《a new world to call home, as sloths representative》11.investigate


A tall intimidating elf with an aura that froze around the room glared down at me. And I him.

"Do you not know who I am?"

"Im aware that your are a Duke. However I'm not from this country, nor am I a citizen you have power over." I walked passed him heading towards the door.

"You will not disrespect me in my own home."

"I have not disrespected you, to my knowlage. I only denied your request of me." I touched the chain on my wrist, pinching at the sides and taring it like paper. " I shall take my leave now. Thank you for your hospitality," once the door the duke grabbed at my arm.

"TAKE YOU HANDS OFF ME YOU ICE FUCK!" I screamed with a strong glare at him. He took a step back, and I used that opportunity to book it out of there.

Okay, I messes up there. But im not going to let them take Astrel away. Not after I just told him that we're a family. But Sophie will not be happy about what I did.

My best bet is finding Astrel then a horse or somthing to get away from here. I have no idea how big this place is, but if I can find a window or stairs going down I probably get outside. But I better hurry.

Found a window! And from the looks of it I'm on the first floor. Good now I just have find Astrel.

"Astrel!" I hollered as I ran looking for a bed of flowers that he could be at. But the building is huge and too wide to actually run around it unlike my old house."Astrel!"

"Miss Lee?"

I turned to see Sophie confused that I was up and about barefoot still in a night gown. Beside her with a handfulls of flowers was Astrel. Unkown metunal instinct kicked in, I was scared and relieved when I saw him. It reminded me of the one time I lost my little brother, and just like then I started crying as I hugged him.


"Thank god you're okay."

"Whats wrong?" Sophie asked.

"Sophie is there a reason your father would want me and Astrel to cancel our contract?" I asked in a serious tone holding Astrel close, cradling him like a child in my arms.

"Not that I would know. But I did notice somthing odd."

"How odd?"

"Normally the green house I use for growing herbs is alwaysed been kept. Bit it's been condemned"

"Well you've been gone for nine year's."

"Yes, that's true, but the spirts took care of the plants. And I haven't seen any evidence of spirits being in the area."

"Thats because the fairy circles have been destroyed." Astrel said. " From what I head though my 'word of vine' skill. The fea who were here in this area specially were casted out a roughly nine years ago."

"What?" Sophie was completely surprised." The sprits are abundant here in Frigale. Who would do something as stupid as to cast them out?"

"So we have a conspiracy, or somthing going on?"

"No one of the vine, has given me a straight answer. I only know that Sophie was still around before they got chased out." Astrel looked to me resting his head on my sholder.

"Then my father wants to use Astrel as means to fix up the problem with the spirts."

"And separating me from Astrel would help?"

"I don't want to leave master! You said we're a family, and I don't want to leave!"

"Then we'll just have to run away," i smiled.

"Will that be best?" Sophie asked.

"I don't know how to help otherwise. Its not like we could create fairy circles... or could we?" My brain was working full speed as i scanned to the deepest pit of usless knowlage I remembered my childhood." Fairy circles are said to be the aftermath of dancing fairies. So since Astrel is Techecly a fea."


"We could remake the fairy circles?"

"Probably. If I remember correctly we need a lot of fairies, so its not likely to work." However the real question is who did this and why would they casted out the spirits? Astrel seems fine so it can't be a sickness, or curse. If its just a problem with the fairy circles it could be fixed, but that could have been fixed within those nine years.

Wait, astrel said they left roughly nine years ago. And sophie was still home, so are the two incidents related? Someone got rid of the fea so they couldn't interfere? Its speculation but lets treat this case as one and the same for now, untill evidence proves otherwise.

"Sophie the days prior to your kidnapping did something happen. Any great news, or problems happened before then?" My inner lover for acting out my favorite myster shows will help me with looking into this for crime.

"My youngest brother got into the royal guard. Then..." Her head jolted up." I received funding for a clinic. My father was going to have one built in Reed. So I could treat others and practice medicine more efficiently."

So considering social standing, it could of been an attempt to ransom, or to get sophie out of the way.

"Hmm. Well crimes usually have a motive behind them. However the clinic doesn't seem like a good enough reason to go causong all these problems." I would ask around more but I ran off and practically told her father to fuck off...

" Sophie, I'll look into it further in secrecy. Bit till then be careful. Who ever did this to you and the fea could still be up and about." After all to an elf on average, in my shit math skills, nine years isnt much. So if the prup was an elf, they could still be around.

"I should at least tell my father about-"

"Sophie, as difficult as it is. In an investigation such as this. Anyone could be a suspect, even family. So its for your best interest to play ignorance. For the time being." This kind of line would be said on any undercover type of case I think.

"... How can you find out?"

"By finding a way to create a fairy circle with only one fairy." If the individual destroyed all previous fairy rings. There could be a chance the individual(s) will destroy them again he he saw signs of one...

"Sophie, I have a plan. But im going to need you to do exactly what I say." I showed a twisted grinn. As a devilish idea formed to smoke out this dirt bag.

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