《MHA: The Wolf of the End》Chapter 9


Gods that was close!

If I had not arrived to stop that Monsters claw from landing on Mina… What was my Mother thinking?! This was a test for children, not for full grown Hero’s! I did enjoy the challenge it brought, but others are not built like me…

They’re not bred for killing…

I think as we walk towards the gates, the twisted dimension we found ourselves in started to fade back to our reality. This ability of my Mothers still felt like magic to me. How can something so mystical and god -like be considered a physical manifestation? The more I thought about “Quirks” the less sense they made…

“Man! Your Moms quirk is crazy strong Felir!” Mina says, pulling me out of my thoughts.

“Yeah.. They make no sense to me… Even though she and I have similar quirks, the way they work is so different from one another.” My thoughts slip out, causing Mina to smile back at my contemplation…

“Well, that happens to almost all quirks really! You may have received a piece of her quirk, but you also received just as much of your dads too!” She says as she throws her arms in the air while walking backwards.

That does not look safe…

“Heck, that’s the same for me too! My mom has a quirk similar to mine! But unlike mine that can control the acidity and viscosity of my acid at my whim, my mothers can only produce extremely acidic acid!” She turns back and continues, “But my dad is a mutant quirk user with the ability to produce adhesive that he can control how sticky it is! And Wallah! Here I am!”

She smiles up at me, it taking over her whole face… By Loki is she a happy one!

I smirk back, “Yeah, that makes sense… Though, I do wish I gained a little more of hers… As you can see, it would be CHAOTICALLY useful!”

We laugh at my stupid sense of humor.

But just as we calm down and almost reach the exit, a slim but firm hand grips my shoulder stopping me in my tracks. I turn to see none other than the person that put us through Hel today… My Mother!

“Hello Mother, did you enjoy watching this torture session you call an exam?” I say as calmly as I can, trying to hold back my frustration of having to hold back and also almost killing someone that could be a future friend.

“Why yes my Little Felir, and what a wonderful spectacle it was!” She produces her most warm smile. I wont be fooled! I know the monster that lurks just beneath the skin! I’ll never yield!

I think this as my Mother pats my head, my tail waging against my will!


“And who might this young lady be? A new friend?!” My mother asks in excitement as she stares at Mina.


Mina, poor thing, doesn’t know what to do and just responds with her signature smile adding, “M-my name is Mina Ashido! A pleasure to meet you miss Wulfric!” She stammers out, but a nice greeting none the less…

“Ara ara! What a cutie we have here!” My Mother exclaims as she walks up to Mina and starts to pat the pink girls soft hair. It’s unfortunate for her that my Mother loves fluffy creatures like her, I’ll pray to my deceased kin that she lives through this…

“And such lovely horns you have! You’ll definitely have to come over to our house sometime. Felir doesn’t have many friends, so it would be lovely to see him blossom into a social butterfly in Highschool.”

“W-well, I hope I wont be a bother then!” She says back…

Her fate is sealed…

“Mother…” I interrupt their moment.

“What is it my Moon Shadow?” She turns back to me, face devoid of any guilt.

“Why did you change the difficulty of the exam? I know I could handle most things you throw at me, but not everyone was raised by the Number 1 and 2 Hero’s of a country!?” My voice growing until it was just a hair from being a yell.

Mothers face turns serious, my neck hair standing. She doesn’t yell, but her words hold a weight that just wanted to crush all resistance. I held my ground…

“What do you think will happen in the real world Felir. Do you think everything will be easy? Do you think Villains wont try to take advantage or surprise you? Do you think every encounter will be FAIR?”

I grit my teeth, flashes of my past re-emerge. I know what she says is true…but I don’t like it. Like bitter medicine, it tasted bad but in the end, it was for your own good..

“Life is not safe and battle is never even. The earlier these young hero seedlings know this truth… The less of them will die in future conflicts.”

Her smile softened, she walked over and pulled me into a hug like she did when I was a pup.

“I know it sucks… But that’s why I and all the teachers of UA are here Felir, to teach future Hero’s these hard truths so that they can grow unmatched by anything this cruel but beautiful world can throw at them!” She pulls away, showing her genuine smile, amber eyes staring into mine as she finishes with a killer blow…

“And I know you will be the one to go beyond anyone my Moon Shadow! Plus Ultra!”

[Night time at the Wulfric Household, a Week later.]

Momo is over at my den, like she is most days since I moved to my Mothers homeland. We are watching a series of these wonderful archives of knowledge called “Movies”! Ever since I discovered these treasures, Momo and I have made it our mission to watch all these snippets of past events every chance we get! Its one of the many new things I find enjoyable about this new life!


Anyway, as we watch this one about a giant fire breathing reptile attacking the Tokyo of the past, my Father bust down the theater room doors with delight plastered on his Wolfin face. He exclaims…

“Felir! The results of your exam are in! Your Mother is waiting for us to see it in the kitchen!”

I and Momo both look at each other and then bolt for the kitchen. We race through the halls, blasting through doors until we make it to our destination. The Kitchen!

There waiting with a smile is my Mother.

“Someone seems exited!” She giggles as she hands me a envelope.

I stare at it for a bit, joy slowly fading to worry. I know for the “practical” part of the exam would be passed without a doubt! But what worried me was the written portion…

I, shockingly, may be a God Wolf able to devour all of existence, even the Gods themselves… But I wasn’t the shiniest apple on the branch. In my past life, I never really “studied” or “learned” much strapped to a mountain for millions of years. So yeah, I’m a little fearful.

Momo can see my hesitance, so she encouraged me.

“Come now Felir-kun! I helped you study for this exam for months! And not to brag, but I did pass all my tests with flying colors!” She says, confident in her teaching and grades.

“So don’t worry! YOU will pass!” She smiles up at me.

Gods… I hope she’s right.

I slowly tear open the package, everyone stands around me in anticipation. A small metal circle falls out onto the island, rolling and wobbling until it falls flat on the marble surface. Light shoots out the top, solidifying into a video. But what shocked me the most was not the light made video, but the person on it…

It was ALL MIGHT! Why was the number one Hero on a video for my exam results!

“Hello there young Wulfric! I AM HERE!… to talk about your test results!” His boisterous voice boomed through our house, my Mother smirking while whispering, “Show off.”

“I know it may come as a surprise, but starting this year I will be a proud teacher of UA!!”

He started to ramble a bit about that until a voice whispered to him.

“What?! OH RIGHT! Your test results!… Well for the written portion of the exam, you scored…”

Everyone held their breath, my heart racing.

“A average score of 75! You’ll need to work on your Math and Science a bit more but YOU PASS!”

Everyone screamed, I was hugged by my family as they congratulated me on passing. I couldn’t even move, thinking if I did I would wake up and see that I actually failed! All Mights drew us out of our celebration as he continued to be next part.

“Now for the practical portion of the exam! You went beyond what was required to pass! You not only acquired a whopping 60 combat points!” He exclaims as he points to his right. A video started to play, it showed me ripping through the robots ranks. My claws heaved through them like butter as oil-blood splashed over me. Then another scene pops up showing my chaos energy slicing through two 3 pointers and a 2 pointer like a axe through wood.

He then continued, “You also gained 45 RESCUE POINTS!” He yells.

A video then plays of me running in-front of the claw attack of that Nidhogg robot that almost crushed Mina. It shows me and her then working together to take it down. All Might says.

“Not only did you save Miss Ashido from a terrible fate! But you both then teamed up and coordinated a strategy to not only escape unharmed, But also take down the massive Villain!”

His smile growing bigger and bigger as he then turns back towards us.

“An amazing feat INDEAD! And with this all accounted for… You also PASS the practical portion with flying colors!”

He then reaches out his hand while saying, “ Welcome Felir Wulfric! You passed! You are now part of the UA HERO ACADEMIA!”

The video then cuts off and the light retracted back into the disk of metal.

I turned to see my Fathers face, it was full of pride and happiness, as he leaned in hugging me and said, “Congratulations Felir! You did it!”

I returned it as my Mother joined in…

“My little baby is growing so fast, I am so happy my Moon Shadow!” She says as she hugs me from the side while patting my head.

“Thanks, guys…” I say as I break away, smiling back at my Family.

I then feel a tug on my sleeve as I turn around to see Momo softly smile up and then give me a hug as well.

Her small body was engulfed by my mass, but I could feel the warmth and the love from it. She whispered just loud enough for me to hear…

“I am happy for you Felir…”

Electricity shot through my spine, not even Thor’s lighting could replicate this much damage to me! This is the first time I have ever heard her call me by my name without the honorific! It felt…


I hug her back, leaning down to a reddened ear and whisper…

“Thank you Momo…”

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