《Magica Storia》Chapter 29 - Answers of the Spirit Guardian


Benny found himself lying in middle of patch of grassy area surrounded by field of sunflowers.

“Where am I?”

“Finally awake are we?”


Benny looked behind him and saw Emrys…

…sitting in what looked like a table booth of a fast-food restaurant. While his hood was covering the top half of his face as usual, he was nonchalantly drinking a fruit smoothie out of a bendy straw.

And seriously why is something like that restaurant booth doing in the middle of a meadow? It just ruined the whole scenery!

“What the blitz are you doing?” asks Benny with a sweatdrop.


Emrys looks at him with the mouth shaped like “O” as if he were surprised about something. Nonetheless his mouth broke into a wide smile and gestures to the seat in front of him.

“Come and have a seat. We have so much to talk about.”

“You bet we have a lot to talk about!” Though it felt weird for him, Benny took a seat. “But first things first, where are we?”

“Ah, well you can call this place the physical manifestation of the subconscious plane of your mind.”

“So this is a dream?”

Emrys chuckled, “The way how you easily generalize things into something simple is quite impressive and a bit scary sometimes. But yes, you could say it is a “dream” in the simplest sense.”


“Would you like to order something?”

Emrys hands him a menu.

“Oh, thanks. I guess I’ll have a soufflé cheesecake and strawberry milk tea…Wait! Why the blitz am I ordering something?!”

Emrys looks at him with an amused smile, “Ho…ho…”

Benny frowned in response. What’s with that amused look?!

“Ah, never mind. I thought you might like to eat something while we talk.”

“This is a dream, isn’t? Technically, I can’t literally eat anything in here.”

“Think of it as food for the soul as you may. Oh, your orders are here.”

Emrys indicates to a plate of a large soufflé cheesecake slice and a large glass of strawberry milk tea that appeared out of nowhere.

“Eh? When did these…Ah, forget it! I should’ve been used to this by now.”

Benny took a fork (which he also had no idea where it came from) and took a bite of the cheesecake. It tasted good. How and why is that possible? Benny decided not to bother.

“Hey Emrys, I been meaning to ask….but who exactly are you?”

“Who am I?”

“And I want a straight answer not some clichéd vague one out of a mystery series.” Benny points his fork at him.

Emrys sighed, “Well, if you want to put description of it, I’m more or less your spirit guardian.”

“You’re my spirit guardian, huh…”

“Um, why do you sound so skeptic?”

“Wouldn’t that makes you sort of like a ghost?”

“Well, even if I say I am such, there are limitations to how much I can actually get involve. So as much as I don’t want to say this, please don’t expect too much from me. In the end, your life is something you must forge on entirely on your own.”

You’ve been involved a little too much already. Benny added in thought. So that would explain why you just tend to pop out in the dire circumstances…

“Way to slap the truth in my face. Not that I don’t appreciate it. It’s better than believing that there’s a Deus-ex-Machina for every situation.”

Emrys nodded appreciatively.


“By the way, I noticed your voice isn’t all ghostly and echoing anymore.”

“You noticed that? That’s probably because we are both in the same plane now so we don’t have that communication static. Like a bad connection when you try to call someone internationally.”

“In the same plane… Doesn’t this mean…I’m dead?”

“No. You’re still very much alive. This spiritual plane is a nexus where the spirits and the living can freely interact. You were in a coma for a long time so it’s like an out of body experience.”

“Thank goodness for that…” Benny breathed a sigh of relief but stopped when he processed rest of Emrys’ words. “Wait, I was in a coma? How long was I out?”

“Seven days. A new record for you…”

“S-Seven?!” stammers Benny.

“Excessively draining your Manna while using powerful Spells one after another. Not to mention you even went as far as transferring your Manna to your friends and even did it again at the very climax of the battle. What could you expect as a result?”


“So?” Emrys places his elbows on the table. “How was your second battle? I’d like to hear what you have to say about your experiences.”

Benny wondered if this was some kind of stress debriefing. Nevertheless, he told Emrys in detail about his whole experience.

To sum it up, the whole thing was both exciting and terrifying. There weren’t any other words for it.

“I have to admit I’m very impressed with you. You have natural flare for Magic, being able to understand the theories and casting very powerful Spells on your first try. You’re quite talented.”

“No, no, I was just reading and memorizing them out of the Spellbook, you know?”

But Emrys simply wagged his finger as though chide him, “Just because you know the Spell doesn’t mean you’re capable of doing them. It’s the same as knowing an equation to a complex math problem but not everyone can get it until they try it several times. You have a talent in Magic, that’s for sure.”

“Well, if you put it that way…”

“And let’s not forget that there were Spells you invented on the spot. What’s even more impressive is that you invented Flight and Transposition as well! Being able to create and do one of the Impossible 13 Concepts is unbelievably amazing enough. But you did two. And on the same day! That is simply something no words can describe.”

“Yeah, I still can’t believe that it’s me we’re talking about it here…”

“Many had tried but only you succeeded in doing it. Do you still think you’re not talented or it was just by chance?”

Benny blushed in deep red and sighed in defeat, “I guess there’s no point in denying it, huh?”

“Glad to hear that you’re starting to overcome that self-depreciating behavior of yours. It shows that you are growing up.” Emrys nods in satisfaction.

Benny felt himself turning hot in the collar. Was it possible in a dream?

“Although not related to Magic, I noticed you have good tactician skills. That’s an impressive strategy you’ve come up to deal with the situation.”

Benny’s strategy was summarized into the following points. (1) Attacking it while it was attacking since this was only time it was solid. (2) Then, severely weaken it in its solid form then casting Horologium to ensure it stays solid. (3) Next, Nia was to use Grove of Dodona to exorcise it to the point where its core was exposed. (4) Finally, Tenryu was supposed to destroy it.


At least that’s what the plan was.

“Impressive, huh? That plan completely unraveled here and there. I told Tenryu very clearly that I will cast Horologium to stop it. But he still when in to beat that thing some more and even used up all the Manna I’ve spared him.”

“Not every strategy is perfect you know. Tenryu and Nia did have some slight doubts you had a Spell like that. Though I have to say, you made a lapse in forgetting how Tenryu’s hot-bloodedness often has him tuning out things that don’t involve attacking.”

“I should’ve accounted for that.”

“Perhaps you should’ve casted that Spell as soon as possible before Tenryu-Ah! I see… it’s because you have slow reflexes and Tenryu got in before you. You may want to work in building up your stamina and muscle.”

“Please don’t rub it in…” Benny stuffed his face with the remainder of the cake.

Emrys laughed heartily. “In the end, you and your friends succeeded, so that’s good!”

Benny sipped the remainder of his milk tea silently.

“You don’t seem pleased about it...could there be something that’s bothering you?”

“Yeah…Um, Emrys? Can I ask you something?”

“What is it?”

“That Magic World’s…no Mundo Magica’s language and writings…and the Spells written in the Spellbook…they were all inssome of the languages Abuela has taught me.”

“And you’re wondering how she, a person from another world, knows them?”

Benny had an inkling of an idea but he still found it hard to believe. So much so that he couldn’t say it.

“Well, I can’t really tell you details about your own great-grandmother’s personal life and past. It’s her personal right to tell you. But what I can say is to confirm something you already suspicious about.”

“What I’m suspicious about?”

“Don’t kid yourself. I’m talking about your suspicions that she isn’t from your home world but is in fact from Mundo Magica. And you’re right.” Emrys says nonchalantly.

“W-What? Really?!”

“And what’s with your reaction? You were already thinking it. It should’ve dawned on you that a person with knowledge from another world has a connection to it, no? In this case, your great-grandmother came from Mundo Magica to Mundo Gaia which is “your” world as you say it.”

Benny was blown by this revelation and as soon as he recovered he started firing question after question.

“B-But then how did she cross to the other world? Just who exactly was she before she came there? And what exactly is the Spellbook? And what was…um…what was that other thing?”

There was one other thing but Benny couldn’t remember with all that just happened one after another. But somehow that seemed important and he was wracking his brain to remember.

Emrys simply held up his hand that caused him to stop midway.

“I will answer your questions with two answers. First, she came to the other world by accident. It’s very similar to your situation but in reverse. So if you are thinking that it might serve as a way to go back to your home world I can say there’s a chance but a very, very, very slim chance. It is highly unlikely you will encounter that chance anytime soon.”

Benny looked at him with a glum expression. Being told that there was a way back home but it was something as a game of chance was a little disheartening.

But he also felt sad for Abuela. He remembered the times when his relatives had offered to help Abuela travel to her homeland which they assumed was in Europe. But every time she turned them down with a sad smile.

Could this be the reason? That Abuela couldn’t go to her homeland because it wasn’t on Earth at all? Right now, Benny could understand her feelings at those times.

But there was actually more to her and his family heritage than he thought. Maybe Emrys could provide him with answer…

“As for the second answer: I can’t tell you anymore.”

Benny nearly fell off his seat, “Eh?! How is that an answer? That’s flat out refusal!”

“Like I said, her personal information is her personal right to divulge.”

Benny settled back in his seat. He knew Emrys was right but he was getting annoyed by the Tantalus Situation. Something told him that Emrys was a tight-lipped fellow when he wants to be.

“But then…why did she keep all of this a secret from the entire family?”

“Ah, well that’s obvious. When she came to your world and she spoke about being able to use Magic, do you think the people there would take lightly to a person who has Magic abilities?”


Actually, Benny has read many historical accounts from his world where people who were suspected of using Magic were labeled as “witches”, “devil worshipers” and so forth. Most of the time people would react by doing horrible things to the accused or just kill them. The Salem Witch Trials was the most notorious example. Even in his home country there were stories of those who were thought to be “mangkukulams” and were burned at the stake.

“She did it…to protect us?”

“Yes. It wasn’t easy but she managed to integrate into your world’s society and lived as one of them. It was even more difficult as she was with child at that time and eventually she gave birth to your grandfather. But her intuition told her to keep her secret to herself and raised her family with the norms of Mundo Gaia’s society. She continued living in peace knowing that they will live on in that world. ”

“Abuela…I didn’t know…we never knew…” Benny says quietly.

“She did what she had to do for her family. Even if that meant she had to hide her true self to do so.”

“Then…why did she teach me language and stuff from the Magical World if she was to keep it quiet? Why didn’t she include the rest of the family?”

“Ah…well…She didn’t want the truth to die with her. She taught it to you specifically because she was very fond of you. Plus you’re more open-minded compared to the rest to your relatives.”

Benny found that touching…but felt suspicious that Emrys was keeping something from him again.

Emrys sighed loudly and was turning his head as though to look at something distant, “Sadly, that world is not ready to re-accept Magic into their lives just yet.”

“Reaccept? You mean there’s Magic there before?”

“Not all Magicians in the history of Mundo Gaia were charlatans. Some were real practitioners who hid underground due to the rise of science.”

“Wow! I never knew this stuff was real in our world. I should probably look that up.”

“You keep saying “our” world when in fact you are descended from both worlds. Your grandfather Isaac was a full-blooded person from Mundo Magica who never knew his heritage and married your grandmother Rebecca who was from Mundo Gaia.”

“Now that you mention it, you’re right…”

How did he seriously miss that important fact? If that’s the case, he wouldn’t feel entirely out of place in the Magical World anymore. After all, it seemed he was already adjusting to live there. He even had the skills in Magic that can aid him.

At that thought, Benny remembered something important.

“Emrys, I kept seeing these weird hazes.”


“I sometimes see them over people and somehow get an idea of their character. Is this some kind of power I inherited from Abuela or something?”

“So you’ve finally awakened the Aura Sight?”

“Aura… Do you mean those weird spiritual energy things or something?”

“Spot on as usual and yes. The Aura Sight is an innate ability to see and read the Aura of another. Call it a heightened sense of intuition. You were right about it being inherited. It’s an ability that has been passed down in your family though it tends to skip a few generations. So you lucked out at that!”

“I don’t feel lucky about that…”

“Listen, that ability is very rare and even those of your family rarely show signs of awaken it.”

“Like that eye power in Nar*to?”

“Err…yeah, you can put it that way.”

“But how does this work exactly? Do I just look at someone until some Aura appears and just get an idea of the person out of looking at it?”

“Yes, in the basic way. But there’s more to that ability than just reading a person’s character.”

“Really? Like what?”

“I’ll leave it to you to discover it. It’s more fun and fulfilling that way.”

A vein popped in Benny’s forehead, “You really like keeping me hanging, don’t you?”

“Nah, I’m just being generous.”

Benny was getting irritated with this guy. Emrys clearly knows all the answers but isn’t letting any slip.

"I guess I can open up a fortune telling business with that then?” Benny had actually imagined himself in a swami hat and shawls, sitting in front of a customer to do Aura reading.

“I wouldn’t. Like I said, it’s a rare ability and you’ll attract some unwanted attention.”

“Okay, you had me at unwanted so I’ll keep it to myself.”

Benny sat silent once more.

“There’s another thing in your mind, is there? Something more recent?”

Benny looks at him suspiciously, “Are you a mind reader?”

“Nope, you always have the same expression when something is on your mind. You look down diagonally to your left. It always clearly shows.”

“Ah, really?”

“Is there?” Emrys presses on.

“Um, there’s something that happened before I passed out…”

And with that, Benny explained how he got affected by the Grove of Dodona Spell and saw some strange scenes about another boy named Joey whom he seemed very close too. How it also seemed to affect Tenryu as well.

Benny decided to leave the part about seeing Emrys and Abuela in a conversation out of it just yet.

“Hmm…I see.”

Emrys sat silent for a moment.

“Um…Emrys? Is there something wrong?”

Emrys contemplated for a moment before answering, “I think you should know by now that your guess on that Grove of Dodona is ancient Spell used for exorcising evil beings is spot on, right?”

“Uh, yeah?”

“Then you may wonder why that Spell has affected you and Tenryu when you were both not evil beings?”

Benny nodded, listening fervently.

“Well, there’s another effect of the Grove of Dodona…it dispels Magic.”

“Dispels Magic?”

“Yes, Exorcism doesn’t just involve banishing evil spirits out of a person like what your world’s concept of exorcism. It also involves removing and dispelling Magic that is afflicting a person like a curse, jinx and etc.”

“Wait, wouldn’t that mean I have a curse placed upon me?”

“I wouldn’t say a curse. Not as sinister as that. When you told me you saw that boy you seemed close to being sucked away in some dark void…”

Benny stiffened at the memory. He couldn’t help but pondered about that boy’s fate.

“…you most likely encountered something that gave you a Magic-induced Amnesia.”


“You lost your memories due to some Magic related mishap. Sad to say it must be something very terrible that not even the Grove of Dodona Spell could be enough to dispel it.”

Now that Benny thought about it. He had several lapses of his memory when he was younger. Could those scenes he saw were parts of his lost memory?

“What exactly are those memories? Who is that kid Joey anyway? And…why does he feel…important to me?”

“I’m sorry…I’m not sure. I’m afraid that is something you have to rediscover on your own.”

Once again, Benny felt a deep suspicion that Emrys just lied right now and was hiding something from him again.

“What about Tenryu, how’s he affected?”

“That boy has his fair shares of Magic-related mishaps…and the arm of his is a unique example.”

“His arm?”

Benny did notice Tenryu was being particular with his arm.

“What exactly is wrong with that arm-”

But Emrys raised his right hand to stop him, “Again, that’s personal stuff. That’s for him to tell you. I am not at the liberty to tell.”

“Cause it’s something private? I guess I understand. But Emrys how come you seem to know about all this?”

Emrys looked uncomfortable and was whistling as though to play dumb. This was way too cliché.

“Ah, well…I’m sure you had experiences of knowing something you weren’t meant to know it’s not like I want to know people’s secrets but watching over certain things…you tend to see something things...private…”

“In other words…you’re a peeping tom?”

Emrys looks as though he’s been stabbed by the words.

“Seriously…you make me sound like a criminal.”

“But deliberately peeking is a crime.”

Emrys dropped his shoulders in dismay and sulked, “It’s not like I wanted to…”

To which, Benny looked at Emrys with a slight smile.

“Speaking of peeking…I’m sorry about your eye though.”

Benny raised a hand over where his left eye was. Right now, all he could see from that area was black void like he had worn an eye patch over it. He probably would have to wear an eye patch that from now on.

“Well, can’t do anything about this. I guess the Aura Sight is affected by my loss of one eye?”

“No, a lost eye won’t affect your ability. And saying we can’t do anything about that isn’t true either.”


“Allow me…”

“Wait, what are you-?”

The next thing Benny knew, Emrys placed his hand over his left eye and a soft warm emanated from it.

“There!” says Emrys as he takes his hand off, “Can you see now?”

To Benny’s surprise, the vision in his left eye has returned!

“It’s…how did…you…?”

“I…restored your eye. Although, I’m sorry to say it’s not the same as before.”

“It…It doesn’t matter…I can see from it again! Thank you!”

Benny felt tears flowing down. At that moment, he understood the joy of that story from the bible where a blind man’s sight was restored. Emrys even had to pull out a handkerchief for him to blow his nose on.

“Hey now, don’t cry! It makes me feel embarrassed.”

Benny managed to hiccup himself back to sense and blew out his nose on the hanky.

“So…what are you going to do now?”


“Your plans as of now… What are you going to do from here on out?”

Benny wiped the remaining snot from his nose.

“Well…I’ve been thinking for a while ever since I came to the Magical World.”

“Have you considered going back to your home world?”

“Well, I did…but…”


“I’ve seen a lot of things. I’ve encountered new possibilities. Plus I’ve even made some good friends. I’ve decided that the best course of action for me is-”

He looked at him (with both eyes) and told Emrys what his plan was.

Upon hearing it, Emrys’ mouth broke into a wide smile.

“That’s good. I support you whole heartedly. But bear in mind that once you make that step it won’t be easy to go back to what you once were.”

Benny shook his head, “That’s just it. I don’t want to be someone like before. I want to take that chance and make my own decision on this!”

“That’s good! Your life is yours to make, Benjamin Luke Della Sagrada Estrella.” Emrys nodded in approval, “Ah, I believe we overstayed so I think it’s time for you to rejoin the living. Your friends are worried sick about you.”

Emrys indicates to…a pair of automatic sliding doors?!

Where did those doors come from? Same place as the chairs and food?

“Just take a step out through those doors and you’ll be where you need to go.”

“Those aren’t the Pearly Gates, are they?”

“That’s a tasteful joke but obviously no. Those are much more impressive than a pair of convenience store sliding doors.”

Benny got up from the chair and started to walk towards the doors accompanied by Emrys.

“Oh, and a word of advice, I think you should relax towards your friends Tenryu and Nia, and tell them.”

“Tell them what?”

“The truth. That you are originally from Mundo Gaia, of course.”

Benny looked at him shock.

“What? But-”

That was the one thing he had been keeping quiet from everyone ever since he came to the Magical World.

“You can trust them. In order for you to proceed with your plans you need to establish a ground of mutual trust. You may not know this but you will need each other more from this point onward. Especially with the challenges you may face in the near future.”

Benny did not like the sound of the challenges but with his decision on his path he knew it cannot be avoided.

“But…I don’t know how to break it to them.”

“Ah, that’s for you decide on how. You may choose to tell it now or gradually but you have to soon. It is better that way than for them to find out some other means and realize you didn’t trust them at all.”

Benny could tell Emrys had a point. He didn’t want to lose the friends he has gained anymore and in any way.

“And they’re not the only ones. There are more that are coming your way.”

“Eh? More?”

“Did you actually think Tenryu and Nia are the only ones you need in moving forward? There are a lot more encounters in the future. That’s true for everyone you know.”

Benny contemplated this well.

“You can even tell Magma and Flare but that’s up to your discretion for now. Towards Tenryu and Nia you have to be more honest with them. You need them as much as they need you. Besides…it would be poor repayment for all that they’ve done for you so far. Especially towards Tenryu…you might find out something interesting from him. Ah, we’re here!”

They stopped at the sliding doors which had opened revealing an entranceway filled with light.

Ah, there was another other thing on his mind. He wanted to keep to himself but…

“Hey Emrys, I also saw a memory of you and Abuela talking to each other. And you seem to know her circumstances quite well. Do you two know each other personally?”

Was it just him or did he saw Emrys froze for a moment?

It took a moment longer than usual for Emrys to reply.

“Yes…I do know her. We’re acquaintances for a long time. But that’s a story for another day.”

“Eh? But wait? Uwaa!”

Suddenly, he felt being sucked into the doorway. And being unable to resist, Benny pulled in.

The doors slid closed with a beep.


Emrys was left staring at the door before turning to look behind him.

“So? How long are you going to remain hiding from sight…Glinda?”

An elderly lady suddenly came to view and was walking up towards him. It was Benny’s great-grandmother, Glinda Estrella.

“I took a nap and decided to pay a visit. I’ve never expected to see Benny-iho here.”

“He went and overworked himself. Similar to how you arrived in this place in your first time. You could’ve at least taken the chance to meet with him.”

“Who are you to talk about keeping secrets? Especially when you kept several from him just now and even lied through your teeth?” Glinda gives him an accusatory glance.

“Even if I told him, there would be more questions than answers. He needs to piece that all on his own. And it doesn’t just involve him but others as well.”

“Joey-iho…that poor boy…what he’s been through all this time.” Glinda sighed sadly.

“But he wasn’t alone. Time will come for their full reunion shall soon pass.”

Glinda looked at the surrounding sunflower fields, “This place…to think it would take the shape of that sunflower field …”

“This is a fragment of his memory that meant a lot to him. But going back, it would’ve meant the world for him if you appeared and gave him some encouragement, you know? Even telling him that you were always watching would be okay, no?”

“I don’t think the time for me to appear was the right time yet. And besides…that would’ve influenced his decision. I wanted him to make his own choices without being pressured. He’s had enough of that from my narrow-minded grandson and the rest of the family.”

“Things are pretty hectic over there, huh?”

“You have no idea.” sighed Glinda.

“But that path he’s chosen…it won’t be easy…”

“I know. So please watch over him with that remaining eye of yours.”

“Eh? You noticed?”

“That you didn’t restore Benny-iho’s eye…but gave him one of yours?”

Emrys took off his hood, revealing a head of silver hair and a face which if Benny would ever see would shock the heck out of him.

His left eye was closed.

“Well, it’s his now. Plus, it comes with added benefits.”


“It has a power that will aid him greatly now. In conjunction with his other Sight…he’ll be in good hands...”

Emrys closes his other eye with a smile.

“Are you really sure it’s okay?”

“It’s fine. Besides, it’s to compensate for his lost eye. Seriously, he barely started out and he’s lost an eye already?”

“Speaking of that eye…”

Emrys flinched at the sudden change of tone. He looked behind him and saw Glinda emitting a thick menacing Aura.

She was smiling but it didn’t reach up to her eyes. And behind her was strange image of a floating Hanya Mask.

“Care to explain…how my great-grandson…lost his eye on your watch?”

“Eh?! W-Wait!”

“Didn’t you say that he went overboard…you could’ve stopped him…”

“You know I have no control over his sudden on-the-spot choices!”

Glinda smiled sweetly as she raised her clenched fist.

“Grit your ghostly teeth.”

"N-No! Wait!"

Emrys’ screams resounded through the astral plane.

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