《Searful - Rise of The Alaba [Dropped]》Chapter 39


As he was pushed into the walls, he was amazed. The town that was inside was amazing. Bright lights everywhere, people all around talking or sparring in other areas. Something like this on a planet like this was insane to him.

At the same time, many people looked at him. While they didn't stop doing whatever they were doing, he knew that they were confused. Looking at their strength, most of them were at the mid 2nd realm to late 3rd.

"Come on. We don't have time." Expecting the man to grab him and start running again, he braced his body. But instead, the man just walked casually. Now that he thought about it, nobody inside of here was using their full strength. If they did, this place would have been destroyed. Even him, at the 7th stage of the first realm was strong enough to basically destroy a small planet if he went all out, much easier for those here who were past the third realm.

As he followed the man, he continued looking around. The place was pretty organized, all "shops" on the main streets with all the residences on the smaller streets. At the very center of the town was a large building. From inside he felt two voids of presence, similar to the man who he expected to be at the fifth realm. Those two and him were probably the high-ups in this town.

In a few minutes, they were at the entrance to the large building. There were two guards around the fourth realm stationed at the door. The man besides Sear nodded, and they knocked on the door three times. After a few seconds, they opened the doors.

They walked in, and Sear could see two men. One was a human like him, except around 2.1 meters tall. The second was another lizard-man, closer to three-meters tall. They were sitting on two throne-like chairs, with an empty one raised above theirs. As they came closer, the men all knelt, and Sear did the same. These people could destroy him with a breathe.

"My Lord, this man has stated that L.L. has sent him." - Guard

Upon hearing this, the two men sighed before speaking.

"Please leave us here." - Human Man


As they left, Sear stayed knelt.

"Get up. If L.L. sent you, we have to agree with him. Not much we can do to go against him. Now then, we are the Desert City Saints. We rule around 10% of the Qrolis Desert. The planet is split into different landmasses. The lowest level are the deserts. Next are the forests, and lastly the mountainous and a volcano poulated area. Each of these areas have been split into smaller areas. The Qrolis Desert for example, is only 0.2% of the entire desert on the planet. So we control roughly 0.02% of the planet. Do you understand so far?" - Human

Sear nodded quickly, and the man continued.

"Every month, there is a time where the mana in the air becomes incredibly dense, and all over the planet people take that chance to purify their mana. During these two days, nobody fights. Even the beasts focus on purifying. Luckily for you, its in a week. During the times we don't purify, we either purify our souls by fighting with our weapons, or we create armors from the bodies of the beasts we kill. That's basically it. Also, every now and then you will go out in groups to hunt beasts or we will go as a large group to take over more territory." - Human

"One of the guards will lead you to your residence. You have a week to improve your soul purification before the day comes. If L.L. sent you, you better do good." - Human

The two men left into a back room, leaving Sear and the guards in the room, just standing there. After a few seconds a lizard-man came up to him.

"I'll take you to your residence. If you have any questions, ask me on the way.My name is Delis by the way." - Lizard Man

"Okay, thank you. My name is Sear." - Sear

The two left the room, and after a few minutes Sear decided to start asking some questions.

"Why are there more non-humans than humans?" - Sear

"You're probably from a human-only planet, so let me explain. On some planets, there are more than one prominent species. In most cases, humans are there, but they have naturally worse magic potential than others. The most abundant would be us Qrulqins, lizards basically, since at birth we already start half-way to the first stage of Realm 1." - Delis


*So, humans are quite weak huh. Might explain some of the looks I was getting.*

"How often does a portal out appear?" - Sear

"There are always billions of them present at once, but most of them are in the higher-Realm areas. Here, you're lucky to find one every 15 years, and even then people fight over them before they open. In the higher up areas, you can probably see multiple in the sky at all times. The people up there are gaining strength, not trying to escape." - Delis

"Before the portals open?" - Sear

"The portals appear exactly one week before they open. That means that opposing factions will have one week to fight over who will manage to take over the areas. At low Realms, thats a big difference, as one Stage to another Stage can make a huge difference, but according to L.L once you get past Realm 5 the difference between Stages becomes extremely small in terms of actual strength. The physical gain slows dramatically, but your mana continues to go up, but mastery over mana is more important than actual amount." - Delis

"The only big differences between strength past Realm 5 is every 5 Realms, when people go through evolutions. Just like how at Stage 5 of the first realm you become a continental, at the first stage of Realm 2 you became an Worldly. Then at Stage 5 you become a Galactal. Then every five Realms your race will evolve quickly and rapidly to better suit your fighting style. This doesn't always mean more strength, but may be things like better reflexes, faster mana output, etc." - Delis

*This is... a lot to look over. I guess I should try to get as much information out of him as possible.*

"How do these evolutions work?" - Sear

"Once you get past the Stage requirement, the next time you sleep, your body will evolve. They say it goes through around 1,000,000 generations each time, or about 20,000,000 years of evolutions for humans, in a single night. When you wake up, your race will be naturally above others. That's the reason you can't sense the power of those above the fifth realm. Their race, compared to those below the fifth realm is so much higher that our minds forcefully block out their power so we don't overload and die. That overload gets smaller quickly, so a Realm 6 going against a Realm 11, there will be a very small pressure exuded." - Delis

"Last question. Where do I go to train?" - Sear

"At the outer edges of the city, there are training circles. They have a gravity field on them that makes everything 1000 times slower, so in a diameter of 100 meters, you actually move 100 kilometers if it was normal. This is mainly so that you don't destroy the city when training, because even you can destroy this place once you're inside." - Delis

"Well, we're at your house. Enjoy the night, and train well the next few days. If you need any more help, go find me at the Southern gate." - Delis

With that, Delis walked away. Sear looked up at his home. It was on the sixth floor of a building a few kilometers from the city center. Opening the door, he spotted a nice bed, a large desk with enough space that you could lay 3 of him on it, and a cloth chair.

Sitting down on the chair, he closed his eyes and began to think over everything he had heard.

*Large difference from Realms 1-5. Smaller difference from Realms 6-other. Realm 6 going against Realm 11 isn't weird. Evolutions can change many things. Evolution goes extremely quick. Humans are quite weak. The top 3 are all above Realm 5, and L.L. must be even higher than 5. He told me to join for a reason. Every month mana density goes up by a lot. Gives people time to train. I can train my Soul Purification in the training circles the other times. Make it easy to fight without destroying everything. Portals are more common in higher areas. L.L. told me to join for a reason.*

*I need to get stronger.*

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