《Searful - Rise of The Alaba [Dropped]》Chapter 27


Back on the island...

As the body rose, a purple aura could be seen forming around it. The aura slowly became thicker and thicker before it condensed into a liquid-like state and fell onto the ground in globs. Out of the globs small creatures appeared.

The creatures all dispersed outwards while the body began to move into the dense jungle. The body stumbled and fell a couple of times before finally getting used to moving again.

As it reached the edge of the forest, it swiped it's hand sideways.

Nothing happened for a few seconds, but suddenly a large roar was heard. it wasn't a beast, neither was it living. It was wind.

A ferocious wind came and ripped the jungle apart. Trees were uprooted and sent flying off into the distance. Large insects where split into hundreds of pieces and flung towards the water. Soon, the wind stopped. While in the distance the jungle was just as dense as before, the few square kilometers near the body were devoid except for a few sparse trees.

Soon, the creatures made of glob ran back to the body carrying pieces of carcasses. With a swipe of it's hands, an aura surrounded the carcasses before it was dissolved and absorbed into the body. While there was no large change, the body had managed to gain a trickle of power.

With a loud roar, the body sprang away towards the forest. A mad smile could be seen on its face. it's eyes were colored a black darker than void. In them there was truly nothingness.

While the body was distinctively human, it had changed. The toe and fingernails were a deep red color and where sharper than an iron knife. The skin had turned an almost gray color, and flashing heterochromatic lines could be seen traversing it's body.


If anyone knew the body, they would clearly see who it was, Sear.

But, it was as if he had turned into a wild animal. His mind was broken and he would just slaughter any nearby animals and absorb them, slowly increasing the power he had.

A few minutes later, glowing orbs could be seen flying around Sear's body. The glowing orbs were actually just orbs of raw mana that he kept outside his body. Now, instead of using his hands and feet to kill the animals, the orbs would just shoot out a laser of raw energy, killing the animal and cutting a line through the jungle for kilometers.

As it continued to run away, mindlessly slaughtering everything, it came to a stop. Looking towards it's right, it saw a tasty meal. Not far from him was a large gorilla, easily the size of a two-story building.

AN: THE MUSIC LINK: https://soundcloud.com/inouesora/really-slow-motion-collapsing-universe ITS GOOD!!!


It was silver-colored, and light shone off it's body like water. It's bulging muscles rippled as it prepared to charge at Sear.

It roared, showing off it's large fangs the thickness of a young tree. It's eyes blinded by rage for being disturbed during its hunt, it charged.

The ground shook as it's massive hands pushed forward. Nearby trees were knocked down and living beings of all kind ran, except for Sear. Smiling, he crouched down and dispelled the orbs of mana. If the gorilla wanted a match of strength, that's what he would give it.

Sear blinked out of existence before reappearing in front of the gorilla. The two began sending punches at each-other. Sear's arms looked like machine gun's rapidly punching forwards tens of times in a second, while the gorilla was only slightly behind in speed.


As their punched connected, shock waves sprayed out. Dust was being lifted off the ground as rocks were sent hurdling away like bullets. The ground beneath them was slowly being destroyed by the endless attacks. Soon, the two were in a crater.

Seeing that it's punches were doing nothing, the gorilla jumped into the air. As it's body got pushed a hundred meters into the air, a white film began covering it's arms. As it began to descend the film only got thicker until one could no longer see the arm beneath it.

As it neared the ground, it prepared to punch.

Sear, seeing this, did the same. Quickly gathering air mana around his arms, he pushed off the ground, right into the gorilla. As they came withing meters of each other, they both transferred all of the air mana into one arm.

The two punched forwards, their fists colliding. A shock wave exponentially stronger than the previous rang out and lightning formed around their connected arms.

The ground beneath them was trembling. In the distance, the very ocean itself was being pushed away. Any trees nearby were blown away by the force being emitted. The two never separated, even as a bright flash began to form between them and overlap their arms.

More lightning was being thrown out, melting the ground around them or being shot towards the heavens.

As the rumbling reached its max, the white flash exploded outwards, sending the two flying away. The nearby clouds were pushed away as power comparable to a god was released.

As the flash died down, two forms could be seen standing in-front of each other. As Sear got up off the ground, the gorilla struggled. it's entire right arm had been blown off and most of the hair covering it's body had burned away.

Meanwhile, Sear's arm was burnt to the point bone could be seen in some places, specifically his hand. All of his fingers had the meat blown off of them. All that remained from the fingers was bone, which surprisingly could still move.

Sear's smile grew to an all time high as a psychotic laugh came out of his mouth. Walking forward, he ended this. With a quick swipe of his hand, a dark crescent shaped orb of dark mana cut the gorilla's head off it's body.

Walking forward, the dark aura once again covered the corpse as it was absorbed into Sear.

When the body was gone, Sear grunted and fell onto the floor. Within seconds, his fingers had grown back. His nails returned to normal while his skin color returned to normal. The heterochromatic veins covering his body disappeared as his eyes changed back to the normal.

After that was done, steam began to flow off of his body. His nails grew a few inches while his hair came down to his tailbone.

His body turned a red shade as defined muscles appeared on his body. After a few seconds, the red shade piped down and the smoke stopped.

He fell downwards, as his body was covered in a thick layer of dirt to protect him.

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