《Searful - Rise of The Alaba [Dropped]》Chapter 29


On a different world...

"Hey ???, come look at this. Someone on Bulfrog just broke into the second stage." - ???

Standing over a white orb stood a man. Though he wasn't quite a man. He was a mixture between a man and a lizard. At 2 meters tall with broad shoulders, he had light green scales covering his entire body. (Think Argonian from Skyrim: Link at the end)

Next to him, writing onto a piece of black paper, was another lizard-man. He was smaller in size, but his pitch red eyes seemed powerful enough to cut through mountains.

"Did one? Interesting. The last one happened not 2 years ago. it is speeding up considerably. Let me see him." - ???

With a swipe of the hand, the larger lizard-man sent the orb levitating towards the other. The other grabbed it and looked.

"Interesting. A human capable of using all types of magic. Put him on a watch list. Since the planet is under our supervision we have to watch out for people like him. While compared to some planets where getting to the 5th stage is simple, on Bulfrog it is quite hard due to the distinct lower amount of mana in the air." - ???

With that the two men went back to their old work.


Back on the island...

After a week passed, Sear had finally reawoken. Getting up, he noticed a vast difference. Though his mana total stayed the same, his physical capabilities and mental capabilities increase. His body was stronger than before and had an aura of superiority around it never there before. In his mind, he could feel that his thinking had sped up and he could now more clearly understand how mana worked.

Smiling, he created a whole out of the pit he was in and floated outwards. Using his mana sense, he looked around. He was surprised to say the least.

Almost every living thing within 1000 meters was gone, even the trees. Spanning it out even further, he was that living things were keeping away from him.

*Everything is staying away from me... is it because of this aura?*

Focusing on it, he tried to suck it back in. As he did that, animals began getting closer and closer. Finally, he managed to suck it all in.

As he reopened his eyes he saw that the animals now could not sense his power. A bee at 1 unit even tried to attack him! He quickly tried swatting it away, but was surprised when part of the bee's body vaporized into bloody dust.

*Interesting. I wonder just how strong I have become. Now I only have to continue becoming stronger. Whatever that being that attacked me was, it was confident enough not to use this aura.*

Quickly flying towards a nearby mountain, Sear prepared to test out his new strength. Taking a stance, he quickly lashed out at the rock-side, only using his pure strength. After his punch connected a massive chunk of the area exploded. Enough though his punch penetrated into the rock and destroyed it for 200 meters ahead of him, it was still nothing compared to the entirety of the mountain, which must have spanned for at least 20 kilometers.


*Now that I've done that, I need to find out where I am.*

Taking a deep breath, he prepared to use his mana sense once more. The only difference now would be the size of it. He began expanding it. 1 kilometer, 10 kilometers, 100 kilometers, 200 kilometers. At that mark, he felt that his brain was about to shatter, but he had found something.

Roughly 180 kilometers to the north laid an island, and from what he could tell from his low quality mana sense, there was civilization there. Closing his mana sense, he quickly launched off of the island, headed straight towards the civilization.


After two days of flying, he could see the island in the distance. Quickly slowing down, he used his mana sense once more. In front of him was a bustling sea town. it had around 50,000 people living in it, and he could see that there were roads leading out of it, most likely to other towns.

Smiling, he began to close in. Deciding not to fly straight in, he flanked around landed near one of the gates. Approaching the gates, two of the guards stopped him.

"What are you doing in this city traveller?" - Guards

"I went out for a stroll this morning but fell asleep a few hundred meters from here. I woke up a while ago and came back." - Sear

Though they eyed him carefully, seeing that he had nothing for which to attack or defend himself with from far away, they let him pass.

Walking through the city, Sear was surprised at how they used the same language he used even though they must be quite far away. He also noticed that there was nobody even close to passing 1 unit of strength.

*I wonder why all the mages here are so weak. I can sense large amounts of mana being used, but it all seems to be similar in a way. I'll have to check this later.*

Seeing a nearby inn, he walked in. Unlike what he had expected, everyone there was quite cheerful and not like the ones back at his... home.

Suppressing a scream of anger, he walked towards the innkeeper, a middle aged lady with golden yellow hair with white on the tips.

"Excuse me, but how much is a room for the night?" - Sear

"A room for the night would be 10 coppers. A whole week is 65 coppers, and a month would be 240 coppers." - Innkeeper

Using his earth magic, he quickly created 10 copper coins. He saw one on the tables earlier and copied it's design. Putting the coins on the counter, the lady took it and gave him a key.

"Dinner will be served in 5 hours. Breakfast is 3 after sunrise." - Innkeeper

Going up to his room, he opened the lock. There was a simple bed with stained clothing, a tall wardrobe, and a chest. Laying down on the table he began to think.



After a few minutes he decided on what he would do. The first thing would be to try to join a mage's guild to learn more about the area, and maybe even some new types of magic.

Going downstairs, he walked up to the innkeeper and asked her where he could go to learn magic.

She gave him a weird look, but eventually told him the location. Near the edge of a town there was a tower where mages would go to learn magic. It was a 10 minute walk from where he was.

Leaving the inn, he quickly ran there, making it in less than 3 minutes. Looking at the building he was surprised. For a mage tower, it was quite worn down and was close to collapse.

Not thinking too much about it, he walked in. As he walked in a man around the age of 60 came in. He was holding a book in one hand and a carved wooden staff in the other.

"Yes, what is it you have come here for?" - ???

"I'm here to learn magic." - Sear

"Hmmm, good. It's been a few years since I've gotten a new apprentice. Now then, you know the basics about magic... right?" - ???

"Yes." - Sear

He was going to continue talking but the old man cut him off.

"Pick up one of the empty books in that bookcase," he said pointing to a bookshelf with 6 thick tomes. "And you may address me as Runemaster Wilkins." - Wilkins

"Yes Runemaster Wilkins." - Sear

*Runemaster? What is that? Maybe a new type of magic usage?*

Walking over to the bookshelf, he picked up one of the tomes. It was empty. Walking back towards Wilkins, he saw that he had cleared away a desk and put another book, bigger than his chest, onto the table.

"Okay, since us humans can't use magic with our bodies like beasts with mana cores can, we need to draw runes. This makes it almost impossible for mages to do anything other than enchanting and defense because of the time it takes drawing these runes. I want you to copy all of the runes from page 1 to 250 into your book. That book has runes engraved into it that makes it grow bigger every time it gets filled up. This book here is an example of the public rune book. Since mages don't share their own runes and rune formations, Runemasters like me have much bigger books than this public one. But that's for later. Start copying." - Wilkins

*Wait what?! Human's can't use mana here? But I can use it clearly, and so can everyone else in Gruflumlor(His old continent). Did they lose the ability over time? And what's this about runes? Do they inscribe things and then just put the mana into it?*

Sitting down with his thoughts, he soon sent them away and looked at the book. On the first page were the simplest of runes. They were Fire, Water, Earth, Air, Death, Life, and Lightning. They were the elemental runes. Beside the name there were the symbols for them. They were all basic, like a lightning bolt for lightning, a flame for fire, a wave for water, a skull for death, a mountain for earth, cloud for air, and the weirdest one, a shining ball for life.

Besides the symbol there was a description of the rune and what it did. But Sear knew all of the information for the elemental runes, as he only used these types of magic his whole life, except for life and death. From what he could tell, those two where almost impossible to comprehend because of how they played a part in everything.

*Wait, if the black magic I've been using isn't death, than what is it?*

Deciding to focus on the runes, he began to copy down everything he found. After the first page, he went onto the second, and third, and fourth, and tenth, and hundredth, before coming to the last page. By now, he only had 10 pages left in his book before it would fill up.

At the top of the last page it said: Immeasurable Runes. They were runes that used so much mana that it would be impossible for anybody to use them properly. Taking a quick glance at the words, he understood why. There was Infinite, Indestructible, Godly, Chaos, and Order.

Smiling seeing them, he quickly copied them down. By now, he had an extensive list of runes, but they were all singular. But god was there a rune for EVERYTHING. A rune for glass, a rune for reflection, a rune for sand. He wouldn't be surprised if there was a rune for apples.

Getting up from the chair, he stretched quickly after being seated for over 10 hours, writing the entire time. Looking around, he saw that the old man had fallen asleep on a table next to him. Seeing that the man was asleep, Sear decided to just mess around with some of the runes.

Drawing an earth rune on a piece of paper, he pour a minuscule amount of mana into the rune. All that he saw a small layer of dust cover the paper.

*I guess I never did define the shape. God this is so hard. I would have to combine the rune of earth along with the rune of ball and propulsion if i wanted to create a simple earth projectile!*

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