《Magica Storia》Chapter 19 - The First Morning


Tenryu woke up with a loud yawn.

As always, because of his bad sleeping habit of tossing and turning around in his futon, his mattress and beddings were in disarray. His hair was messy as always whenever woke up and his right arm managed to slip out of the sleeve of his kimono.

But for once, he slept like a log and felt refreshed. It had been a long time since he slept in a comfy bed. Not to mention he no longer had those recurrent dreams where he woke up irritable because of the cliff-hanger about the mysterious kid.

That’s probably because that kid was sleeping right next to him right now.

He looked towards where Benny was sleeping.

Unlike Tenryu though, Benny wasn’t the type to toss around in his sleep. He was all wrapped up in his blankets and snuggled with his pillow. He looked quite peaceful and so relaxed that Tenryu felt he wanted to get back to sleep as well.

But that wasn’t Tenryu’s routine.

“Alright, time to get to training!” Tenryu said to himself, pumping himself up.

“Shut up…”

Tenryu flinched. He looked at Benny.

Benny stirred, mumbling something in his sleep, “Ace…you’re too loud…”

He began snoring quietly again to which Tenryu breathed a sigh of relief.

“Blistering blazes...nearly woke the guy up. But who’s this Ace guy he’s talking about? Ah, whatever…”

Careful to not wake Benny, Tenryu got up and changed to his training Gi.


Awhile later Tenryu made a short walk out to the fields on the outskirts of the city where he usually did his early morning training practicing his sword techniques.

Tenryu practiced his stances and swinging for a couple of hours until the sun began to rise. His practice involved a series of movements and stances that he had learned from his father. Actually saying “learned” would be calling it tepid. Tenryu’s “father” drilled it into him so much that Tenryu felt he was joining the military. Nevertheless, even with his “dad” going off to who knows where, Tenryu continued his regimen obediently because he himself wanted to become stronger.

He was just midway to his fourth movement pattern when suddenly...

“Starting early today, huh?” says a voice behind him.

Tenryu spun and pointed his sword towards the owner of the voice, thinking someone as about to attack him!

“Whoa! Hold up! I come in peace!”

It was Benny, still wearing the blue kimono Tenryu gave him and a pair of sandals.

“B-Benny?” blinked Tenryu, “What are you doing here?”

“I’ve…brought breakfast?”

Benny was holding picnic basket of toasted bread, strips of bacon and omelets. The sight and smell of breakfast caused Tenryu’s stomach to growl.

“Go back home! It’s still early!”

Benny raised an eyebrow, “Early? It’s already passed seven in the morning and the sun is starting to get warm! Aren’t you hungry?”

Tenryu stomach growled again.

“Now that you mention it...”

Benny grinned while lifting the basket, “Let’s have breakfast!”

The two of them sat on a nearby rock. It had been so long since Tenryu actually ate in that spot (nor with someone else for that matter.) The sun didn’t shine directly on the area because of the Peachmango tree that grew right beside it.

“Where did you get these?” Tenryu asked as he stuffed some rolled eggs into his mouth.

“Oh, I cooked it. Aunt Magma and Ate Flare were busy setting up the shop. So I thought, I’d whip up something for breakfast for everyone! They already ate though so it’s just for the two of us. You guys really have early mornings!”


“You can cook?”

“Even guy’s can cook you know! You did too as a matter of fact.”

“All I know is grilling meat on a stick. Everything else I try to cook becomes charcoal. Why do you think is the reason why Magma-tia doesn’t let me in the kitchen?”

“I didn’t know you were. What about stew or soups? I doubt you can make charcoal out of that.”

If Benny only knew that the last time he tried to make a soup, it was something that didn’t end well.

“Well, you came in the right time! I didn’t notice it was past seven already!”

“So is that your daily routine? Waking up at the crack of dawn and practicing your swordplay?”

Tenryu’s expression brightened up. “Yeah, I need to keep practicing so I can improve the strength and power of my sword attacks!”

Benny chewed on bacon, “Heh? I thought all your attacks are strong already.”

“There is always room for improvement! That’s why I need to get stronger so I can become the greatest Swordsmage there is!!”

“That’s a big dream... I’d say go for it!”

“Um, thanks...” Tenryu said with an awkward smile.

To Tenryu that was the first time someone outside his family actually encouraged him.

“By the way, what are you doing up so early? I thought you’d sleep the day away. I was expecting to wake you up myself!”

“Normally, I would. I have the tendency to oversleep.”

“I noticed...”

“But if you’ve been knocked unconscious several times in a row, your circadian rhythm would go out of whack.”

“Circus-what?” repeats Tenryu, looking confused.

“Um, never mind...I woke up just after you went out. You have some rather heavy footsteps and you did sort of shout.”

“Blast it...I thought I was being quiet.” Tenryu stood up and stretched, “I think we should get ourselves ready! We have a long day ahead of us!”

“I guess I do need to brush my teeth and wash up.” Benny nods as he packs up basket.

“Just don’t faint in the bath again.” Tenryu snickered.

Benny turned red as he followed Tenryu, “Did you have to bring that up?”


They made their way back to the shop. It was already open with just a few customers having breakfast. Auntie Magma was busy cooking at the bar and Flare was serving the customers.

“Oh, you boys are back?”

“We’re back, Aunt Magma!” says Benny.

He noticed that several of the customers were staring at Benny in surprise.

“Guess what? Benny’s breakfast is actually quite good!”

Benny blushed, “Tenryu!”

Aunt Magma smiles, “Oh, is that so? I did notice you were skillful in the kitchen.”

“I’ve learned a few things here and there. I’m not saying I’m an expert at it.”

“We could use a few hands here in the kitchen. Maybe you can help?”

“Sure! Maybe Tenryu and I can help out when we have free time?” Benny suggests.

Everyone (surprisingly, even the customers) flinched with a shudder.

Flare laughed, “Tenryu in the kitchen? I think we’re better off on our own.”

“Why don’t you boys get ready? You have a long day today!”

Both Benny and Tenryu made their way out to the back. Benny was able to catch some of the customers asking Flare about who he was and commenting how similar he and Tenryu looked.

They had a quick shower and a bunch of other personal necessities.


There was a little incident where Benny made sure that Tenryu had to brush his teeth properly and clean out his ears! When they made their way back to their room they found Aunt Magma already in there with a large basket of freshly laundered clothes.

“Oh, I’ve also washed your clothes.” She pats the top part of the stack which Benny recognized as his clothes.

“Thank you so much! You don’t really have to do this though! I could’ve washed them when I had the chance…” Benny says sheepishly.

“Oh, don’t be silly! However, I don’t know what kind of fashion your hometown has but I think those clothes of yours are a little out of place here.”


“I believe it would be best if you have some of Tenryu’s old clothes. I think you two are about the same size...”

“Oh! That’s a good idea, Magma-tia!” chimed Tenryu.

Benny was way past the point of embarrassed and started franticly trying to turn the offer down, “I-It’s alright, Aunt Magma! I’m already grateful for allowing me a place to stay! There’s no way I can accept-”



Tenryu clapped him over the head, “Would you burn down, Benny?”

“But Tenryu...”

“Tenryu’s got too many clothes that he never wears! We might as well have some use for them.”


“Besides I didn’t want to tell you this but your clothes do look kind of weird.” says Tenryu.

At that moment, Benny shifted from embarrassment to looking quite offended, “Excuse me?”

Tenryu shook his head, “You seriously didn’t notice? People were staring at you from behind your back.”

Aunt Magma scratched her chin thoughtfully, “I have to admit...when you came here I was not only taken in by how much you look like Tenryu-iho but also from your strangely foreign attire.”

“R-really...? Do my clothes really make me look out of place?”

Tenryu looked at him in amusement. Either Benny’s glasses were too mucky that he didn’t notice the stares he was getting ever since they arrived at Marblewood or he was just that dense not to notice his weird fashion statement.

“Why don’t you help Benny-iho find something to wear?” says Aunt Magma jovially as she exits the room.

“Well, I guess we better scrounge up something for you to wear!” Tenryu got up and checked the piles of clothes.

“It’s a little too much. I feel I’m already overstepping your hospitality. You didn’t have to give me your clothes too... ”

“Just drop it and try this on!” Tenryu tosses a shirt at him.

There were so many of them that Benny had to take his time choosing which one suited him. Eventually, he has chosen a long-sleeved, turtleneck shirt and a sleeveless tunic tied with a leather belt around his waist. Benny also chose to wear a pair of brown cropped pants that reached to below his knees. As for footwear, he decided to keep wearing his “sneakers” as he calls them.

“That’s much better!” Tenryu nods in approval.

“Aren’t you going to put on yours?” Benny stifles a laugh as he pointed towards the towel around Tenryu’s waist

“Oh right... Now where did I put my pants?”

As Tenryu went to put on his clothes, Benny checked himself in the mirror.

“It does look good! Who would’ve thought?” says Benny.

“Don’t forget this! You’ll need it!”

Tenryu tosses him a new-looking but unused satchel.

“Why do I need this? My backpack’s bigger...”

“It’s enchanted with Expansion Magic. You can keep a lot of things in there! Plus it’s water-proof!”

“Whoa! Really?” says Benny in awe as he starts inspecting the bag.

Tenryu meanwhile got himself ready and had just finished tying his hair back into his signature dragon’s tail hair tie.

“So are we ready to go?”

“Wait up! I am just transferring a few of my stuff.”

Benny was pulling out some items out of his old bag and transferring them into his new one. There were some strange devices he had in there. One looked like a rectangular black crystal and another that looked like strangely like those camera things reporters use to snap pictures. Benny also transferred into his satchel a spare shirt, a towel, a water bottle, a white box with a red cross in it and of course, Benny’s mysterious book.

Just at the sight of Tenryu’s head began to throb.


Tenryu began to sway on his feet.

“Tenryu?!” says Benny in alarm.

He got up and managed to steady him before he fell over.

“Tenryu, what’s wrong?”

“I’m fine...I just got a little woozy at the moment.”

“Maybe it’s because you took a bath after exercising under the heat of the sun.”

Tenryu shook his head and clapped his face to snap himself out of it.

“Don’t be silly! Like I told you I’m fine!”

“Are you sure?” Benny pressed on, looking doubtful.

“I’m fine! See?”

Tenryu quickly starts doing push-ups just to prove it.

“Alright, alright, I get it! You just took a bath! Geez! You don’t have to get sweaty again!”

Tenryu grinned but he sat back on the tatami floor, just to catch his breath.

Benny reaches into his old bag and pulls what looked like a gold chain and quickly wears it over his neck. He pulls the rest of it out and Tenryu thought he saw there was a glint of gold and blue. Was he wearing some kind of pendant? But before he wasn’t able to get a better look, Benny quickly hides it behind his shirt.

Benny then slings his new bag over his shoulder, “Alright, I’m done!”

He acted as though he didn’t just hide something suspicious under his shirt. Not that Tenryu cared but he probably understood that Benny didn’t want to be seen wearing some kind of jewelry.

After all...Tenryu had one himself.


“Well, don’t you look handsome?”

That was the first thing Aunt Magma said to Benny as they made their way to back to the bar. Benny fidgeted as though he wasn’t used to be called as such. There were only a couple of customers now (just a pair of regular old guys.) It seems the breakfast rush was over now.

“Umm, thanks!”

Aunt Magma glanced at him closely, “You’re still wearing those glasses, dear?”

Benny adjusted his glasses on his nose, “Yeah, my vision is so bad that I can’t see two feet in front of me.”

“Oh, but haven’t you tried some Vision Restorer Drops? That’s what Tenryu and I are using for our eyes.”

“I already told him about that.”

“Where can I get some of those drops exactly?” asked Benny.

“Well, you need to have them made by an Apothecary or a Remedician. Nia can make them for you. Speaking of which, she’s waiting for you outside.”

“Oh, yeah...She did mention yesterday saying she’d accompany us.”

“S-she did? When did she?”

“When you were still out cold from fainting in the bath.” says Tenryu nonchalantly, “You sound rather excited to see her though”

Benny franticly tried to backtrack, “No, no, I didn’t mean…”

“You’re pink in the face. Are you alright?”

Benny tried to say something but the words that came out of his mouth were gibberish.

Aunt Magma chuckled, “Go hurry and meet her. It’s rude to keep a lady waiting.”

Like that, they met up with Nia outside. Flare was also there, sweeping the front.

“Good morning, Benjamin! Tenryu!” says Nia with a smile.

“Hi!” Benny greeted her back shyly.

“Morning!” says Tenryu.

“You look good in those clothes.” says Flare, giving him an once-over and a nod.

“I’m grateful for your generosity, thank you!”

“It’s about time we put those new clothes of Tenryu’s to good use. They’ve only been gathering dust in the that dump of a room of his”

“It’s no longer a dump, you know!”

“Oh, Benjamin I have something for you! I saw this in a dress shop yesterday and thought you might like it!”

Nia gives him the paper bag.

“Oh? Uh, what is it?”

“Just look and see!”

Benny takes a peek inside it and notices that inside was some kind of a piece of cloth. At first he thought it was some kind of blanket but when he pulls it out he finds it was actually a high-collared, hooded cloak. It was navy blue in color with silver trim.

“Wow! Nia thanks!” Benny said gratefully.

“Oh? It looks like the cloak you gave me a few years back! Only if I remember it was red in color.”

Nia crosses her arms, “Unfortunately, you burned it within a week.”

Benny throws the cloak over his shoulders and fastens it. The cloak reaches to his knees in length.

“Is it okay?” says Nia, anxiously looking at the hemming of the cloak, “I hope it doesn’t look too small…maybe I can have it resized.”

“No, it’s alright! I like it!”

“It does suit you though!” admits Tenryu.

“I agree! Way better than it would fit Tenryu.” says Flare.

At that moment, Aunt Magma exits the bar. “Ah! So all of you are here and ready now! Oh! That’s a nice cloak, Benny-iho.”


“So what are your plans for today exactly? Where are you going to take Benny-iho?”

Tenryu had to repeat this three times already. But it seemed as though Aunt Magma was making him repeat it so he won’t be the one to forget.

“We’re just going to show him around the city. If he’s going to be living here now he might as well get familiar with his surroundings.”

“So you’re going to bring him around city, then?” asked Flare.

“I don’t think we can cover the whole of Amber in one day. So we’ll be around the Central District and the Market District.”

“Plus there’s this restaurant you have just got to try!” Tenryu whispered to Benny with a grin.

“Aren’t you being rather disloyal of your own family restaurant?”

“Well…You kids better get going! You have a full day ahead of you!” Aunt Magma clapped her hands to send them off.

“Auntie’s right! Let’s get going!”

With that, the three of them exited out of the main door.

Flare leaned on the broom with a smile. “At least Tenryu’s making friends now…”

“I wonder about that boy though…” Aunt Magma mumbles to herself as she goes back into the shop.

Aunt Magma thought to herself, He looks so much like him. But those eyes are… Even more so than Tenryu-iho…Could that boy really be?

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