《Magica Storia》Chapter 31 - Benny's Revelation


Benny was lying back in bed while being admonished by Nia for his earlier stunt of climbing out of bed just after awakening from a coma had deprived him of little strength he had regained. When she was finally done scolding him, Nia then handed Benny back his satchel.

“Here Benjamin, I managed to gather your belongings and valuables in there. Your Spellbook is in there too. And don’t worry I didn’t peek to see what else is inside it.”

“Gee, thanks Nia.”

Benny checked the inside of his satchel and everything was in there including the Spellbook and Abuela’s watch. He felt relieved that his two most precious valuables were there.

It took a while before Tenryu had calmed down (funnily, he says it will be the last time he cries like that he declares.)

“Hey, Benny…Are you really alright now?”

“I’m good already so don’t worry about it. Would you like the rest of the sandwiches? There’s too much for me to finish-”

“Really?! Thanks!!!”

Benny deliberately did that to shift the guy’s attention. It worked splendidly as Tenryu had suddenly perked up at the sound of food. He quickly sat down on the chair beside him and began wolfing some of the remaining sandwiches Benny pre-offered him.

Tenryu really was so simpleminded.

Benny, meanwhile, took out the Spellbook to scan it a bit. He didn’t notice that Nia had glanced at his direction when she saw that book being taken out. He flipped its pages until he reached a familiar page.

The Call to Return Home

Now that Benny thought about it. It was the very first Spell that he had tried out. He remembered the events of that night. The argument with his father, the storm that separated him from everyone he had ever known and his use of his particular Spell that saved his and his friends lives that night (although he had no idea where his friends were or if they were truly okay.)

It didn’t dawn to him until now that the Spell was supposed to bring him straight home rather than thrown into another world. Benny read the page and saw that the Spell needed him to mark a place as a “home.” How he was supposed to do that involved carving sigils in an area as indicated in the book. If he were to invoke the Spell he would be immediately transported to that particular place.

Long story short, it pretty much served the function of a computer game save points.

He didn’t even mark a place in his old world so attempting this Spell once more was a fruitless attempt and a no go.

Strange enough, Benny had based his Impossible 13 Concept Magic Transposition on this Magic. He had contemplated once again to use this Magic in an attempt to allow himself to cross into his old world but Emrys had told him that there were several factors that led him to being transported to this world. Those different factors that would allow multi-world crossing were still unknown to him and he shouldn’t risk it.

Benny had set that aside for now.

He scanned some more pages and found the pages for Grand Cross and Horologium. Those Spells really helped him out a lot. Benny turned the pages over some interesting Spells he was sure he would look over later.

But as he looked across some more pages, his gaze caught a particular drawing. It showed a picture of a person producing…golden flames?

He read the passage.

..Of the many forms the Element of Fire can take, perhaps the most mysterious of them all is the Golden Flames. No clear information can be said to describe it apart from one description as the Heavenly Flames of God. Myths would say that whosoever is able to produce them are said to have an unbelievable destiny.


‘No clear description’ it says…

But it had plenty of heavy earth-shattering stuff to say. If Tenryu could produce such a flame then he has some amazing destiny in store for him?

Benny glanced at Tenryu stuffing his face like a squirrel.

He wasn’t so sure about that.

But Benny was knew of many story plots of the manga and light novels where the protagonist was someone the other characters wouldn’t expect to play to a major role in the story. He decided to keep this part a secret for now. However, this all perked Benny’s memory of the last battle.

“Hey Tenryu, do you remember the last part of the battle against that Artificial Demon?”

“It’s not something I’d forget so easily?” Tenryu gave him a stiff smile.

“Do you remember when you were about to lay the final blow your flames suddenly turned gold, right?” From the corner of Benny’s eye he saw Nia gaze at them.

“Oh…that…” Tenryu looked a little sullen once more.

“Is that part of some secret technique of yours or something?”

“To be honest with you I don’t know how it happened. Actually, that move I used was a secret Dragon Style Sword Technique my dad taught me as a finisher one-hit kill move.”

“Well, that’s something amazing, isn’t it?”

“…but the golden flames part was something new entirely.”

“Eh? You mean the golden flames thing wasn’t part of it?”

“No, I’ve used that technique many times over and that was the first time it happened. I feel a strange surge of energy from my whole body then the next thing I knew my flames turned gold!”

“That was really the first time I’ve seen you produce those flames Tenryu.” says Nia.

“Have you ever made gold flames appear before?”

Tenryu shook his head, “Nope. I don’t even know how I did it”

There was something definitely different about those flames. Benny was sure about that. When he saw those flames, it too was covered with an Aura. But unlike the Black Aura of the Artificial Demon, the golden flames had an Aura of purity in it. So much so that Benny could feel the darkness in him melting away.

“Have you ever heard of anyone ever created those kinds of flames before?”

Tenryu shook his head once more, “Not that I’ve heard off. I don’t even know what those flames are. Why are you bringing this up?”

“It seems interesting you know. But if I were to say…maybe those golden flames are something unique that only you can use.”

“Something unique, huh?” mutters Tenryu as he looked at his palm before clenching his hand into a fist.

Tenryu sat silent for a while before he gave Benny a glance.

“Speaking of something unique, you’re the most one out of all of us, you know that?”

Nia chimes in on hearing that, “I’d agree. Apart from the recklessness that mirrors Tenryu you’re pretty amazing.”

Benny did not expect the conversation to steer right back at him and was quite embarrassed to hear that. Although he was sure that Nia gave him a slightly backhanded comment.

“I’m not really sure there’s anything about me being amazing at all.”

“What the blitz are you saying? Benny you’re blazingly awesome! Your Magic Abilities are the best I’ve ever seen!”

“I quite agree. I’ve met a lot of powerful Mages but they are nowhere as skillful in Magic as you are.”

“Eh, I wouldn’t say that since I’m just a beginner in all this. I’m pretty sure lots of people can do that.”


Tenryu and Nia looked at him skeptically.

“There aren’t that many who can do what you are capable of, Benny…”

“You were able to do powerful Spells on the first try! Apart from that, you can cast powerful Magic in the opposite Attribute Triad from your Light Element as though it was natural! It takes years of practice to even achieve usage of one opposite element but not only have you achieved that with Water Element but the Ice Element as well?!”

Benny had used those types of Magic because it was convenient in that situation to use in conjunction with Lightning Element Magic. Naturally, he ignored the fact that using elements from the opposite Attribute Triad was something on the level of experts. He wasn’t expecting the kind of backlash this would bring to him in the form of Nia.

“And what’s more you invented Magic that’s supposed to be in the Impossible 13 Concepts and out of whim I might add! That’s definitely something nobody can do apart from you!”

Benny’s face cramps upon hearing all that. Even though Emrys had just laid it out of him before it was still hard to believe for Benny that he did all those.

“And don’t forget that you were able to use Magic without a Magic Tool.” adds Tenryu.

“Ah yes that! Since when are you ever going to tell us that you have the Conjuring Ability!” adds Nia.

Benny started breaking out in cold sweat, “Ah, so you found out about that too?”

“Even from afar, I saw the whole thing Benjamin! It’s hard to miss that you suddenly paralyze that thing with a glowing tip of your finger.”

“And I was right beside you. You can’t miss it.” Tenryu chimes in.

“I have the Conjuring Ability myself but it’s still rare, especially from the Human Race. It really does make me wonder if whether you really are a novice as you claim to be.”

“Ah, about that it was actually my first time to use that in actual combat.” Or actually using it for that matter…

“Is that so? And let me guess…you just thought of it on the spot again, didn’t you?”

“Err…not exactly…I’ve been studying about it and thought of the theory but yeah it’s the first time I’ve really done it.”

Nia and Tenryu looked at him even more skeptically.

“Just come clean already, Benjamin. Who exactly are you? There is no way you are a novice. Even being a prodigy has its limits.”

“But it’s true! And where did that prodigy thing come from?! I’m no prodigy! I’ve only just started using Magic in these couple of weeks. Magic doesn’t exist from where I come from!”

“Huh? What do you mean Magic doesn’t exist where you come from? What kind of place doesn’t have Magic?”

Benny had frozen upon realizing his panic had let him slip.

Just tell them the truth…

The memory of Emrys’ words repeated in his mind.

Benny was told by Emrys not to doubt his own abilities. He was also told to become more honest towards his friends. It was just out of habit of his self-deprecating tendencies that made him downplay himself by instinct.

And Tenryu and Nia were both giving him that “I want to know so tell us already?!” stares.

“I guess I do have a lot of explaining to do huh?”


Benny jolted from that and sighed.

“Well, first off…Tenryu, can you check if there’s anybody outside in the hallway and lock the door? And Nia, can you check if the windows are open and please close them if they are.”

Benny suddenly requesting this threw them off-footed.



“Please let that be a favor. I’ll explain everything after.”

It was evident that Tenryu and Nia found him suddenly requesting this strange. But Benny did not want eavesdroppers in here. They did what he asked of them and while they did that, Benny quickly scanned Spellbook for some Spell that can provide privacy.

But then as though it had a mind on its own, the Spellbook suddenly started glowing dimly and the pages flipped towards a specific page about a Spell called White Noise. It can cause those outside a certain area to hear nothing but a ringing sound like a TV on a static. It was just a spell he needed. It seems this book has a search engine built in.

“Nobody’s in the hallway.” says Tenryu while bolting the door.

“So is the outside.” says Nia as she closes the windows.

“Great! Now then…”

Benny raised his right hand and the ring on it started glowing.

“White Noise”

A surge of energy exploded out of the ring and Benny felt it envelope the whole room.

Both Tenryu and Nia jumped as they felt the energy pass over them.

“Benjamin, what was that?”

Benny assures them, “Don’t worry, it’s a Spell that can make things difficult for those outside to eavesdrop.”

“Blistering Blazes… What’s with all the secrecy, Benny?”

“What I’m about to tell you is a very big secret. And for now…I can only trust you guys.”

“Eh? Only we’re the ones? Then what about Magma-tia and Flare-ate?”

“I don’t think they’re ready to hear what I’m about to tell you. It’s a little out of this world….literally. I’ll tell them too when the time is right. Don’t worry. Come closer, I don’t want to raise my voice to much even with this Spell on.”

Nia took another chair and likewise Tenryu did the same.

Benny took a deep breath and started to talk.


Benny talked for about an hour and took his time explaining everything in detail.

“And that’s about it. Long story short…I’m not from this world.”

Tenryu and Nia stared at him. Their eyes became two dots.

“As expected, you guys don’t believe me, don’t you?”

Nia shifted in her seat, “Um, no…from the way you talk it didn’t seem to be a lie. It’s just it’s really hard to accept it so naturally.”

Well he and expected that much. If someone told him that they came from another world he’d pick up his phone and call the mental health hospital.

“What do you think, Tenryu?”


Tenryu was giving Benny a very long stare.

“W-What is it?” Benny asks, getting uncomfortable with that long stare.

“Benny…I’m not entirely sure if I believe all this but let me ask. In that world where you come from are there extremely tall towers made of glass?”

“Towers made of glass?” Benny though carefully and there’s only thing that comes to mind in that description. “Could you be talking about skyscrapers?”


Tenryu repeated while clutching his forehead as though straining to remember something. He shook his head and stared at Benny once more.

“Are there also huge metal contraptions that people can ride on?”

“Metal contraptions…wait! You mean cars?!”

“I think there’re even those that fly in the sky like a bird?”

“Eh?! That’s an airplane!”

Nia was looking back and forth between them while being confused at situation. Tenryu was dishing out some kind of weird descriptions and Benny was summarizing them into something he knows.

“What about a weird box-like tool that transmits images without Magic?”

“Isn’t that a television you’re talking about?!” Benny blurted out in astonishment.

How does a guy from this world know all that? Those were things from Benny’s world and they shouldn’t even exist here!

Suddenly having an idea, Benny quickly rummaged his bag and pulled out his smart phone from its safety case.

Tenryu’s eyes widened when he saw that. He recognized as one of those strange devices he had seen in those dreams where people often had them close to their face.

“Tenryu, come closer for a moment. I’d like to show you something.”

Nia stared at the thing in his hands, “Benjamin, what’s that?”

“It’s my smart phone.”


Benny quickly turned it on and hoping it still had battery. Unfortunately, it was already in the red zone.

“Blast it!” Benny cursed unaware Tenryu and Nia jolted at his words, “There isn’t even an electric outlet in this world…Hang on, maybe I can…”

Benny held his right hand over the phone and focused on the battery’s energy supply.

“Enchant: Charge!”

The ring’s crystal glowed once more as his phone was enveloped with energy that small sparks. In an instant, the low battery indicator stopped and the he saw the battery symbol had turned full! Benny had just invented instant charging via Magic!

“It’s a success!” Benny pumped his fist.

“W-What’s a success?”

“Oh, I just simply charged my phone. It usually takes hours to have a full battery but I got in an instant with Magic. Really Magic is convenient!”

“And what exactly is that device? A Magic Tool of some sorts?”

“No. In other world there’s no Magic at all. We use pure science and technology. As for this, it’s primarily device that allows people from my world to communicate instantly with each other across a long distance. But it has a ton of useful functions like a calculator, camera, and games.”

Tenryu and Nia were both dumbfounded at his explanation. Rather they looked as though they couldn’t comprehend it at all. He started tapping on the device until he opened up the photo gallery. He then showed it to the two.

“Alright Tenryu, does any of this look familiar to you?”

“Eh, what-”

Tenryu stared at the little screen and what was there he leapt up to his feet in shock. He quickly snatched the phone out of Benny’s hands and stared at some more as though he couldn’t believe what he was seeing.

Having his phone snatched from his fingers so roughly, Benny angrily snapped at him, “Oi! Tenryu, be careful with that! You’ll break it!”

“Blistering Blazes…This is it! This is the thing I saw in my dreams!”

The “thing” he was talking about was a picture of Benny’s cousin Richie’s new car.

Nia got up from her chair and also took a look. She stared at the screen in amazement.

“Oh wow! This image is so clear! It’s like looking though a little window!”

“Nia, this is what I was seeing in my dreams! Just look-uwaah!”

Tenryu yelled because when he prodded at the picture, the image instantly moved to the next one. It was a touch screen smart phone after all. The sight of the image suddenly moving surprised Tenryu that he had dropped the phone.

Luckily, Tenryu was by the bed and Benny managed to catch his phone before it fell to the floor. This did not mean he was not very irritated with Tenryu for nearly dropping his phone.

“What the blitz are you doing?! Didn’t I just say to be careful with my phone?!” Benny snapped angrily.

Both Tenryu and Nia were momentarily surprised by his sudden outburst before Nia swatted Tenryu at the top of the head and nodded at him to apologize.

“S-Sorry! But the photo suddenly moved!”

Benny took a deep breath and calmed down, “Oh, it’s because you swiped your finger over it. It’s sensitive to the touch and that’s how you actually work this thing.”

“Whoa! Can I try?!” says Tenryu with eyes sparkling.

“Yes, me too!” pipes Nia.

Of course, Benny’s answer was, “No.”


“I think I’ll be the one to hold and work this thing while explaining. This smart phone is quite precious to me and I could seriously snap an arm if someone were to break my phone, just to be clear…”

Benny gave them both a smile that didn’t reach his eyes nor did his voice. Benny’s words were with a threatening voice that sent shivers down their spines. But what really made them scared was the strange feeling as though the king of the underworld was standing right behind him.

Reluctantly, Tenryu and Nia agreed. Also because they knew that though they were more experienced in actually fighting dangerous people… Benny emitted a bit of energy that told anyone that he was serious.

With that Benny started to show them images from his old world.

And strange enough he too felt that he was reconnecting that world once again

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