《Searful - Rise of The Alaba [Dropped]》Chapter 32


Waking up, Sear looked into himself and saw the difference. Whatever these barriers that he passed were, he had apparently passed through two of them at once.

Not only was his physical strength at least 100 times more powerful than before, but his body also became more durable. he was certain that he could be slammed into by a war-hammer wielding paladin and not even budge. Not only that, but his mental capabilities also increased.

His vision, sharper than an eagles. His ears, able to discern the difference between the rustling of leaves and the rustling of grass. His nose, capable of smelling the difference between one mountain to another. His touch, able to feel even the smallest of grooves. His taste, making it possible to taste the very air. His mind, capable of processing things tens of times faster.

*This is good.Very good. I am slowly getting closer to the top of the food chain. Now then, I guess I should go kill that lightning beast that sent me here.*

Using his mana sense, that now spread over 500 kilometers with ease, quickly expanding to 1000 kilometers before he found what he was looking for.

Taking a second to figure out how to hide his even stronger aura, he crouched down before jumping. Without even using air magic to either help speed him up or get rid of the air resistance, he sped away. With that single step, he quickly broke through the sound barrier.(Speed of sound roughly equal to 340 meters per second at the sea level. Or 1225 km per hour)

Now using his air magic to boost his speed, he quickly went Mach 2.0 before his foot even hit the ground. As his foot came in contact with the ground, he put all his force into pushing off. As he blasted off, a large crater was left where he just stood. Now going over 1000 meters per second, he began flying.


A quarter hour later, Sear could see what he was coming towards. If one looked at the map of Gruflumlor, they would see that towards the end there was a singular mountain, the tallest one of the continent.


At the very top was a citadel owned by the Church. That's what he had seen with his mana sense. He knew that roughly 600 kilometers past that was the ravine where he learned how to better use his black magic, and 100 kilometers west of the ravine was the city he had ownership of. Had.

Passing over the vast ocean separating the two continents, he soon found himself flying over the citadel. He had just remembered someone that he wanted to meet.

Father Simons, the very man he had fought back in the ravine, that almost took his life those 4 years ago. He has sensed the man's mana, though it seemed to have grown in strength, almost doubling. The strongest person in that place though was someone else.

He had a strength of 11 units, which while comparable to Sear was nothing, making him the now second strongest human on the continent. If Sear could even call himself human at this point.

Dropping down inside the citadels walls, Sear was assaulted by the magics of over 100 "Holy Mages". Too bad that the magic didn't even scratch him.

As the people around him screamed and scrambled, talking about an intruder, Father Simons, the other Fathers, and the strongest man there, who Sear assumed to be the Grand Father, or Pope, came out. As they came out, he released a small portion of his aura.

Instantly, the weakest of the people there, the servants and lower-tiered mages and warriors fell unconscious. Everyone else was either close to fainting, or on the ground, incapable of moving. As for the Father and the Grand Father, they were all kneeling with their arms helping them stay up. Even the Grand Father had fallen down on one knee.

As they looked up at him, Sear could feel the surprise in Father Simons face.

"Y...you..." - Father Simons

"Ah yes, it is me. It's been a few years since we fought has it not Father Simons? I can see that you've doubled in strength since then. I'm actually surprised you even survived the collapse of the cavern." - Sear

"Wait, the collapse of the cavern. Father Simons, this is the dark mage you fought?" - Grand Father ???


"Y...yes G.Grand Father Ja...mes. Thi...s is the mage." - Father Simons

"You damned dark mage! I should send you down to the pits of the underworld for attacking us!" - Grand father James

With that, the man began a transformation, not unlike the one Father Simons had undergone. As his robe changed into a glowing white color, feathered wings sprouted on his back. A 5-pronged trident in his hands, his strength quickly increased to 18 units, allowing him to stand up, though with difficulty.

"Now, now. Is that any way to treat your superior?" - Sear

As he said that, he quickly doubled the amount of aura he was letting out. As most of the others fainted, and some of the already fainted died, only the Fathers and Grand father were left. The Fathers were now all on the floor, on the verge of fainting, while Grand Father James's special ability allowed him to only kneel.

"I am much too powerful for the likes of you to attempt fighting me. Even now, this is not even 1/20th of my aura, yet the 'strongest' man on the continent kneels before me. At this point, I am more like a god than a human. You may call me narcissistic, but what can I say, with power, comes arrogance." - Sear

"Now I will make this simple. I only want two things. The first thing, is that all members of the Holy Order stay away from me. If they don't I'll just destroy the entire order. Secondly, gold. I want 1000 kilograms of gold given to me. Don't say that that is insane, as I know you guys have well over 100,000 kilograms. Such a small amount is nothing to you. I will wait here as you guys go get me it." - Sear

As he let his aura disappear, the men quickly began moving. Well, everyone except Grand Father Simons. He just sat there on the ground, with a blank look on his face. As they quickly brought out all of the gold, Sear put it into his spatial ring. Happy with that, he began to walk away, before hearing Grand Father Simons scream.

Looking back, the man had a mad glint in his eyes.

"How could you! A mage of death like you is hated by the heavens! This is an impossibility! I will kill you here!" - Grand Father Simons

As the man got up, Sear smirked.

"A mage of death? Oh no, you have me confused. I don't use death magic as my main magic. Here, let me show you true death magic." - Sear

Pointing a finger at Grand father Simons a rune began to get drawn in the air. Once the glyph completed, a beam of pure black shot out of Sear's finger. As it came in contact with Grand Father James, the onlookers saw what true death magic looked like. On the ground below the beam, the grass quickly withered and decayed. If there was a piece of marble, it quickly began to crumble and break into hundreds of small grains. As for Grand Father Simons, he began to quickly age. Every second, he seemed to age at least a decade, before his body shriveled and all that was left was bones. Even the robe had decayed.

Even Sear's finger, had slightly decayed. Up to the first joint on his index finger all that left was bone. While it would heal in a few hours, it managed to hurt him, even with the glyph having runes stopping it from hurting the one who fired off the beam.

Smiling, Sear began to float up into the air. Once he was 200 meters up, he created a solid platform of air behind him. Putting his feet on it, he pushed off, breaking through the sound barrier and quickly leaving their sight. If it wasn't bad enough, the Holy Glass that made of the citadels windows all cracked by the energy that came out of the blast created by him passing the sound barrier.

Looking into the distance, Father Simons could only think about what he had fought.

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