《Magica Storia》Chapter 0 - Prologue


It was late in the evening.

In a large city by the bay, there was an island.

On that island, there stood a large castle.

Within that castle was a spacious, sprawling office.

A young man sat behind a large desk, writing down on a journal.

He had finished with his duties and paperwork today. Right now, he was just writing just to unwind.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

“Come in!”

The door to his office opened and a young clerk had entered.

“Master, are you still here?”

“...How many times do I have to tell you not call me ‘Master’...?”

“You are the Guild Master. You have to be appropriately addressed. Or will you prefer the other title?”

“Please don’t. It makes me feels like an old man with a prestigious title. I’ve only just turned seventeen!”

“That is a title. And it’s the duty of a member of this Guild to respect the one who holds that title. Speaking of duties, have you signed the letters already?”

“Yeah, I have...” The “Master” indicated to the stack on his desk with a loud sigh. “Seriously, what was idiot thinking? Wrecking a port in the middle of a job? How reckless can he get?!”

“I thought you’d be used to his antics by now...”

“It doesn’t when I have to be the one to write down these apology letters!”

“Oh! But it seems you’re writing something else. Writing in your journal again?” He asks when he takes notice of the journal on Master’s desk.

“Ah, well I find writing down things as a way to unload.”

The clerk takes stack of letters and makes his way to the door. “As your Deputy, I advice that you should be calling it a night, Master Benjaimn...” He added with a sly smile as he closed the door.


The young Guild Master whose name is Benjamin sighed even louder. He leaned back on his chair and looked at a picture frame on his desk. It was a photo of him together with three other friends. It was taken on the day their Guild had officially opened.

“Master, huh? I’ve only been Master for a few years now... That means it has been a while... since I came to this world.”

He thought back to how it all began. The days that led up to how he became an Adventurer.

It was weird how he began as an ordinary middle school student and the events that led him to a life as an Adventurer. And how he co-founded and became the Master of one of the most famous Adventurer Guilds in the world.

Master Benjamin Estrella continued writing down his story as he looked back to when it all began.

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