《Magica Storia》Chapter 12 - Benny and Tenryu
The next morning…
Tenryu stood over Benny while tapping his foot impatiently.
“Wake up!”
“Five more minutes!” groaned Benny.
“You said five minutes ago…FIVE MINUTES AGO! NOW WAKE UP, BLAST IT!!!”
Having enough of this, Tenryu grabbed him by the shirt and shook him roughly.
“Rise and shine, you sleepyhead! It’s time for you to wake up!”
“I’m up! I’m up!” yelled Benny, feeling his brain spinning in his head,
“Oh! Why didn’t you say so?” Tenryu then dropped him back on the ground.
Benny felt for his glasses and put them on. As his vision cleared he saw Tenryu standing over him. His bag was already strapped on his shoulders. His sword attached across his back.
“Well, come on! We have to start early if we want to get to town by noon!”
Tenryu grinned at him before walking out of the tree’s hollow.
“I would have settled for an alarm clock…”
After packing up all his belongings, Benny double-checked to make sure that Abuela’s gifts were all safely kept. The book was safely secured in his bag and he doubled checked to make sure the pocket watch was hidden underneath his shirt. Benny followed Tenryu as they walked around the forest.
“So how do you know where to go?”
“Oh, I have my ways!”
“Do you have some kind of a map or a GPS?”
“Yeah, I have a map but what’s that last part? What’s a Jeepiyes?”
Benny bit his tongue. He only realized his stupidity.
“Err…you know…something that can tell you where exactly you are in the world?”
Tenryu shrugged, “I have no idea what that is. But it sounds like your describing a Locus-Navigator.”
So they do have something similar from his world.
“Yeah, that’s it!”
“I don’t have the money to buy something that fancy.”
Benny nearly fell, “Oh…”
Tenryu walked on slicing away some thick growth.
“So how do you find your way out of this place?”
“Like I said, I know my way around!”
“Don’t tell me its gut instinct.”
It was Tenryu’s turn to gulp. That was pretty much what he was doing.
“Err…no… Like I said, I have my own methods!”
The compass hanging around his neck suddenly felt a little heavy.
Tenryu guided Benny along, all the while occasionally taking a glance at his compass. Since meeting Benny the compass was finally working again! He made sure Benny wasn’t looking whenever he did this though. It wasn’t that difficult as Benny was still looking around completely entranced by the forest. Tenryu smirked to himself when he glanced at Benny’s expression. It was like seeing a little kid entering a play park for the first time.
But this was no amusement park.
Their walk was not without some brush with the dangerous wildlife.
“Look out!”
Tenryu pulled Benny away from a bunch of bell-shaped flowers that tried to gobble Benny from above. Tenryu slashed at it and it turned to ashes on the ground.
“T-thanks…t-that was too close!”
“You need to be careful! Some of these plants will eat you without thinking twice! Luckily, it was just the Head Biter’s Bell.”
Knowing the name of that plant did not make Benny feel better.
“I don’t think a plant with the name “Head Biter’s Bell” would sound safe at all.”
“Yeah, I guess you’re right! Never occurred to me though!” says Tenryu, who simply shrugged as though it were nothing
Benny made another mental not to keep away from that kind of plant or any plant with a morbid name for that matter.
And perhaps he should add instilling a common sense in this kid.
As they walked on, their path started to get a little difficult with all the undergrowth Tenryu helped clear the path for them to tread on using his flaming sword to slash and hack the way through. Benny was worried at first that he might start a forest fire. However, every time Tenryu slashed, the flaming blade easily cut through thick bushes and shrubs but not leaving a single lick of flame.
Even though Tenryu was his guide and sort of a protector, Benny himself had a moment of glory.
Just a while later, Benny noticed something had landed on Tenryu’s back! It was an insect bigger than the likes of which Benny has never seen before! It was a mosquito the size of an average housecat!
Benny quickly used his bag to swat a house-cat sized mosquito off Tenryu’s back.
“Ow!” Tenryu yelped in pain. “What the blitz was that for?!”
“S-sorry,” Benny pointed at the crushed insect on the ground, “But that thing tried to make a snack out of you!”
“Huh?” Tenryu looked at the twitching insect, “A Gallon Mosquito!”
“A Gallon Mosquito?” repeats Benny, “Don’t tell me this insect swallows a gallon of blood!”
“They don’t suck a gallon of blood but they do drain you enough to leave you weak and vulnerable. If it weren’t for you I’d be…well you know…Anyway, thanks…”
“Err…no problem…”
“Let’s just move it. Before another of those things comes flying by.”
Tenryu nodded and they continued on to walk their way through the forest.
Apart from those instances, everything else went well…in a way.
When they got hungry Tenryu was able to point out some berries they could eat. Even though those berries tasted like soy sauce. Whether it climbing a huge rock or a tree, Tenryu helped Benny whenever they reached they reached a difficult point.
“Try to keep up!”
Tenryu seemed to have energy to spare despite having just climbed a steep hill.
“I’m trying!” Benny panted as he reached the top. He was fraught with exhaustion but struggled not to show. “How much further do we have to go?”
“Not far!” Tenryu pointed up ahead.
When they reached those gigantic mushrooms, Tenryu showed an interesting way of passing them buy using them as trampolines. It was fun jumping from one mushroom to another, even though Benny bounced off one badly and knocked Tenryu out of mid-air causing the two of them to fly painfully to the ground. Despite Tenryu’s initial irritation, the two of them had a laugh about it in the end.
Next, they reached a series of vines growing from the forest canopy.
After finding out that they were just normal vines, Benny mentioned an idea of swinging from tree to tree using them. Even though he meant for that as a joke, Tenryu took it as a good idea and they were soon swinging from vine to vine. Benny nearly kept on slipping on each vine. Though he was afraid at first he soon got the hang of it.
Tenryu was a lot quicker to get it but at one point grabbed a weak vine and it snapped. Tenryu was sent hurtling to a bush. Benny stopped and lowered himself down. As soon as he was on the ground he ran to Tenryu to check if he was alright.
“You okay, Tenryu?!”
“Blistering Blazes!” yelled Tenryu, popping out of the bush. He had twigs in his hair but was unhurt. In fact, he looked as though he enjoyed it! “That was fun! Let’s go again!”
Benny stared in disbelief but simply smiled in amusement.
Plants weren’t the only things they encountered in the forest.
There was a fair number of wildlife present in the forest.
An animal that seemed to be a mix between a buffalo and rhino tried to charge at them. While Benny hid behind a boulder, Tenryu was able to fend it off by aiming a well aimed strike with his flaming sword on its largest horn.
The horn was sliced cleanly off!
Scared, the animal ran back into the forest in whimpering.
Tenryu took the horn piece. “I think we could sell this for quite a sum. But you keep that as a souvenir!”
He tossed the horn to Benny.
“Err…thanks…I think?”
Isn’t ivory trade illegal? Benny thought as he stuffs the horn in his bag.
After all that walking, Benny himself was starting to see the forest in a new light. Or rather he was seeing it again with curiosity and wonder.
At least this time he was safe because he had a guide with a flaming sword to help out.
Benny’s eyes immediately fell on the sheathed sword that hanging on Tenryu’s back. The thought of the flaming sword piques Benny’s interest. It looked like a katana blade. It was old looking and the hilt looked rather as though it had seen better days. Whenever Tenryu unsheathes the blade, it was chipped in places. However, after what he had Tenryu do with it this was clearly no ordinary sword.
It had got to be magic!
Not magic from one of those party magicians. But real magic, the one that uses mystical energy or something like that! Something like that doesn’t exist anywhere he’s from.
Again, that got him started to think. Where exactly was he?
“Hey, Tenryu?” says Benny.
Tenryu turned, quickly stuffing something back into his shirt.
“Yeah, what is it?”
“Well, can you tell me more about where we are?”
“We’re in the Marble Forest, I just told you last night.”
“Not the forest I mean the whole area. I mean which country this is and region like that?”
Tenryu turned to face him.
“I thought you said you went traveling all over the place? How could you not know about the country we’re in?”
“I didn’t travel to this country yet. I came from a very far place you know.”
Tenryu turned to face him, “Where? Are you from Bellofiore? Or is it Edo? Or since you ride those things... could you be from Ocea?”
Those must be the names of different countries.
“Err…no…I’m from a much farther place.”
He was hoping Tenryu wouldn’t go into a tirade of naming different countries.
“Oh, well that sort explains why you don’t know too much of this place.”
Benny breathed a silent sigh of relief.
Tenryu on his part was not going to waste his time to name them all. Besides he barely knew more than those he said already. However, he was interested in where Benny came from. Those weird dreams of him where Benny appeared really intrigued him now that he knew Benny existed.
“So where do you come from exactly?” asks Tenryu.
Benny felt himself freeze completely.
He wasn’t counting on Tenryu hitting for that question. He had to think fast. Remembering he was playing a person who had just lost everything (even though it was sort of true) Benny carefully played his cards.
“It’s hard for me to mention…it brings hard memories…”
Tenryu knew this was getting to emotional mushy stories again and quickly dropped it.
“It’s okay. Maybe next time…”
Benny breathed in relief again but quickly hid it.
“I’m sorry but I still have no clue what territory this is though.”
Tenryu considered him for a moment but it seemed that thinking too much made his head hurt. He moved on forward, slashing a bush to clear a path.
“Well, basically we are in the Kingdom of Medea.”
“Medea?” says Benny, a tone of interest in his voice.
“Yeah, it’s a neutral trade country. A lot of people from other places just come and go. You’re lucky to wind up here and not in Edo. They’re sort of strict there from what I heard.”
“I see.”
Benny tried to process all that and it wasn’t that difficult since it was interesting to him.
“So this is a kingdom? It’s ruled by a king or a queen then?”
“Queen.” answered Tenryu. “If I remember…her name is Queen Ingrid or something.”
“How could you not remember the ruler of your own country?”
“Her dad died last year so she just became queen very recently.”
“How sad…” Benny murmurs, he felt a stab of pity for the new queen.
“Yeah, well. She hasn’t done much as a queen yet come to think of it so I don’t know much about her. I have other things to worry about than a new queen.”
Benny found Tenryu’s lack of sympathy for the queen to be quite cold.
But then again kids wouldn’t be interested in politics unless it affected them. Benny was familiar with some people who suddenly had big businesses thrust on them because a sudden passing of their parents. They were Benny’s dad’s clients in the firm and he would often tell anecdotes of his work during dinner. Sometimes they would come over to the house and discuss things with his dad. During those times, Benny would glimpse that stressed and harassed look of these new businesspeople. It did instill in Benny some sympathy to them and appreciation for the work his dad does as a lawyer.
Tenryu obviously has experience with such but who was Benny to judge.
“So what exactly is your business then?”
“What’s it to you?” asks Tenryu.
“I think you know how I wounded up in this forest so why don’t you tell me why you’re the forest.”
Benny was at least grateful that he had inherited his father’s logical reasoning skills.
“If you put it that way…” Tenryu scratched his head. “I was simply passing by this forest on my way home.”
“You’ve been traveling?”
“Yeah, I’ve been on a job.”
“Job?” says Benny, sounding quite surprised, “Aren’t you too young to go on a job?”
“What are you talking about? There are kids younger than me who take on jobs all the time!”
Benny was completely shocked by this, “Don’t you guys have laws against child labor or something?”
“Child labor?” said Tenryu, as though he never of such. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
It was clear to Benny that they don’t have such a thing.
“Never mind…”
“You’re pretty weird do you know that?” smirks Tenryu, as he hacks off another shrub.
Says the guy wielding a magic fire sword, Benny thought back in retort but he did not say anything. Suddenly the thoughts about this sword came back to Benny. He interest in it grew.
“Say Tenryu, why do you have a sword with you?”
“Eh? You mean my sword?” says Tenryu, brushing a hand over the hilt.
“Yeah… Why do you carry one with you?”
“Isn’t obvious? I’m Adventurer!”
“An Adventurer?” repeats Benny.
“Well, actually my Class is Knight but I’m especially a Swordsmage.”
Benny looked at him, “A Swordsmage? So you’re a swordsman who uses a Magic sword for battle?”
Tenryu frowned at him, “Dead wrong! That’s a sword-user! I’m a Swordsmage!”
“What’s the difference? Don’t they both use swords?”
Tenryu yelled at him in outrage and in a pretty loud voice. This shocked Benny as he tumbled backwards in recoil. Tenryu bent down at him until they were face-to-face. He was glaring daggers at him in a face that scared Benny. It was even scarier as it was a face similar to his.
“Listen up! Don’t compare a Swordsmage with a sword-user! There’s a big difference got that?!”
Benny realized he might have just offended Tenryu badly.
“I’m so sorry! I truly am! I just didn’t know!”
Tenryu glared at him some more before he relaxed. He stood up straight and helped Benny up.
“Just don’t ever say something like that ever again okay?”
Another mental note written down for Benny it seems.
“So tell me, what is the difference between a Swordsmage and a sword-user?”
Tenryu glared again.
“I’m sorry for asking…I really don’t know the difference…”
Tenryu crossed his arms in thought.
“Well, my dad always said that we Swordsmages are Adventurers who follow the way of the sword and Magic. We practice the different disciplines and learn to use the sword as an extension of ourselves and not just as a tool to cast Magic or cut something. And just you should know I follow the Dragon Style.”
“Wow! That sounds like being a samurai!”
It sort of fits since he’s using a katana blade, Benny thought.
“So what’s a sword-user then?”
“Oh, those are just people who use swords for any purposes. They don’t follow the way of the sword. They don’t practice any discipline. They just believe the more powerful your weapon is the stronger you are.”
“I see…Still, that’s amazing, you being both an Adventurer and a Swordsmage!”
“You know…you’re weird. You’re acting as though you’ve never met an Adventurer or a Swordsmage before. Actually, no, there are a few Swordsmages but really…”
“Actually I have seen Adventurers before.”
This was a little bit of a truth on Benny’s part. He has seen Adventurers before…at least in a video game and his favorite anime shows. And the term for them is sometimes different like ‘mages’, ‘priest’, ‘warrior’ and so on.
But never had he met a real Adventurer!
That sort of explains why Tenryu was wielding a flaming sword in the first place. Or why the sword can spout flames for that matter. However, now that Benny had good look at Tenryu, his initial thought was that Tenryu looked like a character of out of a fantasy game.
Tenryu wore a long, dark red, sleeveless vest that reached to his thighs, pulled together that it looked like a short kimono. It had a brightly colored flame pattern that looked like a dragon printed on it. Underneath his vest he wore a loose, white hooded shirt with its right sleeve torn. He wore a pair of dark brown pants with its left leg torn from the knee down. Some kind of bandanas was tied on the thigh of his torn pants leg and on his ripped arm sleeve. Tenryu also wore a pair of boots and around his waist was a sash tied over his vest.
“So you’re an Adventurer, right?” asked Benny just for confirmation sake.
Tenryu got really annoyed, “That’s what I’m telling you! Geez, do you always need reassuring?”
“Sorry…it’s just…” Benny struggled to find the right words to say this.
“Just what?” said Tenryu, his eyebrow twitching, “Blistering Blazes, just spill it out already!”
“Can you show me your Skills?!” says Benny, barely able to conceal his excitement.
Tenryu was stunned by the sudden change but soon a wide grin spread across his face. “Sure, why not?”
He took out his sword and held it in front of him. A magic seal appeared over it and it burst into flames!
“Wait till you see this!” Tenryu grinned, pointed it to the sky. “Flame Dragon Style: Volcanic Eruption!”
Tenryu’s sword shot a flurry of flames, like a flamethrower! That reached toward the sky!
“AWESOME!!!” Benny exclaimed, his eyes were as wide as saucers and were practically glittering with excitement.
Tenryu did another trick.
“Flame Dragon Style: Triple Claw Slash!”
Tenryu slashed his sword three times and a nearby boulder was cut into to three pieces.
“COOL!!!” Benny cheers.
“Cool? Don’t you mean hot?!” Tenryu swung his sword and a rock was cut cleanly in half!
“I don’t usually use this but I’ll show you!” Tenryu stabbed the sword on the ground. Benny was wondering what kind of spell he was going to use with sword but it turns out he wasn’t going to.
Tenryu cracked his knuckles. The gloves in his hands began to glow brightly!
“Dragon’s Flame: Fissure Fist!”
Tenryu punched the ground and the whole ground cracked with flames spitting out! Benny had to leap away when the cracks reached his feet!
But he was more amazed and intrigue than scared. Something that he found strange…
Tenryu wound up demonstrating to him some of his favorite spells. He showed Benny a technique that caused a tornado of fire, a slash the cleaved the ground in half, and even a blast that turned a tree into ashes. Benny in turn was astounded and amazed by his displays of Magic.
“How’s that?” asks Tenryu after he used a spell that shot several flaming bullets.
Benny kept applauding.
“That’s so amazing! You’re one awesome Swordsmage, Tenryu!”
Tenryu was feeling quite flustered. Never before had anyone been praising him about his Magic and Swordplay before. Usually they’d complain about it.
He sheathed his sword. “Well, enough of the demonstrations. We’re almost there anyway!”
“How could you tell?”
Benny looks around not being able to see anything but thicket.
“Well, I can hear the sound of civilization so we must be close!”
Benny tried to listen but couldn’t hear anything but a weird bird cawing above them. Tenryu must have some really good hearing.
“Well, let’s go!” says Tenryu. “And be careful not to trip on that crack I made!”
“Yeah…” Benny said as he took a good look of their surroundings.
Benny was so wrapped up in amazement that he only just noticed the carnage. Tenryu had gone over the top and pretty much wrecked the place. Several trees were cleaved in half. A couple of large boulders were cracked into pieces. Not to mention the huge fissure Tenryu made on the ground. Benny could tell that if Tenryu was serious he could easily take down a hundred men.
He made one more mental note to make Tenryu the one guy you don’t want to get in the wrong side of.
“So what does an Adventurer do exactly?” Benny says, keeping up with Tenryu.
“Huh? What do you mean you don’t know what an Adventurer does?”
“Sorry, I have a general idea but I never got to ask one in person what it’s like to be one.”
Tenryu stared back at him in disbelief. He himself had been called slow and ignorant to the highest degree. But this other kid clearly takes the cake!
But now that he got a good closer at Benny, he never met someone like him before. Even the clothes Benny was wearing was rather foreign. Benny was wearing some sort of hooded shirt, a pair of cropped up shorts, a pair of weird-looking shoes, and the way his hair was shaped he probably wore a hat most of the time but lost it in the storm he was talking about.
“I thought you’ve been traveling all over the place? And you’re telling me you don’t know what an Adventurer does? Much less met one before me?”
“Well, I do know that Adventurers have several Classes. And that they can use their power for either for good and bad. Is that, right?”
Benny was relying on his game player knowledge of fantasy-themed computer games.
“Well…generally speaking you are right. But like I said it’s too general! I never met a person so ignorant of what’s around him before!”
Now Benny was a little offended, “Excuse me, but I happened to be working hard and studying for my future all the time!”
“Ah, I see you must want to be a Scholar then? Like those nerdy, bookish guys in Zentorah? But you know… you’re pretty inexperienced and unaware of what’s around you! I mean look at what happened to you!”
It wasn’t exactly Benny’s fault that he wounded up in the shores leading into a dangerous forest. And those words just now made Benny feel that he should smack this guy.
“Well, it’s not that I wanted to be washed up in the coast of this forest. And there’s nothing wrong about reading books to help you be more informed!”
Although Benny knew no amount of books he had read could’ve prepared him for the situation he is in right now, he did know that it was good point.
“Even with all the books you can read. It’s nothing compared to plain experience!”
“I know…So how many books have you read then?” asks Benny.
Tenryu turned red, looking quite embarrassed. To be truthful, Tenryu hasn’t read a single book from start to finish. He often would fall asleep at the second page.
“Let’s just go!” he marched away.
Benny tried to keep up with him, “You still haven’t answered my question.”
“Who cares what book I’ve read?!” barked Tenryu.
“No, I meant the other question! What is it exactly do you do as an Adventurer?”
Tenryu looked a little off-footed. He scratched his chin in thought, “Well, we basically take Jobs Requests.”
“Job requests?” repeats Benny.
“Don’t tell me, you don’t know what Job Requests are, do you?”
“Actually I do! The client posts a request. You go on the jobs and use your skills to fulfill the request. Then, you get paid for it right?”
He was at least familiar of quests. In the games he played, the hero would often take side-requests from villagers and earn money or power-ups.
Tenryu nodded in approval, “You got that bit right! Yeah, I take on Job Requests and I get paid for it!”
“Is that why you’re here in this forest? You took a job, right?”
“Actually, I went on a job in a far-off town. I took down some bandit guild hiding near that place! I think they were called the Heat Cliff troupe or something…” Tenryu scratched his head, “Can’t remember their name actually.”
“Wow! You must’ve gotten paid pretty well for that!” says Benny in admiration.
Tenryu turned red again. “Err…not exactly…I caused quite a lot of damage. Some of those punks managed to escape into town and went a little overboard. The mayor refused to pay up saying it’s compensation for all the mess I made.”
Benny knew from that statement that things didn’t go quite well for Tenryu. Not that he was surprised. Considering after what he had just seen in Tenryu’s demonstration right now, Benny at least knew what Tenryu was capable of.
“Tough luck?” says Benny tactfully.
“Not exactly… but after the effort I went through it didn’t pay off well with the Mayor. So I got nothing and went riding back home empty-handed.”
“Riding back? So why are you in the forest in the first place?”
“The train I was riding stalled. I didn’t want to wait so I decided to run for the next town.”
Benny blinked in disbelief. This kid told him off for running into the Marble Forest and Tenryu did no wiser! Benny was starting to get a little worried for this kid. It was clear to him that Tenryu had the tendency to overdo things and not to mention he was just plain reckless.
Tenryu on the other found Benny interesting. He never met someone as weird as him, someone who was so ignorant of everything that goes here as though he had lived in another world. He acted like he hasn’t seen Adventurer or Magic before. He seemed a little different from the guy he kept on seeing in his dreams. That boy seemed so sure of himself and confident of what he knows. But this kid before him acted as though he was new to this things. He wasn’t even sure about what he did yesterday was his doing or...
But then Tenryu stopped. He remembered something he had been meaning to ask since yesterday.
“Tenryu, what’s wrong?” asks Benny.
“Hey, Benny?” asks Tenryu.
Benny blinks, “Uh, yeah?”
“Are you an Adventurer?”
Benny was stunned by that question but shook his head, “No, no, no, I’m obviously not.”
“Are you sure? I thought for sure you’d be in the Deacon Class.”
“If I abilities of an Adventurer, I would’ve used Magic or fought to save myself from that beast yesterday, wouldn’t I?”
“Didn’t you sort of do that yesterday?”
“The thing you did against that Rabbit-Armadillo. Wasn’t that Magic?”
That memory came back to Benny.
He remembered he was about to be clawed by a giant rabbit-armadillo hybrid monster. Then Tenryu came and saved him. As the Tenryu and the monster were battling it out, Benny yelled for it to stop. Then the book in his hands, which was unresponsive at first, suddenly glowed with bright light and created a shockwave that blasted everyone away. Then before that too was that encounter with a huge, saber-toothed Tiger-Leopard. Benny vaguely remembered that when it too was also blocked by a strange golden bubble.
Benny reached into his bag and pulled out the book. “It wasn’t me it was this book!”
Tenryu peered at it, “A book? It looks old…”
“Yeah, it’s been in my family for generations. I think it’s a spell book but those Magic Spells were all this book’s doing!”
Tenryu went in for a closer look at. What was that strange feeling? Why did it feel like…nostalgia? Suddenly, Tenryu began to feel all woozy.
“H-hey!” said Benny in alarm, he held out an arm to steady him. “Are you alright?”
“Yeah, I’m just a little hungry.” Tenryu chuckled weakly but Benny knew he was actually lying.
Why did it feel like I’ve seen this book before? Tenryu thought to himself.
“Maybe we should rest for a while.”
“Nah, I’m fine…See!” Tenryu flexed his arms and took a deep breath.
Benny was not convinced. He held the book tightly to his chest.
“So about that book…There’re a lot of books about Magic and are Magic themselves. Maybe it’s one of those. But it’s more likely that you did it without knowing it. You must be pretty special to generate Magic that can knock away a Rabbit-Armadillo…and me!”
Tenryu’s words sounded just like Abuela’s. But Benny decided not to tell that to him. He had to be careful to not let slip any more information than necessary. But then something Tenryu said struck him.
“Magic?” stutters Benny, “You think this is Magic?”
“Well, what else could it be? You’re not saying you got rid of that beast but slamming it on the head with it?”
Benny had to stifle a laugh at that one, “Err, no, I’m actually surprised that it happened.”
“How long have you had that book?”
“For a short while…I just got it before...you know…”
“Oh um, well anyway, I think you’ve got potential to be an Adventurer!”
Benny stared in shock, “Me? An Adventurer..?”
“Oh! We’ll talk about that later! We’re here!” says Tenryu pointing to a break in the forest.
Benny and Tenryu emerged from the forest and a small town appeared in plain view in front of them!
Violence of Action- Cyberpunk/ Mil Sci-fi
Abby Emerson, mercenary drone developer, thinks she found her dream job when she assigned to Professional Tactical Solutions. But her team leader, and lover, Kane Seok, hasn’t left all of his old ties to the infamous street gang behind. When given a chance to steal the rare mineral known as Amber Pearls, he draws his team, and Abby, into the scheme which leads to a bloodbath unlike anything Abby could expect. After the failed Op Abby finds herself paralyzed from the waist down, drowning in debt, self pity and cheap booze. With only her skills as a drone developer keeping her afloat, she makes a deal with a devil. Kane’s younger brother and current gang leader, for the funds to develop a new Combat Exo-skeleton, but there’s a problem. Like everything else in the world, power is limited and she would need an Amber Pearl to make her dream come true. But, when her debts come due, and the only amber pearl she can get her hands on a dud, she is forced to flee the city to try to through both the gang and the corporation off her trail. Now, with her body undergoing a change she cannot explain, and stakes climbing every day, she has to face the outland and the people who reside there if she ever wants to survive. But, the outlands aren’t friendly and Abby must face her own demons, forge new alliances, and somehow find something she can believe in, maybe even herself.
8 95Stake
A King's grief, fueled by the loss of his Queen and their stillborn son, has created a shift in the natural balance of the world. Driven to madness by the whispers of a malevolent entity, the King unleashes a plague across his Kingdom, which seeks to spread across the neighbouring lands until all nation's citizens are consumed by darkness. The plague awakens a deep hunger in those tainted to consume the blood of those who remain uninfected. From the ashes of the old world, a new world order has arisen to unify the fallen kingdoms under the banner of one ruler, the Queen of the Night. Centuries later, the story follows the tale of Sol, orphan son of the last hero of the human resistance. A twist of fate unites him with a few unlikely vampire slayers. The group unintentionally throw the Queen's plans into disarray on the night of her envoy's arrival. Now they must band together, utilising their wits and resources to undermine the entire operation simply to survive. Proud to be the first story edited by the rep king of RR himself, msng! Drauku has also teamed up to make the ultimate editing duo!
8 63Regis Saga I: Slayers of Gods
The Dominion is the most potent power in the galaxy, its past shrouded and mystery and legends. For three millennia the line of Hester has ruled over the growing empire unopposed and unbroken. All of that wouldn't have come to pass if not for the Godslayers and all the secrets they have kept hidden for generations. It is their victory over the Hollow Gods which still echoes and shapes the Dominion so many centuries into the future. It is those same secrets that can burn it all down, for the Regis is about to wake once more and mark the start of a new cycle of violence. WIht their numbers diminished, it is unclear if they can remain to be the Slayers of Gods.
8 164Magnum Opus
Before Kyle Greenar was the great Magus Jade Eye, he was just a normal villager from the province of Rock grove. Spending his formative years working on his family's farm, where High Magus Theta Jade happened to be passing by. She saw his talent for magic and decided to take him as a disciple, taking him back to her guild Jade palace. Where he dove into the study of mysticism and the craft of magic head first. Spending hundreds of years to reach the heights of a Great Magus. But on the precipice to becoming a High Magus he was betrayed by his fellow disciple. Follow Kyle Greenar as he takes his new lease on life and follows a different path of magic.
8 194Omnipotent's Ascension
Lenin had always been restricted in the use of power. Being looked down on from birth up until middle school. But now he's in highschool, and there's nothing going to stop him. From cultivators to mages, telekinetic master, race lord's and other practices. Lenin decides to ascend and protect his loved ones. He would normally laze around, but with the coming threat to those he loves, what would he do? A novel about different races, and powers. With magic, qi, prana, plasma force and other forms of energy. It also has a unique cultivation theme.
8 201Inner Demons
Naruto x Gaara, what more can I say? This is probably VERY cliche and cringey (this is my first fanfic by the way). Soooo, yeah.I do not own Naruto.P.S, I drew the pictures myself... Plz don't judge.
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