《Searful - Rise of The Alaba [Dropped]》Arc 2- Prologue


Some Time Later...

"Sir, we are running out of rations! We will only be able to feed our population for another 20 days at this rate. Some people are starving and many fights have broken out. in the past day 13 people have been found dead. They either had food on them or they were the food." - ???

"Dammit. I hoped we would be able to last a bit longer. We've managed to survive a month, but a group as small as ours would have no chance against the kingdoms that took everything. Are you sure there's nothing else we could do to prolong this? Maybe shorten the rations?" - ???

"We could shorten the rations, but I feel that people would just start fighting for food even more than they already were. Unless we somehow find a good source of food nothing is going to happen, other than us starving of course." - ???



"Haha. Today was a good day. We got a hefty haul and should be able to feed ourselves for another few weeks. At least until we get to the northern stronghold. We also managed to get this nice little Sally right here." - ???

In the man's arms was a small frail girl. Her blonde hair, matted down by mud, covered most of her face. She looked quite underfed but still had a natural beauty to her that attracted the men. The man holding her was a giant in comparison. He was at least 2 meters tall, had tree trunks for arms, and looked more like a wall than a person.

No matter how much the girl tried to escape, it was futile. She was simply too weak.

"You're right boss. This is a nice little Sally we've gotten here." - ???

A few murmurs passed around as the bandits looked at their leader.


"So boss you're going to take her first?" - ???

"Of course!" - ???

With a wild grin on his face, the man tore the girls shabby clothes off and lay her down on the floor.


On a small island in the middle of the ocean...

"Archmage, are you sure that we will be able to continue living like this?" - ???

"Silly Apprentice. Since that day, nothing has happened. The only reason populations are starving and people are killing each other is because of a false prophecy. I doubt anything will happen now. In a few months people will realize that nothing has happened and kingdoms will rise again. For now though we can continue training our magic here." - Archmage

"Yes Archmage." - Apprentice


In a small lagoon...

As the sun began to rise, a body washed up on the shore of a lagoon. The Lagoon was situated on the outskirts of a group of archipelagos, known as the bumbling lands. Very few people had ever come into the islands and come out alive, do due to the humongous insects that dominated the island.

Not too far from the body, a meter long scorpion was eating away at the dead corpse of an eagle. After finishing it's meal, it began to move towards the body with the sharp clacking of its legs, striking against the rough sands.

As it approached, it readied its stinger, and pounced forward. As it was falling through the sky towards the body, it got slammed into the sands, turning its insides to pulp.

The body rose.....

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