《Searful - Rise of The Alaba [Dropped]》Chapter 41


Like that, another day had passed. He had continued to think about his SW and how he would make it even stronger. he wanted to get to the Top of this Realm within a few hundred years at best. HE had overheard some of the people at the Third Realm talking about how they had been here for 120 years already.

Getting to the 30th Realm, though it would go faster with his absorption ability, would probably still take a very long time. More time than he wanted to spend. He wanted to go back to his home and get his minions back. Hopefully in a thousand years they would have evolved another one or two times.

While thinking about this, he also thought about what the highest Realm was. According to what Prod said, someone had tried to absorb an entire universe to try to get to Realm 100. Though a universe seemed massive. He said it like as if it was a very small object in space. There were likely hundreds if not thousands of universes that he would be able to either absorb or purify in.

That was another question he had. How would the mana purification work with so many people around? Surely the mana would run out, unless it is constantly being sent out by the planet. There also had to be a max amount of mana in the universes, and with enough time and space, surely someone would be able to absorb it all. Either that, or there had to be something giving mana to the whole world.

Then came the thought of where the mana that thing, that had enough mana to power something this large, came from. Surely such an existence would also have to end up getting that mana from somewhere. Wherever they did, it would also have to come from something else. It was a repetative cycle of endless gaining and giving.

With this time to think, he quickly fell into a trance while staring at his Soul Weapon. He stared at it for a few hours, just following it's movements and watching it slowly flow from one form to another. After a few hours, he finally realized what he had been doing, and got up.

If anything, all that time of watching had almost allowed him to memorize how the weapon changed from one form to another. If he kept like that for another day or two, he would surely be able to fully memorize the pattern and be able to fully take use of the changing shapes. Until then, this would do.


Walking outside, he walked around for a bit, just admiring the view. It had been a while since he had enough time to do this, as he was constantly trying to become the strongest being on his old planet. As he was doing so, he quickly felt something enter his mana sense.

He had kept it turned on in the background of his head at all times, but unless he felt a large threat or saw something moving extremely quickly he would ignore everything going on. His mana sense extended its full 200,000 kilometers, but whatever was moving was going so fast that by the time Sear had noticed them, they were only 150,000 kilometers away.

*To be able to move 50,000 kilometers in under a second. What type of being could be this powerful?*

Focusing more on it, he soon found out. It was the same being that was called L.L.

*He's... strong. Too strong...*

For a while there, Sear even felt fear. To see just how strong someone above the FIfth Realm was, was quite scary.

In another few seconds, and the mana trace quickly disappeared. Sighing, he closed his eyes and walked forwards. Instead of walking though, he bumped into someone.

Without looking up though, he already knew who it was. There was only one person so far that he knew of that could scare him without even letting a miniscule amount of their aura out. L.L.

Looking up, he indeed confirmed his thoughts.

"So, I see that you did what I told you to. It's a smart idea of you to come here. There are very few others who wouldn't kill you if they found you outside. Continental bones make some decent low level armor if you know how to use them properly. Well enough with that, you probably want to know why I told you to come here, correct?" - L.L.

Sear could do nothing but silently nod his head. Though L.L. was hiding all of his aura, Sear's senses still told him to run away from a being as powerful as this.

"Well here's why. The other's probably can't sense it, as they've only recently gotten into the Fifth Realm, but when you do, your mana sense becomes incredibly stronger at picking up small details in others. One of these details that I saw, was the release of mana. The release of mana is a lingering kind of gas that comes off of someones body as a small, yet steady rate made of mana. It only occurs when someone has gained a large amount of mana at once, for example purifying during the monthly sessions. The difference though is that your's is much thicker, meaning you gained a much larger amount of mana compared to your previous amount. This mana release is hard to stop if you don't know about it, but usually goes away after a few days." - L.L.


"The reason I asked you to join, is because you managed to gain this much mana that fast. Even if you could only do it every year or so, once you get strong enough the amount of mana you could gain would be massive. Now then, tell me, how did you gain this much mana?" - L.L.

As he said this, L.L. sent out a very small portion of his aura. Instantly, Sear was forced onto his knees. He could feel some blood at the back of his throat. He had to answer, or he would most likely be killed before he would every be able to gain strength.

"I...i have an ability... that lets me absorb things...I...gain their mana...through this absorption... I absorbed... a beast that had... 20% of my...total mana...that...must be the reason...for me to have this...mana release." - Sear

As he answered, the aura quickly vanished as quickly as it appeared, and Sear quickly gasped for breathe before getting back onto his feet.

"Hmmm. That's quite a powerful ability. FOr now take this. I'll go talk to the others about you, and if you can prove your loyalty we may just give you a fourth realm beast to absorb." - L.L.

Hearing this, Sear was incredibly excited. What he needed was strength, and it was being given straight to him in the form of a gift. As L.L. vanished though, he left something behind. Quickly looking at it, Sear was shaking with excitement. It was the core of a Realm Two beast. it had enough mana to get him to around the 3rd Stage.

Quickly grabbing it, he put all other thoughts away as he ran home and began absorbing it. The orb was quite big, with a diameter of over a meter, so he had put it in his ring.

Taking it back out, he got ready to absorb it, small piece by small piece.


|Main Building of the Town|

"So you're telling me, that this ability lets him absorb the corpse of a being and gain all of it's mana? Do you realizehow strong someone is capable of becoming with that ability? All it would take is the blown-away hand of someone at the 90th realm, and once he absorbed it he would be launched to that level. We have to kill him before he gains too much strength!" - ???

"Look Kren, I'm telling you, if we manage to gain his loyalty we can quickly gain another 4th realm user. I won't boost him to the 5th realm, as then he would be much harder to fight, but we lost one of our fourth realm fighters a few months back and we need another one to replace them. If he does end up escaping Exile, imagine having him as an ally. While it might take e

one of us 3 tens of thousands of years if not more to get to above Realm 50, he can do it in a day if he's lucky." - L.L.

"Kren, I also think it would be useful to help him for now. Even if we get him to the fourth realm, the difference between us and him will still be massive, not counting L's seventh realm strength. If L thinks its a good idea, I'll go with him." - ???

"Mmmmm. Fine. We can get him to the fourth realm, but that's after we gain his trust. We can decide his tasks later. For now, have you given him anything?" - Kren

"He has the core of a second-realm beast. I'll give him that much strength for now or he'll just die within a few weeks. But if we're going to have him do anything, it has to be before the attack. We need to attack the Kill-Joys within the year to expand our territory." - L.L.

"Speaking of the attack, how do you think it'll go?" - ???

"I'm almost certain they have 2-3 people at the early stages of the sixth realm, but I should be able to take them on my own. They are extremely careful, so they kill anyone before they get to the fifth realm, so you guys should also be strong enough to deal with most of their people. They have more fourth realmers than us but with you two there, it should be pretty even. For now, let's get ready for the monthly purification. I'm on the verge of another stage up." - L.L.

"And as for the new kid, his room is already covered in a Sight-Stopper, so he is safe." - L.L.

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