《Magica Storia》Chapter 7 - Out At Sea


Benny felt cold sea air blowing at his face.

Struggling to get up, he felt a sharp pain on his forehand. Raising a hand to it he felt a significant bump. The last few moments where such a blur but he did remember being hit by something hard. He wondered whether he was still dizzy from that hit and everything did still seem to be swaying. But what was strange was that he could he hear the sound of a motor running and the waves splashing around.

He could’ve seen where he was clearly but someone had removed his glasses. So everything he was seeing was a little blurry. Although he could tell that it was already evening due to coldness in the air and the apparent lack of sunlight.

Swaying or not though he sat up and felt that cold wind soothe the stinging in his head.

“Oh, he’s awake!”

Through his blurry vision, he sees the outlines of three people gathering around him.

“Here’re your glasses.”

A silhouette with Ace’s voice places his glasses on his nose. Everything then comes into focus. He could see the faces of Ace, Anna and Terri looking at him in concern. They had all changed to their casual-wear clothes and Benny only just noticed he was changed into his as well.

“Pablo helped changed you out of your clothes. If you’re looking for your bag it’s over here.”

“Um, thanks…”

“You okay? Does it hurt anywhere? You need ice? A band-aid or anything?” asks Ace, looking uncharacteristically sympathetic.

Benny touched his aching head, “Nah, I’m okay! But it feels like the time I’ve run into the goalpost.”

“Do you remember what happened?” asks Anna.

She was already wearing the pink hair band he got for her and it seemed to suit her.

Benny thought for a moment and tried to remember.

“All I remember was something flying at me. That volleyball was sure heavy. Nice shot though, Terri!”

“Thanks for the compliment but it wasn’t me, Ben.”

Terri smirked at Ace, who turned red,

“What are you talking about? The ball came from your end of the pitch, didn’t end?”

“Who says it was a ball that hit you?”

“Benjamin, it wasn’t the volleyball that hit you…it was Pablo or rather it was Pablo’s head that smacked into you.”

“Sorry…” Ace mumbled, rather lamely.

“Wait? W-what?” stammers Benny.

They filled him in on what happened.

Apparently Ace tried to stop a ball from landing by throwing himself and hitting it. He went too far and became a human projectile that slammed headfirst at Benny. The whole thing ended with a massive head-butt that knocked Benny out for hours.

“After that, the whole thing went downhill from there.” says Ace.

“What do you mean ‘went downhill’?” Benny repeats slowly.

If you say ‘went downhill’ during a big party like that...it wasn’t good. He was already dreading the answer.

“Someone said you’d been shot and the guests began to panic. They acted like someone had been done in by an assassin. I know they’re all rich and like that but come on! What a bunch of whiners! Just because someone was knocked unconscious they didn’t need to freak out like murder had occurred.”

“Freak out?!”

“A lot of them claimed to have seen you stabbed or blood spilling all over the sand.” Ace was getting redder with embarrassment as he said it.

“A few of them tried to call the guards to turn me over to the police! They even said to my face that they know the Police Chief and they could put me in jail for life or something like that. If I only told them whose kid I was…”


“Although I had to admit it was quite fun to watch.” says Terri with a hint of a smile. “Watching this guy screw up in front of all those socialites was worth it.”

“Ha. Ha. Ha. I knew you were a sadistic witch from the start-” Ace grumbled in an undertone.

Benny clamped a hand over in Ace’s mouth to keep him from saying anything else. Luckily Terri acted like she hadn’t heard it, though she did look offended.

“It was a little messy but Papa managed to hush them down but… Because of that the party had to end early.”

Upon hearing what happened and learning that he was the reason, Benny was mortified.

“Anna, I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to ruin your party.”

Anna waves him off. “It’s not you who should be apologizing.”

She gave a pointed glance at Ace.

“Hey! It was Terri’s fault that she hit the ball towards Benny!”

“But it was your big head that knocked him out!”

Benny cleared his throat causing the two of them to stop, “Guys it was my fault for not paying attention-”

But he was completely ignored. Ace and Terri kept on bickering.

“So where are we? Why are we on a boat?”

It looked as though they were on a small, sailing boat. The seat he was sitting on was upholstered with shiny black leather that gleamed in small light. He noticed that the largest sails, even with dim light on the boat, had the Perlasreyna Conglomerate seal emblazoned on it.

“Yeah, this is my new sailboat, the M.V. Anastasia!” says Anna, happily gesturing around her boat. “Papa gave it to me as a gift!”

“Whoa! You have a sailboat? Pretty expensive gift!” says Benny, admiring the boat. “Say what are we doing out in sea in the first place?”

“Well, Pablo thought you might need some fresh air after being knocked out. And what a better way to do that is to take my new sailboat out for a spin! Papa gave it to me! This was the gift I told you this morning! Manong Dario is driving the boat for us. Papa had him trained a boating school so he also knows how to drive a ship!”

She points to the control room, which was up a small flight of steps. There he could see a man donning a captain’s hat. Anna opens a hatch in the seat where a phone like device was concealed and presses a button.

“Manong Dario? Benjamin is awake now!”

“Is that so? Well, that’s good!”

Benny sees him approach the window of the control room. He was holding the same kind of phone-like device on one hand while waving at him with the other hand. Benny recognizes him as Anna’s personal driver. Upon Anna’s request, he sometimes gives Benny and Ace a ride home from school.

“Hello, Manong Dario!” Benny greets him through the telecom.

“You’re finally up and about?”

“Fine sir…” Benny salutes him.

“That’s good to hear. By the way Miss Anna, I think it’s about time we should head back! I believe a storm is coming!”

Sure enough, drops of rain began fall.

A loud rumble could be heard from across the sky. The horizon has changed drastically. Minutes ago the sky was as clear as it can be with no clouds in sight. But now the stars were completely covered with dark, rumbling clouds that threatened a huge storm was afoot.

“It was fine just a moment ago…” Anna shivers from the cool breeze.


Was it even possible or did the wind seemed to have gotten colder.

“That’s odd,” Ace frowns at the darkening sky, “The weatherman said clear skies were in tonight.”

“You watch the news? I didn’t think you’d be the grown up channels type.” says Terri.

“If my parents control the remote, there’s not much I could do to change the channel, do I? But this is still weird…the weather shouldn’t change that quickly…”

Anna presses the intercom again, “Manong Dario, go on ahead and please bring us to shore. I don’t like us to get caught in that.”

As soon as she said that, however the rain begins to pour down faster. The rumbling in the sky growing louder and wind was picking up speed. The wind wasn’t the only one that was picking up speed as the waves were getting more turbulent.

“This is some waves!” says Ace, trying to hold himself steady by clinging to the side.

“Better shift the gear!” Manong Dario’s voice responds.

Benny sees the sails being automatically lowered and the sounds of the boat’s motor becoming louder.

“You kids better stay in the cabin! Unless you want to get soaking wet…” as he said so, a large spray hits the windshield of the bow.

They didn’t need telling, twice. In a matter of seconds, everybody made their way into the cabin door.

“Is Manong Dario going to be alright?” asks Benny.

“He’ll be fine, he’s trained in it…” says Anna. “Let’s all stay in the sleeping quarters, we can relax in there!”

The cabin was, in Benny’s description, incredibly luxurious and spacious.

The floor was carpeted with rich fabric. The walls had expensive wooden paneling. There were a couple of closets on each side were made from the same type of wood. From the cold air Benny could tell the cabin was air-conditioned.

The cabin itself was divided into two large sections separated by a wall.

The first part of cabin was a main living area with a small kitchenette that was fully stocked with a microwave and a small fridge. A small dining area was on the side set up like a breakfast nook. On the side was a door with the symbol for a bathroom. There was a set of spiral staircase that probably led to the bridge.

Entering through another door into the second part of the cabin was the sleeping quarters. It had a pair of bunk beds on each side. But each bunk has a pull-out table, a personal light fixture, its own personal porthole and even a small television. There were draw curtains that provided privacy when needed. The beds had white linen and fluffy pillows, making this quite comfortable place to lie down and take a nap.

As soon as they were in, Ace plopped on one of the beds.

“It sure is an awesome boat, Anna! Sure didn’t think it was this fancy from the inside!” He says as begins to flip on the TV and began switching for channels.

“How can you think of watching TV at a time like this?” says Terri.

“What else is there to do in boat while it’s raining from the outside, huh? But it’s not much of a use! There aren’t any channels on.” Ace clicked the TV off and lied back down on the bed.

“With the clouds outside, I’d doubt you’d even get a television signal for the weather channel.” says Benny.

“There is a DVD player and a USB slot though,” Anna points at the slot at the TV.

“Awesome!” Ace pulls out a USB hanging from his dog tag necklace. “I’ve got a copy of Skull Crushers 3! Who wants to watch?”

“Pass!” the other three say at the same time.

It was a way too violent film for their tastes.

“Well! It’s just me then!” Ace shrugged as he leaned back on the cabin.

They each try to pass the time by doing their own way.

While Ace was watching the movie, Terri tries to do some yoga, although she keeps glancing at the screen where the movie played. Anna was busy brushing her hair with a vintage looking comb, which turns out to be the new gift Ace got for her. Ace had told him in an undertone that he snuck out and bought it at a thrift shop just before it closed last night.

Benny himself was just sitting at the opposite bed. He kept looking out at the outside window where the rain was pattering quite harder and harder. The rocking was getting a little intense.

Suddenly feeling hungry, he grabs his bag and rummaged in it for some remainder of the sunflower seeds. It was then his hand brushed on something within the bag that suddenly felt hot, which caused him to suddenly withdraw his hand in shock. His reaction must’ve been something as it caught Ace’s eye.

“Something wrong?” says Ace, munching on a peanut brittle.

“Err…nothing…” Benny says, but his voice was drowned by Anna’s shriek.

“Pablo! You’re dropping peanut brittle all over the bed! Thos are brand new silk covers from China.”

Chinese silk for a boat? Talk about imported for class. Benny thought to himself.

Ace was spluttering an apology although he only winds ups dropping chewed peanut brittle on the bed, much to Anna’s disgust. Terri, in mid-yoga pose, had an expression that showed she was clearly enjoying the scene.

Benny was at least glad he hadn’t taken out the sunflower seeds otherwise who knows how Anna would react. He quickly shifts his attention to where that source of the warmth came from.

He finds it almost immediately: the book.

Benny had almost forgotten about that mysterious book. He remembered Abuela saying it was a thousand years old and that it was in the family for generations. But those shocking facts were nothing compared to what happened next. Benny remembered the extreme heat and light emanating from the book as Abuela declares that he is the next owner.

He was afraid to touch it but something about it compelled him to take it out of the bag.

Benny swept a hand across it and after a moment’s hesitation, decided to open the book. The pages were as old and slightly yellowed but the text was still readable in the secret language taught to him by Abuela.

Benny scanned few pages and found something very odd. The texts seemed to be listing some kind of chants and incantations. There was a short description written as well along with diagrams and image of the supposed effects.

This book…it couldn’t be some kind of Spellbook, is it? Benny thought. It couldn’t be…but then…what was that earlier?

“Alright, alright, I’m getting off!”

Ace grumbles as he moves out of the bed and sits down on the opposite bunk right beside Benny.

“What is wrong with these women? I tell you…”

Anna takes the pillow and starts brushing off the peanut brittle

“Uh-huh…” Benny says, not shifting his attention from the page in front of him.

“What are you reading?”

Benny soon realizes that Ace was staring at the book and he quickly closes it.

“Err nothing!”

Benny tries in vain to hide the book. But when Ace get’s his attention on something it was hard to shake him off!

“C’mon! Let me see!” says Ace trying to make a grab for the book.

“No!” Benny says trying to get the book away from Ace.

However, as strong as he is, Ace manages to overpower him and grabs it.

“Ha! Got it-ouch!!!” yelps Ace.

As soon as he touches the book he gives a loud yelp of pain and he releases hold. Ace was soon cradling his hand! His shout alerts Anna and Terri.

“What’s wrong?”

“Cut the racket, will you?” says Terri, as she exits a complicated yoga position.

“Ow! My hand! I think it’s burned!”

Ace shook his hand as though it were still on fire.

Benny was frozen with shock. His hands fell numb and the book falls to the floor.

Terri gets up and strode over to Ace. She his hand and takes a quick look. There’s nothing wrong with it as she could see.

“I don’t see any burns. You’re such a crybaby, Pabby!” says Terri, with a roll of her eyes.

“I’m telling you that book burned me!” says Ace, pointing at the book.

Anna looks as well and frowns with her eyes squinting as though to see something that was invisible.

“It looks fine to me.”

Terri rolls her eyes, “We’ll see about that! Ben, can I borrow that?”


But Terri picks up the book. To Ace’s (and Benny’s) surprise, Terri picks it up without flinching and scans it.

“It’s just an old book…nothing weird about it.” Terri opens the book and scans the pages. “It’s got some weird language though. I can’t understand a thing though.”

Anna also takes a peak.

“Strange, it’s like it’s written in those runes Mr. Alamat showed in class. Where did this come from anyway?”

Terri looks at Ace, “I didn’t think you’d be the bookish type…”

“It isn’t mine!”

“Why am I not surprised?”

“It’s mine actually,” says Benny, taking the book back but still feeling rather stunned at events. “I got it from Abuela…she gave it to me just this morning…”

“So that’s why it took you so long this morning? To give you a book?” says Ace as he stared at the book, “What kind of a book burns you when you touch it?”

“FYI…you’re the only one who was screaming like a girl as though you were burned.” smirks Terri.

“I don’t know myself. It acted weird when I received it this morning.” Benny began to explain to their amazement how the book glowed and became hot as flames.

“So the book burned you too?” says Ace.

“No, to me it felt like my hand was getting dipped at a hot spring.” Benny said, unconsciously rubbing his hand.

“So what kind of book is that thing then? Last time I check books don’t do that.”

“I don’t know but Abuela said it was in the family for generations! She said it was in the family for a thousand years.”

There was a moment of silence.

“Did you just say it was in your family for a thousand years?”


“That might be stretching the truth to the breaking point, bro.”

Benny scratches his head in confusion, “I thought so too but…”

“Maybe you’re great-grandma’s going senile?”

“Watch it!” Benny glares at him to which Ace flinches.

“I heard many tall tales coming from this guy…” Terri jabbed a thumb in his direction, “but yours…Well, that’s way out there!”

“I don’t know,” says Anna, thinking for a moment.

“What is it, Anna?”

“Well, I’ve heard your father say your great-grandmother was a foreigner who immigrated here. And it is possible in some countries to hold onto cherish prized heirlooms since the middle ages so I think it might be true.”

“So you’re saying that book is older than the Philippine Constitution?” says Ace with a shake of his head.

“It’s quite possible. Where was your great-grandmother from? That might give us a clue as to what this book is!”

Benny didn’t want to tell them that he had a good guess “what” the book is.

“She never spoke about it. Nobody in the family knows where she actually came from…”

“Come to think I never knew much about Madam Estrella. Well, apart from the fact that she’s a pretty good cook!”

Ace is only saying that because he has been coming over since they were kids and Abuela keeps making them treats.

“Is your stomach the only thing you can think of? Although I do admit, her triple fudge cake is delicious…”

“Look who’s talking? Hungry, much?” smirks Ace.

Terri gave him a glare that suggested murder, so that caused him to shut up.

“But from her accent, I always thought that she must be of European decent too… I mean she still has traces of blonde in her hair and her eyes color is a deep blue.” says Anna.

“Which makes Benny a quarter-mestizo, then? I mean look at his eyes!”

“It’s one-eight…You really need to study. And what about my eyes?”

“Dude, like you didn’t noticed?” Ace jabs a finger at Benny’s glasses. “You’ve got blue eyes as well!”

Benny knew that but never thought much about it.

This was one of the things that really set him apart from his family. While most of them have black and dark-brown eyes, Benny is one the two people who have inherited Abuela’s special blue eyes that had several silver flecks. The other would be Tom.

As such, both Benny and Tom had once been referred to in the family as the “gem-eyed brothers” due to the similarities of their eyes compared to Abuela’s. Although he thought the gem part must’ve come from the jeweled pendant that Abuela always had.

“The watch!” exclaims Benny as he suddenly remembering the other heirloom.

His sudden outburst surprises Ace causing him to tumble to the floor, although it probably might have been violent movement of the ship.

“What the heck, bro? What’s with that all of a sudden?”

Benny ignored him and quickly rummaged in his bag, looking for the secret pocket he had kept golden pocket watch in. He was relieved to find it still safe inside his bag’s secret pocket. If it had gone missing…he couldn’t imagine the outcome. He takes it out of bag, for all of them to see. They all gather around to see treasure dangling from the chain.

“Isn’t that-?” Anna gasped, her eyes widening.

“Nice bling!” says Terri in admiration.

“It’s the pendant Abuela always wears! Well, actually it’s a pocket watch.” Benny says, for the first time feeling quite elated.

“Why do you have it?” says Ace in accusatory tone, as though Benny stole it.

“It’s because she gave it to me! Along with the book...”

Benny was not surprise as it was known to family and friends that Abuela absolutely refuses anyone else to touch it. There was the time she gripped Uncle Bartholomew’s wrist when he tried to take it off her neck to do some magic trick. He still says that his wrist was still sore after that.

“It’s so pretty!” says Anna, lifting a hesitating hand, “Can I touch it?”

“Um, sure… Here, take a look!” Benny hands her the pocket watch.

Anna takes hold of the pocket watch in a careful manner like a collector in auction handling fragile treasure. But it seems she’s admiring the stone set on it.

“Wow! It’s so beautiful, I’m so jealous!”

“Never thought you’d be the type to be interested in jewelry, Crusoe!” says Ace as he gives him a smirk.

Benny blushed realizing it did seemed odd a guy would be given a jeweled pendant by his family matriarch rather than other female relatives.

“Hey, I didn’t ask for it! Abuela gave it to me… And stop calling me that!” he snaps in sudden realization that Ace called him by his hated nickname.

Terri takes a closer look, “Now that I look at it…isn’t this a Blue Amber?!’


“It’s fossilized tree resin or sap. It’s been regarded as gemstone since antiquity and has been appreciated for its natural beauty. Many ancient cultures have used amber to decorate priceless artifacts and there’s even a room in one of Russia’s Imperial Palaces that has wall panels decorated in amber. Biologists highly value them because of the fact that actual biological specimens can be found trapped and preserved in Amber”

Everyone stared at her.

“Okay… So how do you know that?” asks Ace incredulously.

“Our grandpa is a geologist, remember? And it so happens that my mom sells jewelry as a sideline job. You pick snippets and things up.”

Terri turns her eye to the gem, still looking at it appraisingly.

“But this…this is no ordinary Amber either. It’s a Blue Amber! A very rare variety of Amber that many gem dealers would pay tons of cash just to get their hands on one!”

“Whoa! That’s serious cash, bro!” says Ace, greedily “We could sell that and buy ourselves the whole games store!”

“I am NOT selling my great-grandmother’s heirloom!”

“C-calm down!” yelps Ace. “I was just kidding! Please put away that Acala Stand!”

The other two didn’t take notice as they continue to admire the pocket watch. Anna gives Benny a rather expectant look.

“Can we open it?”

“Oh! Um…sure…”

Anna clicks open the pocket watch, she and Terri admires the inside of the pocket watch. Noting how pretty and beautiful the golden clock hands were ticking away the minutes.

“Hey, there’s some kind of door in here!”

“Oh, yeah, that holds some pictures.” says Benny as he clicks the latch and the two windows open up revealing the pictures within it.

“Is that you?!” Ace laughs while pointing at the picture of Benny and Abuela sitting at the park. “Nice hat! And what’s with that toothy grin? You even have a tooth missing!”

Benny blushed, “It was Abuela’s…and since I was a kid back then, a missing tooth is normal. I think…”

“Oh, but you look so cute!” says Anna, much to Benny’s intense embarrassment.

“The picture on the other side, is that your grandparents” asks Terri, peering at the other window.

“No, that’s Abuela and the guy beside her is…my great-grandfather, Abraham.”

“Whoa! Really?” says Ace, “That’s the first time I’ve heard of it!”

“Abraham Estrella? That’s your great-grandfather’s name?”

“No, Estrella is Abuela’s family name. I don’t know Abuelo’s. But I do know that they never married. That’s why we took on Abuela’s family name.”

“Huh? How come they never married?”

“Well, it’s complicated…”

Everyone feel silent. The sounds of the wind blowing, rain falling and the boat rocking were all that could be heard.

“I’m so sorry…I shouldn’t…”

Benny sighed, “No, it’s alright. People are quick to assume that but it’s not really true. My great-grandparent’s loved each other. Abuela told me she was about to get married to him.”

“But what happened?”

“I don’t know…she didn’t say what happened or what became of Abuelo…” Benny noted to himself that pained look in Abuela’s eyes. “And I’d rather not add more drama to it. She’ll tell when she’s ready to...”

“Considering she is nearly a hundred years old when she said this, it’ll probably take another hundred.” Ace chuckled.

However, Benny did not find this funny at all.

“She’s ninety not a hundred…”

“Call it a rough estimate!” Ace waves it off.

“It’s so sad…” Anna glanced at the photo. “You’re great-grandfather looks like you, Benjamin. He has the same hair-style and he wears glasses.”

“Which makes Benny pretty old-fashioned?”

“Yeah, Abuela says that too…but Abuelo’s eyeglasses were pince-nez not frames.”

“It doesn’t explain why she gave you these things huh?” says Ace, scratching his chin again. “Why would she give you an old book that you can’t even read it? No offense, bro, but I think your great-grandmother’s imagination is getting wild at her age. Old people tend to do that, you know?”

“I don’t know and who knows why.” Benny shrugged.

Benny did not tell them that he can read it. But he did feel that Ace might be right, Abuela was getting on with her age and her mind. But Abuela did seem sincere when she said those things. But there was one thing he can’t deny. Both the book and the pendant were indeed special. The pocket watch was special for both its worth and sentimental value.

The book…was a little more mysterious but it was indeed special.

Abuela’s words then came back to him.

“Swear that you will protect this book…”

What did she mean by that?

Benny stared at the book in his hands before he placed it back inside the bag. He reached a hand to ask for the pocket watch back.

“Can I have it back?”

Anna looked a little hesitant, but with a sigh of longing she placed the pendant back in Benny’s hands. He threw the chain over his neck and hid the pendant underneath his shirt.

Suddenly Manong Dario’s voice booms in the loud speaker.

“Excuse me, kids. We might experience some rough seas. It seems the storms caught up with us!”

Everyone looked a little worried.

“Do you need help up there, Manong?” says Ace.

“No, it’s fine Mr. Unos! Nothing I can’t handle…” Manong Dario smiles at him gratefully, “Mr. Estrella glad to see you’re well.”

“Just Benny is fine…” Benny mumbled. He was always rather uncomfortable being referred to as ‘Mr. Estrella.’ It was usually his dad who was called that. Suddenly, Benny remembered something that made his blood go cold.

“Dad!” yells Benny as he jumps up and nearly tumbles in the motion of the boat. “What time is it?!”

“Past six-thirty, why?” replies Ace, checking his watch.

“This can’t be happening! I was supposed to be back home by six! I should’ve left two hours ago!”

Benny grabs his bag and hurriedly check for his cell phone, “Dang it! Where’s my phone?!”

“It’s right here.” Ace held it out for him. Why he was holding it was a question Benny will ask later. “It rang awhile ago. Speaking of your dad, he called.”

“My dad called?!”

Benny snatched the phone and quickly checked the log. He found his father’s number registered about an hour ago.

“He asked for you but since you were still out. I…um…err…told him…” Ace faltered upon seeing the look on Benny’s face.

“Told him what?”

“Well, I didn’t want to tell him that I knocked out his son so I made up a lie and told him you were exhausted and was taking a nap.”

“You told my dad that I was taking a nap?!”

“What’s the deal? He only said okay and clicked off!” says Ace, sounding indignant.

“What’s the deal?” Benny snapped, “You don’t really know my dad, do you? You should’ve told him the truth! That lie would make him think I wasn’t interested…”

Benny’s father, Atty. Jacob Estrella, was a man of word and promptness. He was very strict when it comes to schedules and he doesn’t appreciate tardiness. To him, if you were serious about something you would make the effort to do it and make it on time. Being late in family events are something he wouldn’t be pleased about it one bit unless you had a decent excuse. Benny remembered when well his Uncle Reuben got late for the family reunion because he met a girl in a bar on the way and his dad gave him a long scolding he would never forget. Considering this was a dinner event Emmett planned, Benny dreaded what his father was going to say.

“Anna! Can I use the bathroom?”

“Um, yes, over there in the main room.”

Benny headed into the cabin. Aware that his friends were giving him some rather uncomfortable stares at his back, he closed the door as soon as he entered. However as soon as he was out of sight, Benny could hear raised voices again. “See what you done, you dunderhead?” snaps Terri.

“What did I do?” retorts Ace.

“It’s pretty obvious what you did! From the looks of things you probably got him in trouble!”

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