《Searful - Rise of The Alaba [Dropped]》Prologue - Arc 2.5


Quickly flying off into the distance, Sear thought about how he couldn't sense anything from the person. Even the natural aura of a higher being was gone. Not only that, but what would take Sear a minute to make disappear went away faster than even he could see.

That person was obviously of a much higher realm that himself. *I'll have to be careful at this town. I don't know how high up he is in the order of strength. He told me to say LL sent me, so hopefully that means that he has a good position.*

He continued to fly away, leading a trail of dust behind him.


After a few days, he could finally see a town with his mana sense. It was surrounded on all sides by trees at least 10 kilometers high. The trunks were massive, and it would take multiple thousands of people to fully surround it.

It's branches spread over the land, completely blotting out the sun and making the entire place dark and uninviting. Looking further underground, he was surprised at how deep the roots actually went. They went straight down a good 40-50 kilometers, and and then suddenly stopped. Looking closer at the area they stopped at, he found out why.

A large cavern, completely filled with water. It had a large opening in it, and in the water he could see that there were desolving corpses of beasts. He saw a few bears like the one he fought before, and also saw a 200 meter long centipede. All of these beasts, while dissolving, were allowing their mana to leak into the water. The water had more mana than even Prod.

Finally understanding why the trees were so tall, he continued forward. Finally, after a while longer, he saw the outskirts of the city. In a large clearing desolate of trees, a large wall had been sprung up and covered something with a dome. The done was a few kilos in diameter and Sear believed it to be the town. The only problem being that for some reason his mana sense couldn't go into it, but he did find multiple openings.


Happy with his discoveries, he soon made it to the edge of the forest. As he stepped into the darkness, he felt tens of presences appear around him. Instantly, he had to create a shield to protect from being obliterated.

Though the shield managed to partially block the attack, it still shattered, and the arm that punched him still connected with his body. He got flung away, and his body collided into one of the trees. Surprisingly, the tree didn't break, nor did it even crack, but Sear's bones did.

Feeling one of his ribs sliding out of place, he quickly pushed it back and waited for the people who ambushed him to come to him. After a few seconds, his rib was reconnected, not fully healed, and they appeared.

There were 11 of them. Two were lizard-men similar to Prod, 5 were the same species as "LL" and 4 were some kind of half animal-half human.

The first one to speak was one of the lizard-men, the slightly bigger one. "Who sent you here?"

"I was traveling, and someone told me to come here to the town. He told me to saw 'L.L. sent me." He quickly responded, and saw a deep concern cross over his faces before he sighed.

"L.L. huh. Alright then, lets go." Before he had a chance to say anything, the man had grabbed him and began running through the trees. They were going at speeds so much faster than Sear had ever felt before that his body was flopping in the wind, even though he had tried to stand normally multiple times.

In two seconds they were at the walls of the dome he had seen before. With a wave of his hand, one of the beast-man created an opening in the wall, and they all walked in.

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