《The Portable Dungeon》Chapter 9.3


“Identification please.”

When I arrived at the gate, there was a line of people forming just outside. Just to get inside, one, you needed anything that can serve as an identification tool, and two, a fee for entering the city.

The fee wasn’t that high. Thanks to picking up (stealing) some money back in Garjo, I had just enough to pay the fee. The problem was my identification.

I had nothing to serve as identification, even if I begged and groveled on the ground, they still wouldn’t let me in.

‘What am I supposed to do…?’

Just when I was at a standstill, I saw a person, a black-haired, black-eyed person. No, it wasn’t just one, it was a group, and a lot of them at that. When I got closer to listen my jaw dropped to the ground.

“Hey Kawasaki-san, what kind of skill did you use back there…?”

“Oh that, it was a skill called [Infinite Holy Blade]. As you saw for yourself, it created countless of swords made of light and attacked the enemies in an area.


‘Kawasaki-san…? And that language, don’t tell me…?’

Japanese people… There were literal Japanese people around here. Of course, there were people that matched their appearance in the east, but they don’t speak Japanese language.

“Holy fuck…”

Why were there Japanese people here, no, what were they doing here? This is no common occurrence in the world of Andeght. In fact, this hasn’t happened in thousands of years after a hero defeated the demon lord.

But then, I had plan.

‘If I use them… Maybe I can enter the city…’

If the template is correct, the hero is probably one that is filled with justice, and can’t deny a request from a child. Much more if that child was struggling to survive in the outside world. That is, if the template is correct, but if it isn’t, then bad luck, I’ll have to look for another opportunity.

With that plan in my mind, I mustered up my courage and approached the group numbering 40 or more.


“E-excuse me…”

I made my voice sound as weak and innocent as possible.

“Hmm, a child…?”

“What the… An albino…?”

“Gosh!! He’s so cute!!!”

Ignoring a female Japanese person squealing in delight upon seeing me, I approached the man called Kawasaki and pleaded.

“Please, let me come with you… All I need is to enter the city… They won’t let me in because I have nothing to prove who I am…”

I sounded pathetic, but that’s just the way I was acting. I needed to be sympathized by this person then maybe, I can enter the city without problems, and then, place a portal inside the slums where it can be hidden.

“Sure you can!”

“Eh!? Kawasaki-san!?”

The person who I called out to agreed, but the other person beside him exclaimed in shock. This was probably the type that didn’t trust anyone they meet, even if it was still just a child.

“Seriously Yanahiro-san? He’s just a child. If all he wants is to enter the city, then I’ll gladly help. It’s not like we’re bringing in some wanted criminal into the city.”


“Enough Yanahiro-san.”

When Kawasaki silenced him with his cold gaze, the rest of the group behind him started getting loud.

“There it is! The cold gaze of the President!!”

“… Scary…”

“Please glare at me like that! Please!!”

“Yo girl what the fuck!? You an M!?”

I ignored the noisy group, but I will probably not forget the last one, that was just gold. I happily gazed at Kawasaki who was bringing me to the gate. After a few minutes of waiting in line, it was out turn.

“Identifica--- Ah, Hero, back from hunting?”

“Yeah Stewart, we needed the experience.”

“I see, and the child, is he with you…?”

“Yes, he is. What was your name again?”

When he asked, I nodded then spoke out the truth.

“My name is Gren.”

That was it, nothing more, nothing less. I’m scared that if I speak out where I was from, then I would probably be brought to somewhere troublesome.


“Gren, is that right…? Alright, you may pass, but still, you have to pay the toll fee.”

“Ah that’s no problem, it’s your salary after all.”

“Ahahaha, you got me there. So that would be 2 copper coins for each of you, then in total it would be 9 silver coins and 4 copper coins.”

“Okay, here you go.”

With the transaction of money completed, we were granted access to the city.

“Okay Gren, do you have anywhere to stay?”

When asked that, there were some girls as well as some girlish boys behind him who nodded their heads in agreement.

‘… Oh hell no…’

“Sorry, but I already have somewhere in mind.”

“I see, well then, we’ll get going now. If we see each other again, I’ll treat you to some delicious food.”

With a smile, Kawasaki left with his group. Although within that group, there were dejected faces, but why bother. I’m not letting myself be subjected to that kind of treatment.

‘Just thinking of it creeps me out… Ughhh…’

I shook that thought off of my head, and made a quick run down of my list.

‘First, go to Adventurer’s Guild, second, register, third, gather information, fourth, do some jobs for money, optional, raise rank.’

With that as my priorities, I set my walking towards the nearest person. Why? It was because I don’t know where the Adventurer’s Guild was. And also, I didn’t want to ask this from the Japanese, they might suspect something because of their education, as well as their lack of common sense of the world of Andeght.

“Umm, excuse me mister?”

“Hm, what do you want child?”

“I would like to know where the Adventurer’s Guild is.”

“Okay, just follow this road…”

Once I got my directions, I followed it, and if I ever got lost again, I asked another passerby.

Time flew just like that, and finally, I arrived at the Adventurer’s Guild. The building looked like it was made for war, with the sturdy, stone walls, and the glass windows with something like iron bards hidden on the sides. The double doors were also huge and there were numerous amount of people from various races going in and out.

‘Cat ears… Rabbit ears… Dog ears… Fox tails… Ahhh a man’s romance…’

If this was Drake’s homeworld, then they would probably worshipped by the netizens. I know Drake would too…

‘But for now, let’s focus on my goal…’

I entered the building and what greeted my sight inside were a bunch of people sitting on tables, chatting with each other, forming plans, having drinks, and forming lines on the counter. But when I entered, a bunch of eyes peeked towards me before losing interest after a quick second. Well, except for some thug-like adventurers…

“What’s a kid doing in here, huh…?”

“What a good looking sword too, don’t you agree…?”

“That looks wasted on you brat, come here and donate it to us…”

‘… Another fucking template…’

In Drake’s homeworld, this was also common in novels and movies, the part where an MC walks into an establishment for doing work, gets underestimated by the high-rankers, then gets beaten up mercilessly by said MC. But that does not apply to me, I’m not strong, I’m weak as hell.

So now the problem is this, what should I do to avoid this?

‘Easy, just run away…’


I turned back and quickly left through the door.

“Oi you brat!! Come back here!!”

I didn’t pay heed to the shouts of the thugs, but instead, continued to run as fast as I can. Once I lost them, I found a secluded area inside a broken building and created a .

‘I need to make a powered-suit fast…’

Otherwise, I won’t be able to register because of those thugs…

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