《Searful - Rise of The Alaba [Dropped]》Chapter 31


A full week passed, Sear had still been writing more runes. buy now his book was well over 10 kilograms in weight, and had at least five thousand pages. along with it, even though he hadn't actually made those glyphs, he had created some that involved the immeasurable runes.

One of them was the glyph that would be used to create the storage dimension the rune-master talked about back at the town. Another glyph that he created was to create an indestructible shield. it would last as long as it had sufficient mana. He planned to use it later on when he purified his mana so that he could have a day or two of peace.

other then that, he discovered another thing. If he concentrated hard enough, he could draw runes in the air around him. It didn't take much mana, but he needed to have enough control to keep it from moving and shaping it into runes, while still keeping it at a visible state.

So far, the hardest glyph he had managed to draw in the air was one for an earth spike, which used the Forward Propulsion, Cone, Earth, and Sharp runes. He also couldn't do it while moving, as that would take too much concentration.

For now though, he still had his other ways of using magic. It also seemed that this country he was in was quite dangerous. He had been surprised when he found that there were two other beasts with over 100 units. But luckily they seemed to be hibernating.

Picking his book up, which was now bigger than his head, he left the cave that he had been in. Going outside, he spots a squirrel on a tree a couple meters away. Drawing a glyph in the air, he sent a needle-thick projectile of solid air through it's neck.

He had gotten his time required to draw 4 rune glyphs down to 5 seconds. Not bad considering he started a couple days ago.

He began walking through the forest, just taking time to walk around and be in nature. He can't remember the last time he did that. It was more than likely before he had even joined the Thieve's Guild. He had so much free time back then that he would do this daily.

Looking back, he realized how far he had come. Somehow, he had become one of the strongest existances, he believed, in a matter of three years. Some people trained for years with magic and yet they couldn't reach 1/100th of his potential at their peak.

*Now that I think about it, how did I become this powerful? It makes no sense for me to be able to become this strong in such little time, considering how slow I had been training in magic before. Maybe it's because I've been put in more hard situation and have had to use more magic? But that still doesn't make sense.*

Even without absorbing the beast's orbs he was still the most powerful human alive. The one in second was that Priest he had fought back in the crevice. It seemed like it had been forever since then.


Remembering that time, he decided to use some magic he hadn't in a long time. Using his mana sense to look around, he quickly found a pair of bears fighting over a small stream. Flying over to them, he quickly killed them both.

For one of them, he sent a pure black mana thread into it's body. It's eyes focused om him and sat in front of him, awaiting a command.

*Good, seems like my resurrection still works. Now to test that out.*

With the other bear, he quickly sat down and began using his magic. Instantly, the bear's bones came out of it's body. The bones went back into the shape of a bear before they began to change. The hips and legs became bipedal, and the ribs became smaller. Spikes poked out of the spine And on the jaw two large tusks, each at least 60cm long appeared. It's left paw changed into a large one sided sword while it's right hand gained several large claws. Infusing a bit of mana into it, he saw it come to life.

"My lord, what do you require of me?" - ???

*Yes! I can still create my Bone Minions. And this one seems to be the strongest one I've created by a long shot. The others wouldn't last a second against him. Not only is he able to run close to 30 meters per second, but he is by far the most intelligent.*

Still smiling, he quickly got rid of the Minion. They would be useful, but not right now. Now happy, he stared into the sky. Looking at the stars, he felt a feeling rise up inside of him. He couldn't quite describe it, but it felt like a mix between anger and determination.

As the feeling rose up in him, his chest began to shine.

Quickly taking off his shirt, he looked at it. Located on his chiseled abs was a rune he had never seen before. At first he thought it was a glyph because of how complex and crazy it looked, but in the end it was a very thoroughly made rune. Just looking at the rune he felt a pressure he had never felt before.

Whatever was up there, whatever put this rune on him, was leagues, no, universes above him. Just a rune written by it gave off a feeling powerful enough to freeze Sear in place. If he ever came face to face with it, his very being would freeze and cease to exist before the magnificence of the power.

As the glow died down and disappeared, a barrier sprang up around Sear. Then, a few words appeared in his head.

|||This is the best I could do without anyone finding out. The mana density within this sphere is over 100 times higher than the rest of your world. Absorb it, and purify yourself. This barrier will only last for a day. By then you should get to 50% with your first purification. Good luck, and when you are more powerful seek me out...|||


As the voice died down, Sear immediately got to work. He didn't know what did this to him, or why, but he wouldn't turn down the opportunity. Sitting down and concentrating, he felt the mana around him. It was so dense he could even see some strands of it flowing around him.

Closing his eyes, he began to purify himself. As he did so, he kept a part of his mind sensing the mana around him and seeing what was happening. Maybe that way he would find out why the storm happened last time he began purifying himself.

As he began, he finally saw why. As he purified, his inner mana would become denser too, but his max would also increase. It didn't just become denser by compressing his old inner self, but by absorbing large amounts of mana from the surroundings. Slowly, he began to use purify larger and larger portions until he got to 25% done purification.

At this point, Around 80% of the mana within the sphere had been absorbed. He knew that when it ran out, he would start absorbing mana from outside it, which would lead to the strong beasts coming at him once again.

Luckily, it seemed that this shield around him would protect him for a full day. By then he would most likely be strong enough to fight whatever was waiting for him.


As the sun rose from the distance, Sear was nearing completion.

Around him were a variety of beasts. The wolf from before was there, staring at him from a small hole it had dug to sit in. There was a being made of pure water, that resembled a shark. Those two were both around 180 units and the 15 other beasts around them were above 100 but below 150.

None of them talked or got in the way of each other. Due to the amount of mana being absorbed by Sear, they knew that they would need to work together to have a chance of victory.

As they watched, the sphere exploded outwards, releasing a dark purple smoke from within. As the smoke came in contact with trees and the ground, it slowly ate away at them. From within the smoke they could see a shining figure.

As the shining went away, the smoke dissipated. There stood Sear.

His pitch-black iris's, now a vibrant purple. His pupil changed, now instead of circular was a three sided star. Seeing him, all of the beasts got into positions and prepared for anything.

Looking inside of himself, he realized just how much he had grown from the 50%. When previously he was above 200 units, he was now easily above 2,000 units. Looking at the beasts in-front of him, he sneered. They were weak. In total, they had around 1,800 units. Too bad Sear was still above that.

Smiling, Sear began. His body, at one point in the middle of a crater, the next point on the other side of the battlefield. As the beasts turned around, they watched as 8 of them, all below 150 units, fell to the ground.

Not finished yet, Sear began to draw a rune. Luckily, due to his partial purification, he became much better at drawing runes. A 26 rune glyph sprang up in the air, before glowing blue.

The beasts could do nothing but watch as 10 sphere of pure light sprang out and shot through the beasts. Each orb seemed to have it's own mind, and they also worked together. Though they couldn't kill a beast on their own, they would group up in 3's or 4's and barrage a beast from all sides.

After 6 more beasts fell, Sear canceled the ability. All that was left were 3 beasts. Sear smiled, before the three disintegrated. While they were watching the orbs, he had created his purple smoke and sent it into their body in a dormant state.

As the rest of the beasts died, he went and gathered their corpses. He put 5 of the corpses to the side. He would absorb them later. He could feel that his body was going to undergo another transformation with just a bit more mana. For now though, he used earth magic to find some ores. Scanning down a good 100km into the planet's core, he found what he was looking for.

Just outside the molten core was a rock made of a pure green ore. Pulling it out of the ground, he shaped the ore into a ring. Creating an extremely small cut on the ring's inside, he wrote a rune. it was the same one used to attempt creating a storage ring. Writing the rune, be began infusing it with mana.

In one hand was the ring. In the other purple smoke began to seep out and cover the bodies of the beasts. As he watched, their bodies were completely absorbed. Instead of absorbing the mana though, he transferred it into the ring. As the looked into the ring, he was surprised. Even with all of that mana, the ring only had a space of 25 cubic meters.

Happy that he at-least had that, he put on the ring before moving over to the other bodies. Quickly looking into his inner self, he looked at how he would naturally progress. Currently, he would gain 0.5% completion per day on its own. If the speed kept increasing, he would most likely finish the first purification within 2 months.

Absorbing the bodies into himself, he felt himself pass the barrier he had been close to. Looking inside himself as he fell unconscious once again, he say his mana: 2,315 units.

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