《MHA: The Wolf of the End》Chapter 2


This new life is really strange? This world and all the mortals in it have this weird power called “Quirks” that seem like magic but they say its “Biological” and “Science”? I’m not familiar with the terms yet but they say it is certainly not magic. Which is strange to me because the abilities that some people can use seem almost like those of the gods.

Like my Father and mother for instance. My Dad has the quirk “Wind Wolf” which he says is a “Mutant type” quirk with “Emitter type” tendencies, whatever that means? And speaking of types, there are apparently three that all quirks can be categorized as.

Because my Father has a Mutant type quirk, it makes him look like a Lycanthrope instead of a man. He is covered in Silver fur and has the head of a wolf with blazing green eyes. His coat has weird light green runes running all over his body. But besides the look he also has the ability to control the wind, which to me looks pretty much like magic! Hel, even the patterns on his fur look like that damn Odin’s runes that he liked to use for everything he did!?…

How in the Nine Realms is this not magic!!

And that’s not even including my mothers abilities!!? She can literally control Chaos! The Primordial energy that created everything!! That’s fucking MAGIC! There is no way a mortal can control CHAOS and it not be magic!? What the Sordinn is this Shit!?

Well, that’s all I really learned about quirks since I’ve been born. Kinda hard to ask about it when I couldn’t even crawl on my own let alone speak! Which brings me to now..

I’m 4 winters old going on my fifth at the end of this day. This apparently means that I should start showing signs of my quirk “Manifesting” or some yak crap like that. I thought I already had my quirk since I look like a bastardized version of my old self. Only thing wolf about me is my ears, tail, teeth, and limbs. The rest of me looked like a weak human pup, or is it a Child?

My fur was black as the Night on which I was spawned. My limbs were like that of a humans, except they were covered in fur and the digits of my paws ended in sharp claws, my tail was a bit too poofy for my liking, but that may be caused by a potion that my Mother calls “Shampoo and Conditioner”? Weird terms everywhere!

At least my teeth were razor sharp as always, and my other sensory organs are as good as when I was a wolf pup. My eyes are like my Mothers, being a bright but piercing orange. My fleshy bits though were apparently like my dads before he “Mutated”, being of a tanner variety than most in the north usually are.


Overall, ugly.. At least I thought so but my Parents think other wise… I think they’re either being kind to spare my feelings, or I don’t know what the mortals like in a mate.

“Felir-kun! Lunch is almost ready!” A intelligent yet squeaky voice rings out through the yard.

Speaking of “Mates”…

I turn to see a little she human no bigger than a gnome walk up to me. Her onyx hair flowed in the wind as her eyes of the same color stared into mine, smile warm and mature for a 5 winter old cub. Wearing nothing but a white sundress.

This is my child hood friend Momo Yaoyorozu. Her mom and her are from the same place my Mother is from… A place called Japan? Another weird name for the book.

Her and my Mother were child hood friend's that went to the same school and even did Hero work together before my Mom married my Father. I call her Aunty Yao because her real name is too long and I don’t have enough memory or want to remember. They like to visit on occasion to chat and reminisce about the old days.

But because of this, I have had a friend my age to frolic with. Which I’ll admit is nice since I’m almost always trapped in this mansion in the middle of the tundra.

The reason?

Apparently, it’s too dangerous for me to leave the estate, too many Villains would love to get their hands on me… Why? Because my parents are the top Hero’s of Norway…

It’s stupid, but a necessity.

Which makes these moments with Momo all the more pleasant.

I smile back, slowly lifting myself from my napping spot.

“What’s for Lunch?”

She responds in kind.

“It’s your favorite! Lamb stew!”

My tail starts to sway as I start to nearly run toward the house, with a laughing Momo hot on my tail.

But suddenly my body starts to erupt into excruciating pain. Like magma melting my insides, I fall to my knees screaming.

I can barely hear Momo hysterically shouting for help as I start to lose consciousness.

Great… This shit again! Were my last thoughts as I fade into darkness…


I’m with my mom at the hospital, we are waiting on Felir-kun’s test results.

My eyes start to tear up just think about what happened 2 hours prior. Everything was normal, Felir-kun sleeping at his favorite spot, his cute smile as he realized his favorite meal was what we were going to have for lunch… then it all stopped being normal as he fell to his knees and screamed like I never heard him scream before…

The scream still echos in my head.

I yelled for my Mom an Aunt, they were already outside from his screaming. But, before they could get to him, something strange happened…


His unconscious body started to emit a chaotic energy, as red as crimson roses. It rampaged all around him destroying the grass and dirt. I had to jump away or I would have been hit by it.

He then started to shapeshift, head becoming more wolf like as his Black hair started to cover his body. My fear started to lower when the adults finally arrived. Aunt Fey was able to get the energy under control as his form started to slowly morph back…

The door of the E.R. burst open as the doctor finally called us in.

We walked down the corridors until we came upon a resting room for patients. We slowly entered to see Felir-kun and Aunt Fey sitting on the bed by one another. I could tell they were happy about something, so I finally asked…

“What are you both so happy for?”

Felir-kun stared back at me, eyes like the harvest moon. Glowing like his Mothers, he responded with a cute smirk…

“My Quirk has finally Manifested..”


As I came to, my head ached of fire and death.

What in all the Nine Realms happened to me! All I wanted to do was eat my favorite meal! Gods I hate this so much! Why am I always in pain and passing out!

*huff* I breathe out my nose, trying to calm down. I look around to see I was in a white room with weird tools and equipment scattered about. In one of the walls I can see pictures of a skeleton…

The door opens to reveal a worried Mother and a older man with a white coat and a rectangle with paper on it… what was it again?… A clip board or something? Anyways, my Mother rushes to me, scooping me up into a long hug, almost squeezing the air from my lungs.

“Mother! Have mercy! I can barely breath!” I squeak out before my Mom kills me by constriction.

“Oh!” She says before giving me a apologetic look, “I’m sorry little Felir, I was just so elated to see you awake…” she softly pets my head. “That I was overcome with Joy!” She finally shows me her angelic smile. I can feel all the affection and love that no words could describe come from that one gesture. It always takes my breath away.

“Its fine Mother… Just be more gentle next time.” I smile back trying to put just as much love into it that I received.

“AHEM!” The Man cleared his throat, grabbing our attention.

“Any who, I wanted to be the first to say…” He pauses, making the silence more suspenseful.

“Congratulations on Manifesting your quirk young man!”

Manifesting? Hold on a minute! I Manifested?! When?! Where?! How?!

Before I was able to ask the man, my Mother beat me to it.

“His Quirk Manifested?! But if that’s the case.. Why did he suffer so much pain that he passed out? I have never heard of an Manifesting that did that?!”

“Well, your son is a bit different from your usual quirk Manifestation…”

“Why?” I questioned, confused and a bit fearful of the answer.

“That’s because the quirk that you received wasn’t just one of your parents… It seems not only did your parents’ quirks fuse in a peculiar way, but the type of quirk itself is also completely different from both!” He almost sounds too excited I noted.

Fused? Different Type? What’s going on?!

“Let me explain a bit… Your quirk is a very rare type of quirk we call “Transformation type”. It is almost like an in- between of both the emitter and mutant type of quirks. Instead of becoming a full wolf like your dad, or just being able to control chaos like your mom, you have a new type of quirk!”

“This new quirk seems to be able to not only allow you to control chaos energy like your mother… But you can Shapshift at will into a wolf form that will increase all your strengths! Including Chaos energy out put and control! It is a rare thing when two quirks fuse together… But its even more outrageous that it turned into a whole new type as well!”

Me and my Mother sat in silence as the doctor concluded his speech…

A new type of quirk… Different from my parents..

I look up at Mother expecting a sad or disappointed look… But what greeted me was a smile so bright it made all the stars look dull, her eyes shined with tears as she enveloped me in a warm hug.

“My little Felir, you are finally growing up… My sweet baby has finally stepped a foot into the world with a new and improved quirk!” She tightens the hug and kisses my cheek. “ You will be a wonderful Hero! I can’t wait!” She whispers in my ears.

I return the hug, happy that my mom seems to be happy. If she wants me to be a hero.. Then by the Gods and Giants of the Nine Realms I will become one! Not just one though…

I will become the Best Hero the world has ever seen!

After a while, I hear the door open to reveal my Aunty and Momo.

Me and my mother both greeted the new arrivals with wicked grins.

Momo was the first one to ask, “What are you both so happy for?”

I answered full of confidence and promise..

“My Quirk has Finally Manifested…

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