《MHA: The Wolf of the End》Chapter 17


[Just before the Ice attack…]

“I hear footsteps on the fourth floor towards the north side… another one not that far from the first… Seems like they are together, probably waiting for us..” My classmate with eight-arms said, flexing his limbs to hear for any changes in Team H’s position.

I walk forward, my mind wondering. I think about only one person…

Felir Wulfric.


His eyes… They remind me of someone..

I softly reach up to my ice covered face, it hiding my abhorrent scare that adorns my face.. The one that looks like that man..

Why is it when I see Wulfric eyes.. do they remind me so much of his!

Hunger.. Power.. Destruction.. There all in his eyes!

“Are you okay?”

A voice interrupts my thoughts as I look up to a mouth on the end of a tentacle with a pair of eyes behind a mask worried.

I slide my hand off my face, it flops down like a dead branch.

“Yeah..” I respond, hopefully hiding the turmoil that’s only skin deep…

“Im fine… you said they where on the fourth floor?” I ask.

“Yes, to the north side.. It still seems they are located there… Whats the plan?”

“For your own safety, go outside… I’m about to draw them out.”

I know that freezing there legs.. or more like HIS legs wouldn’t work… But it should at-least by us a few seconds to come up with a real plan.

When I hear the footsteps of Shouji Mezou walk out…

I brought winter.

From my right hand and foot, cold mist explodes out covering all in my vision in snowy hell. The concrete and metal struts squealed in agony as my quirk ravaged the building. Climbing fast, I ensure that the higher it went the thicker the ice became. Hopefully, It will take him awhile…

I hope.

After I was satisfied with the results, I look back to signal for Shouji to come in. I was greeted by a giant of a octoman staring me down, surprise writing in his eyes.


One of his arms lifted, forming a mouth.

“If you can do that.. Am I really needed?” He questions, underestimating the opponent we face…

“No, this wont be enough to stop them. If you don’t believe me, go and-“


The building shakes as my ice cracks and falls to the floor. Chunks of it smash the pavement outside as we both cover our ears in pain. My bones rattled as the universe quaked.

After what felt like hours, the bestial wail silenced. My eardrums rang as I could barely stand still. Vertigo threatened to take control, but after a second I was able to regain my balance and shake the ringing from my ears. My classmate wasn’t as lucky.

Shouji was on his hands and knees, vomit running down his mask as blood dripped from his limbed ears, each one swiftly morphing into hands once more. Sadly, the damage already dealt.

I hobble over to him and lay a hand on his shoulder. One of his arms that wasn’t a ear before transformed into one… then two more into a eye and mouth. The later spoke up.

“What the hell was that?!” The mouth weakly rasped.

“I think..” I look over to the stairs, ice covering the steps.

“I think that was Felir..”

He shakily gets to his feet as he points his ears toward the north. His closed eyes shot open, only a few words where yelled out of his mouth before he pushed me away.


The ceiling exploded out, ice-sickles and stone shot out like bullets. As I fall away, my reflexes kicked in, dodging the falling debris as I role to the left wall of the hallway. I hastily get to my feet, I look over to see if Shouji was alright…

What I see instead sends a cold shiver down my spine…

Standing at a height of nearly 10ft was a behemoth… I can’t see every detail because of the smoke and fog that permeates the building from the ceiling collapsing, but I can still see little details…


Red eyes stared through the dust, glaring down in hunger and rage. Dark midnight colored fur covered in red energy imbue his frame. From his maw, shadows of fangs danced in the burning light that emitted from within his throat… Arms and legs taught with furred muscle strain under it’s mighty weight…

A growling laugh rang from the monster, shaking the building all around us.

“Grahaha!! We finally meet at last Hel’s spawn!” His voice thunders out as he slowly walks toward me, each step quaking. I look around as I step back, trying to find my teammate as I keep what I presume is Felir Wulfric in front of me. I go along with his act and respond.

“Hel’s Spawn? What do you mean by that?” I ask, both as a distraction and genuine wonder.

“Oh come now! I can smell her on you!…” He lifts his massive clawed hand up, smashing a Ice pillar that fell from above with surprising ease…

“I can smell the brimstone and frozen chill in your blood pup!… I can hear the souls of the unworthy whisper around your feet as you step!…”

His voice deepens as he finally steps out of the fog that obstructed my view…

“And I can taste Death cradling your soul…”

The only word that comes to mind is..


His energy seeming to devour all that he touches, every step atomizing the debris around his feet. The only thing covering his giant body is shredded baggy grey pants… The rest, massive muscles laced with reddened fur… All evidence of his Hero suit gone, either torn as he transformed… or devoured by his own quirk.

As he takes his final step towards me, I am consumed in his shadow, his height dwarfing mine by double…

He whispers his last line, making the hair on my neck stand. Instincts I thought long trained out of me flare to life…


“But not even Hel herself will stop me from having a little fun!”

[In the Observation room]

I see the building covered in ice with worry…

Why you may ask?.. Well… Thats because my childhood friend is in that building!

I know, I know.. Felir-kun is strong and clever! There’s no way ice can stop him!…

But I still worry…

Because I can see Aunty Freys face right now..

It scares me.

I can see how worried she is, I know she tries to hide it but when she thinks no one can see…

I see the real her.

After the attack by Todoroki-san, the monitors from the fourth and third building went offline. We can only see Team B footage.


The room shakes as the lights and monitors flicker, the room quaking. Some of the students fell over, surprised by the sudden shaking.

After a few seconds, it went quiet..

I and everyone else stared at the screen as we see Todoroki-san and Shouji-san in pain hunched over.

Todoroki-san was the first to snap out of it as he walked over to help his teammate.

“Shit.” Aunt Frey says as she starts to run to the door, everyone turned in question of her actions.

Mina asked “Whats wrong Mrs Wulfric? Why ya leavin?”

All Might spoke up, “Frey? Whats wrong?!”

She stops at the door, slowly turning to him…

Her face a mixture of worry and anger.

“Because my Idiot of a son is about to do something that will put lives in DANGER!”

As she says “DANGER”, the door that she is holding in her left hand cracks a little bit…

She is angry!

I turn to see All Might get serious as he ask one last question..

“Who’s lives?..” His voice like steel.

She turns back around and walks out as her last words hang stagnate in the air. My heart dropping with every letter..

“If I don’t get there soon… All of them.”

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