《Searful - Rise of The Alaba [Dropped]》Chapter 36


Unlike last time where it took him two hours to travel from his minions to the city, eve with the breaks he took in dealing with bandits and wild animals, he only took 40 minutes. If he didn't stop, he could have been there in less than 5, but he needed to purify his soul.

He needed to become as strong as possible in as little time as possible. Soon he arrived back at the now destroyed city. Looking around, he saw his troops. It seemed that none of them evolved. He landed by his five minions and looked at the pile of bodies in front of him. Absorbing the blood and flesh and leaving the bones, he gained 200 units.

Before his minions could say anything, he used all of the corpses, which amounted to 500,000 and infused each of the five with 100,000. He also got rid of the army and infused the five with 1,000 of their bodies.

The five quickly went into a cocoon as they underwent yet another evolution.

*I was going to take my time with this, but it seems like that won't work very well. I want these five as strong as possible so that I can fight them together and increase my soul's purification. If i can finish my soul purification within these six months and get over 5,000,000 units, I'll be happy.*

It was a long shot, but if he managed to purify quickly while at the same time absorbing many humans, he could make it, just barely.

A few minutes later they came back out. Ilodis became sleeker, his staff becoming larger and his skull extending backwards. On his head two large horns protruded upwards. Yrol became even larger. He was now 4 meters tall. His sword was the same size, but now he had two of them. He gained a layer of "armor" which was actually just more bone covering his bones. Klod's shield turned into a Tower Shield and He also gained some armor, though his wasn't as thick as Yrol's. Grev became smaller and his elbows, shoulders, and knees has sharp protrusions coming from them. Flint stayed the same in shape, but Sear could see that he gained a large insight into using shadows and darkness to his advantage, as well as magic to create darkness.

They also all became much smarter, now having their own personalities.

"You five, get ready. I have 6 months to become as strong as possible. I want each of you to evolve once more to become strong enough that the six of you could fight me without me turning you to dust. Ilodis, take this map. I want you to go around throughout this entire country and slaughter everyone. After destroying the cities, pile all of the bodies and bones and cover them in dense stone. I will go around to absorb it. After destroying this country, you 5 should be able to evolve once more. For now goodbye." - Sear

"Wait my lord..." - Ilodis

As he began to speak, Sear left once more. The force from his speed launched them all away in different directions. Getting back up, they were scared. Before, their lord was already powerful, but now, he has godly to them.


As Sear was flying, he decided to expand his storage ring. Putting more mana into it, he kept going until he had almost run out. It now had about 700 cubic meters worth of space inside. Still not that much. But hopefully after going to exile and leaving he will be able to have at least 1 cubic kilometer(1,000,000 cubic meters) worth of space.


After a few more minutes he made it to where he wanted to be. The Thieves Guild. Looking at the sewer entrance he had gone into a few years prior, he felt nostalgia. Too bad nothing would stop him from becoming stronger. He had been bullied too much when he was younger, and that would never happen again.

Walking into the sewer, he knocked the entrance down and jumped in. Looking around, he saw a lot of new faces, but also remembered a few of them. One of those people was Limbo. He had a new scar on his face, going from his left cheekbone to his chin. Greb was also still there.

"Who are you!" - Limbo

Limbo immediately took his knife out, and everyone else in the thieves guild also took it out, prepared to attack anyone who charged into their home.

"Cmon Limbo, you don't remember me? How about me Greb? We did have such a good fight?" - Sear

Once he spoke, the two seemed to realize who he was.

"What are you doing here? I kicked you out years ago! Don't tell me you think you alone could get revenge?" - Limbo

"Revenge? No, I could care less. I'm actually quite thankful that you kicked me out. If you didn't I wouldn't have become as strong as I am now. But I am in need of training, so I guess I will fight." - Sear

Smiling, Sear summoned his soul weapon. As he did, many of the thieves gasped, before charging at him. Sighing, Sear began. He tried to only incapacitate them by cutting their tendons or knocking them out, but a few of the times he forgot how fragile humans were and their bodies got cut into pieces. After a few minutes of fighting, he was done. He didn't have even one scratch on him.

The only people left were Limbo, Greb, and the other high up members.

"Now then, I don't want to kill them, so I'll heal them. But I still need more practice." - Sear

Though absorbing them would help, he decided against it. Earlier, he was right. Limbo kicking him out was the reason he became this strong. If he stayed, he would have never become like how he is now.

He quickly healed all of the men, but let some of his aura out. Instantly they were all out cold. Turning around, he charged at Limbo.

He quickly got surrounded on all sides, yet even still they couldn't manage to hit him. He kept constantly changing the shape of his soul weapon, so they never knew what to expect. he kept the fight up for ten minutes before he saw them get tired. Jumping out of the circle, he used some of his strength to circle them and cut at all of their tendons.

To Sear, it felt like he was going in slow motion. For them, he was a blur.

As he healed them, he heard Limbo speak up.

"How...how have you become so powerful?" - Limbo

"This? Powerful? You're mistaken. I barely used any of my power. Even if I used my full power there are some things that can kill me without me knowing. Well, thanks for the training. I'll be back later." - Sear

He quickly left a bar of gold on the table from his storage ring. He quickly left the city, and when he was flying he looked into his inner self.

Seeing the floating orb, he wasn't very surprised. He knew that there would be something that would show his soul. Somehow, just by looking at it he could tell how far purified it was. After all of his fights he had gotten to 10% purified. As he flew be continued fighting. At this point, he had no real location he wanted to go to. He just wanted to keep fighting. After two more hours, he checked his completion.


13% percent. Either it was slowing down because he was fighting against weaklings, or it was because it naturally sped down as he went on. Maybe even both.

Decided to test the theory, he decided to fly back to the insect infected island and the place where he had learned runes. There would be things there that could give him a small challenge.

Speeding up to full speed, flew across the lands. A few hours, and a few more fights later, and he had finally arrived. Spanning his mana sense outwards as far as he could, which now could cover the entire planet, as it spread 25km in each direction. Looking over the planet with it, he frowned. There was something with 780 units of mana on the opposite side of the planet from him. It was a dragon. Looking at it, he realized what it was.

It was one of his creations. Was. Back during the cavern when he accidentally created a dragon and it escaped from him, apparently he somehow put a dragon's soul into the bones and thus it escaped. Forgetting about it, he looked at what his minions were doing. It seemed that by now they had killed over 2,000,000 people, and had amassed around 5,000,000 corpses.

They would each probably need 5 million to evolve to the next stage, so he left it. But the 20,000 units did seem very appetizing. But not yet, it would only make it harder for him to hold himself back while fighting. For the next full day, he fought anything above 1 unit.

Some of them were insects, some were giant wolfs. Whatever they were, they were killed and absorbed by Sear. Looking back into his inner self, he saw that he was at 23%. It seemed that the reason it slowed down was because he was fighting weak things and because it naturally slowed down. Seems like he would actually need to make his minions stronger and fight them if he wanted to increase it any more.

For now, he had a dragon to fight.


A few minutes later, and he was knocking on a mountain. Literally. It seems like the dragon created it's home inside a mountain, so he needed to get rid of the home first.

Punching forward, the mountain exploded. He didn't use his full strength, as he didn't want to destroy the world.

As the mountain blew away, he heard a gurgling roar come from below.


"Oh quit your yapping. Your voice is annoying and so are you. I had completely forgot you existed. Luckily now I can fight you nicely." - Sear

Zedrin flew up and got parallel to Sear.

"Ah, it's you. Puny human who attempted to resurrect me.Not only did you destroy my home, but you dared insult me! For that, I condone you to death!" - Zedrin

As Zedrin raised one arm to bat Sear away, he just stood there, smiling. Then suddenly, the arm vanished. Well actually, it collided into him.

He felt his body crash into the ground hard enough that if the mountain was still there, it would have been destroyed again.

*How is he so damn strong? He is only at 780 units... DAMNIT I'm dumb. I was measuring his mana. I have no idea how strong dragons actually are. If we had even levels, he could wipe the floor with me!*

Picking himself off of the floor, he imbued himself with mana and summoned his sword. Jumping up, he quickly circled around the dragon's neck. Luckily for him, because of the dragon's size, it was quite slow when moving it's whole body. Slicing into it's neck, he was astonished at how little he actually did. There was a small cut, maybe the width of his arm on the dragons neck.

But it still didn't bleed. The cut didn't actually go through scale fully. It's defense was too strong for him to kill it that simply.

Flying back, he began using magic. Above him, a glyph appeared in the air. As it appeared, the dragon seemed confused, not knowing what it was.

Once he finished creating the glyph, Sear launched it.

"Hail of Death!" - Sear

As he yelled, the glyph contracted into itself. Following a bright light, there were hundreds, if not thousands of balls created out of death flying through the air. As Sear pointed at Zedrin, the balls flew forward. They were fast. Though he managed to avoid a few, most still managed to hit him. Where they hit, the scales seemed to slightly crumble and crack, some even turning to dust, revealing skin beneath.

As Sear began flying forward, the Zedrin roared. His claws gained a red outline and his body seemed to become faster. As Zedrin swung an arm at Sear, he used him sword to deflect it to the side. Though he deflected much of the blow, it still managed to spin him in place. As he got oriented again, he saw another claw coming towards him. Knowing he wouldn't have enough time to dodge or try to parry, he changed his soul weapon into a greatsword and blocked.

He used air magic to keep him in place as to not get blown back, but it almost collapsed. Just as Zedrin was about to retract his claw, Sear saw that on the claw one of the scales had turned to dust. Quickly bursting forwards, he changed his sword into a long rapier, easily 3 meters long, and stabbed it into the claw.

Before the dragon could even roar, Sear had already changed his weapon shape once more and stabbed it, this time with a toothed-greatsword. As he yanked it out, more flesh was pulled out of the dragon. Thinking it was going well, he let down his guard, only to be smacked by another claw.

Once again, he got slammed into the ground. He had 3 horizontal slashes on his chest, but luckily due to his stronger body, they weren't too deep. He would be able to keep fighting.


Mana Units: 22,302

Mana Purification: 1st Stage: 100% Complete

2nd Stage: 0% Complete

Soul Purification: 1st Stage: 13% Complete

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