《MHA: The Wolf of the End》Chapter 15


Once everyone was dressed for battle, we all met at the training ground. My blood was rushing through me in anticipation.

Finally, I would be able to let off some steam since coming here to my Mothers homeland.

Ever since we left Norway, I haven’t been able to practice my quirk to its fullest. Something about there laws prohibiting the use of quirks.. Which honestly baffled me at first. Why would you squander such gifts by never using them unless your job demands it?!

My Father said something about peace breads weak people, and weak people create stupid laws..

Anyway, I stand waiting as my classmates take their sweet ass time putting on there suits. For Lokis sake! I had to put a full suit of metal on, by my self, and I was still the first one out..

Speaking of, my suit was custom made by both my parents and me! My Mother wanted it to cover more of my body, but my Father said that it would only slow me down and hinder my movements.. and I just wanted to wear nothing but pants…

So we compromised..

My armor consisted of just the chest piece, arm bracers, and shin guards over my grey pants. They were all connected by metal alloy cables that allowed my Chaos energy to flow easier and use less power overall! Then I had a utility belt made of a light metal and leather that held many capsules to store tools or medical supply’s if needed. I added two earring to add a little flare…

Overall.. not to shabby!

“Looking good Young Wulfric!” All Might booms out, voice causing me to break from my inner thoughts.

“Thank you All Might.. Honestly, most of this is my Parents doing.. If it was up to me, I would only have my pants!”

“HAHAHA! Young Wulfric likes to be as natural as he looks Huh!” His lips turning upwards while throwing a arm around my shoulders. The hight difference annoyingly prevalent..

“That he does..” My Mothers voice slithers into our ears from behind, causing both me and All Might to tense.

We turn to see Mother relaxing against the wall. She push’s off and walks over, her eyes never leaving there mark.

Her lip curves down, “I still wish you had a little more protection my Moon Shadow.. It makes me feel.. uncomfortable that you are so exposed.”

I roll my eyes, having had heard this line a hundred times before. My answer the same as then.

“Mother, we have been over this.. I don’t need extra protection! I’m fine as I am” I say while moving myself out of All Mights grip. His arm started to feel a little to heavy.

“Its fine Frey! This is only a training exercise! He should be fine as is!” He lifts his arms while flexing into a new pose, “And besides! There are a lot of Hero’s that wear practically nothing and do just fine!”

“Yeah..” Her frown lessens just a smidge, “But I don’t want him to be known as the Naked Hero of the North!”

“Hahaha!” All Might just laughs it off while everyone else finally decided to show up.

As they walk out, our boisterous teacher starts to narrate..

“They say that the clothes make the pros young Ladies and Gentlemen! And behold! You are the Proof!”

As he continues with his monologue, I spot Momo..

And for some reason..I start to feel weird..


What is this feeling?

It feels..


She had on a skin tight top with a belly length jacket over it. Her pants and boots were one piece as armor plates covered from her knees down to her feet.

A belt was covered in books, hanging around her waste as her gloved armored hands clasp onto one of the book straps. White and red strips run up and down her outfit giving her a reliable feel..

So she took some of my ideas huh. I’m glade she did.

Her costume she showed me 3 years ago was so weird and unpractical looking..

She tried to defend it by saying her Quirk needs a lot of skin area to use.. But in reality, all she needs to create any object she knows is her arms or belly. For the rest to be exposed to..

She must of sensed my staring, because she looked back at me. A small smile and red checks greet me as she waves.

“Times limited! So now its time to draw your teams using LOTS!”


I turn to see All Might pull a yellow box with “Lots” written on the front in big black letters..

What did he say? I wasn’t paying attention!

“Isn’t there a better way?” I hear from a armored teen beside Izuku.. Is that the glasses guy Ida?.. BY MY BROTHERS GAINT ASS! I never thought he, out of everyone here, would where a full plate armor set?!

My mother chimes in with her words of wisdom, cutting off a enthused Izuku..

“Well Ida, in a real situation, do you think you would be able to team up with a person of your choosing? Not all situations afford you such luxury’s! Villains don’t care about if you are prepared or have all your ducks in a row! They will come at you with everything they got, usually when you are at your most vulnerable…”

She looks out over all the younglings. Seeing if her words sunk in before she continues.

“Thats why as Heroes, we have to be able to adapt to any situation! And be able to work with any Hero that is around.. Even if you may not like them, suck it up and do what needs to be done! That is one of many things you Heroes in training will have to learn.”

Man.. Sometimes I wonder if she likes hearing her self more than she loves cracking skulls..

“Yes.. I see.. Life is a random series of events…” Ida bows his head, “Excuse my rudeness!”

“No Sweat!” Our Massive Teacher says while turning away, pumping his giant meat hammers in the are while yelling out, “LETS DRAW!”

Gods! The more I stay around this man.. The more likely I think that some of the Gods lived after Ragnarok to spread there dam seed all over this new Midgard!

As I complain in silence, a line forms to pull out wood pieces with letters written on them. As I make my way up, I see some of my friends team letters.

Izuku has Team A..

Mina gets E..

Momo drew Team C..

I hope I get C then.. It has been awhile since we where able to see each other in action! I really wish to see her growth.. Thats all there is.. Nothing nefarious..

Finally, I arrive! Anticipation gripping at my soul! As my hand descends into the tiny Ginnungagap, I threaten Gefion with swift death if she should deny me my prize!


My furred paw scrapes around in the void, graving a soft peace of thin wood. I slowly pull it out, expecting my demand to be met..

Dam you Gefion! You damed fertility Goddess!

What was etched into the small thin slab was what the mortals would call the letter H…

I look around, unconsciously grinding the dam wooden chunk into dust.

My growing wrath was slowly whittled when I landed on my soon to be team mate..

If I had to describe her in one word?.. I would say Froskr… or as the Mortals now would call them, Frogs.

Hel, she even wore a battle suit designed as the aforementioned amphibian. What was her power? The ability to dry out if it gets to hot? Fall asleep if it gets to cold?..

I just hope its more useful than my imagination can conjure.

I slowly approach the Froskr girl. She must of sensed my stare, as she slowly turns her body to face me, arms out in-front making her looks like a ghost of this land. Her long hair tied at the end in a peculiar knot, goggles over her brow as her big eyes stare me down..

I make it, just three steps away from the tiny Froskr. My height towering over her like a real wolf towers over a frog. Her tongue lazed out of her mouth, extending a good foot before stopping. She stares at me as I stare at her. Silence is all that permeates the area, but something more is occurring.



Ive noticed through the last day, and even today, she has been avoiding my sight. She is not the only one, it seems most kids with animal like quirks get nervous when in my presence.. And especially if I look at them..

Its like there animal instincts, that most Mortals have lost, are increased to such a extent that they are able to sense it.. can feel the difference between us..

A Wolf amongst Sheep..

“So… What’s your name?” I ask, hoping that she isn’t one of the few that knows..

She says nothing and stares, I can see a little quiver in her hand. Not noticeable by many Mortals.. But to me, I could see it with no problem.

“Look..” I say as I turn my eyes away, slowly scratching the back of my neck with my right claw, “I don’t want you to feel like Im scary or anything.. My quirk gives of a strange feeling to those that are more sensitive to there animal instincts.. But I’m not a bad wolf! I wont huff and puff, or wear elderly garments I swear!” I say as I pose my body in the least threatening way I could think of.

“Ribbit Ribbit..” She.. Laughs?

“I’m sorry, I should of known it was something like that. I have a friend from my middle school that has a similar problem.. My name is Tsuyu Asui!” She extends her paw out for a “hand shake”.

“But my friends can call me Tsu.”

A smile filled with sharp teeth is what greets my new groggy companion! I reach out and swallow her hand in mine and shake with joy.

“My names Felir Wulfric! But you can call me Fel! After all..”

I stop shaking pour Tsu, giving her a moment to collect herself as I finish..

“Were now Friends!”

“Ribbit Ribbit!”

Her smile is not as noticeable, but I can tell that Tsu is very happy.

“Now!” All Might says as he puts his hands into two boxes. One is black and has “Villains” written on the outside of the box, while the other was white with “Heroes” written instead.

“I declare that the first teams to fight will be…”

He reaches both of his massive hands down into the boxes at the same time, pulling two balls in each hand with a letter painted on, “THESE GUYS!”

The Teams will be B and H! Im happy I don’t have to fight any new acquaintances Ive just made. It would really bum me out if they hated me after there loss..

You ask why the confidence? Well Ill tell you..

I’m the GOD DAM FENRISULFR! The God eating wolf!

I may be in a lesser body, and I may have a problem with control of my new found strength! But by Lokis beard, I wont lose to beings that are not even a fraction of the life span that I have lived!

My mother speaks up, “Team B will be the Heroes, and Team H will be the Villains! Everyone else, please head up to the monitoring room. There, we will watch the match unfold.”

“Yes Ma’am!”

All but the Teams that were called leave the arena. All Might, after saying good luck to us, went up with them as my Mother stayed behind to give further instructions.

After the last person vanished from view, she started.

“Now, Take these Ear buds. They will act as a radio for you and your teammates to communicate. They will also allow me or All Might to give instructions or stop the match at any time. So don’t lose these.” She hands out the small black earbuds. I slowly put it in my ear, and weirdly enough, It fit in just perfectly.

“Also, Anything goes as long as there is no overkill!” She says as she stares at me.. I know what she is thinking..

“Yes Ma’am!”

She smiles at our forced agreement, and continues on.

“That should be it, we will give you 10 minutes to prepare and talk out a strategy..” She then points over to a large building that is 6 stories tall, “That is were the test will take place. Villains, your job will be to either capture the Heroes or guard your “BOMB” until the time runs out!” She then turns to Team B, which has a weird multi limbed man and the strange boy that reminded me of my sister, “The Heroes objective will be to capture the Villains or touch their weapon of mass destruction before time runs out!”

She looks between us, “Do I make my self clear?”


“Good!.. Now off you go! Time waits for no man or woman!”

Me and Tsu start to run, entering the building and climbing the stairs all in less than 2 minutes. I’m glade that my partner is physically fit at least! I hope she shows me more of her strength in our match.

But as we run up to the top floor, all I could think about is one thing.

I finally get to fight for real!

“Ribbit Ribbit?” Tsu croaks in confusion. The reason?

A smile that promised desolation painted on Felir’s face.

For the first time in Tsuyu’s life did she understand..

What prey felt like.

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