《Magica Storia》Chapter 23 - Magic Tools and Spells


“What took you so long?” Tenryu grumbled when he exited the office.

“Sorry about that. I had something important to ask Mr. Venditore.”

“What is it?”

“Oh, just a few things…” Benny said vaguely.

Tenryu pouts in annoyance.

“R-Really…I’m sorry…”

Tenryu snorted and patted him in the back, “Well, never ­­mind that! Come on, Benny! Let me show you their brands of swords!”

“Um, swords?” says Benny, “Tenryu, I don’t really like swinging sharp blades at people!”

But Tenryu didn’t let up.

The Swordsmage quickly pulled Benny and showed him a case filled with swords. Each sword looked amazing, but Benny did not find them quite to his liking.

Tenryu, being stubborn as ever, urged him to at least try one.

They brought several swords to a Testing Zone which was a large testing area in the shop where anyone can try and test out a Magic Tool without bothering the other customers. There were even test dummies they could use for target practice. In appearance it looked like the gymnasium back at Benny’s home world. Benny was albeit surprised to see a large place like this since they were underground but he learned to just roll with it instead of asking.

Benny also took the opportunity to ask how Magic Tool works and Sylvia was kind enough to explain.

A Magic Tool generally works by acting like a sort of antenna that allows one to channel their Manna to produce Magic and use their Skills.

They are generally made of quality materials as they are the most important tools of an Adventurer. High quality materials are used in their making such as Mythril and Adamantine Ore. The most important part of a Magic Tool is the Magitite, which act as a conduit and power source for Magic. Some Magic Tools have Magic Formations and Sigils engraved on them and basically act like a circuit. This allows those who don’t have a strong affinity for Magic to be able to use Magic to the minimum.

Magic Tools are made to the specifications of the Adventurer and their Class. For Adventurers such as those in the Warrior Group their weapons need to be tough and strong. For those who emphasize in Magic they have to be made of strong Manna conducting materials.

And speaking of their products, Benny was forcibly loaded with a lot of swords by Tenryu.

There Sylvia helped them out by explaining each sword’s effects.

Every time Benny tested one, its effects were exactly like clerk’s description. Despite this pre-information, it was still a little surprising for him to be actually doing something he’d only see in movies.

As he tried more swords, there were tendencies where that unexpected things can happen.

One sword, when swung caused a blade of light energy that nearly cleaved the head of another clerk (who just happened to have entered there in passing to talk with Sylvia about some matters) off his shoulders! Benny made sure to apologize several times at that.

Another instance was when Benny tried a cannon-like sword that shot large cannon balls made of Light Attribute Magic. It was amazing but the force was so strong that he got blasted off his feet and straight into the wall.

“Not that, huh?” says Tenryu, picking up the sword.

“Obviously, no…” Benny got up and re –adjusted his glasses.

“You can’t cut things up with this kind of sword. But you can shoot some crazy hot blasts! Come on, there’s plenty more here!”

“Okay I think that’s enough.”

“Eh, but…”

“I really don’t think a sword is for me! Besides we’re not buying one!”


“Tenryu, you can’t force a sword on Benny if he doesn’t want to use one.” says Nia.

“Is that so?” says Tenryu, looking rather crestfallen. “And I thought I can get a spar partner with him.”

“If I were your sparring partner I would die…” Benny murmured.

Tenryu suddenly looked as though he had an idea. “Oh! I know!”

He then dragged Benny around the store. He brought him to a case filled with other weapons which they brought to the Testing Area.

First he showed him a set of hammers, which Benny found too heavy to lift! Next he had Benny try a set of guns, which were similar to the ones the Cactus Gang used. Benny thought he could try them out because he used to play laser tag with Ace. But with just the first gun he panicked when it shot and wound up firing rounds of bullets all over the place.

Next, Tenryu had him try out some battleaxes. Not only Benny found this barbaric, the balance and weight caused him to fall over and get squashed.

“Do I look I’m the type to carry something like that?” pants Benny after he let’s go of the fifth one he tried.

Tenryu stopped at his tracks. “You’re right! You look too wimpy to carry these!”

Benny felt he got slammed on the head with a stone with the words “wimpy” carved in it.

However, as all these Magic Tools looked like they were made for gladiators Benny didn’t get offended much. However, this did confirmed what they just discussed earlier about an Adventurer having an affinity for an Elemental Attribute. All of his attempts on Magic with these Magic Tools seemed to be Light Attribute Magic.

“Weapons that suit Classes from the Warrior Group don’t really suit you. I guess it’s pretty obvious from earlier that you are more inclined to Classes with more emphasis in Magic.” nods Sylvia.

“I guess so…”

“Tenryu, how about you let Benny chose which type of Magic Tool he would like to try out instead of pushing one on him?” suggests Nia.

“How about something less…sharp and heavy, then?” says Sylvia, as she struggles to put the axe back into box, “We have some fine selections over that might just be up your alley!”

Sylvia leads Benny into a wide display of a series Magic Tools that didn’t have a form of blade or heavy part on them. There were gauntlets and gloves with Magitite affixed on them. There were shields and armors on display. There were also Magic Tools similar to Nia’s like umbrellas and canes. But the items that really caught Benny’s attention where the staves and the conventional stick-like wands that Benny was more familiar with.

Benny immediately made his way for the staves.

He wasn’t sure but for some reason he felt that staves were just his type. And there was a wide selection of decorated staves of different designs, lengths and styles.

“I see you have a preference for a staff?” says Sylvia, approaching him. “Why don’t you try one?”

“You want a staff? What’s the fun with that? You don’t get to destroy stuff with that!” says Tenryu.

“And that’s exactly your problem…” says Nia.

Benny took a staff from the shelf. It was a wooden staff that was about his height in length. The top of the staff was twisted around a Magitite crystal. It was the typical Magic staff you see mages carry around in anime shows.

“Do you want to try it out?”


“I think I will!” Benny smiled.

They brought several more staffs and stick wands to the Testing Zone.

Benny wanted to try the Magic staff first and so he did.

“Give it a go.” Sylvia encouraged him.

Benny pointed the staff but faltered, “Uh…how do you use a staff exactly? Do I just point this thing?”

“Just do the same as you did earlier with the other Magic Tools.” says Tenryu.

“That was different. I know that a sword can slash and guns can shoot but how does a staff work in casting Magic?”

“Didn’t you use that cane at that time in Marblewood? They’re basically the same thing.”

“Oh that, I see…” Benny held the staff around.

“What about those trying to generate some Barrier Spells you’ve used before?” Nia suggested. “Do you still remember how you did that?”

“Barrier Spells?” asks Sylvia, “So I take you have some basic Skills in Defensive Magic? Are you aiming to be a Guardian Class Adventurer?”

Guardian Class is one of the Adventurer Classes. They specialize in Defensive Magic, Protection Spells and Barriers. It was one of the Classes that Benny had considered in secret.

“Um, I did mention I haven’t made that decision yet.” Benny frowned at them.

Though he knew it was for his best interest, he was starting to get a little annoyed that they they’re pressing him to become one.

“And besides, I wouldn’t know the Spells in the Guardian Class Adventurers specialize in.”

Sylvia thought for a moment, “I don’t know much about Magic. Take for example Classes that emphasize more in Magic would need related skills such as Spell Casting, Enchantments and Magic Sigil Formations. Do you have any knowledge in Magic Spells?”

Benny actually studied a few Spells from his Spellbook last night. He memorized some of the spells that interested him.

Tenryu shook his head, “Benny’s starting out. So he wouldn’t know some complicated…Eh? Benny?”

Benny holds the staff in front of him and focuses on a Spell he had read. It was in the special language that Abuela taught him. But he wanted to try the spell in his usual common language to see if it would work.

“Converging Asterism of the Four Heavenly Kings…”

The Magitite on the staff glowed brightly as four Magic Seals appeared on the ground, surrounding the dummy. Benny points towards his target with four fingers, his ring finger pointing towards his palm.

“Grand Cross!” shouts Benny.

Four pillars of light exploded from the seals and soared straight into the open sky! If there was a roof it would’ve been destroyed in an instant. The pillars of light grew in size until they intersected and formed one gigantic pillar of light that shook the whole shop!

What he didn’t know is that it affected the whole city as well.


At that same moment when Benny casted his Spell.

Inside Mr. Venditore’s office, the old Owl Animalian was busy working on some important documents when his whole office shook like there was an earthquake.

“What the-hoot?! An earthquake-hoot?!” he squawked in alarm.

But then he felt a wave of Magic Energy. Being in this occupation for so long he knew for a fact that Spells release Magic Energy. Some of the most powerful ones have a unique Magic Energy that ones who are very familiar can sense it.

And the Magic Energy he was feeling was something he had not felt in years.

“No, this Magic Energy-hoot… It’s not possible-hoot!”


Meanwhile, also at that same moment...

At the Sun Dragon Restaurant where Aunt Magma and Flare were busy serving their usual customers…

Aunt Magma, who was busy cooking, had suddenly felt that same energy.

The spatula she was using to make some stir-fry fell to the floor making a loud clang.

“Auntie…? What’s wrong?” asks a startled Flare.

“This sensation… It couldn’t be…”


Inside an office within a large prominent building within the city…a lone figure watched from the windows as a pillar of light shot into the sky.

“It…It can’t be! That Magic… It’s definitely that Magic!”



Benny’s Spell had generated a shock wave that knocked everyone off their feet. As the pillar of light vanished, all what was left of the dummy was a large empty crater.

“Whoa…I didn’t think that would work… Maybe too well…”

Everyone was stunned speechless.

“W-What the blitz did you do?” demand Tenryu, after recovering from his shock and was now looking excited like a dog being given a treat.

“Benjamin, where did you learn how to do that?” asks Nia in amazement.

Benny scratched his neck uncomfortably, while trying to find the right words to explain things.

“Sorry about that…I wanted to try that Magic Spell I’ve read. I didn’t think it was that strong.”

“It’s pretty obvious you have a talent for Magic.” says Sylvia, straightening up her robes.

“…Talent? Eh…well, that’s a little bit much.”

Nia looked at him thoughtfully, “That still doesn’t explain where you learned a Spell that powerful? Didn’t you say you didn’t know any Magic Spells?”

Normally, for one aiming to be an Adventurer one had to work their way up from learning the basic techniques, then advance to higher level techniques. Especially for Magic oriented Classes, they also have to train until they are able to really tap into their Manna and expand their capacity to do stronger Spells. And not only that, Spells become difficult the higher their level.

If Nia were to assume…Benny’s Magic just now was most likely a highly advanced leveled Spell. Even more powerful than Cactus Hun’s destructive Vacuum Implosion Magic and probably on par with Spell that defeated him.

“Are you okay Benjamin? You aren’t feeling any of the Fatigue?”

Benny checked himself and felt he wasn’t the least bit tired. Or at least no tired from before when he hauled all those Magic Tools in here.

“I’m fine. I don’t feel any different.”

“Are you sure?!” Nia continued while looking at him intently.

Benny was slightly panicked, “I’m fine! Really! I know I shouldn’t be trying Spells I’ve only just read last night but-”

“Wait…last night?!” gasped Nia, “You only read about how to do that Spell last night?!”

“Blistering Blazes Benny!” cheered Tenryu, clapping him in the shoulders, “I knew you have great potential as an Adventurer!”

“T-Tenryu…the shoulder…” Benny winced in pain.

“Whoops! Sorry! Is there any other Magic Spells you can use?” asks Tenryu.

“Uh, well…I only read a few but there’s an idea I’d like to try.” It was something Benny wanted to try ever since the reality that Magic exists came to him.

“Eh? What is it?”

“Hmm…I’m just wondering…Can it be possible for someone to use Magic to fly?”


Everyone looked at him weirdly.

“You know? Zoom around the air unsupported?”

They stared at him as though he had just said the world was flat. Then they all laughed.

“Benny, what are you saying?” Nia giggled.

Tenryu smirked at him, “Flight is one of the Impossible 13 Concepts, isn’t it? Even I know that!”

“Eh? The Impossible 13 Concepts?” says Benny, looking slightly confused.

Apparently, there were 13 things that couldn’t be achieved with Magic or Skills. Many people have tried and thought of everything to achieve one but all failed. Hence, they were called “impossible.”

The idea of Magic to fly is one of them.

Unless you have wings like those of the Avibon, like Mr. Venditore, flight is just an impossible for everyone else.

“So…it’s impossible, huh?”

But ever since he came to this world the impossible for him became possible. Since it wasn’t something destructive like that spell he had used earlier he wanted to try that idea.

Benny sat on the staff like he had seen in the manga.

“Uh, Benny, what the blitz are you doing?”

Benny knew it looked weird but this was this strongest way he could visualize the act of flying ‘with magic.’ Benny concentrated on the Manna while visualizing on the image of flying while concentrating on the many factors that affect flying: air, gravity, his body weight…

“Fly…” Benny muttered to himself.

Sylvia had overheard, Benny’s mutter, “Fly? Mr. Estrella, I don’t know how doing that resembles flying but didn’t we just tell you that….eh? EH?!!”

The staff had levitated with him seated on it. The next thing everyone knew, Benny was floating several feet in the air in front of them!

When he realized what had happened, Benny yelled in excitement. “I-I did it! I think…”

The proper term for this would be levitation not flying.

Tenryu, Nia and Sylvia all gaped when they saw that.

“W-What the-?!”

“N-No way!”

“He’s flying?! He’s actually flying?!”

“Actually…I think this is levitation rather than flying.” says Benny matter-of-factly.

Benny was floating around the air like a witch. Then again, his fluttering cloak and pointed hat may have emphasized his appearance.

Alright, let’s see if I can move around! Benny thought excitedly.

He focused on the “actual” factors of flight. Lift…Thrust…Drag…Wind…

“Let’s go!”

And as though like he were moving an arm the staff moved in the direction he wanted.

“Yahoo!” shouts Benny as swerved around in the air like he was riding a bicycle. He went upwards and sideways around the walls. He even did a few loop de loop several times.

“This is impossible! No one has ever done something like this before!” Sylvia says in utter disbelief.

“How are you even doing this?”

Benny stopped in mid-air. “I just thought of the many factors of flight like gravity, weight, air resistance and the like.”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about but blistering blazes, I want to try that!”

Benny flew towards Tenryu, who leapt back in surprise, “Get on then!”

Tenryu excitedly sat on the staff in the same way as Benny.

That staff nearly buckled with Tenryu’s weight on it. Benny immediately realized he had to think of his passenger’s weight now and adjusted his concentration a bit. Immediately, they were able to fly together normally!

And with that two of them were zooming around the air.

“Wahoo! I’m actually flying!”

“Here comes the loop de loop!”

“Wait? What did you just…Uwaah?!”

Benny did another loop de loop and Tenryu barely managed to get a grip on the staff.

“What the blitz, Benny?! I nearly fell off!”

“Sorry about that…” Benny says light-heartedly.

“But that was still blazingly awesome! Do it again!”

Benny had sweatdropped in response that.

“Oh, please let me ride too!” Sylvia also says.


“Um, Ms. Sylvia this is merchandise, isn’t it?” Benny looks at her. “An employee shouldn’t be doing that.”

“Oh, it’s fine! We’re just testing here!”

Benny had no choice but to let her experience flying as well.


Meanwhile, Nia could only shake her head as she watches them having fun. Truth be told, she wanted to ride as well.

However, despite her awe Nia was still in disbelief.

Nobody seemed to realize that gravity of the situation. Benny had just achieved what even the greatest of Adventurers had failed. Not only did he do some clearly advanced Magic just after only (as he claims but they way he reacted must prove to be true) to have studied it last night he even achieved one of the Impossible 13 (or rather 12 now) and it was clear to her that he had just done so out of a whim!

A lot of thoughts were going through her mind.

From the way Benny showed himself, he didn’t seem to have much experience in Magic. He even admitted that he up until a few days ago was his first use of Magic. But something about Benny struck her odd. Not counting the facial resemblance to Tenryu, Benny displayed severe ignorance of common knowledge and life in general. He keeps displaying actions as though he has just encountered them. From knowing about Adventurers and what they do, to currency, to livestock, to other people (though Nia noticed it was more to other races) and seeing Magic, Benny seemed to react as though he has just seen them for the first time.

It was as though on the day Tenryu found him was the first time he seen this world.

Nia, of course, still believed that Benny just lived a secluded life until his mysterious separation from his family.

However, she had always thought that Benny may be hiding something else.

When she first met Benny, she was surprised to meet someone who looked almost exactly like Tenryu but she had heard of people having lookalikes even when they weren’t twins or much less related. That’s why she didn’t suspect anything off at first. But that same day, something happened at Marblewood. It was still something she could never forget.

After Cactus Hun attempted to make one last retaliation attack Benny wielded a mysterious book that was brimming with Manna and read a Spell’s incantation in a language she had never heard before. Another amazing thing was that Tenryu had understood every word. She had never pegged Swordsmage to be able to understand another language but that was another thing.

As soon as Benny finished with his incantation he had invoked a Magic that shook the whole skies and brought down an onslaught of stars that completely crushed Cactus Hun! What was even strange is that Benny had no recollection of what had happened.

The sight of that incredible display of Magic was still embedded in Nia and Tenryu’s memories. This is what caused Tenryu try to convince Benny to become an Adventurer.

Another thing that aroused her suspicions was that mysterious book that Benny always carried. She though the reason he was able to cast such Magic was through it. It was ancient-looking tome that belonged to Benny’s family that according to Tenryu Benny had said was passed to him. After invoking the Spell, Benny collapsed from Manna Strain Fatigue and the book closed itself shut and refused to open to anyone else. Tenryu actually once tried to pry the book open (when Benny was unconscious) but it wouldn’t budge.

Tenryu even tried to burn it (Nia was too late to realize what he was planning to stop him) But surprisingly the book wasn’t the least bit burned.

That book was definitely special if not…a powerful Magic Item. Nia thought.

But no matter how much a person reads a book filled with instructions to perform a complex Magic similar to the ones Benny has just used, it would take one a long time (weeks even stretching years) to actually get a Spell or Skill right, even at just the basics. Those Magic Spells that Benny had used were clearly not basic but were most likely within the higher tiers. It’s actually unthinkable for someone to actually get a Spell right after just studying them the night before. But Benny not only was able to perform such another powerful Spell but he was able to do one of the Impossible 13 and created Flight right before they’re very eyes.

Benjamin Estrella…whoever he is or where he came from, he is no doubt… Nia thought as she looked at Benny zipping in the air. …he’s a natural born prodigy!

This was what Nia was sure of him.


“I think we better get down!”

“Aww… Already?”

“Where’s your professionalism as a saleswoman gone?”

Sylvia complains like a little child not wanting to leave the amusement park. Benny swerved down back to ground with Sylvia.

Both he and Sylvia get off of the staff.

“Well, that was fun when it lasted…” Sylvia sighed.

“That was really blazingly amazing, Benny!” Tenryu grinned at him.

Benny lifted the staff and twirled it around. A flurry of sparkling lights followed the trail of the staff’s movement. At least this time, Benny did not blow something up or got knocked away!

“I guess… It was something I just thought off on the spot though.”

“You definitely have what it takes to be an Adventure!”

“You just added that in passing, didn’t you?”

“Don’t know what you’re talking about. Just wait till Magma-tia and Flare-ate hears about this Flying Magic of yours!”


Benny and Tenryu both jolted. So did Sylvia in fact.

The one who yelled was Nia. And she looked a little panicked.

“We shouldn’t tell anyone about this just yet! This Flying Magic of Benjamin’s must be kept secret.”

“Eh? Why? Benny here just invented a Magic that’s supposed to be impossible! Why shouldn’t he tell anyone about it?” complained Tenryu.

Benny, however, easily understood her reaction, “Because it may attract unwanted attention.”

Nia looked a little surprised that Benny had caught on so quickly but was very relieved he understood at least.

“Right! If people found out that Benny had just invented a Magic that’s supposed to be one of the Impossible 13, it would cause a commotion in the Magic community!”

“But I don’t get why we have to keep this a secret? It’s a new discovery!”

“That’s exactly why…” Benny nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation, “I’m guessing a lot of people would bother me about how I invented that Magic. And would ask for details and all that…”

“I still don’t get why…”

“Plus reporters would probably be bothering us as it might be some big news to them or something.” Benny added, knowing from what Aunt Magma mentioned about Tenryu’s dislike of the reporters.

“Geh…not them…”

“So you see Tenryu? It’s not the right time to tell this just yet. Even to Flare and Aunt Magma. The less people who know about this the better!” emphasized Nia.

“Yeah, I get it now…Blast it, if those reporters come knocking in my doorstep I’d-”

Benny ignored what Tenryu was about to say what he’d do to the reporters. He turned to face Sylvia who was the only other witness.

“Don’t worry. I know a thing or two about keeping trade secrets. Your secret is safe with me.”

“Thank you for your consideration, Ms. Sylvia.” Benny nodded appreciatively.

“Although I think Mr. Venditore has just missed out on something amazing. And it’s even happening under his own beak.” giggled Sylvia.

Everyone had to snort in laughter at that.

“Well, going back to business. It seems a staff suits you perfectly!” says Sylvia, regaining her original professional composure. “Would you like that one or would you prefer to check the other stocks?”

Benny was about to answer that he was just here to see the display and wasn’t intending to buy one.

But then he stopped.

All of a sudden, he felt that weird chill again! Benny drops the staff in response.

From the corner of his eye, he saw a black haze wafting in the air! It was coming from the main shop area!

“W-What? Is everything alright?”

“Benny? Are you okay?” asks Tenryu, steadying him.

Nia approaches him in concern, “He looks so pale. Maybe you used up too much of your Manna when you tried all those Magic Tools earlier.”

“Can I take my time to make a decision?” Benny says to Sylvia.

He picks up the staff and hands it back to her before following where the black haze was.

“Hey, Benny!” yells Tenryu at him, “Where the blitz are you going?”

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