yeah, I need to keep up my training! I’ve gotta to keep my strength up!” Tenryu puffs out his chest in pride.


Tenryu felt a strong blow on the top of his head. The source of that was from Flare who just came back home from her grocery shopping. Nia could only heave a long sigh.

“Ow! Who the blitz-”

“Honestly, you should train how to control your power rather than adding more firepower.”


Tenryu clenched his fist in silence. Flare’s expression turned serious.

“What’s wrong? You don’t normally stay quiet.”

“I’m weak…”

It was an unusual response from the boy the elicited a stunned look from Flare and Nia.


“I’m weak, Flare-ate! If I had been a little stronger then Benny wouldn’t have went through that. Blast it! No! I have to become stronger! So I can protect my friend-”



“Become stronger! Become Stronger! Seriously, you and that stupid wanderer are really no different. You both always say that!”

Flare sighed loudly before giving her brother a warm smile. It was something that surprised Tenryu as it was very rare of her to do so as she had always been strict with him.

“But at least this time, you do have a better reason now for becoming stronger.”


Flare and Nia gave each other a knowing look before they both headed towards the door.

“Oh, and go get yourself a bath! Blistering Blazes, you really stink!”

“True… you truly do stink.” Nia pinches her nose.

Tenryu sniffed himself, “Really? I don’t really smell anything.”

“That’s because you can’t judge the smell yourself! It’ll drive away the customers dining now!”

“Not that we have that much customers anyway…”

Tenryu grumbled as they went in.

““We’re back!””

“Pardon the intrusion.”

“Ah! Welcome home Tenryu-iho, Flare-iha.”

“Welcome home, you two! Oh! And hello Nia!”

Both Benny and Aunt Magma had greeted them but their gazes were affixed on Benny. He was wearing one of the shop’s aprons but was splotched all over with what looked like flour. It even got into his hair and face.


“What the blitz happened to you?!”

Benny turned slightly pink in embarrassment, “Oh, I had a little accident tying to open the flour bag. But I’m about to take a bath anyway so no problem. Do you need help with that, Ate Flare?”

“N-No, it’s okay. But shouldn’t you be resting?”

“Oh, the three of you try this! Benny-iho has made something quite special for us.”

Aunt Magma was busy savoring something on a fork while indicating to a strange looking dish. It looked like half a circular block that seemed to be coated in cream and chunks of fruit.

“What is that? Some kind of pastry?” asks Tenryu

“It’s a cake, of course.” says Benny.

““A-A cake?”” exclaims Flare and Nia.

“That’s right!” Benny beamed at his creation front of the Fyreroars and Nia.

It was a layered sponge cake, sandwiched and covered in butter cream and topped with Peach-mangoes. Benny made the extra effort of making roses out of cream.


It was actually based out of the strawberry cake he often made with his grandmother Rebecca. It deviated a bit by using Peach-mangoes rather than strawberries but it turned out okay. Better actually. Benny was sure because sAunt Magma took a slice to taste.

It went splendidly seeing the look of ecstasy on Aunt Magma’s face when she tasted it while exclaiming how delicious it was.

“Did you make this, Benny?” asks Tenryu.

“Yeah, I did. It took me a while to get the flour bag open but other than that, everything went alright.”

Both Nia and Flare were gaping at the cake in disbelief. Actually there was a good reason for this reaction.

“But isn’t something that only nobles can have?!”

“Well, yeah…though I don’t see why nobles should only get to taste this.” shrugs Benny.

“Uh, aren’t cakes supposed to be for decorations? I hear they don’t really taste good. They’re just bread decorated fancily.”

That seemed to be how cakes are made. It was similar to his world on how cakes used to start out. Basically, as what Nia said, a cake here is just bread that’s decorated extravagantly. It is meant as simply a centerpiece of party of a noble or the wealthy. As for why only the nobles and the rich can afford such is because of the effort, materials and the artistic craftsmanship of the cake decorator would naturally make it quite expensive. As such, cakes are sometimes used to gouge the host’s wealth. The bigger and more decorated the cake, the wealthier the person it seems.

“Well, nobles have cakes just for show but I didn’t make this cake so you can just stare at it. This cake is for eating! And you can see this isn’t just bread.”

Benny indicates to the sliced part of the cake. The cake was revealed to have two layers, with cut peach-mangoes sandwiched in-between with butter cream.

“Blistering Blazes, it’s just as pretty in the inside as the out!” Flare says in awe.

“Just wait till you taste it, Flare-iha! It’s unbelievable!”

“So does anyone want a slice?”

Benny cuts the cake into four equal slices and serves it to each of them.

“Alright, let’s dig in!”

Tenryu, Nia and Flare bit on their slices…


“It’s so…”

“It’s not good?”

Benny felt slightly deflated. He thought he got it right since Aunt Magma seemed to like it.


Nia and Flare practically yelled in the top of their voice.

Benny flinched in surprise.

“I doshn’t ushually easht shweeths bhut thiss ish delichious!” Tenryu mutters as he chews on the cake.

Benny frowns at Tenryu’s bad manners, “Tenryu, please don’t talk with your mouth full.”

Flare had a dreamy expression on her face as she continued commenting on the cake.

“The cream practically melts in your mouth! The texture is softer than bread! And the sweetness is just bursting forth in my tongue!”

“Indeed!” agrees Aunt Magma as she takes another bite and savors it. “I’ve tasted cake before but it was nothing compared to this!”

“You’ve eaten a cake before, Auntie?”

“Yes, I once worked in catering a noble’s party. You weren’t born yet at that time. They had a large and well-decorated cake but it was indeed just for show. To be honest, it tasted terrible!”

Aunt Magma took another bite of Benny’s cake.

“But your cake, Benny-iho is not only nice to look at inside and out and it so delectable!”

Benny blushed. “I just wanted uplift the mood a bit since everyone was a little worried about me the past few days and all.”

“Well, you sure lifted my mood!” Tenryu licked his lips to get the last bit of the cream into his mouth.

“Where did you learn how to make something like this, Benny-iho?”

“Yeah, where did you learn it? And can I ask for the recipe?”

“I’ve been places and you pick up a few interesting things.” Benny casts a glance at Nia with a wink.

“Hey, there’s still one more!” Tenryu pointed at the remaining fifth slice. “Don’t mind if I do!”

Tenryu tries to reach for it but his wrist was grabbed by Flare.


“Oh no, you don’t! I had my eye on that slice!”

“Like blazes it is!”

Tenryu wasn’t back down as he still tried to grab the slice of cake with his other hand. Flare had to maneuver him in a headlock.

“Blast it! Let go of me!”

“I said that cake is mine!”

Benny could only stare at the scene in amusement. It seems grudges and competition for food is something common between the two worlds.

“That’s enough!” Aunt Magma snapped loudly causing the two to freeze.

“Benny-iho is the one who made this cake and he decides who should get it. Or rather…didn’t you both notice that he cut the cake into five slices and that there are five of us?”


The last cake slice was obviously for Benny.

“Sorry Benny!”

“We didn’t notice!”

Both Flare and Tenryu (albeit with his head being forcibly pushed down) bowed in apology towards Benny.

“No, no, I’m just glad you guys like the cake so much for seconds-”


There was a loud knock at the sliding doors.

Everyone turned towards the door.

“Strange, I thought I put up a sign outside that we are still closed.” says Aunt Magma.

Benny frowned as he noticed a waft of dark purple Aura coming from the door. He had a general idea of who was knocking. And sure enough, as soon as Aunt Magma opened the door there stood George Loquat and two of his attendants from before. There was a large, rather stylish carriage that Benny had only seen in museums that was flanked by four soldiers.

“About time you opened up!”

Loquat snapped at them all the while looking quite self-important.

“You’ve got to be blitzing kidding me…” Tenryu grumbles as he sees Loquat at their doorstep.

“What the blitz is he doing here?” says Flare, who looked surprise and albeit cautious.

Aunt Magma bowed politely, “Young Lord Loquat, to what do I owe the pleasure-”

“I’m not here for you, old bat.” Loquat cut her off with a rude statement.

Benny, Nia and Flare looked very indignant at his words. Although Aunt Magma didn’t seem to mind, Tenryu, however, was fuming in rage.

“Hey! Don’t you dare insult Magma-tia!” yells Tenryu angrily.

Loquat simply looked at him as though he were dirt under his shoes. “I’ve forgotten you live in this dump.”

Having his home called a dump, Tenryu was half in mind to pull out his sword but Flare quickly held him back in arm lock.

“Tenryu, don’t!” Flare hissed in his ear.

“And I see you’re still here Ms. Flare. Have you thought about my elder brother’s offer to you?”

“If it’s that, it’s still a big fat NO.”

Loquat simply looked amused. “Well, I can’t understand my elder brother’s tastes but I’m pretty sure you’ll come round.”

It was clear from Flare’s expression that whatever it was, there was no chance of that happening. But those words alone already gave Benny a clear picture.

“Did your brother sent you here to pester me with his proposal again?”

Loquat snorted, “He mentioned in passing but I’m here for someone else. I’ve heard that Benjamin Estrella currently lives here. Where is he?”

Everyone had a dumbfounded expression. Benny and Nia were still sitting at the table inside the shop and they too had the same expressions.

“And what do you want with him?” says Tenryu.

“It’s none of your business. Well, does he? Bring him out at once!”

Though momentarily surprised that Loquat was here for him, Benny quickly stood up from the table and approached the doorway.

“I’m here. Were you looking for me Mr. Loquat?”

Loquat stares at him in surprise. At first, Benny though it was about his eye but apparently his surprise was because of something else.

“Ugh! You’re a total mess. Don’t you know how to take a bath? Don’t tell me this shack doesn’t even have one.”

Benny felt rather offended for both himself and for the Fyreroars.

If one were to say Benny was very particular of cleanliness. He even made sure to clean the kitchen after he was done using the place just now. And he always makes sure to keep himself tidy at every opportunity.

“Well, I wasn’t expecting a visitor from a noble house. And most especially from the one that cracked my shoulder the other day.”

Even though his shoulder had already healed thanks to Nia, Benny said this to guilt trip the guy. But Loquat didn’t look the least perturbed that he caused a serious injury to him.

“It was your own fault for getting away from my teaching that lowly brat a lesson. I see you are still in the company of peasants and sub-humans.” Loquat adds after seeing Nia.

Benny felt an urge to wallop this guy with Magic but restrained himself.

“It seems you brought quite a number of companions to come along with you this time.”

“Oh, you mean them? Is it not obvious? After the recent events just this past week, father wanted to ensure my safety by sending some additional protection.” Loquat sounded quite superior as though being protected only meant to emphasize how precious he was.

“Hmm~… So what do I owe the pleasure of you gracing our front door despite the danger?” Benny tried very much not to sound sarcastic.

“Benjamin Estrella, I heard a lot about how you were the one who captured the Grave Brothers and subjugated that creature at that lowly beast’s shop.”

Lowly beast? Is he referring to Mr. Venditore?

Benny still kept a straight face but he felt that the number of people he was insulted for increasing. How many people was this guy going to insult until he was satisfied?

“It wasn’t just me Mr. Loquat. Tenryu and Nia were with me at that time. We all worked together to defeat that thing.” Benny corrects him.

But Loquat simply laughed as though he found this ludicrous.

“Are you saying this incompetent swordsman and this sub-human Healer helped you defeat that thing? Well, I can understand that most of the destruction at the beast’s store is most likely that failure’s doing.”

Tenryu grit his teeth at the insult jab directed at him. Nia bit her lip at being called sub-human once more. Flare wanted to retort but Aunt Magma held her back.

“Regardless, I heard that your talent in Magic is quite exceptional.”

Benny quickly tried to deny. “Oh, I’m pretty sure that’s bit is just exaggerated. In all honesty, I just began to practice Magic so I’m totally beginner.”

Total beginner he says… Both Tenryu and Nia gave Benny a look which he ignored.

“I have my sources. It would seem that you have created some rather…unique…forms of Magic. Almost impossible…” Loquat gave a predatory smile as though he had encountered a juicy prey.

Benny, on his part, had seen sensed that from reading the guy’s Aura and was immediately on his guard. He knew what Loquat was insinuating. The words “create” instead of “use” as well as “impossible” was a red flag. It would seem that there was a leak in information. The ones from Venditore’s had promised him that they would keep it secret. So did the Fyreroars and Nia.

He could only guess that it was most likely the Grave Brothers had probably told a number of people. Though he had hoped that due to the impossible status of those Magic Spells he had used, people wouldn’t believe them so easily.

Benny became suspicious as to where Loquat got the information. There was a chance he heard it from up the grapevine but Loquat seemed rather confident in his “sources.” Nevertheless, he simply shrugged as though to say it was nothing.

Loquat frowned at his gesture but quickly returned to his superior smile. “Well, either way it would seem you have a natural talent for Magic. I’m quite interested in your potential. That is why…”

He then pointed his finger at Benny.

“…come to my household and work for me as my retainer.”

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