《Reincarnation (Reverend Insanity Fan-Fic)》Ch 14 - Exploring the Inheritance


"Hello, young Miss!"

"Good morning, young Miss!"

"Young Miss is back! Your servant greets you, Miss!"

Gu Yue Mo Yan hastily walked with a cold demeanor, and the servants she met on the way bowed and paid respects to her without fail.

She walked to the study room. Without any warning, Mo Yan pushed the door and entered through. Inside the room, Gu Yue Mo Chen was practicing his calligraphy art with his back facing her.

"You're back?" Gu Yue Mo Chen asked directly without turning his body. "After investigating for half a month, what is the situation with the wolves' den?"

"How did you know it's me, grandfather?" Mo Yan gasped, slightly taken aback.

"Hmph, in the entire family, you're the only person that dares to enter my room without even knocking the door once. Who else can it be besides you, my beloved granddaughter," Gu Yue Mo Chen reprimanded, although his face showed traces of concern and warmth, and he looked at Mo Yan with a smile.

Mo Yan pouted. "When it comes to doting, you actually adore little brother more. However since he's the future family head, you are more strict on him so others cannot sense your concern for him. He is practicing well and seems to have grasped the responsibility of Gu Master."

"Yes, I am really proud of him. He has given up on his rashness and is dealing with situations calmly. Also, his strength seems to have improved a lot. Mo Yan, I want you to test him and determine his capabilities. Now tell me about the results of your scouting. When do you think the next wolf tode would happen?"

Mo Yan was surprised to hear about Mo Bei. She believed that the A grade talent must have been bullying her younger brother but it seemed her guess was wrong.


'It seems he's really working hard. That's good.', she sighed in relief.

"Yes, Grandfather" Mo Yan answered. After that, they discussed the details of her exploration and scouting.


At night, Mo Bei secretly left the home and went towards the Flower Wine Monk's Inheritance grounds. On the way, he was careful of being followed especially by Fang Yuan or his own family members, and hence took many twist and turns before reaching the cave.

In the walled-in path, Mo Bei stood once more before the giant boulder blocking the way.

"Starting from today, the White Boar Gu stopped supplying me any increase in strength. That means, I already have one boar's strength, thus reaching the Flower Wine Monk's requirement. I have done it faster than Fang Yuan due to my better physique even before using White Boar Gu and due to better quality of pork used as White Boar Gu's food. Today, I shall push this round rock and finally get the corresponding gu worms behind this rock!"

His arms touched the surface of the round rock as he took a deep breath in and pushed with all his strength.

The large boulder moved under the pressure of both his arms, moving slowly, gradually gaining momentum and rolling forward.

This was the first time Mo Bei was pushing his body to do some activity which required great strength. He was not able to effectively use his strength.

The road before the boulder blocking the path was an inclined slope. Being turned into a round rock by the Flower Wine Monk, it was most suitable for rolling.

Mo Bei pushed the rock upto 40 steps but was feeling incredibly tired. He knew that he had to push it to a total of 50 steps and he had the strength to do so but he was not accustomed to this strength. He knew slight mistake could make the boulder roll over him and he would directly be crushed. He gave up pushing the boulder for the time being and went back slowly to restore his stamina.


After resting for a while and restoring the stamina, he tried pushing again. This time he went upto 43 steps before giving up and coming back down to restore his stamina again.

This process went on for several hours before he could effectively utilize his strength to push the boulder. Mo Bei had brought food and night snacks with him to quickly restore his stamina.

47..48..49 steps. He was on the 49th step, feeling incredibly tired. He knew it was just 1 more step but his body was not responding. He had to quickly make a decision as his life depended on it.

'I have to do it. If I cannot even overcome this challenge, then there's no chance for me to return back home', Mo Bei's eyes were filled with resolve. He mustered all his strength in his hands and gave a strong final push.

He suddenly felt that the pressure from the huge rock had lightened. It had actually rolled into a straight platform.

'So the info in the novel was correct. I was worried about the measurements of the steps might be different in the novel.', thinking so Mo Bei heaved a sigh of relief.

He gave a small push and huge rock rolled by itself and a gap widened up. After routing past the huge rock using the gap, he found himself in another secret room similar to what was mentioned in the novel.

On the other end of the secret room, there was a simple grey-coloured rock door.

'Behind that door, I will have to face those annoying monkeys.' Mo Bei sighed. He directly went to stand before the door and found wet ground below it as expected.

Buried there was the second Earth Treasury flower Gu!

Mo Bei carefully peeled the flower petals and retrieved the Jade Skin Gu worm slumbering in the golden nectar and instantly refined it.

"Fang Yuan refined the White Jade Gu by combining this White Boar Gu and this Jade Skin Gu. However, I do not have any refinement path talent and will probably mess this up. It would be a great loss if I lose either of them in the process."

The Jade Skin Gu had a high value, being one of the best defensive Rank one Gu. It was not easy to feed, consuming two pieces of jade rock every ten days. But it was not a worry for Mo Bei since he knew he can find the jade rock behind the rock door.

But Mo Bei had no intention of going inside for now. He knew that even when Fang Yuan was Rank 1 upper stage Gu master, he faced difficulty in clearing out the place and fighting those monkeys.

He would arrange for jade rocks for now through his grandfather. As for how he would reveal the Jade skin gu? Hehehe.

Mo Bei's lips curved into a smile as he already knew what he had to do. The caravan would be coming soon to the Gu Yue clan where gambling rocks will be available. He just had to follow his role model Fang Yuan to avoid any troubles!

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