《The Ascendancy of Humanity》Prologue 02:


"I'm sorry boss. But we also have our own family to take care of. Hand over the key to your house and-"

Mogu is an army veteran who've seen action in the jungle of the south, fighting Muslim extremist, he was a professional, but even he didn't expect the blind rage Anji's dad displayed when out of nowhere he hit him with a straight jab right in the nose, then charged him. They both fell to the ground.

The moment the group of bodyguards left their vehicle, Anji felt something is wrong and she also left her vehicle to see what is going on. The moment her dad attack Mogu and the rest raised their guns in alarm, Anji had her 9mm out of its holster and aimed at the guards. One pointed his gun at her and Anji didn't hesitate.

She fired two round in the chest then flattened herself at the back of her dad's SUV. She can hear the surprised shout of her sister then curses from the men before they too opened fire.

Bullets flew everywhere. The back tire of her dad's SUV blew up and metal sparks appeared everywhere from the men's attempt to kill her. Anji poked her gun at the edge and blindly open fire.

A grunt in front of her made her peek and one of the guards is down. The other one is looking at his comrade stupidly before going down himself after getting hit in the chest with two more round from Anji's pistol.

Her dad Alfonso is still pummeling the Head security guard when Anji made her way to the SUV and opened the door. She opened the door and with a controlled and commanding voice ordered her sister and her family. "Go to the mobile behind you. Let's go."

"What the hell is going on, Anji?"

"I'll explain later!" Anji said. "We are not yet out of the woods. Now move!"

Nestor grabbed his wife and daughter and ran back to the police mobile behind the SUV. Anji meanwhile checked every corner for any hidden threat just as she was trained, then grabbed her dad by the scruff of his shirt and pulled.

For a moment, Anji was scared that her dad would almost hit her in his blind rage but she stopped immediately when he saw her. "Dad, we need to go!" Anji urged, and slowly the fire in her dad's eye grow dimmer.

"Yes... yes, you are right," Her dad sighed, a bit disoriented, then let himself be guided back to the police mobile. Anji glanced at the former bodyguards and Anji knew none of the attacks were fatal. They will soon recover from their damage and hopefully Anji and her family will be long gone before that.



"Are we all gonna die?" The little girl asked.

No one spoke for a long time. Anji abruptly stopped the car and when the others look they saw a pharmacy right next to it.

Alfonso told everyone to get out and help Isabel carry Nestor inside. Anji stopped the little girl before she gets out of the car and patted her cheek affectionately.

I hope one day I get a beautiful little girl just like her.

"No lulu," Anji said softly. "You are not gonna die. At least not today."

The little girl smiled sadly and they both left the car to go to the pharmacy. Anji took a moment to look out into the street and she can see the chaos in the city. Gunshots coming from small arms and the heavier guns of APCs ring out in the background and multiple clouds of smoke from unattended fires billow out into the clear blue sky. People are running out in the streets and looters are not hiding their activities anymore. A woman in her 30s is being assaulted by two younger men just two blocks away from her but she grimly ignored it. She entered the pharmacy with a disturbed soul.

Inside the pharmacy was no better. Isabel and her Dad is screaming at the pharmacist who is screaming back at them.

"I don't care about the situations in the hospitals, get that bleeding man off my premises!" Said the 60-year-old pharmacist. Anji's apartment is just several blocks away and she knew the pharmacist for years. The old man is always smiling and mild mannered, but today he is red faced from screaming his lungs out.

Anji started walking towards the group of people when the back door slammed open and Freddie, the pharmacist's 17-year-old nephew, entered the room white face and holding a revolver. Both Anji's dad and Nestor pointed their gun toward the young man.

Anji reached for her own gun then realized that the holster is empty since she gave her 9mm to Nestor. The Pharmacist tried to calm the young man down who is screaming to them, "Get out! Get the fuck out!"

"Whoa kid," Anji said, stepping in front of her family with her hands raised up. Her eyes never leaving the prantic kid. "Calm the fuck down."

"You don't tell me what to do, bitch!"

"Freddie!" said the pharmacist.

"They came here to rob us, just because people are going bonkers outside," Freddie said to the old man. "They're taking advantage of the situation, thinking that we are just defenseless citizens. Well, I'll show em!"


Anji's eyes hardened. "Just look around kid, My people is bleeding over your floor. We are just getting stuff to stop that bleeding." Anji spoke calmly and reasonably, but the kid is getting more agitated because he feels that Anji is treating him like a slow moron. "If you want us to pay, then we will pay for it," Anji continued, pulling out her wallet very slowly.

About ten feet to Freddie's left, Lulu emerged holding an ice cream bar which she promptly drops when she saw the situation. Freddie turned to her with the gun and Anji charged him.

Her hand grabbed the gun hand then twist, simultaneously two fingers stabbed the boy at the base of the throat right at the soft spot. That same hand grabbed the shirt collar of the boy she hit in the throat while her foot stomped the back of the boy's knee. A simple twist and the assailant was on the ground. "Easy there, tiger," Anji whispered calmly.

Freddie dropped his gun and Anji put it behind her back before securing the boy with a handcuff and dragging him to one side. Maybe because of the sudden violence or the old pharmacy understood Anji's family emergency, but he gave in and showed them all the things they needed to patch Nestor up.

Isabel is a trauma nurse, and despite her initial panic, is a competent one. Alfonso was right and the bullet just grazed Nestor's neck, so Isabel cleaned him up and patch him with a gauze and he was okay.

Anji was about to apologize to the old man but the old pharmacist is not looking at them but in the television near the counter. Anji asked him to increase the volume and the old man mechanically obeyed.

"... confirmed that eyewitness report in Iowa, that massive missiles are now reaching for the sky, destination unknown. There are also reports of missile sightings in Nebraska, Wyoming, North and South Dakota, Colorado, Arizona, and Montana. We have no official confirmation from the White House up until now, but we receive a report that a white house spokesman will be addressing the reporters...I'm sorry George, but we are now receiving reports that Chinese missiles are also launched in missile silos in delingha mountain range. This video is taken by an amateur Chinese citizen showing multiple missiles being launched. The report-"

The tv went blank for several seconds then a loud air warning siren blasted off from the TV. Due to Anji's request earlier, the tv is on maximum volume and everyone cringed. Suddenly new text came out of the TV and a bad text-to-speech program started to talk over the TV.

"We interrupt your local programming. This is a national emergency. The following message is transmitted through the request of the government. This is not a test. A nuclear attack is occurring against the Philippines. 4 nuclear missiles have been launched from the unknown location in China and they are expected to strike the country within the next 15 minutes. All Citizens of the Philippines should seek and prepare to take shelter immediately. I repeat, this is not a test."

The message is repeated over and over, and everyone in the pharmacy was stupidly frozen and looking at the screen.

Anji was the first to react. She turned to her family with a grim determination and shouted, "We have to go! Now!"

Everyone of her family run outside but before Anji could follow, a whining voice stopped her. "Please! Please don't leave me here!" Freddie pleaded. "I don't want to die here!"

Anji cursed and threw the keys to the handcuff to the old man. The old pharmacist immediately opened the cuffs and when he was free Freddie immediately stood up and menacingly closed the distance between him and Anji. "You are not going away with my gun, bitch," He snarled. "Give me back my gun!"

Anji turned around, pulled the revolver at her back, aimed and fired at Freddie's head. The bullet zinged and clip Freddie's right ear. The young man howled and run away the other direction.

Anji was left with the old pharmacist and they look at each other. Eventually, Anji nodded and said very softly, "Good luck, old man."

"You too..."

They nodded to each other once more and separated in a different direction.

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