《The Portable Dungeon》Chapter 10.2


Once I was outside of the dungeon, I was back at the secluded place where I hid my . It was in an alley as dark as night even in the daytime. Inside the alley, there was a huge box, and when I took a look inside, it was empty. So with my decision, I used this as one of the spots where I place my , well, until it gets noticed.

I removed the in order to hide the fact that there was something here and left hurriedly. One reason was because I was excited to use my new power (gear) on the idiot templates.

And then it hit me…

“I don’t know where I am…”

Since I was running around, trying to lose the templates, I didn’t pay attention to where I was going. I also found this spot by coincidence, so I had no idea where I was.

“Meh, I’ll just ask again.”

And with that, it took me about half an hour to reach the Adventurer’s Guild while walking. The reason for the long time was because I got lost here and then because of the walkways and etc.

Now here I am, standing in front of the double doors which lead towards the first floor of the Adventurer’s Guild. And inside, there is a 50-50 chance of me encountering the templates or not since I spent some time inside my dungeon. If they are in, then I beat them up, if not, then just register like nothing ever happened.

But if I do encounter them, I need to give an excuse why I ran, otherwise, they might make fun of me, and underestimate me… Or rather, isn’t that good?

‘But my pride won’t allow it…’

There is something called a man’s pride for where he won’t stand it when some people makes fun of him based on some idiotic reasons. Much more if it was based on their hostile intentions.

‘So first, declare why I left, then beat them up, it will be even worse since what I am beating them up with is a shovel that is mainly used for digging in this world, and that might lead to embarrassing them.’

Without further ado, I walked up to the door then opened it like last time. And that 50-50 chance became 100-0 chance once I saw the same person trying to mug me the first time I came here.

“Oh, the brat’s back!”

Once I saw him, the man looked back at me and flashed a grin, and so did his cronies.

“Came back, after running away? Must be playing hero! Ahaha!”

“Aww, you want to get revenge? Too bad, you just walked right back in, hero. Hihi…”

The three of them stood up and walked towards me while grinning. Then I flashed a ridiculing smirk at them before questioning the other adventurers in the place.


“Hey, can I beat these guys up? I just avoided them earlier since it seems like a pain, but now, they’re downright annoying…”

Once I said that, the three thugs had a vein pop in each of their foreheads. The other adventurers in the place laughed and one responded while spectating the situation.

“Oh sure… There’s no laws to being an adventurer, if you came here to register then get beat up by adventurers, then you’re not fit to be one. Rather, if you beat them up, then you’re just making yourself seem useful, a good trade for an adventurer if you might ask.”

So there’s no adventurer policies that restricts adventurers from fighting each other.

“Of course, killing is out of the question, and so is distracting some people for doing their jobs, but in this building, fight all you want, just make sure you don’t inconvenience the others.”

And once he was done, he went back to drinking some more alcohol and watching us with a grin on his face.

‘Yep, most of the people here are scumbags…’

Since they had no problems about seeing a child getting beat up, then they are either scumbags or this was just normal in the Adventurer’s Guild.

“Now then, since you heard him, what’ll be? Get beat up by me, or go back, sit and drink quietly?”

I flashed another smirk at them while shaking my head with my hand on my forehead.

“Tch! You brat, come here!!”

The frontmost thug came lunging at me after receiving the humiliation. Of course, the other two also came in tow. He wielded the sword in his waist and made a thrust towards me.

‘I though no killing…?’

Well, if that happened, then those three might go to lockup, but then, even if they tried to kill me, I guess they wouldn’t go all the way.

“Yep, now then get beat up!”

I grabbed the shovel strapped to my back and held it like an axe. Once the thug saw it, he laughed then poked fun at me.

“What the hell!? You fightin’ with a damn shovel!? You an idiot!?”

Well, if he was calm, then he would’ve noticed the violet color, but since he was extremely enraged, I doubt he could notice it. The three thugs seem the same.

With their weapons in hand, all of them attacked me simultaneously. One had a sword, the other and axe, and the last a spear. Since three were attacking me all at once, it won’t be easy to block them all, but dodging them is doable thanks to the powered-suit I am wearing.

I blocked the sword since it looked the easiest one to block but hardest one to dodge. I dodged the axe and spear by tilting my body a little to the side and duck forward, and once I did that, the spear went past me, while the axe swung past and hit the wooden shaft of the spear.


And with the law of nature and physics, wood cannot beat metal, much more if the metal was sharp, so all the wooden shaft could do was be cut where the axe landed. The spear tip fell to the ground, making a loud thud.

“What the fuck you doin’ to my spear!”

“It ain’t my fault you prick!”

The two thugs argued, but the thug holding the sword was the one in shock, the reason being that his sword was blocked by the shovel’s shaft. Only then did he realize that the shovel I was holding was one made with metal on its whole body.

“You! Where did you get that!?”

And once he realized the shovel was made of metal, the light of greed in his eyes shone intensely and stared at me.

“You’re giving that shovel to me!”

“Pweh, as if.”

Without breaking a sweat, I repelled the sword using the force generated from my body, or more precisely, the powered-suit. The sword bounced back and was lifted high into the air. The next thing I did was smack his head with the flat surface of the shovel since when I pushed with strength the shovel was also lifted in the air.


“… Oops…”

When I smacked him though, I put in about 50% of my strength (powered-suit generated) into the swing, and the result wasn’t pretty. His head did not crack open, but instead, he was bleeding all around.

“Oi! Leader!”

“Ah shit! You brat! What the fuck did you do!?”

‘Well even if you ask me, weren’t you at fault for assaulting me first…?’

“Healer! Get a fucking healer right now!”

“Sheesh, you three still causing problems huh…?”

Once a new voice interjected the two’s shouting, the two thugs froze stiff. Beyond the two, was a flight of stairs, and on the stairs, was a woman in her 30’s walking down with a smile plastered on her face.


Even I froze stiff at the aura this smiling woman was emanating. Hell, the whole place froze stiff.

“G- Guildmaster… It was the brat’s fault---“

“Shut up will you?”

Once the woman, or Guildmaster directed her gaze at the man, he froze in place, no, he literally froze in place inside a gigantic ice cube.

“Now for the other one…”


What happened to the other thug was different in contrast to the other one. He was encased in stone, no more appropriately, he was turned to stone, his face full of fear still visible on the stone statue’s face.

“For the bleeding one…”


The wound on his head was burned and then the bleeding stopped. Next after that, he was laid in a bed of thorns and then silenced, literally…

“…! …!!!”

Even his shouting for mercy was inaudible as I looked on the torture going on in front of me.

“As for you…”

Once she was done on the three thugs, next she set her gaze on me. I froze up instinctively from the pressure she was generating from her smile alone. Coupled with the actions she did on the three thugs, it made it even harder to breathe.

“… Well done.”

“… What?”

I uttered confused question at her gentle reaction towards mine instead of the violent reaction towards the thugs.

“For a child, you were able to hold out against three middle-ranked adventurers. In fact, if that continued, then you could easily subdue all of them. But since you did fatal damage on one of them, I had to step in.”


I was speechless at the praise the Guildmaster was giving to me. She even had her scary smile still plastered on her face so it made it even scarier. But she was watching the fight the whole time…?

“We could use a couple of guys like you. Feel free to join the Adventurer’s Guild if you want.”

Once she was done talking to the speechless me, she called on one of the adventurers on the side.

“Hey you, yeah, you in that ridiculous outfit.”

“M- Me…?”

“Who do you think I’m pointing to? Yes you, blind idiot. Go get a healer and heal this disgrace of an adventurer’s wound. The other two will return to normal after a day. And also, do not take that adventurer off the bed of thorns, do you understand?”


The adventurer wearing spiked armor all over his body quickly dashed outside, while his party helped with moving the three thugs. The Guildmaster left them and headed back upstairs.

Once she was gone, it felt like I was able to breathe again.

“Hey kid, piece of advice, you might want to register now. You don’t want the Guildmaster to hunt you down alright?”

I nodded my head in agreement to the adventurer who responded to my question earlier.

“But damn… This is their second offense, one more then its goodbye to them. Don’t know why they still do it…”

“Meh, maybe because they were let off light before, it probably got into their heads. But now, I don’t think they’ll repeat their mistake.”

“Even I wouldn’t after experiencing that…”

The other adventurers were busy murmuring about what had happened to the three thugs.

“Kid, get a move on right now. If she notices that you ran away from this building, I dunno what’s going to happen to you.”

I quickly moved towards the counter once I heard that my livelihood was at stake.

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