《Searful - Rise of The Alaba [Dropped]》Chapter 40


The night went by quietly. He could hear a few people fighting in the rings, but other than that most people seemed to be laid back or relaxing.

He was going to sleep, but with all the evolutions he had gone through, his need to sleep had decreased to 1 night of sleep every 2-3 months. His body could keep up the rest of the time. He had spent his time thinking up plans for his growth and future. If he wanted to leave Exile, the best way would be to gain strength to the point that he could go to the higher up-areas.

*If what the guy said is right, then the higher realm beasts in the area, the higher the amount of portals. I could most likely go to Realm 3-4 with all the corpses in the lake down below, but I'd end up getting killed by the higher ups. I guess I have to wait for L.L, as apparently he had me join for a reason. For now I'll try to improve my soul cultivation without fighting like Prod said, but I'm not sure if I'll be able to.*

He quickly summoned his soul weapon. Looking closely at it, he began to study how it flowed from one design to another. He looked at how it changed, how it flowed simply from one type into another almost effortlessly. He saw how even when he wasn't changing it, it managed to flow almost perfectly, as if waiting on his command.

He changed it quickly, slowly, looking at it. One thing that he noticed is that it made no unneeded movements. All the random flowing and what-not actually helped it change shape much more quickly. Slowly watching it, he began to change it in a different manner.

Before, he would just picture the new shape in his head and let it change. Now though, he imagined it flowing into shape. In the blink of an eye, it had changed. While before it took a quarter of a second to change, which in fights for people as fast as him is a very small amount, it now changed faster than he could see. Looking at his Soul Purification, he was amazed. This one technique, if you could call it that, raised his Soul Cultivation by almost an entire Rank. He was now at Stage 3, with 3% done. Last time he checked he was at Stage 2 20%.


*Well, Prod wasn't lying. If i keep finding new things, I may get good enough with my weapon that I won't need to be near someone Realm.*

Now that he had broken into the next stage, he looked at it once again. He could now see even smaller lines within the very flowing patterns. Each of those lines interacted with one another to cause the flow to go into a certain way. When he changed his weapon once again with his imagination, this time slower, it still went to fast for him to see.

*Well. I guess the would be ways to block gaining power too quickly.*

Happy with what he had gotten, he left his residence, walking towards one of the nearby training fields. As he was walking, he saw that most of the people didn't pay attention to him anymore, as if he was an ordinary person there.

Soon, he made it to the training yards. The people seemed to be moving slowly, but he knew now that it was just because of the gravity placement. These people were also probably not going all out, as 100x gravity probably had little affect on people of the second realm.

The fields were split into different sections, for each Realm, and then each Stage. Currently, the highest ranking people practicing were 2 Realm 2 Stage 4's and one Realm 2 Stage 5. The two were both fighting against him, but he still managed to easily hold them back.

Looking on the Lower-End, there were some people in Realm 1 Stage 5(This is really repetitive so I'm going to use 1:5 instead. First number is the Realm, second is the Stage.) These people were weaker then Sear, but should still pose some competition if he chose to fight both at the same time.

He would fight someone at his stage, but the field was empty.

He walked over to training field, and once he got close to the boundary, the two stopped fighting and looked over at him. They looked at each other for a few seconds, then nodded. They backed up to one side of the field, and Sear took it as the motion to enter.


As he stepped into the circle, he quickly moved his arms around to get a feel for how much harder it was to move with the 100x gravity. He took out his soul weapon, and after a few swings, he leaned forward and got ready.

Sear could feel the other's eyes looking at him. Since this was the first time they had seem him fight, they wanted to know how he would do. A few seconds passed, and then the two came forwards. One had a gauntlet on his left hand that extended outwards into three very sharp claws.

The other had two curved daggers in his hands.(Karambit like, just longer.)

*Both can probably send ranged attacks with swings of their weapons. Dagger-guy strikes faster but weaker, gauntlet guy most likely had strong but slow attacks. Gauntlet guy probably also uses his empty hand to send out hits ever few seconds.*

Done with his observations, he also moved forwards. He was currently using 1/10th of his strength, as he had no idea how hard to go against someone of a lower rank. As the two neared, they each took a different direction, Gauntlet on the right, Daggers on the left.

His Soul-Weapon was currently in the shape of a scimitar, so he chose to charge the gauntlet man. He quickly intercepted the man. As he swung horizontally, the man used his gauntlet to redirect the strike upwards while jabbing forwards with his empty hand.

Seeing this, Sear quickly leaned backwards, dodging both the strike and barely dodging the dagger. While he intercepted the gauntlet guy, the dagger-wielder moved behind him, waiting for the opportunity to strike.

As he dodged both strikes, Sear quickly kicked sideways, hitting the dagger-wielder in the chest and sending him a few meters back. As for the other man, he began to send strike after strike at him. Though he managed to block a few and dodge others, some still managed to nick him.

He slowly pushed the guy towards the edge of the field. Seeing this, both men began using their Soul-Weapon's abilities. The dagger-wielder threw both daggers forwards, and chains formed from the edge of the handle towards his hands. The other guy quickly slashed forwards, and three black waves quickly pushed towards Sear.

Sear decided to also get a bit more serious. Quickly changing his SW(Soul-Weapon) into a great-sword, he intercepted the three slashes and hit the gauntlet guy with the flat of the blade, launching him out of the field. With the rest of his momentum, he spun around and blocked the two daggers with his sword before grabbing the chains and pulling, sending the dagger-wielder towards him.

As the man was still in mid-air, he couldn't do anything to block Sear's punch, which knocked him out of the ring. Putting away his SW, he walked out of the ring. Looking around, every was staring at him. They had obviously seen his sword change shapes mid-battle, so they wanted to know what type of SW he had.

Quickly walking back to his room, he saw that his soul-cultivation had increased by another percent.

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