《Searful - Rise of The Alaba [Dropped]》Arc 3 - Prologue


Looking at the orb in front of him, he got ready. Placing his left hand on top, he slowly began letting out a small amount of mist. Instantly, his mind was overcome by pain. He grunted, his body heating up and slowly expanding as it took in the mass amount of mana. It was impossible not to grunt, as even a small piece of the orb had more mana in it than he had in his entire body.

Having the amount of mana in his body forcibly doubled, tripled, and then quadrupled in a matter of seconds was one of the most painful things Sear had ever experienced so far, but he kept going.

As he went on, the pain lessened, as he wasn't doubling his mana capacity every few seconds. The only downside was that he wasn't even 1% done with the orb.

Gritting his teeth, he released more mist, letting a shallow scream pierce the air before enduring it again. He felt himself pass by the Stage barriers, and his mind slowly became drowsy, the aftereffects making him want to sleep. Before that could happen though, he released more mist, allowing the pain to keep him awake.

His body was now larger than before, not because of him passing through stages, but because his body couldn't store all of the mana seeping into him.

His skin turned red, his body heat well above the boiling point of water. Small trails of steam lifted off his body and clouded up the room. Two lines of blood fell from the corners of his mouth, his body failing to keep itself intact.

Still though, he endured, pushing forward, before feeling his body quickly collapsing back to its normal size. His body quickly regained the size and collapsed again, and pulsed like that 10 times, before collapsing back down. He felt his absorption of mana increase, as he finally made it into the second realm.

With the pain greatly lessened, he quicky devoured the rest of the orb, pushing him into the Second-Stage. His eyelids fluttering, he collapsed on the floor, his body undergoing a great change.

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