《First Bite》29. Looking glass


What remained of Wil Thatcher was pulled through the rain in the moonlit London night without pause.

His nerves were frazzled and his already pale ethereal form which remained mostly intact looked waxen as the one who killed him dragged his ghostly form towards his former employer's home.

"Werewolves are real... I was...my body was eaten by werewolves. " Wil, not for the first time mumbled to himself after he watched it happen.

《Damarchus wolves, cursed just like the folktales but different than the stories of manthings. The bear knew a lot of the other legends and folklore but didn't care for much beyond its own.》

The woman again interrupted his muttering with a clear voice that seemed to cut through the night.

"Why did you do this to me? I broke into your house but you should have just called the cops no harm no....." She silenced him with a look.

《I am not my ward. While I will offer an apology for what she was doing to you. It was unnecessary torture. The fault of her overreacting was due to the change in the moon and it's effect on magical beings. 》

"So killing me was okay but torture you have a problem with? " Wil looked at her incensed.

The woman just shrugged, the rain continued to drizzle as she stalked her way through the dark London streets.

《Yes, it was unnecessary the moment you were devoured I started to gain access to all your memories but I needed time to gather myself after the unexpected moonrise. 》

"Why is the moon a factor in any of this?" Frustration marked his face as he struggled to understand.

《The moon is awake or a better description is the being trapped in the moon is awake. So everything with even a hint of magic will feel overwhelmed by it until they become accustomed.》


"So the moon is why you were dancing around with a knife instead of just killing me? You're messed up lady."

The rain started to fall harder under the clear night sky driving away anyone near her as she crossed the road being weary of the traffic still on the street.

《Names don't seem to hold the same sway as they did in my time and you are in my thrall so I shall speak. My ward, Alice, attacked and tortured you but her behavior while justified was not fully her own. I took over to end it before she went to far, needless suffering of one's prey is exactly that, she's still to young to truly hunt.》

"Alice? Really so you're her split persona?"

Wil watched as she rounded to a familiar street. While London was big, the woman seemed to walk at a pace that most couldn't even hope to maintain.

For the amount of time she had been walking it would have been very impressive if he didn't realize that she wasn't even breathing hard or exerting herself.

《Alice is Alice, I am not her, she is not me, I was bound to her for which I am grateful and weary. 》

After hours of walking with little else being said the thing that ate him was now standing before the guarded building of the man who hired him.

"Look, Alice or whatever you are, don't do this, Mr. Steward may be a nutcase but he's a rich one with lots of armed and well paid security.

He may be an art dealer but he has deep ties to many of the more irreparable groups in the underworld. "

《Yes, I can see that and him right now..》

"What do you mean you can see him? He never leaves his house anymore. "

The woman pointed at one of the puddles of water in the road and then another in all he could see her reflection, yet somehow they were all looking in different directions.

Wil mumbled to himself as he tried again to get away from the woman who killed him.

"I've gone mad."

"Alice in the mirror."

"The looking glass."

《Quiet manthing, you're distracting me from my hunt.》

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